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        전화 금연 상담을 활용한 금연캠페인의 센스-메이킹 적용에 관한 연구

        김현정(Hyun Jeong Kim),김현숙(Hyun Sook Kim) 한국광고홍보학회 2013 광고연구 Vol.0 No.98

        수많은 금연관련 공익캠페인들이 행해지지만 캠페인을 보고 금연하게 되는지에 대한 결과는 아직도 미지수다. 이에 본 연구에서는 최근 국내에 색다른 금연 공익캠페인으로 화제가 된 전화 상담을 활용한 금연캠페인에 주목하고 전화를 통한 보다 직접적인 커뮤니케이션 유형의 캠페인이 개인의 심리적 저항감을 완충할 수 있어 기존의 캠페인보다 효과적인 방법이 될 수 있을 지를 증명하고자 하였다. 특히 이러한 증명에 방법론으로서의 센스-메이킹(Sense-Making)을 적용하여 의사소통적으로 커뮤니케이션을 수행하여 개인의 경험과 상황 등 개인적인 문제 극복을 통한 해결책을 제시하고자 하였다. 이에 센스-메이킹방법론을 적용한 질문지를 구성하여, 대학원에서 상담을 전공한 상담사와 더불어 약 한 달간 전화금연활용 실험연구를 진행하였다. 실험결과, 센스-메이킹을 적용한 본 연구의 실험에서 참여자 6명 중 1명을 제외한 5명이 전화 상담의 효과를 밝혔으며, 이러한 결과는 향후 공익 캠페인에서의 센스-메이킹 방법론에 대한 적용에 하나의 함의를 던진다. It is very uncertain that the public non-smoking campaign have any significant impact to a person`s non-smoking behavior. The purpose of this study is to investigate whether the directive communication campaign like by the telephone counseling is more effective than the non directive public campaign like advertisements, because of the buffering the effect of psychological reaction, especially, using the sense-making methodology. Also this study tried to suggest the solutions of the personal barriers to be non-smoker, by studying the effects of the interview communication suggested in the sense-making methodology. So this study made the questionnaires by the sense-making methodology and had testified the methodology through the experiments by telephone-counselling communication for about one month with the smokers. The results show that 5 participants of the experiment except one had changed their attitude about the smoking after participating in the telephone-counseling. This result cast to have any significant impact to the public non-smoking campaign and the future study.

      • KCI등재

        김춘수 시론에서의 리듬 의식 연구

        장철환 ( Cheul Whoan Jang ) 우리어문학회 2016 우리어문연구 Vol.55 No.-

        무의미시론은 김춘수의 시와 시론을 이해하는 관문이다. 실제로 김춘수의 시와 시론에 대한 연구는 무의미시론을 중심으로 전개되어 왔다고 해도 과언이 아니다. 그러나 무의미시론에로의 경사는 그의 시론 전체를 조망하는 데 있어 방해 요인이 되기도 한다. 리듬이 주변부의 문제로 취급되는 현상은 그 결과라고 할 수 있다. 그러나 김춘수의 시와 시론에서 리듬은 매우 중요한 위치를 점하고 있다. 이론적 층위에서 리듬은 의미·이미지와 함께 시의 본질을 결정하는 핵심적 요소이자, 시의 형태와 장르를 규정하는 중핵으로 간주되고 있는 것이다. 또한 시작(詩作)의 층위에서 리듬은 시적 전회의 고비마다 창작 방법론의 상수(常數)와 같은 기능을 수행한다고 할 수 있다. 이런 의미에서 본고의 논의는 기존 논의의 결여지점에 대한 보완으로서 김춘수의 시론과 시적 방법론에 대한 전체적인 조망을 가능케 할 것이다. 이를 위해 본고에서는 김춘수의 시론에서의 리듬 개념의 변화 양상을 추적하고, 그것이 지닌 리듬론적 의의와 가치를 논구할 것이다. 초기 저작에서 리듬론은 형태론와 장르론의 테두리 내에서 개진되는데, 음수율 및 음보율과 같은 율격론을 중심으로 하면서도 자유시의 시행의 기능에 대한 고찰을 보인다는 점에서 의의를 찾을 수 있다. 한편, 서술적 이미지와 비유적 이미지의 구별은 「의미와 무의미」에서 보다 강화된 형태로 등장한다. 이미지를 통해 관념·대상·의미를 제거하려는 그의 시적 실험은 이미지가 리듬의 음영에 불과하다는 사실을 확증함으로써 최종적으로 ‘주문’의 리듬론으로 귀착하게 된다. 결국무의미시에서 리듬은 이미지의 소멸을 위한 방법이자 그것의 최종 잔여물로 사유되고 있는 것이다. 이러한 사유는 현대 자유시와 산문시의 리듬 개념을 정초하는 데 있어서도 중요한 의의를 지니는데, 기존의 율격론적 이해와는 다른방식으로 현대 리듬론이 봉착한 결여를 보완해 주기 때문이다. Kim Chun-Su’s ‘non-sense poetry’ is a gateway to understand his poetry and poetics. Numerous studies have attempted to explore his ‘non-sense poetry’. As a result, research on his thought about rhythm is still in its early stage. But his thought on rhythm is very important roles to understand his ‘non-sense poetry’. Therefore this article will examine his thought about rhythm in his works chronologically. Up to now I have looked at Kim Chun-Su’s thought about rhythm. The conclusion which can be drawn from this study are these: 1) In his early works, his thought was divided into two, that is, metrics and rhythmology. One is concerned with poetry with a fixed form, the other is concerned with free verse. 2) In his middle works, he received the concept of foot from western versification. But this term is confused with a traditional term ‘句’ which means a phrase in English. 3) In his work Sense and non-sense(1976), his attention was directed to the experiment of possibility of ‘non-sense poetry’. To this he divided poetic image into a metaphoric image and a descriptive image. But His experiment to exclude concept(and ideology), object and meaning through a descriptive image reveals a fact that a descriptive image is nothing but ‘a shadow of rhythm’. In conclusion, rhythm in his ‘non-sense poetry’ is not only a major method to eliminate image, but also a remains to remain out of this elimination.

      • KCI등재

        프로젝트 파이낸스(Project Finance)의 理論的 存立根據와 金融構造에 대한 法的 考察

        진홍기 한국상사법학회 2008 商事法硏究 Vol.27 No.3

        Companies are increasingly using project finance to fund large-scale capital expenditures. With project finance(“PF”), sponsoring firms create legally distinct entities, project company(“PC”), to develop, manage, and finance the project. PC borrows on a limited or non-recourse basis, which means that loan repayment depends on the project’s cash flows rather than on the assets or general credit of the sponsoring organizations. Despite the non-recourse(or limited recourse) nature of project borrowing, projects are highly leveraged entities: debt to total capitalization ratios average 60-70%, but can reach as high as 95% in some deals. First question raised with regard to PF, is to ask why firms use PF instead of traditional, on-balance sheet corporate finance(“CF”) and furthermore what are the legal and economical-managerial rationales for the PF. Scholars and people in the past claimed that PF allows firms to isolate project risk(“PR”), to increase equity returns, to preserve (or expand) debt capacity, and to mitigate sovereign risk. However, such claims has faced a lot of criticism, and now forerunners in the field of study on PF are arguing that, in the right settings, PF allows firms to minimize the net costs associated with market imperfections such as transactions costs, asymmetric information, incentive conflicts, financial distress, and taxes. At the same time, it allows firms to manage risks more effectively and more efficiently. These factors make project finance a lower-cost alternative to conventional, on-balance sheet, CF. There are costs stemming from asymmetric information between corporate insiders and outsiders, and from incentive conflicts among managers, shareholders, and creditors. The PF is the best solution to such asymmetric information problems. In this regards, Project Financing reduces information costs, incentive conflicts, the costs of financial distress. These are the economical-managerial rationales for the PF. On the other hand project sponsors(“PS”) and the banks agree to establish PC and the banks make loans to this PC on a limited or non-recourse basis, which creates the PF in the real sense in contrast to conventional CF. According to this scheme, the PF in the real sense can be defined as ’a financing of a particular economic unit in which a lender is satisfied to initially look to cash flow and earnings of that economic unit as the source of funds from which a loan will be repaid, and to the assets of the economic unit as collateral for the loan (as Nevitt and Fabozzi described). Therefore, it can be said that the agreement to bank’s making loans to the PC on a limited or non-recourse basis is the legal rationale for the PF. However, it is very surprising to us that the banks in Korea are still relying on the contentional CF scheme even in the development of the project which really requires the mechanism of the PF in the real sense In order to develop the theories of the PF, it needs to study large projects. Large projects are more attractive than small projects because they allow us to observe managers as they make very conscious investment and financing decisions. When managers make large investment and financing decisions, they have the ability and the economic incentive to make careful, value-enhancing decisions. They have the ability because large projects require at least one and up to five years to structure. and they have the incentive because significantly more money is at stake. both their personal wealth and their professional reputations are on the line as well as substantial amounts of capital from other investors. In addition, it is a challenging task to draft a model contract form for the project agreement and the credit agreement, which will be used when the parties agrees that the banks make loans to this PC on a limited or non-recourse basis. Companies are increasingly using project finance to fund large-scale capital expenditures. With project finance(“PF”), sponsoring firms create legally distinct entities, project company(“PC”), to develop, manage, and finance the project. PC borrows on a limited or non-recourse basis, which means that loan repayment depends on the project’s cash flows rather than on the assets or general credit of the sponsoring organizations. Despite the non-recourse(or limited recourse) nature of project borrowing, projects are highly leveraged entities: debt to total capitalization ratios average 60-70%, but can reach as high as 95% in some deals. First question raised with regard to PF, is to ask why firms use PF instead of traditional, on-balance sheet corporate finance(“CF”) and furthermore what are the legal and economical-managerial rationales for the PF. Scholars and people in the past claimed that PF allows firms to isolate project risk(“PR”), to increase equity returns, to preserve (or expand) debt capacity, and to mitigate sovereign risk. However, such claims has faced a lot of criticism, and now forerunners in the field of study on PF are arguing that, in the right settings, PF allows firms to minimize the net costs associated with market imperfections such as transactions costs, asymmetric information, incentive conflicts, financial distress, and taxes. At the same time, it allows firms to manage risks more effectively and more efficiently. These factors make project finance a lower-cost alternative to conventional, on-balance sheet, CF. There are costs stemming from asymmetric information between corporate insiders and outsiders, and from incentive conflicts among managers, shareholders, and creditors. The PF is the best solution to such asymmetric information problems. In this regards, Project Financing reduces information costs, incentive conflicts, the costs of financial distress. These are the economical-managerial rationales for the PF. On the other hand project sponsors(“PS”) and the banks agree to establish PC and the banks make loans to this PC on a limited or non-recourse basis, which creates the PF in the real sense in contrast to conventional CF. According to this scheme, the PF in the real sense can be defined as ’a financing of a particular economic unit in which a lender is satisfied to initially look to cash flow and earnings of that economic unit as the source of funds from which a loan will be repaid, and to the assets of the economic unit as collateral for the loan (as Nevitt and Fabozzi described). Therefore, it can be said that the agreement to bank’s making loans to the PC on a limited or non-recourse basis is the legal rationale for the PF. However, it is very surprising to us that the banks in Korea are still relying on the contentional CF scheme even in the development of the project which really requires the mechanism of the PF in the real sense In order to develop the theories of the PF, it needs to study large projects. Large projects are more attractive than small projects because they allow us to observe managers as they make very conscious investment and financing decisions. When managers make large investment and financing decisions, they have the ability and the economic incentive to make careful, value-enhancing decisions. They have the ability because large projects require at least one and up to five years to structure. and they have the incentive because significantly more money is at stake. both their personal wealth and their professional reputations are on the line as well as substantial amounts of capital from other investors. In addition, it is a challenging task to draft a model contract form for the project agreement and the credit agreement, which will be used when the parties agrees that the banks make loans to this PC on a limited or non-recourse basis.

      • KCI등재

        비장애대학생의 장애대학생 수용태도가공동체의식에 미치는 영향

        강영심,손성화,한민정 한국통합교육학회 2020 통합교육연구 Vol.15 No.2

        The purpose of this study is to investigate the impact of non-disabled university students' attitudes toward university students with disabilities on the sense of community. 173 non-disabled university students in B city were asked to complete the survey. The collected data were analyzed by conducting descriptive statistics, independent t-test, one-way ANOVA, Scheffe post analysis, and multiple regression analysis. The results of this study are as follows. First, the level of attitudes toward university students with disabilities and sense of community of non-disabled university students were high. The grade, major, and current integration status affected the attitudes toward students with disabilities. The sense of community showed significant differences depending on gender, grade and major. Second, non-disabled university students’ attitudes toward students with disabilities has a relationship with their sense of community and their behavioral attitudes, cognitive attitudes, and emotional attitudes. Behavior and emotional attitudes of non-disabled university students having a static relationship with the sense of community. The results of this study suggested that education methods should be considered to foster community awareness among non-disabled university students. 본 연구는 비장애대학생의 장애대학생 수용태도가 공동체의식에 미치는 영향을 알아보는 데 목적이 있다. 이를 위하여 B시에 소재한 4년제 대학에 재학 중인 비장애대학생 173명에게 설문조사를 실시하였다. 설문조사를 통해 수집된 자료는 기술통계, 독립표본 t-test, one-way ANOVA, Scheffe 사후분석, 중다회귀분석을 실시하여 분석하였다. 본 연구의 결과는 다음과 같다. 첫째, 비장애대학생의 장애대학생 수용태도와 공동체의식은 보통 이상이었으며 학년과 전공, 현재 통합 유무는 비장애대학생의 장애대학생 수용태도에 영향을 미쳤다. 비장애대학생의 공동체의식은 성별과 학년, 전공에 따라 유의한 차이를 보였다. 둘째, 비장애대학생의 장애대학생 수용태도 하위영역 중 행동적 태도와 인지적 태도, 감정적 태도는 공동체의식과 정적 상관이 있고, 행동적 태도와 감정적 태도는 비장애대학생의 공동체의식에 유의미한 영향을 미치는 요인으로 나타났다. 연구 결과를 통해 비장애대학생의 공동체의식 함양을 위해 고려되어야 할 교육 방

      • KCI등재

        無我說에 대한 一考察

        송인범 한국선학회 2011 한국선학 Vol.30 No.-

        붓다의 가르침의 핵심은 無我의 증득을 통한 解脫涅槃이라고 할 수 있다. 붓다가 말하는 無我의 의미는 일체존재는 상일주재성을 가진 ‘아’는 없다는 의미이다. 붓다는 이러한 존재의 실상인 무아를 가르치기 위해 4법인, 오온설, 연기설 및 경험설의 가르침을 통하여 말했고 고와 고를 벗어나는 지혜에 대하여는 4성제와 12지연기법 및 8정도의 가르침을 통해 설했다. 붓다는 4법인설에서 5온은 무상한 것이고 무상한 것은 苦이며 고는 ‘아’가 아님을 깨달아 집착에서 벗어날 때 열반을 이룬다고 하였다. 여기서 ‘비아’의 의미는 곧 ‘무아’의 의미로 귀결됨을 보았다. 붓다는 五蘊說에서 중생들의 고의 원천이 되는 것은 가치중립적인 오온이 아니고 탐욕에 오염된 오온인 五盛陰(五受陰, 五取蘊)을 말하고 있다. 중생들은 이 탐욕의 오성음을 ‘아’로 착각하기 때문에 苦가 생긴다는 것이고 탐욕은 ‘상일주재의 나는 존재한다’는 관념에서 일어난다고 하였다. 그러나 ‘아’라는 중생은 색, 수, 상, 행, 식의 오온의 가합물에 불과한 것이어서 그러한 상일주재의 나는 실체가 없는 ‘무아’임을 여실지견할 때 탐욕에서 벗어나 해탈에 이르게 된다고 하는 것이다. 붓다는 연기법에서 일체존재의 유무와 생멸은 오로지 상호의존적으로 발생되는 것이지 독자적으로 일어나는 것은 없다고 하였다. 즉 일체는 다른 것들이 인연화합하여 일시적인 과정으로 존재하는 것이지 ‘아’란 실체가 있는 것은 아니라고 하였다. 이렇게 인연따라 존재하는 모든 것은 무상이고 고이며 무아라는 것이다. 붓다는 또 경험설을 통하여 일체는 12입처라고 하며 중생은 곧 색, 수, 상, 행, 식의 5온의 인연의 가합물이라고 하였다. 그러나 붓다는 그러한 오온은 나고 변하고 멸하므로 나도 아니고 나의 것도 아니라는 것이다. 또 나란 현상의 경험 자체인 것이지 현상적 경험을 떠나 따로 존재하는 ‘아’란 없다는 것이다. 이는 곧 경험만이 있을 뿐 경험의 주체는 궁극적으로 없다는 ‘무아’의 의미인 것이다. 이러한 무아의 체득은 삶의 주체로서의 ‘아’의 부정이나 無化를 통해서 달성되는 것이 아니고 오취온에서 탐욕이 제거된 경험만이 존재할 때 가능하고 그를 통해 현법에서 상락아정의 열반에 이를 수 있다고 할 수 있는 것이다. The core of the teachings of the Buddha can be called liberatiobn and enlightenment through the fulfillment of non-self. The Buddha says the meaning of non-self is that all beings have no permanent, independent and autonomous self. The Buddha said the four seals of the dharma, the five skandhas, the arising from causation(the pratītya-samutpāda) and sense-media to teach the truth of non-self of all beings and taught the four noble truths, the twelve nidanas and the noble eightfold path for the wisdom to liberate from duhkha. The Buddha taught in the theory of the four seals of the Dharma that we could achieve nirvāṇa when we realize that the five skandhas are impermanent, the impermanence is duhkha and the duhkha is not self-entity and liberate from clinging to beings as real. We could see that not-self indicates non-self in the teachings of the Buddha. The Buddha taught in the theory of the five skandhas that the source of duhkha is not the five skandhas which are value-neutral but the five tenacious skandhas contaminated by avarice. But the five tenacious skandhas' own self is only a temporary accumulation of rupa, perception, function of mind, samskara and vijnana and the permanent, independent and autonomous self is non-existent, that is to say non-self. The Buddha taught in the theory of the arising from causation that all beings are existent as transient process according to cause and conditions and the true substance of all beings is not existent. The Buddha taught in the theory of experience that all beings are twelve sense fields' own self and the self of I is just an experience itself and there is no the I which exists separately from phenomenal exeperience. This means that only experience itself exists and there is no the I who experience, that is non-self. The enlightenment of non-self can not be achieved through negation or nullification of the I, but when only experience exists as removed the greed from the five tenacious skandhas and it is possible for all living beings by doing so to reach the nirvana of permanence in darma-body with no birth and death, joy of nirvana without any suffering, unobstructed true self of Buddha and purity of dharma without any defilement in the present world.

      • KCI등재

        미나토 가나에의 『속죄』에 나타난 비장소성 -시골 ‘마을’의 살인사건을 둘러싼 도시화 과정을 중심으로 -

        임만호 ( Im Man-ho ) 한국일본근대학회 2019 일본근대학연구 Vol.0 No.66

        미나토 가나에(湊かなえ)의『속죄(贖罪)』(2009)는 데뷔작『고백』(2008)처럼 각 장마다 등장인물의 독백을 통해 살인사건을 재구성하고 있다. 이와 같이 서사구조는 작품의 미스터리적 요소를 살리기에 충분한 재미와 상상을 제공하고 있다. 다만 각자의 내러티브가 한 살인사건의 퍼즐을 맞추는데 개연성을 부여할지는 모르나, 그 이전에 그들이 그럴 수밖에 없었던 개연성 혹은 필연성을 설득하기에는 표면적 이해밖에 할 수 없는 것 또한 사실이다. 그러한 의미에서 본고는 등장인물의 내러티브, 특히 네 소녀들의 독백의 외연에 존재하는 시골 ‘마을’이라는 장소성(그리고 비장소성)에 주목하고자 한다. 장소성 분석이야말로, 네 소녀들의 ‘속죄’에 내재된 살인사건을 비롯하여 앞으로 네 소녀들이 저지른 범죄 원인을 유추가능하게 해주기 때문이다. 여기서 장소성이란 인간이 장소를 경험하면서 특정 의미를 갖게 되거나 부여된 인식환경을 갖는 장소적 특징이며, 만일 도시화에 따른 비장소성이 일어날 경우 다른 장소와의 구별이 되지 않는 균질화 혹은 획일화 현상은 물론 그 안에서 생활을 영위하는 인간 또한 자신들의 고유한 정체성이 해체되고 만다는 것을 의미한다. 더욱이 도시화로 인한 비장소성은 그 익명성으로 도시 특유의 도시형 범죄가 발생하기도 한다. 작품『속죄』에 나타난 시골 마을의 비장소성은 도시화로 인해 변해가는 개인의 모습을 통해, 현대 일본 지역 사회의 문제점을 여과 없이 드러냈다는 점에서 추리 소설 이상의 의의와 가치가 있다고 보아야 할 것이다. In Minato Kanae’s novel 『Expiation (2009)』, it is reconstructed the murder through the monologue of characters in each chapter like her debut novel 『Confessions (2008)』. Likewise, the narrative structure provides enough fun and imagination to bring the mystery element of the novel. Each narrative, however, may give a probability to the puzzle of a murder case, but it is also true that there is only superficial understanding to persuade the probability or inevitability that they had to do before. In that sense, this study focuses on the narrative of the characters, especially on the sense of place (and non-place) in rural “village” existing on the edge of the four girls’ monologues. A place analysis make it possible to infer the causes of crime committed by the four girls in the future including the murder case inherent in ‘Expiation’ of the girls. What is the sense of place in this study is a place characteristic to take a certain meaning by person’s experience of a place or to have a given environment of consciousness. If non-place by urbanization occurs, it means that not only the homogenization or uniformity phenomenon that is indistinguishable from other places but also the human beings living in it will be also dissolved their own identity.

      • KCI등재후보

        New Media - 디지털 애니메이션에 사용된 일러스트레이션 사례연구 (수작업과 디지털 작업 애니메이션을 중심으로)

        송인호,조진현 한국일러스아트학회 2006 조형미디어학 Vol.9 No.2

        Fast growing digital environment has produced various new medias and has changed the ways of expression in illustration. The illustration has expanded its scope in the digital environment and the modern graphic software has made it possible to complete the design faster than to draw by hand. Even in this digital era, it is, however, true that people are still very interested in illustration works made by hand. Even though the digital illustration plays and keeps its leading role in the modernized new media environment, it is evident that people still have a tendency to seek for non-digital images with their innate sensitive mind of the analogue style . This means that although the digital techniques are emphasized in the area of illustration, we need to remind that human senses as the innate value of media and the role of illustration as 'the image' should not be disregarded. It is, therefore, important that we reconsider the role of illustration as an 'image', the essential and internal value of communication and media. In the digital environment, digital illustration and non-digital illustration are leading the development of the digital environment, playing their own essential parts. From the current animation works, this study selected two works for digital illustration and hand-made illustration separately. From the quantitative survey, the result revealed that the effects of human senses were showed equally for both parts. Though the ways of expressing have been maximized with the development of digital environment, the effects of stimulating human senses operate differently. That is, people receive different impression from digital animation and hand-made illustration respectively. Therefore, it is considered that both play their own valuable parts reciprocally. 역동적으로 진화하고 있는 디지털 환경은 새롭고 다양한 미디어를 등장시켰고 이는 일러스트레이션의 표현 양식에도 큰 변화를 주었다. 디지털 환경에서 일러스트레이션은 활용영역이 넓어지고, 첨단 그래픽 소프트웨어는 일러스트레이션 작업을 손으로 직접 그리는 것 보다 빠르고 쉽게 작업 할 수 있도록 하였다. 디지털 일러스트레이션 이미지가 디지털 시대, 디지털 미디어 환경에서 일반적인 대세이지만 손으로 직접 그린 수작업 일러스트레이션의 관심과 호응도 높다. 이는 첨단화된 뉴미디어 환경에서 디지털 일러스트레이션의 역할이 지속되고 일러스트레이션 환경을 주도하더라도 사람들 마음속에 내재해있는 아날로그적인 감성마인드로 인해 non-digital 이미지로서의 일러스트레이션의 역할 또한 중요하다는 것을 의미한다. 디지털기술이 일러스트레이션 표현의 전면에 자리 잡고 강조된다 하더라도, 우리는 커뮤니케이션과 미디어의 내재적 가치로서 본질적 요소인 인간감성과 ‘이미지’로서의 일러스트레이션의 역할을 소홀히 할 수 없다. 디지털 환경 속에서 디지털 일러스트레이션과 non-digital 일러스트레이션은 각각의 역할 분담을 통해 일러스트레이션 환경의 발전을 이끌고 있다. 현재 발표된 애니메이션 중에서 디지털 일러스트레이션과 수작업 일러스트레이션으로 작업된 각 2편씩의 작품을 선정하고, 이들 작품에 대해 설문을 이용한 정량적 조사를 통해 얻어진 결과를 보면 두 가지 경우 모두 다 어느 한쪽으로 감성적인 효과가 절대적으로 편중 되지 않았다. 디지털 환경의 발전으로 표현의 방법과 효과는 매우 극대화 되었지만 시각적 차이를 통해 받아들여지는 디지털 일러스트레이션과 수작업 일러스트레이션의 감성적 차이는 다르게 작용 하는 것으로 나타났다. 디지털 애니메이션을 편중해서 선호 하거나 혹은 수작업 일러스트레이션을 편중해서 선호 하는 것이 아니라 두 가지 경우 모두를 각각의 환경에 따라 다른 감성으로 전달 받고 있으므로 두 가지 경우는 공존과 상호보완 관계적 발전으로 일러스트레이션의 역할을 하고 있다는 것이다.

      • KCI등재

        아동기 대략적 수 민감도가 비-상징적 곱셈 추론에 미치는 영향

        권나연,김제중,김소연 한국인지및생물심리학회 2018 한국심리학회지 인지 및 생물 Vol.30 No.3

        Approximate Number Sense (ANS) is an intrinsic intuition and innate cognitive function. It helps children to roughly determine if a quantity is larger or smaller than another. In the current study, we examined relative roles of ANS and intelligence on early arithmetic development in children aged 4-6. Our purpose was 1) to examine whether children aged 4-6 can solve non-symbolic multiplication problems and 2) to examine effects of ANS on early arithmetic development after controlling out effects of intellectual ability. Twenty one young children (4-6 years old) performed non-symbolic multiplication tasks (i..e, multiplication 2 and 4) and a ANS task. Results showed that children as young as 4 years old can solve both non-symbolic multiplication problems above chance level. Also, we found that the efficiency of ANS measured by ANS RTs played a critical role for non-symbolic multiplication 2 task performance even after controlling out effects of IQ. Overall, we conclude that preschoolers as young as 4 years old who don't have prior learning experience of multiplication problems can solve non-symbolic multiplication problems, which might be explained by children's ANS functions. 대략적 수 민감도(Approximate Number Sense; ANS)는 대략적으로 수량이 많은 지, 적은 지를 파악하는 능력이다. 본 연구에서는 21명의 만 4-6세 아동을 대상으로 비-상징적 곱셈 추론 문제를 해결하는 능력을 검증하고, 아동의 ANS와 지능, 그리고 비-상징적 곱셈 추론 능력 간의 관계를 살펴보았다. 이를 통해 1) 만 4-6세 아동들이 비-상징적으로 제시되는 곱셈 문제를 해결 할 수 있는 지를 알아보고자 하였으며, 2) 아동의 지능을 통제하고도 ANS가 초기 산술 능력을 유의미하게 설명할 수 있는지를 검증해보고자 하였다. 그 결과 만 4-6세 아동들은 비-상징적으로 제시되는 곱하기 2 조건과 곱하기 4 조건 모두에서 우연 수준보다 유의미하게 높은 수행률을 보였으며, 이는 곱셈에 대한 정규 교육을 받지 않은 어린 아동의 경우에도 비-상징적인 곱셈의 추론이 가능함을 시사한다. 또한, 비-상징적 곱셈 추론 정확도, 대략적 수 민감도의 정확도와 반응시간, 그리고 전체지능(FSIQ) 간의 관계를 살펴본 결과, 곱하기 2 추론 정확도는 ANS 과제에서의 반응시간과 유의미한 부적상관을 보였으며 이러한 결과는 아동의 지능을 통제하였을 때에도 유의하였다. 즉, 곱하기 2 추론의 경우, 만 4-6세 아동이 ANS 과제에서 더 빠르게 반응할수록 비-상징적 곱셈 추론의 정확도가 높았으며, 이러한 관계는 아동의 지능과 관계없이 나타났다. 그러나 곱하기 4 추론 정확도와 ANS, 그리고 지능 간의 관계는 유의미하지 않았다. 본 연구의 결과는 비-상징적 곱셈 추론 능력이 최소 만 4세 연령에서도 가능함을 시사하며, 아동의 ANS가 비-상징적 곱셈 추론 능력을 설명할 수 있음을 시사한다.

      • KCI등재후보

        한국어의 자모음비에 따른 인공와우 착용아동의 무의미 음절의 인지도 변화

        신유정,이경원 한국청각언어재활학회 2011 Audiology and Speech Research Vol.7 No.2

        Children with cochlear implants (CI) have more difficulty in recognizing fricative and affricative sounds than children with normal hearing in a quiet or noisy environments. This study was to examine syllabic recognition scores of CI users by presenting sounds /tʓha/, /kha/, /tha/, /pha/ at the 0, 6 and 12 dB consonant-to-vowel ratios (CVRs) in no masking conditions. This study was to help understand the characteristics of non-sense consonant-vowel (CV) syllabic recognition for Korean children with CIs and facilitate hearing-rehabilitation for them. Eleven children with CIs, aged between 6.9 years and 11.0 years (Mean age : 8.3 years) participated as subjects. Each consonant was amplified with 0, 6 and 12 dB from four Korean CV syllables which consisted of combined consonants /tʓh/, /kh/, /th/, /ph/ with a vowel /a/. As a result, in recognition scores of /tha/ and /pha/, there were no significant differences identified with the increased CVRs. However, in overall, the recognition of non-sense CV syllables were improved when CVRs increased to +6 dB (p < .05). Furthermore, there were no significant differences in recognition scores among /tʓha/, /kha/,/tha/, /pha/ as a function of CVRs. The CV syllable recognition scores showed an improvement with a CVR increase for Korean CI children. Further research will conduct on the CVR effects in a noisy condition by various groups in the future. It is suggested that CI manufacturers strive to develop new speech processing strategies to help CI users for effective communication.

      • KCI등재

        장소의 개념 변화에 따른 장소정체성에 관한 연구

        서동진 한국공간디자인학회 2024 한국공간디자인학회논문집 Vol.19 No.1

        (Background and Purpose) In general, it is perceived that the definition of place has been well established as the perception that place is where people reside. In the context of the Corona era and entered the Post-Corona era in particular, the concept of space and place is expanding, and the conceptual scope of place identity relation to space is also changing in a variety of way. Digital transformation and the development of AI further are accelerating this phenomenon. The concepts of space and place have expanded in meaning. The purpose of this study is to examine the expansion of place identity in conceptual terms as new spaces and places emerge and change time. (Method) Firstly, a review and conceptual extension changes in the concepts of space and place. Secondly, new research was conducted on the concepts of space and place, including traditional definitions and the importance of human-centered experience. The research also explored changes in the subject, loss of place, and non-place. Thirdly, a study of the loss, restoration and expansion of place identity in new communities through digital transformation, which compares and reinterprets the concept of place in light of technological change. (Results) As the focus of a location shifts towards humans, it becomes apparent that it consists of two components: the place itself, which defines the location's identity, and the sense of place, which represents the human's identity in relation to the location. The concept of practical space theory has evolved due to scientific and social developments. As a result of technological and social changes, the concepts of place loss and non-place emerged. Loss of place and its characteristics were derived through examples of digital content and space. The case of the metaverse represents a selective and fluid identity through the concept of non-place, and identity recovery is achieved. A representative example of the anthropological concept of place, focused on human experience, is the digital twin. This concept recovers and expands identity through ripple effects that are reflected in a realistic virtual environment throughout the life cycle. (Conclusions) The concept of place has undergone significant changes, from the traditional notion of space to the anthropological construct of non-place. Examining the changes in the traditional concept of place, the loss of place, and the concept of non-place, and compare the characteristics of each place. This analysis reveals that there has been the loss, recovery, and expansion of place identity. It is expected that empathy and interaction at a cognitive level due to the acceleration of technology due to digital transformation and changes in human-centered subjects will continue to maintain and evolve the recovery and expansion of place identity in new spaces and places.

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