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      • KCI등재

        Korean Speakers Sensitivity to Aspectual Shift in Resultatives with Derived Accomplishments in English

        Eun Jeong Oh 한국영어학학회 2016 영어학연구 Vol.22 No.2

        Resultatives in English must be predicated of the culmination event, and as such, they are typically added to lexical accomplishments for which the culmination is lexically specified (e.g., John painted the house red). Interestingly, they are added to activity verbs lacking a culmination. For such cases, resultative predication triggers an aspectual shift from activity to accomplishment reading through imposing a culmination to these activity verbs (e.g., John hammered the metal flat; John sang the baby asleep). In this study, this type of resultative is called a derived resultative as opposed to a typical lexical resultative. Derived resultatives in Korean, in particular ones with intransitive activities, differ from their English counterparts to the extent that they are bi-clausal, have nominative Case-marked resultative subjects, and do not entail the result state. Given this background, the aim of this study was to examine whether Korean speakers are able to acquire derived resultatives in English, showing their sensitivity to aspectual shift therein. A further aim of the study was to explore sources that Korean speakers draw on in such an acquisition process. The results showed that Korean speakers do know derived resultatives in English and the resultant state interpretation associated with the constructions. This result indicates that they detected the aspectual shift, linking telic accomplishment reading to originally atelic activity verbs. We have argued that L1 transfer, prototypicality, and structural congruence contribute to such a pattern. This study has also explored the implication of the syntactic bootstrapping hypothesis in relation to the role of structural congruence.

      • KCI등재

        Some Notes on Resultatives in Korean

        Seungju Yeo 한국생성문법학회 2006 생성문법연구 Vol.16 No.4

          We argue that the so-called clausal resultatives (Wechsler & Noh 2001) do not exhibit the characteristic properties of resultatives in other languages, for example, those of English. They do not necessarily entail the resultant state, nor does there seem to hold a direct causation between a main predicate and the secondary resultative predicate. They also do not observe the stringent restrictions that non-clausal resultatives do; unergatives can host a clausal resultative. A non-stative also functions as a secondary predicate. They sound better with key replaced by tolok, which incurs ungrammaticality in non-clausal resultatives. Based on these differences, we suggest that clausal resultatives may not form a homogeneous group with the prototypical resultatives in Korean.

      • KCI등재

        A Split Analysis of Korean Transitive Resultative Constructions

        Jongil Kwon 한국중원언어학회 2020 언어학연구 Vol.0 No.54

        This paper presents a split analysis of Korean transitive resultatives showing the typical [XP-key] structure. On the basis of a variety of morpho-syntactic and semantic properties, I argue against the major analysis in which Korean transitive resultatives are on a par with English ones, and thus, they are all analyzed as an unsaturated object-controlled complement (i.e. small clause). Adopting Shim & den Dikken (2007)’s analysis that Korean resultatives can treated as an adjunct bearing pro, in this paper, I propose a hybrid analysis to Korean transitive resultative constructions: pseudo vs. true resultative construction. In particular, I argue that even though they have an adjunction structure, a true resultative construction containing the aspectual marker –eci is radically distinct from a pseudo resultative construction in that only the former is sensitive to the typical semantic features found in English transitive resultatives. In other words, some of Korean transitive resultative constructions (but not all of them) can be counted as a pseudo type of resultatives from a semantic perspective.

      • KCI등재

        국어 결과 구성과 동사의 사건 구조

        김윤신(Kim, Yoon-shin) 중앙어문학회 2014 語文論集 Vol.57 No.-

        이 논문은 국어 결과 구성의 유형을 나누고 생성 어휘부 이론에서 제시하는 사건 구조를 이용하여 각 유형별로 동사의 사건 구조에 따라 나타나는 결과 구성의 특징을 살펴보는 것을 목적으로 한다. 먼저 결과 구성이 주어나 목적어 중 어느 것과 관련된 것이냐를 기준으로 주어 결과 구성과 목적어 결과 구성으로 나누었다. 주어 결과 구성은 기본적으로 동사가 달성 동사로 상태의 변화를 나타내며 주어는 그 상태 변화의 대상이 된다. 목적어 결과 구성에는 동사가 다양하게 나타나는데 방향성 동작 동사, 상태 변화 완성 동사, 산출 동사 등이 각각 나타난다. 방향성 동작 동사는 결과 상태를 함의하는 정도가 약한데 이는 동사의 사건 구조에 결과 상태가 당연 사건으로 나타나기 때문이다. 상태 변화 완성동사는 비대격 동사인 달성 동사와 마찬가지로 결과 상태가 포함되어 있는 사건구조를 가지며 산출 동사도 마찬가지로 완성 동사이어서 결과 상태를 포함한다. 다만 상태 변화 완성 동사는 목적어가 변화의 대상이 되는 반면 산출 동사는 목적어가 변화의 대상이 아니라 변화의 결과이다. 이러한 달성 동사, 방향성 동작동사, 완성 동사, 산출 동사는 모두 상태의 변화를 함의하며 그 상태 변화의 결과인 하위 사건과 결과 구성의 관련성을 통해서 의미 합성이 일어나게 되며 의미 합성 이후에는 결과 사건이 두드러지게 된다. The purpose of this paper is to classify the type of the Korean resultative constructions and to examine the properties of the resulative constructions according to their verbs and types, by using the event structure of the Generative Lexicon Theory. Above all, the resultative constructions can be classified to the subject resultative construction and the object construction according to whether the subject or the object is related to the resultatives. As for the subject resultative construction, its verb denotes the change of state and its subject is the theme of the change. On the other hand, the object resultative construction appears with various types of verb: the directional activity, the accomplishment of change of state, the creation verb. The directional activity has a weak entailment of the result state because the result state event of its event structure is the default event. The accomplishment of the change of state has the event structure with the result state like achievement. The creation verb is also accomplishment and has the result state in its event structure. The only difference between them is that the object of the accomplishment of the change of state is the theme of the change, while the object of the creation verb is the result of the change. The achievement, the directional activity, the accomplishment of the change of state, and the creation verb entail the change of state. Because the result state which is the subevent of the event structure, is related to the resultative construction, the meaning composition is possible. Also the result state is outstanding in the event structure after the meaning composition.

      • KCI등재

        한국어 상 체계와 결과상의 유형 -2차 상태의 내적 국면을 나타내는 비완망상-

        정해권 ( Jeong Haegwon ) 서강대학교 언어정보연구소 2016 언어와 정보 사회 Vol.29 No.-

        A resultative aspect denotes a state that was brought about by previous action, and is distinguished from a stative, a conclusive, or a completive. Because it represents a separated phase following a completion, it can be classified into a type of the imperfective aspect. In Korean, telic intransitive verbs and telic transitive verbs can express resultative meanings by means of a periphrastic con-struction that consists of a gerund(-e or -ko) and an auxiliary verb iss-. The typology-cal diathesis types of Korean resultatives are the subjective resultative, the objective resultative, the possessive resultative, and the oblique objective resultative. In sub-jective resultative, the subject is co-referential with the subject of previous action, and this resultative is expressed by the intransitive verb and the complex resultative form -e iss-. The objective resultative form is made with the base verb, the passive suffix and the complex resultative form. However the possessive resultative and the oblique resultative use a common form that is -ko iss-.

      • KCI등재


        방윤형 한국일본언어문화학회 2019 일본언어문화 Vol.48 No.-

        This paper analyzes the meanings and the functions of “okagede” which connects to nouns. There have been a lot of previous research that pointed out that “okagede” basically shows “desirable results,” but the topic about the example sentences showing “undesirable results” has been rarely studied. In addition, when “okagede” is used in simple sentences and in complex sentences, different features are observed, but no studies have been conducted about these separate features. Therefore, this paper first aims to distinguish between the cases used in simple sentences and those used in complex sentences, and to describe each characteristic by subdividing it into cases in which “desirable results” and “undesirable results” are indicated. The results can be summarized as follows. First, when “okagede” is used in simple sentences, it basically represnts “desirable results.” However, 39 examples have been identified that show “undesirable results”. Second, when “okagede” is used in complex sentences, four categories can be classified as follows: ①“desirable result”+“desirable result”, ②“desirable result”+ “undesirable result”, ③“undesirable result”+“desirable result”, ④“undesirable result”+ “undesirable result”. Among the four categories, the case ③ and the case ④ indicate that “okagede” was used instead of “seide”. On the conclusion, the results of the study in this paper show that “okagede” can represent not only “desirable results” but also “undesirable results” in both simple and complex sentences. “Hiniku” usage is found in “okagede” with the meaning of “undesirable results”. In addition, the “hiniku” usages are shown not only in conversation passages but also in descriptive sentences. .

      • KCI등재후보

        A Semantic Approach to Resultative Constructions

        Sang-geun Lee 고려대학교 언어정보연구소 2007 언어정보 Vol.8 No.-

        In this paper, I suggest that we need to reconsider resultatives from a semantic point of view for a better understanding on the interaction between the matrix event and the secondary event. With a special focus on Korean resultative constructions as well as English counterparts, I specifically propose that resultatives should be newly classified into two types, cause-oriented and result-oriented resultatives, Cause-oriented resultatives are characterized with gradable result predicates (or adjectives) while result-oriented resultatives are with non-gradable result predicates in the sense of Goldberg (1995). Gradable predicates are allowed to form a predication with their own logical subject, to give rise to a causation between two independently defined events. In contrast, Non-gradable predicates are not allowed to form a predication with any logical subject, to give rise to an accomplishment relationship between two temporally coexistinting events. It correctly predicts that the clausal type of resultatives in Korean all contain a gradable expression. This view eventually leads to a reanalysis of the mysterious Korean morpheme -key on the result phrase in two ways, that is, as a causative morpheme in the cause-oriented resultative construction and a simple predication marker in the result-oriented resultative construction.

      • KCI등재

        국어 결과구문의 구성에 대하여

        송홍규 고려대학교 민족문화연구원 2007 民族文化硏究 Vol.46 No.-

        본고는 모문 동사에 의해 표현되는 사건으로 인하여 일어나는 상태변화를 나타내는 국어의 결과구문의 형태적, 통사적 특성들을 고찰하면서 결과구문이 결과표시부의 구조에 따라 두 유형으로 나누어짐을 보였다. 국어의 결과구문은 결과표시부가 구-범주로 구성되는가 아니면 절-범주로 구성되는가에 따라 구-결과구문과 절-결과구문의 두 유형으로 분류될 수 있다. 두 유형의 결과구문 사이의 차이를 보이기 위해 "직접 목적어 제한"과 격할당 등의 통사적 현상들과 결과구문의 구성에 쓰이는 형태소 "-게"와 "도록"의 특성을 함께 고려하였다. 절-결과구문은 결과표시부가 독립적인 주격 할당 영역을 가지는 절(CP)로 투사되기에 주격 조사와 결합된 명시적 명사구가 나타날 수 있고, 또한 주어 위치에 모문의 논항과 공지표될 수 있는 pro가 나타날 수 있어 "직접 목적어 제한"을 준수하지 않는다. 하지만 구-결과구문에서는 결과 표시 술어의 의미역이 상호 최대통어 영역에 있는 명사구에 할당되어야 하기 때문에 모문의 외재논항의 상태변화를 표시할 수 없고 따라서 "직접 목적어 제한"을 준수하는 특성을 지닌다. 본고에서는 또한 특정한 유형의 술어만이 각 유형의 결과구문의 결과표시부에 사용되고 있음을 포착하고 이러한 결과 표시 술어와 관련된 차이가 형용사와 동사라는 어휘적 범주 구분과 관련이 있는 것인지 아니면 술어의 상태성/비상태성과 관련된 의미적 특성과 관련이 있는 것인지를 밝히고자 시도했다. 이를 위해 신체의 상태나 상태변화를 표현하는 특정한 유형의 술어들을 기동형 구성과 관련하여 고찰하는 가운데 국어에서 "형용사"라는 개념이 "상태 술어"라는 개념에 포함되는 것이 아니라는 것을 보이고 독립적인 어휘범주로서의 "형용사"의 설정이 필요하다고 주장했다. 위의 주장에 바탕을 두고 본고는 국어의 절-결과구문과 구-결과구문의 유형 분류가 술어의 범주 구분보다는 의미적 특성인 상태성/비상태성과 더 밀접하게 관련되어 있음을 보였다. 또한 "-게"는 두 유형의 결과구문에 모두 쓰일 수 있지만, "-도록"은 절-결과구문에만 쓰인다는 특성을 재고하는 과정 속에 결과구문의 결과표시부를 형성하는 "-도록"이 주로 동사와만 결합한다는 주장을 반박하고 그것이 비상태성 술어와 결합하는 것으로 보는 것이 옳다는 일반화를 도출하였다. While examining morphological and syntactic characteristics of Korean resultative constructions which express a change of state resulting from the event denoted by the matrix predicate, this paper claims that Korean resultatives are classified into two types. They can be classified as phrasal resultatives and clausal resultatives depending on which category the result part is projected to. To examine the differences between the two types, this study focuses on their syntactic aspects including "Direct Object Restriction (DOR)" and case assignment and also the characteristic of "-ge(게)"and "-dorok(도록)" which are used in forming the result part. In clausal resultatives, the result part is projected to a CP which has an independent Nominative-case assignment domain, so it can have an overt NP with a Nominative marker. Since the result part can contain "pro" as its subject, which is in turn coindexed with an argument of the main clause, the DOR can be violated in clausal resultatives. However, since the theta-role of the result predicate in phrasal resultatives has to be assigned to an NP which is in its mutual m-command domain, it cannot be predicated of the main subject. Thus, the phrasal resultatives observe the DOR. Furthermore, this paper shows that only specific types of predicates are used in each type of resultative construction and tries to figure out whether the distinction in predicate types is related to categorial distinction between verbs and adjectives or semantic distinction between stative and non-stative predicates. While examining the properties of predicates expressing involuntary bodily processes or changes with respect to inchoative formation, this study claims that in Korean, the notion of "adjective" cannot be subsumed under the notion of "stative predicate" and that adjectives have to be assumed as one of the independent lexical categories. Based on the claim, this paper argues that the type distinction in Korean resultatives is not related to categorial distinction of result predicates but related to semantic distinction of stative/non-stative. Also, considering the characteristic of "-ge" and "-dorok" that while "-ge" is used in the two types, "-dorok" is used only with clausal resultatives, this study shows that "-dorok" used in resultatives is combined with non-stative predicates, not just with verb.

      • A Semantic Approach to Resultative Constructions

        이상근 고려대학교 언어정보연구소 2007 언어정보 Vol.0 No.8

        In this paper, I suggest that we need to reconsider resultatives from a semantic point of view for a better understanding on the interaction between the matrix event and the secondary event. With a special focus on Korean resultative constructions as well as English counterparts, I specifically propose that resultatives should be newly classified into two types, cause-oriented and result-oriented resultatives, Cause-oriented resultatives are characterized with gradable result predicates (or adjectives) while result-oriented resultatives are with non-gradable result predicates in the sense of Goldberg (1995). Gradable predicates are allowed to form a predication with their own logical subject, to give rise to a causation between two independently defined events. In contrast, Non-gradable predicates are not allowed to form a predication with any logical subject, to give rise to an accomplishment relationship between two temporally coexistinting events. It correctly predicts that the clausal type of resultatives in Korean all contain a gradable expression. This view eventually leads to a reanalysis of the mysterious Korean morpheme -key on the result phrase in two ways, that is, as a causative morpheme in the cause-oriented resultative construction and a simple predication marker in the result-oriented resultative construction.

      • KCI등재


        방윤형 한국일어일문학회 2019 日語日文學硏究 Vol.110 No.-

        In this paper, the meanings and the functions of "seide" connected with nouns are examined and analyzed. A lot of previous research papers reported that “seide” commonly represents “undesirable results” in the sentences, but none of them showed that “seide” has the opposite meaning of “desirable results” in some example sentences. “Seide” has different characteristics when it is used in the simple sentence and used in the complex sentence. However, no previous literature has separately focused on two cases of sentences. In the paper the different cases of “seide” in the simple sentence and in the complex sentence are distinguished and analyzed. More detailed investigations are classified with the meanings of “undesirable results” and “desirable results”. The results can be summarized as follows. First, when "seide" is used in a simple sentence, it basically indicates the meaning of "undesirable result". However, ten example sentences exist and confirm that “seide” surprisingly has the opposite meaning of "desirable results". Second, when "seide" is used in a complex sentence, four cases can be considered as in the below: ①"undesirable result"+"undesirable result", ②"undesirable result"+"desirable result", ③"desirable result”+"undesirable result", and ④"desirable result”+"desirable result". Among them, ③ and ④ cases show that "seide" is used instead of "okagede". In conclusion, "seide" connected with nouns shows the meaning of “desirable results” in the special cases of the simple sentences although it represents “undesirable results” in most simple sentences. Similarly in several complex sentences, the predicates right after “seide” are somtimes used to have the meaning of “desirable results”. .

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