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      • KCI등재

        한국어 학습자의발음 오류 진단 및 평가에 관한 연구

        김은애 국제한국어교육학회 2006 한국어 교육 Vol.17 No.1

        The purpose of this study is to present a framework for effective and systematic diagnosis, continuous observation, and evaluation in order to correct Korean pronunciation errors. Compared to other areas of language education, pronunciation education needs steadier repetition of learning. It is necessary to observe the learners by stages in order to prevent difficulties while they learn phonetic values of phoneme or phonological change rules. For this purpose, high priority must go to the diagnosis of pronunciation. The basic items set for pronunciation diagnosis and evaluation will be presented in this research, and a clear and systematic error recording table will be given, which will help to record and analyze pronunciation development process of learners based on the basic items. The items in the error recording table mentioned above include all the items that should be dealt with in the area of Korean pronunciation education such as phonetic values of consonants·vowels, rules of phonological processes and suprasegmental elements, etc. In the table, horizontally, all the pronunciation errors of learners can be seen at a time, and when the errors are analyzed it will be possible to comprehend the patterns of errors of learners from the respective language areas. Vertically, it is possible to observe the pronunciation development process of the respective leaners in the passage of time. Tabulating these pronunciation diagnosis and evaluation items will make it easier for teachers to gather data in the field for pronunciation error analysis. The result of the pronunciation data analyzation will also be presented in the research for more systematic pronunciation education. For more effective pronunciation education which reaches the learners` level, the cyclic process of pronunciation diagnosis, error correction, feedback from teachers, continuous practice by learners and evaluation should be carried out continuously. (Seoul National University)

      • KCI등재


        이윤아 대한일어일문학회 2022 일어일문학 Vol.94 No.-

        The objective of this research was to determine what learning strategies Japanese language learners employ and how they perceive pronunciation. In conclusion, the frequency of cognitive strategy and social strategy for Japanese pronunciation was confirmed to be high. Cognitive strategies, such as pronunciation practice, memos, and drawing lines, were discovered to be both the learning strategy employed when studying pronunciation and the learning strategy required for pronunciation improvement. Second, it was confirmed that pronunciation practice and note-taking are important methods for students who do not know or are studying pronunciation. Learning Strategies included social strategies, which are essential when pronunciation is unknown or when studying pronunciation. They answered that they study by practicing, reviewing what they have learned in class, and repeatedly reading the material, even though rote learning method was not listed first. As a result of placing meta-cognition strategies in the third and fourth positions, it was discovered that few learners plan the process of setting a goal, correcting and checking their pronunciation, or recognize its significance. And the learning strategies not demonstrated in this study were the reward and justice strategies.

      • KCI등재

        韓國 漢字音과 中國 漢字音의 對應에 관한 硏究

        임현열,이찬규 한국어문교육연구회 2008 어문연구(語文硏究) Vol.36 No.3

        The objective of the present study is to explain the regular correspondent relation between the Korean pronunciation of Chinese characters and the Chinese pronunciation of Chinese characters from a synchronic viewpoint. The result of this study is expected to provide basic information necessary for not only Chinese who learn Korean but also Koreans who learn Chinese to develop and apply ‘the strategy to correspond Korean pronunciation Chinese pronunciation of Chinese characters.’ For this study, we selected 824 characters from the list of Chinese characters for Korean language education, and corresponded between the Korean representative pronunciation of these Chinese characters and their Chinese representative pronunciation. Correspondence between the pronunciations of Chinese characters was divided into three types as follows: 1) correspondence between the initial consonant of Korean and the initial consonant of Chinese; 2) correspondence between the part corresponding to V in the open syllable of Korean and the final consonant of Chinese; and 3) correspondence between the part corresponding to VC in the closed syllable of Korean and the final consonant of Chinese. Based on these correspondences, we showed that there is a regular correspondent relation between the Korean pronunciation of Chinese characters and the Chinese pronunciation of Chinese characters, and suggested the possibility for Chinese learners who learn Korean to guess the meaning of unknown Korean words originated from Chinese characters using these correspondences. In order to show concrete examples, ‘Seong-gyeong(성경, 聖經)’ and ‘Gak-seong(각성, 覺醒)’ of the Korean words were presented as examples to show the process of understanding Chinese characters through ‘the strategy to correspond Korean pronunciation Chinese pronunciation of Chinese characters.’ 이 硏究의 目的은 共時的인 觀點에서 韓國 漢字音과 中國 漢字音 사이에 存在하는 一定한 對應 關係를 밝혀 提示하는 데 있다. 이 論文에서는 漢字音 對應을 위해 韓國語敎育用 漢字 目錄 가운데 824字를 選別하고 이들 漢字의 韓國語 代表 讀音과 中國語 代表 讀音을 基準으로 對應하였다. 漢字音 對應은 다음의 세 가지 類型으로 構成되었다. 1) 韓國語 初聲과 中國語 聲母의 對應. 2) 韓國語 開音節의 V에 해당하는 部分과 中國語 聲母의 對應. 3) 韓國語 開音節의 VC에 該當하는 部分과 中國語 聲母의 對應이 바로 그것이다. 이러한 對應을 통해 韓國 漢字音과 中國 漢字音 사에는 一定한 對應 關係가 있음을 보이고, 이러한 對應 關係를 利用하여 中國人 學習者가 배우지 않은 漢字語의 意味를 推測해낼 可能性이 있다는 點을 指摘하였다. 그리고 一例로 ‘聖經’과 ‘覺醒’이라는 漢字語가 ‘ 字의 韓國音-中國音 對應 戰略’에 의해 理解되는 過程을 보였다.

      • KCI등재

        한국어 발음 교육의 현황과 과제

        최정순 한국언어문화교육학회 2012 언어와 문화 Vol.8 No.3

        Pronunciation training should be done continuously in the whole process of learning Korean, rather than in a certain period of time in entry level education. However, pronunciation training in actual education, compared to other training fields, is being dealt with in a very low proportion for a variety of reasons. This imbalance eventually makes it difficult for learners to train pronunciation properly. The introduction of Communicative Language Teaching(CLT) in the Korean education, focused on acceptability and fluency, has come to neglect accuracy; it manipulated not only grammar/ vocabulary but also pronunciation. To speak with correct pronunciation takes a lot of effort and time for it is very difficult for learners to identify and pronounce the consonants and vowels which are not in their mother tongues, and recognize phonological rules that vary with languages. It is, therefore, urgent to develop more efficient teaching materials and methodologies for classroom training, and teacher education to facilitate pronunciation learning and practice. Recent studies on pronunciation education have focused on fluency and understandable pronunciation which, at least, do not cause disability in communication, emphasizing conjunction with functions such as listening and speaking. They put more emphasis to focus not only segmental factors such as consonants and vowels but also suprasegmental factors which are important in the convey of meaning in pronunciation education. In the educational environment particularly engaged with communication, they argue that pronunciation training with real-life tasks should be carried out in concern of the needs of learners or learning objectives. It must be the ultimate purpose of pronunciation education that the learners, after learning and practicing over a period of time, will have autonomous learning abilities to monitor and correct their own pronunciation without teacher’s assist. This paper probes the current condition of Korean pronunciation education in terms of pronunciation training, teacher’s provision (teaching ability, preparation and etc), and its research environment in actual education. It thus addresses problems, their solutions, and several suggestions for better pronunciation education in future.

      • KCI등재

        한국어 교육에서의 현실발음 교육 : 발음 교육과 형태 교육의 구분

        하신영 인천대학교 인문학연구소 2022 인문학연구 Vol.37 No.-

        Actual pronunciation does not refer to only non-standard pronunciation, but is, in fact, utilized pronunciation. In this paper, from the standpoint that education of actual pronunciation should be conducted in Korean education, various phenomena that have been discussed as actual pronunciation is presented by dividing them into the content of pronunciation education and other content for vocabulary education. In the education of pronunciation, it has been argued that the actual vowel system should be reflected in the stage of teaching Korean alphabet, and that voluntary pronunciation rules applied in rapid and comfortable speech situations should be included in pronunciation contents. In education related to vocabulary, it has been indicated that actual pronunciation, which has been only dealt with in the discussion of pronunciation education, should be dealt with within education of vocabulary and grammar education as well.

      • KCI등재

        한국어 학습자를 위한 한국어 현실발음 교육 내용 연구

        홍미주(Hong, Mi-ju),김예니(Kim, Ye-ni) 국어교육학회 2021 국어교육연구 Vol.- No.76

        본고의 목적은 한국어 학습자에게 현실발음 교육이 필요하고, 현실발음 교육이 이해차원에서뿐만 아니라 표현 차원에서도 이루어져야 함을 논의하는 것이다. 현실발음은 비규범발음이지만 구어에서 빈도 높게 실현되는 발음으로, 학습 자료의 실제성을 높이고 한국어 모어 화자와 원활한 의사소통을 위해 현실발음이 발음 교육의 대상이 되어야 함을 논의하였다. 이런 논의를 위해 본 연구에서는 외국인 학습자를 대상으로 설문조사를 시행하여 현실발음에 대한 학습자의 인식과 요구를 파악하였다. 그리고 현실발음의 유형과 교육항목 선정을 위해 한국 드라마에서 실현되는 현실발음을 분석하여, 고빈도로 출현하는 현실발음의 유형은 이해뿐만 아니라 표현 차원에서 교육해야 함을 제안하였다. 이를 바탕으로, 본 연구에서는 현실발음 중 1) 표준발음에 비해 압도적으로 높은 빈도로 실현되는 현실발음, 2) 대화상 기능 수행에 관여하는 현실발음, 3) 복수표준발음 중 구어에서 실현 빈도가 더 높은 발음, 4) 어간의 재구조화에 따른 현실발음, 5) 의미 변별에 관여하는 현실발음의 경우에는 이해뿐만 아니라 표현 차원에서의 교육도 필요하고, 이에 따라 학습자가 실제 대화에서 발음할 수 있도록 지도할 것을 제안하였다. This paper discusses the need to consider actual pronunciation when teaching pronunciation to learners of Korean and examines the educational contents and methods for actual pronunciation on the levels of understanding and use. This study examines the results of a survey into foreign learners’ perceptions and needs regarding actual pronunciation. It appeared that for many learners perceived actual pronunciation differently from standard pronunciation and that teaching actual pronunciation was necessary both for understanding and output. In order to determine the types of actual pronunciation and select the educational items, this paper analyzed the realizations of actual pronunciation in Korean dramas and suggested that the types of actual pronunciations with a high frequency should be taught both in understanding and language output. This paper proposes the following types as educational contents for both understanding and output, namely 1)the actual pronunciation realized with an overwhelmingly high frequency compared to standard pronunciation, 2)the actual pronunciation with a conversational function, 3)in case of multiple standard pronunciations, the pronunciation with a higher frequency of realizations in spoken language, 4)the actual pronunciation according to the stem restructuring, and 5)the actual pronunciation contributing to semantic discrimination, in order to teach learners Korean pronunciation as in actual conversations.

      • KCI등재

        発音指導の内容による日本語学習者の発音の変化 - ニュース文と会話文の違いをめぐって -

        이윤아 대한일어일문학회 2023 일어일문학 Vol.100 No.-

        This study examined how learners' pronunciation changed in accordance with the pronunciation guidelines' content and identified the distinctions between the material covered in class and the uncovered material. Consequently, it was discovered that learners' pronunciation differed from the original sound after the lesson ended, but it was closer to the original sound during the pronunciation instruction period. Additionally, learners' pronunciation in classes that focus on pronunciation guidance (news sentences) is characterized by staying relatively close to the original sound during the lesson; however, after the class, the pronunciation either changes or stays the same; in contrast, there is no discernible pattern of change in fields that are not covered in the class. Additionally, there was a discrepancy between learners' perceived and actual pronunciation changes. These findings make it necessary to consider how to give pronunciation instructions. In order for students to continue practicing consciously after class, it is also critical to support them as they practice pronouncing words correctly on their own and to assist them in differentiating between correct and incorrect pronunciation.

      • KCI등재

        포만트 정보 변화를 이용한 틀니 부착여부에 따른 발음개선 정도에 관한 연구

        임병민,이원희,배성근,김명숙,배명진 사단법인 인문사회과학기술융합학회 2016 예술인문사회융합멀티미디어논문지 Vol.6 No.11

        In this paper, using the formant comparative method, we propose the improvement of pronunciation with the denture attachment. Many speech parameters were studied to determine the incorrect pronunciation feature. How to generally identify the incorrect pronunciation are assessed by the changes of pitch and formant. Formant and pitch have a variety of information such as uniqueness and clarity and physical condition of the individual states and pronunciation also be analyzed. When the pronunciation through the vocal tract due to the individual difference of pronunciation may have trouble in the analysis. On the other hand, the analysis of the pronunciation through the vocal tract is easy to analyze because it is applied simultaneously to analyze consonant vowel rather than a consonant or vowel pronunciation. In particular, it is difficult to correct pronunciation dentures to several problems such as flickering to artificial teeth. Jaw or teeth with formant information in the area of high-frequency in audio signal analysis can be determined by the degree of improvement pronounce on whether denture attachment. Therefore, studies were conducted to have the information changed in the third and fourth formant, extracting pronunciation improvement in this paper. As a result the longer sentences were increased by an error of pronunciation, we get meaningful results for a long sentence than a short sentence in analysis. Therefore, studies were conducted to have the information changed in the third and fourth formant extracting pronunciation improvement in this paper. As a result the longer sentences were increased by an error of pronunciation derive meaningful results than a single sentence than the sentence in the chapter. 본 논문에서는 틀니 부착여부 발음을 포만트 비교법을 이용하여 발음개선 정도를 판단할 수 있는 파라미터를 연구하였다. 부정확한 발음특징을 파악하기 위해 많은 음성 파라미터가 연구되었다. 일반적으로 부정확한 발음을 파악하는 방법은 피치와 포만트의 변화를 이용하여 분석한다. 포만트는 개인의 고유성이나 명료성 그리고 신체상태 등 여러 가지 정보를 가지고 있으며 발음상태 또한 분석이 가능하다. 발음기관을 통한 발음을 분석하게 되면 개개인의 발음차이로 인해 분석에 어려움을 겪을 수 있다. 반면에 발성 기관을 통해 발음을 분석하면 자음 또는 모음에만 편하여 발음을 분석하기 보다는 자음 모음 동시에 적용이 되기 때문에 분석이 용이하다. 특히 틀니는 인공 치아이므로 덜그럭거림 등 여러 문제가 발생하여 정확한 발음하기 어렵다. 턱이나 치아는 음성신호에서 고주파영역의 포만트 정보를 가지고 분석이 가능하여 틀니 부착여부에 따른 발음개선정도를 파악할 수 있다. 따라서 본 논문에서는 제 3 포만트와 제 4포만트의 정보 변화를 가지고 발음개선정도를 추출할 수 있도록 연구 진행하였다. 그 결과 문장이 길어질수록 발음의 오차가 증가하였고 단문장보다 장문장에서 보다 유의미한 결과를 도출하였다.

      • KCI등재

        EFL Learners’ Perceptions of Pronunciation, Pronunciation Anxiety, and Pronunciation Learning Strategies

        김종훈,김양홍 미래영어영문학회 2016 영어영문학 Vol.21 No.4

        This paper aims to examine 101 Korean EFL learners' awareness of English pronunciation and their anxiety about English pronunciation and pronunciation learning strategies they use for improving pronunciation. The results indicated that they recognize the importance of pronunciation, and that they feel more anxious about segmental features than suprasegmental features. They used cognitive pronunciation learning strategies more frequently than social strategies, but they showed the least use of metacognitive strategies of learning pronunciation. It is necessary to introduce effective pronunciation teaching techniques that can produce less anxiety about pronunciation within the communicative approach to teaching pronunciation, using activities, such as songs, movies, chants, games, and dialogs, which focuses on practicing sounds in the context of discourse beyond the word level.

      • KCI등재

        외국인을 위한 한국어 발음교재의 분석과 개선방향 연구

        박정은(Park Jung-Eun),이주희(Lee Juhee) 국어국문학회 2008 국어국문학 Vol.- No.150

        This paper aims to compare and analyze teaching materials on Korean pronunciation for foreign learners and suggest measures for its improvement. The teaching materials on the Korean language hitherto are focused on integrated materials, and while active research on the grammar and vocabulary has been going on, research on resources on the pronunciation has been relatively lacking. In the field where Korean is taught, although Korean language teachers constantly grapple with how they will teach the grammar and vocabulary, still little is done for the improvement of the Korean pronunciation of learners. This could be either because of the lack of teaching materials on the Korean pronunciation that can be used in the field or the Korean language teacher himself does not feel the pronunciation is as important as the grammar or vocabulary. Also it could be because the teacher is not able to teach pronunciation properly due to his or her lack of the knowledge on the phonemic system and rules of the Korean language. The pronunciation is the area which is most heavily influenced by mother tongues and, it is not something that can be acquired by rote learning. As it is one of the important elements which determine the fluency of a language, it does require teaching by all means. Since the Korean language is often not pronounced as it is spelled, Korean teachers should help the learner internalize the phonemic rules by teaching the actual pronunciation of the words and why it is pronounced the way it is, when the words to which the phonetic and phonemic rules apply are brought up in class. In order to revitalize the Korean pronunciation teaching, it is of critical importance that the Korean teachers realize the importance of the pronunciation teaching and figure out strategies to implement it. Also adequate teaching materials on pronunciation teaching and learning are also needed. Above all, it is essential that teaching materials on the pronunciation should provide 'how' the Korean language is pronounced, and taking into account the purpose of the teaching materials and the level of the Korean language of learners, it should help the learner learn and practice the Korean pronunciation correctly. The present paper examines the characteristics of the existing teaching materials on the Korean pronunciation, and seeks to suggest measures for the improvement of teaching materials on the Korean pronunciation.

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