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      • KCI등재

        제품에 표현된 투명성과 표현기법

        하은아(Ha, Euna),장호익(Chang, Ho-Ik) 한국전시산업융합연구원 2013 한국과학예술융합학회 Vol.13 No.-

        제품에 대한 사용자의 만족도를 높이기 위해 기능성, 효율성과 더불어 정서적, 감성적 요소가 중시되고 있다. 이러한 감성적 요소를 디자인으로 적용하기 위한 방법 중 하나로 투명한 물성을 가진 재료의 조형적 분석과 표현방법을 체계화하고자 하였다. 먼저 투명성의 개념을 기능적 조형성, 시각적 투명성, 감성적 투명성으로 분류하고 사례를 들어 고찰하였다. 기능적 조형성은 기능적 측면에서 투명소재를 사용할 수밖에 없는 기능필수적 투명성이라는 직설적 개념이며, 시각적 투명성과 감성적 투명성은 즉물적 개념으로 물리적 상태에 의한 실제적 투명성(Literal Transparency)과 형태와 조건에 따라 다르게 지각하게 되는 현상적 투명성(Phenomenal Transparency)을 포함한 개념이다. 시각적 투명성은 경량성, 중량감, 통합성, 시각의 개방성으로, 감성적 투명성은 비물질성과 유희성으로 그 특징을 세부 유형화하였다. 투명성의 표현 기법으로는 반사, 굴절, 투과, 분산, 간섭 이라는 투명성의 빛에 의한 효과를 이용하는 방법과 투명도가 다른 재료의 감각적 조합으로 제품의 감성을 극대화한 재료의 혼용방법으로 나누어 살펴보았다. 투명성의 개념이 다양해지고 적용 소재와 기술이 발달하면서 제품에 적용된 투명 조형성과 표현기법을 유형화, 체계화하는 작업은 디자이너에게 창의적 발상과 실제적 적용에 긍정적 영향을 줄 것이라고 예상한다. In order to improve the user"s product satisfaction, efficiency along with emotional and sentimental elements are thought to be important. To apply emotional elements to design, analysis of transparent materials" plasticity and systematization of method is tried in this study. First, the concept of transparency is classified into concept of functional plasticity, visual transparency, emotional transparency and then case studies are conducted. Functional Plasticity is straightforward concept that transparency is essential for the function, Visual transparency and emotional transparency are practical concepts that include literal transparency and phenomenal transparency. Visual transparency is analyzed as visual lightness, weightness, integration and openness. Emotional transparency as immateriality and amusement. The transparency techniques that using reflection, refraction, transmission, distribution, and interference effects of the light and that using sensuous combination of materials of different transparency degree to maximize the sensitivity of the product are studied separated. Due to the diversifying of transparency concept and the development of transparency materials and applied technologies, the study on Transparency material"s plasticity and it"s methods will give designers a positive impact of creative ideas and the practical application.

      • KCI등재

        헌법상 투명성원칙에 관한 試論的 考察

        김일환,백수원 한국공법학회 2010 공법연구 Vol.39 No.2

        It can be said that state's decision and exertion of authority should be progressed with transparency is inherent in the constitutional principles of democracy. However, as the reality of today's political and economic changes, the value of transparency is renewed emphasized. Under these circumstances, this study will induce the constitutional implications of the principles of transparency. Transparency is understood like as possibility of recognition and comprehension, clarity, etc. from the legal aspects and means reasonable information sharing. This principle of transparency is composed with result-transparency; transparency of the result of state's decision-making and exercise, process-transparency; transparency of the decision-making process, contents-transparency; fair and open decision-making with absolute and enough ensuring of the right to read, responsibility-transparency; clarifying where the responsibility lies and preparing a system to accuse responsibility. It is a global trend to emphasize the principle of transparency and in United States, Germany and the European Union principle of transparency is reflected in interpretation of the Constitution and law establishing. The transparency of result, process, contents, and responsibility of state's authority exercising, since the establishment of modern state continually required. Democracy can be maintained when the sufficient communication and cooperation between people and state are held. And rule of law means reservation of laws, due process of law, principle of definiteness, confidence protection principle. Therefore, although the Constitution of Korea does not explicitly mention the transparency, but rather than new, the principles of transparency is inherent in the democratic principles and the rule of law. The principle of transparency is a constitutional principle and fundamentally, it is a base when the National Assembly to legislate. However, the principle should be reflected in the constitutional reform. For the direct democracy, it is important to get new systems open to the people to participate in the state's decision-making or to press the person in authority to assume responsibility for the action. Also, it is needed to enact provisions information relating fundamental rights in the Constitution. 국가기관의 의사결정 및 권한행사는 국민에 대해 투명성이 유지되는 상태에서 이루어져야 한다는 것은 민주국가의 헌법에 내재하는 원칙이라고 할 수 있다. 이러한 투명성은 오늘날 정치적・경제적 현실의 변화에 따라 그 가치가 새롭게 강조되고 있다. 국가권력의 행사가 그 결과와 절차, 내용 및 책임의 측면에서 투명하게 이루어져야 한다는 것은 근대국가 성립 이후 계속적으로 요구되어 왔다. 비록 헌법은 명시적으로 투명성을 언급하고 있지는 않지만 투명성 원칙은 새로운 것이라기보다는 국가와 국민이 충분히 소통하고 협력하는 것이 전제되어야만 기능할 수 있는 민주주의원리와 법률유보, 적법절차의 보장, 명확성의 원칙, 신뢰보호원칙 등을 내용으로 하는 법치주의원리와 같은 민주국가의 헌법원리에 내재하는 원칙이다. 헌법원칙으로서 지위를 인정할 수 있는 투명성 원칙은 일차적으로 국회에 의한 입법의 기준으로 작용함으로써 구체화될 것이지만, 헌법개정의 측면에서 투명성 원칙이 관철될 수 있도록 하여야 할 것인바, 국민이 직접 국가의사결정에 참여할 수 있는 장치나 대표자에게 법적인 책임을 물을 수 있는 직접민주주의적 요소를 도입하고, 정보관련 기본권을 보다 독자적으로 규정함으로써 투명성 원칙을 기본권의 차원으로 구체화하려는 노력이 요구된다.

      • KCI등재

        Improving Governmental Transparency in Korea: Toward Institutionalized and ICT-Enabled Transparency

        엄석진 서울대학교행정대학원 2014 The Korean Journal of Policy Studies Vol.29 No.1

        The main purpose of this study is to examine how governmental transparency has improved in Korea. To this end, the author examines the periodic characteristics of governmental transparency while also analyzing the information that each administration in Korea has produced. Also investigated are institutional arrangements for accessing this information and the adoption of ICTs in government. It was not until the democratic transition of 1987 that the transparency of the government began to improve in Korea. The key characteristic of the transparency policy after democratization was the pursuit of the simultaneous progress of institutionalized and ICT-enabled governmental transparency. Citizens’ accessibility to and the disclosure of public information were institutionalized. Furthermore,ICTs enable citizens to access such information more efficiently through nonstop operations and one-click services. In the course of establishing the institutions to improve governmental transparency, however, executive dominance and bureaucrats’ resistance to governmental transparency were the major challenges. The main purpose of this study is to examine how governmental transparency has improved in Korea. To this end, the author examines the periodic characteristics of governmental transparency while also analyzing the information that each administration in Korea has produced. Also investigated are institutional arrangements for accessing this information and the adoption of ICTs in government. It was not until the democratic transition of 1987 that the transparency of the government began to improve in Korea. The key characteristic of the transparency policy after democratization was the pursuit of the simultaneous progress of institutionalized and ICT-enabled governmental transparency. Citizens’ accessibility to and the disclosure of public information were institutionalized. Furthermore,ICTs enable citizens to access such information more efficiently through nonstop operations and one-click services. In the course of establishing the institutionsto improve governmental transparency, however, executive dominance and bureaucrats’ resistance to governmental transparency were the major challenges.

      • KCI등재

        재정투명성: 국가 간 비교분석과 정책적 시사점

        권남호 ( Namho Kwon ) 중앙대학교 국가정책연구소 2021 국가정책연구 Vol.35 No.2

        본 연구는 IBP의 OBI와 재정 부처 관료들을 대상으로 한 설문조사 자료를 이용하여 한국 및 PEMNA 멤버 국가들의 중앙정부 단위 재정투명성의 현황을 파악하고, 재정투명성의 제고를 위한 정책적 시사점을 논하였다. 연구 결과, (1) 2006년부터 2017년까지 IBP 조사 대상국가들의 재정투명성의 향상은 매우 미미하며, (2) OECD 국가들은 PEMNA 멤버 국가들보다 높은 재정투명성을 보이는 반면, 우리나라의 재정투명성은 2015년부터 악화되는 추세이다. (3) 재정투명성의 확보를 위해서는 공무원의 역량과 자료 작성 및 공개를 위한 시간과 비용의 확보가 중요하며, 정부는 사업 계획(예산과 목표)에 관한 정보 뿐 아니라, 그 결과(지출과 산출)에 관한 정보를 공개하여야 한다. 본 연구는 중앙정부 단위의 재정투명성에 관한 초기연구로서 다음과 같은 의의를 가진다. 첫째, 본 연구는 PEMNA 멤버 국가들과 주요 선진국들의 중앙정부 레벨의 재정투명성에 대한 기술적 정보를 제공한다. 둘째, 본 연구는 각 국가의 재정 부처 관료를 대상으로 한 설문조사를 통해 재정투명성의 현황과 개선 방안에 관한 정책적 시사점을 도출하였다. 재정투명성의 결정 요인과 재정투명성이 사회·경제에 미치는 영향에 대한 후속 실증연구가 필요하다. This paper documents trends of fiscal transparency of the PEMNA member countries and policy implications for improving fiscal transparency by using the OBI and survey data. The main results include: (1) fiscal transparency of IBP's target countries has not increased significantly, (2) fiscal transparency of the OECD members has been higher than the PEMNA members, while South Korea's fiscal transparency has decreased since 2015, (3) capacity of government officers and time and cost for publishing budget documents are critical for improving fiscal transparency, (4) government needs to make documents not only on plans, also results available to the public to improve fiscal transparency. This work contributes to the literature on fiscal transparency. First, this paper provides descriptive statistics of fiscal transparency measured at the central government level of the PEMNA members. Second, this paper suggests policy implications on improving fiscal transparency from the survey. More research on fiscal transparency is needed, especially the determinants of fiscal transparency and the impacts of fiscal transparency.

      • KCI등재

        기업의 이익투명성이 조세회피 수준에 미치는 영향

        유현수,최규담,김새로나 한국공인회계사회 2017 회계·세무와 감사 연구 Vol.59 No.3

        In November 2015, OECD and G20 countries adopted the Base Erosion and Profit Shifting (BEPS) Project to tackle any tax avoidance by multinational enterprises(MNEs), which is composed of 15 Action Plans. Main purpose of BEPS project is establishing a new international tax framework under which profits are fairly taxed where economic activity and value creation occur. In particular, the BEPS Action 13 requires MNEs to report annually and for each tax jurisdiction in which they do business the adequate information required for enhancing the transparency for tax administrations (e.g., revenues, profit, the number of employee, assets). This information would be used for the relevant country to assess high-level transfer pricing and other BEPS-related risks. Background of this Action is that if the transparency in mutinational transactions is enhanced, it would be reduced for MNEs to take tax planning strategies that exploit gaps and mismatches in tax rules to artificially shift profits to low or no-tax locations where there is little or no economic activity. In this regard, we investigate whether earnings transparency as one of key accounting information could play also a certain role in monitoring or controlling the management’s tax avoidance activities. Bushman and Smith (2001) proposed that publicly reported financial accounting information is more comprehensively used in additional corporate control mechanisms even though financial accounting information is product of corporate accounting and governance systems. They focused on the role of the information provided by financial accounting systems in mitigating agency problems due to the separation of managers and outside investors. Meanwhile, if higher transparency in earnings explains a change in the firm value effectively, this can be the evidence of information usefulness and contribute to the efficient allocation of economic resources. Accordingly, we expect that it would be not easy for the managers to design more complex transactions to expand tax avoidance or personally appropriate the profit derived from such tax avoidance because higher earnings transparency could also alleviate the information asymmetry between managers and external market participants, and reduce agency costs through the supervising and controlling function. In this case, a firm with higher earnings transparency shows comparatively lower level of tax avoidance. Thus, we hypothesize that if a firm’s earnings transparency is higher, then the level of tax avoidance would be reduced(Hypothesis I). Next, we investigate how the relation between earnings transparency and the level of tax avoidance varies with a Korean specific governance mechanisms and independency of the board. Stronger external monitoring and controlling could constrain the managers’ aggressive planning for tax avoidance or private appropriation of the profits therefrom. A stronger independent board could also reduce the likelihood of such activities. Accordingly, we hypothesize that the negative (-) relation between earnings transparency and the level of tax avoidance will be more pronounced for the firms which belong to Chaebol group (Hypothesis II) and which has a stronger independent board (i.e., higher ratio of the number of outside directors out of total number of the board members)(Hypothesis III). To test such hypothesis, we measured tax avoidance by means of (i) Book ETR (iI) Cash ETR, (iii) the total BTD, (iv) abnormal BTD suggested by Desai and Dharmapala (2006) (DD_BTD) in order to reduce the measurement error. Further, method suggested by Barth et al. (2003) was employed for the measurement of earnings transparency. We find from the test of Hypothesis 1 that four (4) measures of tax avoidance level have negative (-) associations with earnings transparency at 1% to 10% confidence level, which indicates that any firm with higher earnings transparency is less likely to take aggressive tax avoidance because the earni... 본 연구는 투명성이 경영자에 대한 감독・통제라는 기업지배구조 역할을 수행한다는 선행연구에 근거하여(Bushman and Smith 2001, Healy and Palepu 2001, 박주영 2016), 이익(회계)투명성이 사익 추구를 목적으로 한 대리인 관점의 조세회피 활동과 어떤 관련성을 가지는지에 대한 실증적 연구이다. 이익과 같은 회계정보가 기업지배구조의 영향을 받아 생산되는 산출물이기도 하지만 동시에 기업지배구조의 역할도 수행한다(Bushman and Smith 2001). 따라서 이익(회계)투명성이 높은 경우, 일반적으로 경영자에 대한 통제 및 감시 역할을 하여 대리인 관점의 조세회피 활동을 억제하는지에 대하여 실증적으로 검토하였다. 또한, 경영자 통제장치인 우리나라 고유의 특성인 기업집단 여부와 이사회 내 사외이사 비율이 그러한 관계에 어떤 역할을 하는지에 대하여도 분석하였다. 2003년부터 2014년까지 한국증권거래소에 상장되어 있는 12월 결산법인(금융업 제외)을 대상으로 분석을 실시한 결과는 다음과 같다. 첫째, 이익(회계)투명성과 조세회피간의 관련성을 분석한 결과, 이익투명성이 낮을수록 조세회피 수준이 증가하는 것으로 나타났다. 둘째, 기업집단 소속여부를 고려하여 이익(회계)투명성이 조세회피 성향에 미치는 영향을 분석한 결과, 이익투명성이 낮을수록 조세회피에 미치는 부정적 효과가 기업집단에 속하는 회사는 그렇지 않은 기업에 비해 완화되는 것을 발견하였다. 셋째, 이사회 내 사외이사 비중이 높을수록 경영자의 감독 역할의 강화로 기업의 조세회피 수준이 감소한다는 것을 확인하였다. 본 연구는 기업의 이익(회계)투명성이 증가할 때 경영자의 사익추구를 목적으로 한 공격적 조세정책을 억제한다는 점을 실증적으로 제시함으로써, 이익(회계)투명성이 낮은 기업 경영환경에서는 경영자가 기업의 장기적 발전을 위한 의사결정을 하도록 통제하는 장치가 중요할 수 있다는 시사점을 제공한다. 특히, 이러한 경영자 감시 및 통제장치로 대규모기업집단 소속여부 및 이사회 내 사외이사비율이 조세정책에 영향을 미칠 수 있다는 점을 실증적으로 제시하여 조세회피에 영향을 미치는 요소에 대한 이해의 폭을 넓히고자 하였다.

      • KCI등재

        부동산시장의 투명성에 관한 연구 -JLL의 국제부동산투명성지수를 중심으로-

        김학환 ( Hack Hwan Kim ) 한국부동산분석학회 2011 不動産學硏究 Vol.17 No.4

        It is within bounds to say that today transparency is becoming the conversation topic of all the fields. The real estate market is not exception. Many countries realized the importance of transparency in the real estate market and have made efforts to improve transparency. So, transparency has became greater for recent years. The extent of transparency is remaining considerably stable. The following two things are prerequisites for the improvement of transparency in the real estate market. One is to define the concept transparency. The other is to establish standards and elements for judging transparency. We cannot examine the improvement of transparency and its plan as well as the judgement of transparency until we establish the definition of this concept. This research has a significance of putting questions having a critical mind about the above things. This research aimed to examine the concept and criteria of transparency in the real estate market and suggest the task and plan for improving the real estate market in Korea, based on Jones Lang LaSalle`s GRETI (global real estate transparency index). The price reporting system in real estate transaction and the public notification system of real estate register can be judged to have achieved an epoch-making improvement of transparency, on the grounds of transparency in real estate transaction and a yardstick of judgment of transparency (i.e. the basic structure of the real estate market). Non-activation of real estate securitization, in particular REITs (real estate investment trusts), is a factor of not enabling Korea`s real estate market to obtain a good grade in the evaluation of transparency. The real estate market in Korea lacks information of commercial real estate (e.g. monthly rent in shopping districts, etc.). Further, all sorts of statistical data about general real estate are not satisfactory.

      • KCI등재

        우리나라 회계투명성에 대한 재평가

        정도진,남혜정,송인만,이갑재,이창우 韓國公認會計士會 2010 회계·세무와 감사 연구 Vol.52 No.-

        This paper re-examines accounting transparency in Korea by surveying broad groups to develop appropriate measures. From the survey, we identify opinions from various groups related to accounting industry and evaluate the extent to accounting transparency. Then we suggest several recommendations based on our results. To do this, we make a questionnaire designed to test the extent of accounting transparency and distribute it to a variety of people including certified public accountant, financial analysts, members of accounting regulated body, professors in accounting department. chief financial officer in Korea companies and foreign companies, and analysts in credit companies. On average, they worked for 9 years and over 60 percentage of them fully understand Korea Accounting Standards. It represents our survey groups have enough knowledge and interest about Korea Accounting Standard. We first re-estimate the questions used in PwC survey to investigate whether accounting transparency improves over time. We find that accounting transparency in terms of accounting standard, enforcement of standard, and access to accounting information has improved. We survey with more broad questions to estimate the extent and change in accounting transparency in Korea. Using answer sheets from 202 interviewed persons, we find that 28 of the 39 surveyed questions are reported improved accounting transparency. Specifically, we examine accounting transparency in three perspectives. First, we find that accounting opacity, enforcement of accounting principle, and access to financial information are improved compared to results of PwC survey. Second, results from surveyed indicate that insufficient accounting information written by English, ignorant about accounting standard, light punishment for accounting fraud. less effective internal accounting control system, and insufficient disclosure about note in financial statement are negatively-valuated items. This suggests that implementation of accounting principle rather than modification of accounting principle is more important factors to enhance accounting transparency. Third, when we classify the interviewed groups into three based on the level of understanding on Korea Accounting Standards, fullness and easiness of access to accounting information are positively estimated for producer and intermediary groups of accounting information, but not for users of accounting information. This result suggests that evaluation on accounting transparency may differ depending on the level of understanding on Korea Accounting Standards. Especially, users of accounting information such as financial analysts and credit analysts estimate that acquisition or access to accounting information is still difficult while certified public accountant, professors in accounting department and regulators are not. We propose six suggestions for enhancement of accounting transparency based on results from survey. The first is to expand participation of users and producer of accounting information in Accounting Standard Board which develops accounting principles. From the extended participation, we can reflect practical and specific issues in accounting principles. The second is to require to disclosure accounting information written by English for listed companies. Even though we have well-structured accounting principle and practical guidance, it hard to obtain related information for foreign investors. it results in biased opinion and then recognition gap between inside and outside investors. Therefore, providing accounting information including financial statement and various disclosures are necessary to reduce information asymmetry. The third is to reinforce independence of external auditor. To get independence of external auditor, we recommend that audit contract should be engaged with audit commitment, not management. In addition, company have to has responsibility for violation of independence of external auditor. The fourth is to strength the responsibility and punishment of firms in terms of disclosure of financial statement. The fifth is to strength the control role on disclosure rather than accounting principle in regulated party. Because International Financial Reporting Standard (IFRS) emphasis the importance of fair value and various disclosures rather than accounting principle, regulated party should concern implementation of IFRS in practical way. Finally the sixth is to provide opportunity to learn specialized accounting education. Adoption of IFRS requires special person in accounting field. Specifically, in the early period of implementation of IFRS, need for accounting-specialized staff is severe. Therefore, procuration and cultivation human resources in accounting is critical success factors for IFRS implementation. We also suggest that providing information about accounting transparency in Korea to foreign agencies will lead to more appropriate evaluation on our status. In addition, providing accounting information such as financial statements and various disclosures written by English enhances understanding on accounting transparency in Korea. 본 연구는 우리나라 회계투명성을 평가하기 위한 설문모형을 개발하고, 지속적인 평가를 통해 우리나라 회계투명성에 대한 변화를 파악하고자 한다. 구체적으로, 본 연구는 회계투명성에 대한 다양한 집단의 평가를 반영하기 위해서 회계정보의 생산자(국내외 기업의 회계관련부서)와 중계자(공인회계사, 회계감독기관, 학계) 및 이용자(대출 등 신용심사자, 재무분석가)를 모두 포함하여 총 202명의 설문결과를 조사·분석하였다. 본 연구에서 실시한 설문조사에 대한 분석결과는 다음과 같다. 첫째, PwC의 설문항목을 재검증한 결과, 회계기준의 불투명성과 회계기준의 준수 및 재무정보의 접근용이성 모두에서 회계투명성이 시간이 경과됨에 따라 개선되고 있다. 둘째, 회계투명성과 관련하여 많은 설문항목들이 긍정적으로 평가되었지만, 영문자료 미제공·경영자의 회계기준에 대한 무지·분식회계 처벌의 미흡·내부회계관리제도의 시행오류·주석공시의 불충분성에 대한 부정적인 평가가 매우 높았다. 또한, 회계투명성의 저해요인으로도 경영자의 간섭이나 무지, 분식회계에 대한 처벌미흡, 외부감사인의 낮은 독립성이 지적되었다. 셋째, 회계정보의 이용자(신용심사자와 재무분석가)와 생산자(기업의 회계담당자) 및 중계자(공인회계사, 교수, 회계감독자) 간의 회계투명성에 대한 인식차이가 매우 크다. 회계기준의 적절성 및 일관성에 대해서 세 집단 모두 긍정적으로 평가하고 있지만, 회계정보 이용자의 경우 생산자와 중계자의 긍정적인 평가에 크게 미치지 못하고 있다. 더욱이 회계 및 재무정보 제공의 충분성과 접근용이성 등에 대해서는 회계정보 생산자와 중계자가 긍정적으로 평가하는 반면, 이용자의 평가는 여전히 부정적이다. 본 연구는 이러한 설문결과를 바탕으로 회계투명성 제고의 가속화를 위하여 다음의 6가지 개선사항을 제안한다. 첫째, 회계감독 및 기준제정기관에 회계정보 이용자의 참여를 확대한다. 둘째, 회계·재무자료의 영문공시를 상장기업에게 의무화한다. 셋째, 감사계약의 주체를 경영자가 아닌 감사위원회로 전환하고, 외부감사인의 독립성 위배 시 감사인 뿐만 아니라 기업도 처벌하는 등 외부감사인의 독립성을 보다 강화한다. 넷째, 재무제표의 공시를 기업으로 일원화하는 등 기업의 공시책임 및 처벌을 강화한다. 다섯째, 원칙위주의 주석공시사항이 많은 국제회계기준의 전면적인 도입을 앞두고, 회계기준적용에 대한 직접적인 회계감독보다 공시에 대한 감독기능을 강화한다. 마지막으로 여섯째, 회계정보이용자로서 회계전문인력의 양성을 위한 제도적 보완이 필요하다. 또한, 본 연구는 우리나라의 회계투명성에 대한 해외기관의 평가향상을 위하여 다음의 개선사항을 제안한다. 첫째, 해외평가기관 및 국내 대행기관에 회계산업에 대한 정보를 제공하여 우리나라의 회계투명성에 대한 올바른 평가를 유도한다. 둘째, 국내회계투명성에 대한 영문보고서의 작성 및 해외평가기관에 이를 제공한다.

      • KCI등재

        이익투명성이 기업가치에 미치는 영향: 기업지배구조 특성별 차이를 중심으로

        김유라(Kim, Yu-Ra),오현민(Oh, Hyun-Min),신호영(Shin, Ho-Young) 글로벌경영학회 2018 글로벌경영학회지 Vol.15 No.3

        본 연구에서는 이익투명성이 기업가치에 미치는 영향과 기업지배구조 특성별 차이에 따른 이익투명성이 기업가치에 미치는 영향을 살펴보고자 한다. 이익투명성이 높을수록 기업가치는 향상될 것으로 예측된다. 이는 선행연구를 바탕으로 다음과 같은 세 가지 관점에서 논의될 수 있다. 첫째, 자본비용의 감소로 수익성이 증대될 것이다. 둘째, 정보비대칭과 대리인비용 감소로 신뢰성 있는 투자기회 및 투자효율성 증가로 이어질 것이다. 셋째, 상대적으로 높은 감사품질을 갖기 때문에 이익조정 가능성이 감소하고 이익의 질이 향상되어 기업가치가 향상될 것이다. 이익투명성의 측정은 Cheng and Subramanyam(2008)의 방법론을 사용하였고, 기업가치 평가는 토빈Q를 사용하였다. 분석기간은 2011년부터 2017년까지 유가증권시장에 상장된 비금융업 12월 결산법인을 대상으로 하였다. 연구결과는 다음과 같다. 첫째, 이익투명성과 기업가치는 양(+)의 상관관계로 나타나 이익투명성이 높을수록 기업가치가 향상된다고 해석된다. 둘째, 기업지배구조 변수로 다섯 가지를 이용한 결과 최대주주지분율이 낮을수록, 대규모기업집단에 소속될수록, 사외이사비율과 이사회 규모가 클수록, 외국인지분율이 높을수록 이익투명성으로 인한 기업가치 효과는 증가하였다. 다만, 최대주주지분율은 통계적으로 유의하지 않았다. 본 연구결과는 회계투명성과 기업가치가 비례적 관계라는 기존 선행연구와 같은 맥락에서 이익투명성이 회계투명성 설명변수의 하나로 사용될 수 있다는 주장을 지지한다. 또한 우수한 기업지배구조를 가질 때 이익투명성이 기업가치에 미치는 긍정적인 영향을 더욱 강화하는 효과가 있다는 실증결과는 국내 기업의 이익투명성 관리를 더욱 촉진시킬 것이다. 무엇보다 연구의 주요 가설을 토대로 투명한 이익정보에 따른 주가가 기업의 실질적인 내재가치 평가에 기여할 것이다. The issues of accounting transparency have been dealt significantly by the accounting association. In Korea, because of the foreign exchange crisis in the late 1990s, accounting transparency issues have become important to enterprises, the expansion of the stock market and the use of K-IFRS have proved it already. However, despite of the growth of Korean companies and accounting systems, the IMD(International Institute for Management Development) ranked Korea as the lowest among 61 countries surveyed in the accounting transparency category in 2016. To guarantee accounting transparency to overcome this problem is a very emergency task because it is closely related to economic growth. Therefore, this paper studies the subject of earnings transparency. This study examines the effect of earnings transparency on the firm value and also the differences of the impact by corporate governance characteristics. In this study, earnings transparency is proxied by measures developed by Cheng and Subramanyam(2008) and firm value proxied by Tobin s Q. The sample consists of firm-year which has December fiscal year-end and listed on the securities market over 2011-2017. Empirical results are as follows. First, earnings transparency is significantly and positively associated with the firm value. This means that higher the earnings transparency is, the greater the firm value is. Second, this study finds that the firm value increased on the earnings transparency when firms with business group affiliation, outside director system and board size, foreign ownership ratio are high. Non-significant results are observed when the largest shareholder ownership ratio are low. This results support some arguments that earnings transparency can be used as one of the explanatory variables for accounting transparency. Our research findings will facilitate the management of earnings transparency in domestic enterprises and contribute to the practical assessment of the company s intrinsic value.

      • KCI등재

        노인복지관의 최고관리자의 윤리적 리더십이구성원의 조직시민행동에 미치는 영향: 조직투명성의매개효과 검증

        김은아,민경연 한국노인복지학회 2018 노인복지연구 Vol.73 No.4

        This study examines the effects of CEO's ethical leadership on the institute members' organizational citizenship behavior in senior welfare center. Especially, the significance of it is to emphasize the necessity of organizational transparency, by examining the mediating effects of organizational transparency. For this, total 1,200 questionnaires were distributed to 256 senior welfare centers in March 2016, and total 676 questionnaires collected from 159 institutes were used for analysis. On top of using SPSS 21.0 to conduct the frequency analysis, descriptive statistics, reliability analysis, and exploratory factor analysis, the AMOS21.0 was used to verify the direct/mediating effects of research model. In the results of verification, CEO's ethical leadership had positive effects on members' organizational citizenship behavior. In the results of exploratory factor analysis, ethical leadership was composed of moral human-orientation, moderation-orientation, and social responsibility-orientation. In the results of exploratory factor analysis of organizational transparency, it was composed of financial transparency and operational transparency. In the verification of direct effects, the sub-factors of ethical leadership having direct effects on organizational transparency and organizational citizenship behavior were the moral human-orientation and social responsibility-orientation while organizational transparency also had statistically significant and direct effects on organizational citizenship behavior. In the results of examining the mediating pathway through sobel-test to see the mediating effects, the pathways like ① moral human-orientation→financial transparency→organizational citizenship behavior, ② moral human-orientation→operational transparency→organizational citizenship behavior, and ③ social responsibility-orientation→financial transparency→organizational citizenship behavior, were statistically significant. Such results showed that ethical leadership, moral human-oriented leadership based on consideration, respect, and justice, internal interest in organization, and CEO's responsibility for community had positive effects on employees' organizational citizenship behavior. Also, out of sub-factors of organizational transparency, financial transparency had bigger effects on organizational citizenship behavior than operational transparency. In other words, even though the operational transparency of institute is also important, employees perceive that financial transparency is more important as an influence factor on organizational citizenship behavior. 본 연구는 노인복지관 최고관리자의 윤리적 리더십이 기관 종사자들의 조직시민행동에미치는 영향을 살펴본 것이다. 특히 조직의 투명성이 매개할 때 그 영향은 어떠한 가를 살펴봄으로써 조직의 투명성에 대한 필요성을 강조하고자 하는데 그 의의가 있다. 이를 위해2016년 3월 노인복지관 256개 기관에 1,200부의 설문지가 배부되었고, 회수된 159개 기관 676 명의 설문지가 분석에 사용되었다. 빈도분석과 기술통계, 신뢰도 및 탐색적 요인분석을 실시하기 위해 SPSS 21.0을, 연구모형의 직접 및 매개효과를 검증하기 위해 AMOS21.0을 사용하였다. 검증결과 최고관리자의 윤리적 리더십은 구성원의 조직시민행동에 정적 영향을 미치는것으로 나타났다. 윤리적 리더십은 탐색적 요인분석 결과 도덕적 인간지향과 절제지향, 사회적 책임지향으로, 조직투명성의 탐색적 요인분석결과는 재정투명성과 운영투명성으로 이루어지는 것으로 나타났다. 직접효과에 대한 검증에서 조직투명성과 조직시민행동에 직접 영향을 미친 윤리적 리더십의 하위요인은 도덕적 인간지향과 사회적 책임지향이었으며, 조직투명성 역시 조직시민행동에 모두 통계적으로 유의미한 직접 영향을 미치고 있음을 확인하였다. 매개효과를 확인하기 위해 sobel-test를 통해 매개경로를 확인한 바에 의하면 ① 도덕적인간지향→재정투명성→조직시민행동, ② 도덕적 인간지향→운영투명성→조직시민행동 그리고 ③ 사회적 책임지향→재정투명성→조직시민행동의 경로가 통계적으로 유의미함을 검증할수 있었다. 이와 같은 결과들은 윤리적 리더십이 배려와 존중, 정의를 기반으로 하는 도덕적 인간지향의 리더십 품성과 기관 내적인 관심과 아울러 지역사회에 대한 최고관리자의 책임성이 직원들의 조직시민행동에 긍정적인 영향을 미치고 있음을 확인하였다. 또한 조직투명성의 하위요인인 재정투명성과 운영투명성 가운데 재정투명성이 조직시민행동에 더 많은 영향요인임이 밝혀졌다. 즉 기관의 운영투명성도 중요하지만 직원들은 조직시민행동에 대한영향요인으로 재정투명성이 더 중요하다고 인식하고 있음을 알 수 있다.

      • KCI등재후보

        미국의 경제적 투명성과 지속적 발전을 위한 시스템에 관한 연구

        전승훈 한국비교경제학회 2004 비교경제연구 Vol.11 No.2

        미국에서 경제활동은 철저한 투명성을 바탕으로 자율성과 정부의 공정한 사후교정의 시스템으로 규율 받고 있는 것으로 분석된다. 이러한 투명성과 자율성이 사회적 신뢰와 효율성(efficiency)으로 사회의 안경적 발전에 토대가 되고있다. 이는 선진국 문턱에서 정체하고 있는 한국경제로서 지속적 발전을 위한 경제적 시스템을 구축하는데 하나의 본보기가 될 수 있을 것이다. The aim of this paper is to analyze the rules of economic activities in the US with respect to transparency. For this purpose, interviews were held with people who come from different professions, such as businessmen, CPAs, licensed real estate agents, and lawyers, all who have been working in the US for over 20 years. The specific details were supplemented with documents. It is observed that the basis of systems that discipline the economic activities in the US lies on securing transparency. To study the levels of transparency in their processes, the economic activities have been analyzed in three aspects: 1) financial transaction, 2) property management, and 3) accounting management of a corporation and sole proprietorship. The transparency of financial transactions is secured by application of the following three mechanisms. First, in principle, the bank obtains the financial records through personal checks and credit card transactions which provide both the recipient's and account holder's information and keeps them as reference. There is no underground private money market in the US and almost all financial transactions are done through financial institutions. Secondly, it is required to report to the IRS(Internal Revenue Service) financial transactions over a certain amount-transactions exceeding $10,000 or $5,000 with suspicion. Also, it is required to report to the tax authorities wage payment over $10($600 prize money from gambling) that has been paid to another party. Lastly, the personal credit history built from financial transactions, such as loans and payments, is stored in the database and used for credit rating. With property management, on the basis of financial transparency, the real estate trade and price revaluation system secures the transparency and credibility of the real estate value for taxation. The real estate market in the US is a perfectly competitive market for the reason that the property profile is completely open to the public and that anyone could intermediate the deal. According to the procedure of real estate transactions, the lawyers of both seller and buyer sign the written contract which contains the price and conditions of the sale, and the transfer of payment is managed as an escrow account and settled by the lawyers at the closure of the deal. Under this circumstance, a false statement of the deal cannot be achieved and fair taxation is realized. When it comes to assessment of property tax, the fair market value is computed through an equalization system of local and state governments that has been developed on the basis of the history of real estate sale prices. On the basis of transparency in business activities, the US system is analyzed to consist of two additional subsets which are the autonomy of individual economic activities and the ex-post corrective mechanisms by the government. In guaranteeing the autonomy of individual economic activities, the whole process is under the individual's freedom to earn and spend money, and to file the income and pay the taxes. Individuals and enterprises will be free from the influence of government officials if they do not violate the law. The ex-post corrective mechanisms of the government remedy misbehavior of individuals and enterprises adding to the self-purge function of transparency. The core of this mechanism is in fairness. The higher in social status people are, the more likely they are to be prosecuted. How does the system of "transparency, autonomy, and the ex-post corrective mechanism" lead the economic activities of individuals and result in the long-term economic performance of the society? As an individual, the only way to enjoy high standards of living is to work hard and pay taxes honestly. In the operation of business, an easy access to a loan with low interest is available only to those with a good credit history. This kind of system propels a sustainable economic prosperity with high efficiency and social trust. The transparency of financial transactions and fair taxation ensure the justness of wealth and autonomy increases individual creativity and social efficiency. The government's ex-post corrective mechanism has a function of filtering the impurities after the transparency has operated. This transparency system of the US can be a model to Korea, which is aiming toward sustainable economic prosperity. In Korea, social justness of wealth is not sufficiently approved. This is because wealth was built up too rapidly and transparency was lacking in the development process. The same story goes for autonomy. Autonomy stands on the basis of transparency and social trust which both are lacking in Korea. Finally, it is natural that social trust and harmonization are not realized due to the imperfection of transparency and fair corrective mechanism. The conflict structure of industrial relation is a good example of this. In order for Korea to be on the track of sustainable economic development, efficiency and social trust must be secured, which will be realized through autonomy and the fair ex-post corrective mechanism based on the transparency of financial transactions and taxation.

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