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        English-Korean speech translation corpus (EnKoST-C): Construction procedure and evaluation results

        Jeong-Uk Bang,Joon-Gyu Maeng,Jun Park,Seung Yun,Sang-Hun Kim Electronics and Telecommunications Research Instit 2023 ETRI Journal Vol.45 No.1

        We present an English-Korean speech translation corpus, named EnKoST-C. End-to-end model training for speech translation tasks often suffers from a lack of parallel data, such as speech data in the source language and equivalent text data in the target language. Most available public speech translation corpora were developed for European languages, and there is currently no public corpus for English-Korean end-to-end speech translation. Thus, we created an EnKoST-C centered on TED Talks. In this process, we enhance the sentence alignment approach using the subtitle time information and bilingual sentence embedding information. As a result, we built a 559-h English-Korean speech translation corpus. The proposed sentence alignment approach showed excellent performance of 0.96 f-measure score. We also show the baseline performance of an English-Korean speech translation model trained with EnKoST-C. The EnKoST-C is freely available on a Korean government open data hub site.

      • KCI등재후보

        독일 소설 담화의 (자유) 직접 이야기재현의 한국어 번역: 요한나 슈피리의『하이디』한국어 번역본 비교분석

        김형민 차세대컨버전스정보서비스학회 2017 차세대컨버전스정보서비스기술논문지 Vol.6 No.1

        The 'reported speech' which is "speech within speech, utterance within utterance, and at the same time also speech about speech, utterance about utterance"(Vološinov 1986:115) belongs to a universal property of human languages. Correspondingly, studies on reported speech have a long tradition, and their research findings have been accumulated to a large extent. Yet very few academic studies have been done to explain and demonstrate strategies of translation regarding reported speech in Korean translated versions of foreign literary works. This paper pays attention to the following questions. First, how are 'direct reported speech' and 'free direct reported speech' in German literary texts translated in Korean translated versions? Second, can the translation difference of 'direct reported speech' and 'free direct reported speech' in Korean translated versions be described, explained and interpreted through translation strategies of translators? To find acceptable responses to the questions this study analyses the literary work of children and youth Heidi by the Swiss lady of letters Johanna Spyri. “발언 속의 발언, 발화 속의 발화이자 동시에 발언에 관한 발언, 발화에 관한 발언”(Vološinov 1986:115)으로서의 ‘이야기재현’이란 인간언어의 보편적인 속성에 속한다. 그에 걸맞게 이야기재현에 관한 연구는 오랜 역사를 갖고 있으며, 그 연구결과물도 상당한 정도로 축적되어 있다. 그러나 외국어 원천 문학텍스트에 나타난 다양한 유형의 이야기재현 양상이 한국어 번역본에서 번역자가 어떤 번역전략을 가지고 번역하는지에 관한 연구는 거의 전무하다. 본 연구는 다음 질문에 관심을 집중한다. 첫째, 독일어 원천 문학텍스트의 직접 이야기재현과 자유 직접 이야기재현이 한국어 번역텍스트에서 어떻게 번역되는가? 둘째, 직접 이야기재현과 자유 직접 이야기재현이 한국어 번역본에 따른 번역상의 차이가 번역자의 번역전략으로 기술·설명·해석될 수 있는가? 본 연구는 이 질문들에 대한 수용 가능한 답을 찾고자 스위스 여류 소설가 요한나 슈피리의 아동·청소년 문학작품『하이디』를 분석한다.

      • KCI등재후보

        임의의 참조 데이터를 활용하여 음성 번역 시스템의 정확도 개선 연구

        김규석(Kyuseok Kim) 산업기술교육훈련학회 2020 산업기술연구논문지 (JITR) Vol.25 No.4

        In the fourth industrial revolution, speech recognizers are widely used to operate machines, such as artificial intelligence secretaries, phones, and factory machines. Hence, the accuracy of speech recognition is crucial. In previous studies, methods for improving the accuracy of speech recognition have been proposed. These methods may have led to improved accuracy of speech recognition and speech translation. However, it is still not entirely accurate to use speech translation to interpret sentences in another language because both results from the speech recognizers and translators have problems of misunderstanding the language. In this study, a method for improving the accuracy of speech translation from Korean to English using intentional reference data was developed. Korean sentences, which are usually used in software engineering classes, were used to evaluate the proposed method. From the results, the translated sentences were more fluently understandable than those that were not modified using the intentional reference data. It is expected that the proposed method will be useful for human communication, particularly in professional settings, such as conferences, meetings, or major classes in colleges.

      • KCI등재

        다국어 자동 통번역을 위한 공통 변환 기반 하이브리드 자동 번역 방법

        최승권,김영길 한국외국어대학교 통번역연구소 2016 통번역학연구 Vol.20 No.3

        Along with the advancement of speech recognition technology and machine translation technology in addition to the fast distribution of mobile devices, automatic speech translation technology no longer remains as a subject of research as it has become popularized throughout many users. The goal of this paper is to describe the method of hybrid machine translation based on common transfer for multilingual speech and machine translation. As of 2012, there are different bilingual machine translation systems such as Korean-to-English, English-to-Korean, Korean-to-Japanese, Japanese-to-Korean, Korean-to-Chinese, and Chinese-to-Korean machine translation systems in Korea. An increase in the number of tourists is expected due to the fact that the Winter Olympic Games will be held in Korea in 2018. Budget problem prevents us from employing a sufficient number of human interpreters who can fluently interpret such languages as Spanish, French, German, and Russian. For this reason, consumers such as the Korea Tourism Organization and speech translation service providers demand a multilingual speech and machine translation system. We are developing a multilingual speech and machine translation system aiming for multilingual expansibility and high-quality translation accuracy.

      • KCI등재

        Translation of Orwell's Animal Farm as ideological intervention

        김신희 한국통역번역학회 2007 통역과 번역 Vol.9 No.2

        Kim, Shin-Hee. (2007). Translation of Orwell's Animal Farm as Ideological Intervention. Conference Interpretation and Translation, 9(2), 35-61. Contrary to the supposed ‘anonymity’ of the translator, this paper investigates the active role of the translator and the possibility of using translation as ideological intervention. Based on the fact that Animal Farm has been one of the most frequently translated works in Korea, this essay explores how translation of the novel served as ‘ideological intervention’ during the period of intense dictatorship in Korean history. The paper takes two case studies from Presidents Rhee's and Park's regimes, and demonstrates that translators could exert a political import under the guise of translation. Focusing on paratexts as a valuable site to detect the translator's presence, speech act theory is used to identify translation's covert function of ideological intervention. Keywords: Animal Farm, translation, social change, speech act theory, paratexts

      • KCI등재

        Translation of Orwell's Animal Farm as Ideological Intervention

        Kim, Shin-Hee 한국통역번역학회 2007 통역과 번역 Vol.9 No.2

        Kim, Shin-Hee. (2007). Translation of Orwell's Animal Farm as Ideological Intervention. Conference Interpretation and Translation, 9(2), 35-61. Contrary to the supposed ‘anonymity’ of the translator, this paper investigates the active role of the translator and the possibility of using translation as ideological intervention. Based on the fact that Animal Farm has been one of the most frequently translated works in Korea, this essay explores how translation of the novel served as ‘ideological intervention’ during the period of intense dictatorship in Korean history. The paper takes two case studies from Presidents Rhee's and Park's regimes, and demonstrates that translators could exert a political import under the guise of translation. Focusing on paratexts as a valuable site to detect the translator's presence, speech act theory is used to identify translation's covert function of ideological intervention. Keywords: Animal Farm, translation, social change, speech act theory, paratexts

      • Realizing the Appeal in the Translation of Political Speeches: An Approach from the Frame Semantics

        Huang Chuxin 한국외국어대학교 통번역연구소 2019 한국외국어대학교 통번역연구소 학술대회 Vol.2019 No.07

        Political speeches, sharing the literary features of the other appellative texts, usually involve the use of rhetorical devices to realize the appellative function of the speeches in order to arouse the expected response. In translating the political speeches for the audience from another language, how to preserve “the appeal inherent in the text” (Reiss, 1971/2000) matters greatly for the success of the translations. The translation of rhetorical expressions is of particular significance if the same or similar appellative effect is expected to be realized in the translated speeches. However, whether the rhetorical expressions can elicit the desired response from the audience depends largely on its possibility of motivating the semantic frame of the audience, their background of related knowledge and experience (Fillmore, 1982). To explore how the appeal in a political speech can be realized through the appropriate translation of the rhetorical expressions, this paper, drawing on the framework of frame semantics (Fillmore, 1982), will examine the translation of rhetorical devices in President Xi’s speeches delivered in international conferences, and analyze the ways that the translated rhetorical expressions activate the semantic frames of the audience. The data consist of the English versions of President Xi’s speeches in the 2018 BRICS, APEC and G20 summits released by the Xinhua News Agency in China. This study is expected to set the grounds for further research of realizing the appeal in the translation of political speeches.

      • KCI등재

        Revisiting Figurative Speech and Tandem-based Translation Courses: A Simile Case Study

        조운익 한국통번역교육학회 2019 통번역교육연구 Vol.17 No.2

        This research aims to find out the translation differences regarding the translation of similes in tandem-based college translation classes. In a large sense, human speech expressions are very diverse and use a wide range of rhetoric in discourse to deliver their intention. As a result, a few intriguing results were found in the college translation class. One was that literal expressions with general language that rarely require cultural background could be easily understood and interchangeably translated. However, simile translations with cultural background knowledge required a lot of energies to the participants to translate and get aware of their meanings. Interestingly, many simile expressions of the source language were converted to a different figurative speech words in the target language. This class, in which students from various nationalities participated, clearly showed the difference in translation performance results due to cultural differences among participating students as well. Accordingly, the findings suggest that college translation classes need to center on cultural contents in figurative speech-based translation courses.

      • KCI등재

        Revisiting Figurative Speech and Tandem-based Translation Courses: A Simile Case Study

        Cho,Woonik 한국통번역교육학회 2019 통번역교육연구 Vol.17 No.2

        This research aims to find out the translation differences regarding the translation of similes in tandem-based college translation classes. In a large sense, human speech expressions are very diverse and use a wide range of rhetoric in discourse to deliver their intention. As a result, a few intriguing results were found in the college translation class. One was that literal expressions with general language that rarely require cultural background could be easily understood and interchangeably translated. However, simile translations with cultural background knowledge required a lot of energies to the participants to translate and get aware of their meanings. Interestingly, many simile expressions of the source language were converted to a different figurative speech words in the target language. This class, in which students from various nationalities participated, clearly showed the difference in translation performance results due to cultural differences among participating students as well. Accordingly, the findings suggest that college translation classes need to center on cultural contents in figurative speech-based translation courses.

      • KCI등재

        Exploring Cooperative Translation Courses;With Reference to a Team-based Case Study

        Cho Woonik 한국통번역교육학회 2021 통번역교육연구 Vol.19 No.1

        As a secondary communication, translation is a total task with linguistic, social, cultural, historical and geographical backgrounds. Literal translation in college translation classes has traditionally been conducted on a theoretical basis as a functional translation. In this sense, college translation majors can face challenges to translate figurative language that entails the vocabulary of semantic molecules. The outcomes of this team-based students figurative language translation class showed a few positive suggestions: Translation is basically a task that not only the encompasses original language but also the original culture should be delivered to the target language; From this point of view, the figurative language translation class suggests a prerequisite of prior education on sociological contents that could elevate and broaden the student translator’s intercultural cornerstone; The figurative language translation outcome has been converted into various styles - the original metaphor sentence was transferred to the simile in the target language. Simply put, college translation classes need to be applied with a cooperative team-based focus to elevate translation outcomes, not only through collaborative learning.

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