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        교과서에 수록된 한국근대음악사의 문제점 및 개선방안 -2015 개정 중학교 음악교과서를 중심으로-

        금용웅 한국국악교육연구학회 2023 국악교육연구 Vol.17 No.2

        This study examines the problems of Korean modern music history presented in 14 types of the 2015 revised middle school music textbooks and suggests measures for improvement. First, the results of investigating the problems are as follows. Concerning periods and years (eras), they referred to both ‘the modern era’ and ‘the contemporary era’ as ‘the modern and contemporary era’ together, presented the point of the modern era that did not align with musical characteristics, or presented the point of the modern era with multiple different sections. Regarding learning goals and learning activities, they used implicitly vague verbs, mix modern and contemporary contents or lacked diversity and accuracy, especially in the case of learning activities. About learning content, they included information that was inconsistent with facts, lacked sufficient evidence, or omitted meaningful content requiring the need of learning. Concerning learning materials, they contained photographs that did not match the eras or the title, presented only illustrative materials without photographs or lacked learning materials that could provide diverse information. About the problems above, this author suggests how to improve them as follows. Concerning periods and years (eras), it is needed to divide the modern and contemporary eras into ‘the modern era’ and ‘the contemporary era’ respectively and revise the point of modern times to ‘the end of the 19th century.’ The learning goals and learning activities are suggested to use clear and explicit verbs and exclude the contemporary era content. Learning activities are suggested to include new content that can connect with history and music subjects (from other units) and are suitable for learning modern music history. Learning contents are suggested to align with facts and evidence and include new learning contents that can help enhance the efficiency of learning. Learning materials are suggested to replace the ones with photos that match the times, include both illustrative materials and photographs, and add newspaper materials containing various information. With this study as an opportunity, this author expects that the music-historical significance and educational value of Korean modern music history in the middle school music curriculum will be reevaluated and Korean modern music history to be included in the 2022 revised middle school music textbooks will be reborn as more accurate and efficient contents. 본고는 2015 개정 중학교 음악교과서 14종에 수록된 한국근대음악사의 문제점을 검토하고 개선방안을 제시한 연구이다. 먼저 문제점을 검토한 결과는 다음과 같다. 시대 및 연도(연대)에서는 근대를 현대와 아울러 ‘근현대’로 표기하고, 음악적 특징과 부합하지 않는 근대의 시점을 제시하였으며, 근대의 시점이 여러 갈래로 수록되었다. 학습목표 및 학습활동에서는 의미가 모호한 암시적 동사를 사용하거나, 근대와 현대가 혼용된 내용을 수록하였으며, 학습활동의 경우 다양성 및 정확성이 결여된 내용이 제시되었다. 학습내용에서는 사실과 다르거나 근거가 부족한 내용을 수록하고, 학습의 필요성이 요구되는 내용이 누락되었다. 학습자료에서는 시대 및 제목에 부합하지 않는 사진자료가 실리거나, 사진자료 없이 그림자료만 제시하였으며, 다양한 정보 제공이 가능한 학습자료가 부재하였다. 이상의 문제점에 대한 개선방안을 제시한 결과는 다음과 같다. 시대 및 연도(연대)는 근현대를 ‘근대’와 ‘현대’로 분리 수록하고, 근대의 시점을 ‘19세기 말’로 정정하도록 제안하였다. 학습목표 및 학습활동은 의미가 분명한 명시적 동사를 사용하고 현대를 배제한 내용으로 정정하였으며, 학습활동의 경우 역사교과 및 음악교과(타 단원)와 연계가 가능하고, 근대음악사 학습에 적합한 새로운 내용을 제시하였다. 학습내용은 사실과 근거에 맞는 내용으로 정정하고, 학습의 효율성 제고에 도움이 될 새로운 내용의 추가를 제안하였다. 학습자료는 시대나 제목에 일치하는 사진으로 교체하는 방안을 제시하였으며, 그림자료와 사진자료를 병행 수록하고, 다양한 정보가 담긴 신문자료의 수록을 제안하였다. 본고를 계기로 중학교 음악교육과정에서 한국근대음악사가 지니는 음악사적 의의와 교육의 가치가 재고되어, 향후 2022 개정 중학교 음악교과서에 수록될 한국근대음악사는 보다 정확하고 효율적인 내용으로 거듭나길 기대한다.

      • KCI등재

        고등학교 문학교과서 수록 근대전환기 소설 텍스트의 교육 방법론 재고 -제7차 교육과정과 2009년 개정 교육과정 문학교과서 수록 텍스트를 중심으로-

        문한별 한국언어문학회 2013 한국언어문학 Vol.84 No.-

        The Methodology of Education of Novel Texts in the Transition Period to Modern Era in High School Literature TextbooksThe 27 novels of transition period to modern era are contained in the literature textbooks of 7th Korean education curriculum and 2009' Korean education curriculum. They are characterized that eleven works of authors of five are duplicated in at least one textbook up to seven textbooks. Among them, Ahn Kuk-sun's 「Keum-su-heoi-log」 is contained in nine textbooks, Lee In-Jik's 「Hyul-e-nu」 is in seven, 「Yeun-Se-Gae」 is in three, Lee Kwang-su's 「Mujeong」 is included in five, Lee Hae-jo and Shin Chae-ho's works are in one respectively. Works of the specific author are overwhelming. The problem is whether these specific authors and works can have representative of the transition period to modern era' novel. Therefore, this paper tried to investigate relevance of the reduplication and representativeness focusing on narrative of novels in the literature textbooks of 18 kinds. As a result, the literature textbooks approached too simply to novels of transition period to modern Era in description of helping learners to understand works, and the narrative that may encroach on learners' active learning possibilities was also identified. To overcome such problems, this paper points out that literature textbooks should be contain works that can learn novels of transition period to modern era actively and objectively, also division of history of Literature should be described neutrally. Until now, the studies on 『So-Nyeon』 have focused on functions as a modern educational magazine and Choi Namsun’s translation work etc. This paper is to analyze about the possibility of new narrative style of transition period to modern era based on two narrative explanatory texts in magazine 『So-Nyeon』. The narrative explanatory texts mean that seasoned with nature of the narrative in explanatory writing that described for the purpose of transferring modern knowledge. The narrative style used in such writings's is appropriation of questions and answers-style, setting of fictional characters, description of background etc. Investigation results of this paper, the narrative explanatory texts in 『So-Nyeon』 are new style's texts that difficult to find in other media of transition period to modern era, it is significant that shows new aspects of the narrative's mixture in this period. Also it was found that the combination of explanatory texts and narrative style for modern enlightening education opened up the possibility of Korean Bildungsroman(educational novel). The 27 novels of transition period to modern era are contained in the literature textbooks of 7th Korean education curriculum and 2009' Korean education curriculum. They are characterized that eleven works of authors of five are duplicated in at least one textbook up to seven textbooks. Among them, Ahn Kuk-sun's 「Keum-su-heoi-log」 is contained in nine textbooks, Lee In-Jik's 「Hyul-e-nu」 is in seven, 「Yeun-Se-Gae」 is in three, Lee Kwang-su's 「Mujeong」 is included in five, Lee Hae-jo and Shin Chae-ho's works are in one respectively. Works of the specific author are overwhelming. The problem is whether these specific authors and works can have representative of the transition period to modern era' novel. Therefore, this paper tried to investigate relevance of the reduplication and representativeness focusing on narrative of novels in the literature textbooks of 18 kinds. As a result, the literature textbooks approached too simply to novels of transition period to modern Era in description of helping learners to understand works, and the narrative that may encroach on learners' active learning possibilities was also identified. To overcome such problems, this paper points out that literature textbooks should be contain works that can learn novels of transition period to modern era actively and objectively, also division of history of Literature should be described neutrally. Until now, the studies on 『So-Nyeon』 have focused on functions as a modern educational magazine and Choi Namsun’s translation work etc. This paper is to analyze about the possibility of new narrative style of transition period to modern era based on two narrative explanatory texts in magazine 『So-Nyeon』. The narrative explanatory texts mean that seasoned with nature of the narrative in explanatory writing that described for the purpose of transferring modern knowledge. The narrative style used in such writings's is appropriation of questions and answers-style, setting of fictional characters, description of background etc. Investigation results of this paper, the narrative explanatory texts in 『So-Nyeon』 are new style's texts that difficult to find in other media of transition period to modern era, it is significant that shows new aspects of the narrative's mixture in this period. Also it was found that the combination of explanatory texts and narrative style for modern enlightening education opened up the possibility of Korean Bildungsroman(educational novel).

      • KCI등재

        현대문명의 위기와 후천개벽 사상의 포스트모던적 함의

        김철수 ( Kim Chul Soo ) 국제뇌교육종합대학원 국학연구원 2020 선도문화 Vol.28 No.-

        현대문명의 중요한 근원은 서구 근대적 세계관이다. 이 세계관은 기계론적 자연관에 근거하여 과학기술의 발전을 토대로 자유와 이성을 확보했고 산업혁명과 근대국가의 현대문명을 형성하여 왔다. 현대문명의 비약적인 발전으로 인류의 삶은 풍요로워졌고 합리적 문명건설이 가능해졌지만 현 인류가 근대적 세계관에 고착되어 발전을 추구하고 달성할수록 행복하기 보다는 대립과 갈등이 심화되고 생태적 문제들과 심리적 불안이 가중되는 역설적인 상황에 직면하고 있다. 크리쉬나의 수레처럼 끊임 없이 달려온 현대문명이다. 현대문명의 현재 상황은 불안하고 위태로우며, 우리는 현대문명 이후 곧 포스트모던 시대를 담론하고 있는 것이다. 지금 인류에게 절실한 것은 서구 근대적 세계관에 대한 반성과 현대 이후의 세계관의 모색이다. 그리고 다음과 같은 문제를 고민하고 있다. ‘현재 인류의 문명은 어떤 상태에 있는가?’ ‘현대문명 위기와 현 인류가 겪고 있는 고통의 본질은 무엇인가?’ ‘우리는 어디로 나아가야 할 것인가?’ 이러한 문제에 대한 답을 찾으려 고민하고 있다. 이러한 논의를 위해 후천개벽 사상은 좋은 기반을 제공해 준다. 19세기 조선사회에서 전개되었던 후천개벽 사상은 바로 이러한 새로운 문명에 적합한 세계관적 토대를 제공하여 준다. 모든 존재들의 근원적인 시·공간적 통일이라는 통일체적 세계관을 바탕으로 한 후천개벽 사상은 존재물을 대립과 갈등 보다는 조화와 상생이라는 관점에서 바라보고 이해한다. 뿐만 아니라 인간을 온 우주를 자신 안에 품고 있는 우주적인 존재로 인식함으로써, 포스트모던적 삶은 자신에 내재된 우주성을 깨닫고 자신과 세계와의 통일성을 회복하는 것이 된다. 메타종교는 인간개벽을 통해 이러한 깨달음의 삶을 영위할 수 있게 하며 새로운 문명을 여는데 도움을 주어야 할 것이다. Modern civilization is confronted with serious crisis, and stands at the crossroads of great transformation. The important basis of modern civilization is a world-view of modern Western Europe, that is dualism and a mechanistic world-view. This world-view has been a base in development of modern Western civilization as scientific technology, economic capitalism, civil society, political institution such as nation-state, so far as modern religions. But in these days, modern civilization pumps a huge amount of social, political, institutional, ecological problems, and we are hoping for a transformation to new civilization. This new civilization is based on a holistic world-view as distinct from modern civilization. The many components of new civilization are embedded in the thought of the Later-World Transformation. This thought has developed by greatest religious thinker as Choi Su-un, Kim Il-bu, Kang Jeung-san in the 19th century of Korea. Accordingly, the object of this study is to clarify a holistic world-view of coming new civilization and the function of meta-religion in post-modern era. In order to do this, the focus will be on its relationship of characters the Later-World Transformation’ thought and post-modern civilization.

      • KCI등재

        고등학교 문학교과서 수록 근대전환기 소설 텍스트의 교육 방법론 재고

        문한별(Moon, Han-byoul) 한국언어문학회 2013 한국언어문학 Vol.84 No.-

        The 27 novels of transition period to modern era are contained in the literature textbooks of 7th Korean education curriculum and 2009' Korean education curriculum. They are characterized that eleven works of authors of five are duplicated in at least one textbook up to seven textbooks. Among them, Ahn Kuk-sun's 「Keum-su-heoi-log」 is contained in nine textbooks, Lee In-Jik's 「Hyul-e-nu」 is in seven, 「Yeun-Se-Gae」 is in three, Lee Kwang-su's 「Mujeong」 is included in five, Lee Hae-jo and Shin Chae-ho's works are in one respectively. Works of the specific author are overwhelming. The problem is whether these specific authors and works can have representative of the transition period to modern era' novel. Therefore, this paper tried to investigate relevance of the reduplication and representativeness focusing on narrative of novels in the literature textbooks of 18 kinds. As a result, the literature textbooks approached too simply to novels of transition period to modern Era in description of helping learners to understand works, and the narrative that may encroach on learners' active learning possibilities was also identified. To overcome such problems, this paper points out that literature textbooks should be contain works that can learn novels of transition period to modern era actively and objectively, also division of history of Literature should be described neutrally. Until now, the studies on 『So-Nyeon』 have focused on functions as a modern educational magazine and Choi Namsun’s translation work etc. This paper is to analyze about the possibility of new narrative style of transition period to modern era based on two narrative explanatory texts in magazine 『So-Nyeon』. The narrative explanatory texts mean that seasoned with nature of the narrative in explanatory writing that described for the purpose of transferring modern knowledge. The narrative style used in such writings's is appropriation of questions and answers-style, setting of fictional characters, description of background etc. Investigation results of this paper, the narrative explanatory texts in 『So-Nyeon』 are new style's texts that difficult to find in o ther media of transition period to modern era, it is significant that shows new aspects of the narrative's mixture in this period. Also it was found that the combination of explanatory texts and narrative style for modern enlightening education opened up the possibility of Korean Bildungsroman(educational novel).

      • KCI등재

        ‘비서구적 근대’의 길로써 동학과 원불교의 공동체운동

        박맹수(朴孟洙) 원광대학교 원불교사상연구원 2018 원불교사상과 종교문화 Vol.76 No.-

        이 논문은 근대한국에서 자생한 새 종교 동학과 그 동학의 변증법적 전개라 할 수 있는 원불교를 분석 대상으로 삼아, 두 종교가 보여준 새로운 종교운동의 내용과 특징을 ‘비서구적 근대’의 관점에서 해명하고자 한다. 이 글에서는 특히 동학과 원불교가 보여준 새 종교운동에서 드러나는 ‘공공적 실천’ 사례를 서구적 근대와는 다른 독자적인 근대 즉 ‘비서구적 근대’를 추구하고자 한 것으로 해석하는 데에 큰 특징이 있다. 구체적으로, 1860년에 창도된 동학의 경우 창시자 수운은 ‘유무상자(有無相資)’로 대표되는 공동체운동을 통해 공공적 실천의 선구가 되었으며, 2대 교주 해월은 서양 열강의 동점 현상으로 인해 고통을 받고 있던 조선 민중들에게 국산품 애용을 장려함으로써 민중들의 생활공동체를 지키려 했고, 동학농민혁명 최고지도자 전봉준은 ‘보국안민’(輔國安民)의 기치 아래, 19세기 조선 민중들의 희생을 강요하는 서세(西勢)와 조선왕조의 악정(惡政)을 개혁하려는 혁명을 주도했다. 요컨대, 동학의 3대 지도자 모두 서구적 근대에 맞서 독자적인 근대를 추구하기 위해 고군분투했던 것이다. 한편, 동학으로부터 직간접적으로 영향을 받으면서도 동학이 풀지 못한 과제를 동학과는 또 다른 차원에서 해결하고자 1916년에 등장한 원불교는 그 출발 단계부터 철저하게 ‘공(公)’ 즉 공공적 실천을 통해 민중 주도의 ‘비서구적 근대’의 길을 추구하고자 했다. 원불교가 개교 당시부터 ‘공’ 즉 공공적 실천을 중시한 사례는 1919년에 이루어진 9인제자의 기도운동에서 가장 극명하게 드러났다. 9인제자의 기도운동은 ‘사를 버리고 공을 위하는’ 공공적 인간으로 거듭나는 과정이었던 것이다. 9인제자의 기도운동을 통해 확립된 원불교의 공공성 실천의 전통 역시 서구적 근대와는 다른 조선 민중 독자의 근대로의 길, 즉 ‘비서구적 근대’로의 또 다른 길을 제시한 것이었다. This research aimed at investigating the contents and the characteristics of new religion movements of a new religion, Donghak, which naturally grew in modern Korean society, and W on-Buddhism, which can be said a dialectic development of Donghak, based on the viewpoint of‘publicness’. Particularly, this research has a significance to interpret the public practice of Donghak and W on-Buddhism as a pursuit of an independent modern era, that is, ‘non-western modern era’, different from western modern era. Concretely, Donghak, created in 1860, with the founder Suwoon, based on the community movement represented with ‘Yumusangja(有無相資)’, and in case of the 2nd religious sect leader, Haewol, intended to protect the community of the people by encouraging Joseon people to buy domestic goods, who were suffering from Dongjeom phenomenon of western powers, and the leader of Donghak Peasant Revolution, Jeon Bongjun, took the lead of a revolution to reform Seose(西勢) that pressed the people of the 19th century for sacrifice and misgovernment(惡政) of Joseon Dynasty under the banner of ‘Bogukanmin’(輔國安民). In short, all three leaders of Donghak exerted efforts to pursue independent modern era against western modernization. On the other hand, W on-Buddhism, which appeared in 1916 to settle the problems that Donghak couldn’t solve in a different level from Donghak, nevertheless it was influenced by Donghak, highly regarded‘Gong’, that is, practice of publicness, fully from its start. The case where W on-Buddhism highly regarded publicness since its foundation most clearly appeared in the prayer movement of 9 disciples, established in 1919. 9 disciples’ prayer movement was a process to be reformed as public people who ‘abandon private interest and care for public interest’. The tradition of practice of publicness of W on-Buddhism established through 9 disciples’ prayer movement, also suggested another way to the independent modern era of Joseon people, that is, ‘nonwestern modern era’, different from western modern era.

      • KCI등재

        ‘니랄라’의 「람 끼 샥띠-뿌자」(람의 샥띠-숭배)에 관한 연구

        김우조(Kim, Woo-Jo) 한국외국어대학교 인도연구소 2017 남아시아연구 Vol.22 No.3

        인도의 대표적 낭만주의 시인, 니랄라의 「람 끼 샥띠-뿌자」(람의 샥띠-숭배)는 인도 근-현대시사에서 가장 뛰어난 작품 중 하나로 평가 받고 있는 장편시로 람-이야기 전통에 속한다. 람의 전생애를 다룬 발미끼의 『라마야나』가 나온 이후 람-이야기는 다양한 시대정신과 지역적 특성, 사회구조, 다양한 집단들의 관점과 가치와 신념체계를 반영하며 재해석되어 왔다. 근대 인도의 시대적, 사회적 필요성에 따라 창작된 「람 끼 샥띠-뿌자」에서 람-이야기의 재해석은 람을 근대적 인물로 창출하는 데에 집중되어 있다. 따라서 이 글에서는 텍스트 분석을 토대로 내적으로 갈등하는 불완전한 인간으로서 람에 투영된 근대적 인간의 현실과 새로운 최고의 인간으로서 람을 통해 제시되는 근대적 인간의 이상형을 구명할 것이다. 그리고 근대적 인간이 샥띠(힘)를 추구하는데에 봉건적, 근대적 가치의 역할에 대한 시인의 관점과 근대적 인물 창출을 위해 구축한 갈등구조의 특성을 분석할 것이다. 이를 통해 「람 끼 샥띠-뿌자」의 람-이야기 전통에서 위상과 문학사적인 중요성이 밝혀질 것으로 기대된다. Rāma Kī Śakti-Pūjā written by Sūryakānta Tripāṭhī Nirālā, one of the representative poets of Indian Romanticism has been highly esteemed in the history of Indian poetry and belongs to the rich and various Rāma-Story tradition. Rāma-Story has been continuously reinterpreted transcending the times, societies, communities, countries and so on, since the advent of the Rāmāyaṇa of Vālmīki around the 4th BC. Rāma Kī Śakti-Pūjā dealt in this article is a modern Rāma-Story reinterpreted according to the arisen necessity of the time and society in modern India. Nirālā’s reinterpretation of Rāma-Story focused on the creation of the image of modern man reflected in the hero of the Rāma-Story. The image of modern man reflected in Rāma has two facets, one is of an imperfect human being with his inner conflicts depicted repeatedly from the 1st to 10th stanzas and an ideal image of modern perfect man (Puruṣotam) depicted only in the 11th stanza. Nirālā gave prominence to Rāma as an imperfect human being with his inner conflicts. He was keen to bring the realities of modern man to the light by depicting the various aspects of inner conflicts of Rāma repeatedly. Ultimately he emphasized the inner strength of each and every individual for the elimination of the factors of inner conflicts of modern man, which clearly showed his awareness of the modern era. The importance of freedom of the individual was manifested in the self-expression in the romantic poems of India. The freedom of Sitā, Rāma’s wife kidnapped by Ravana, meant the freedom of individual. So to speak, Sitā can be considered as the symbol of the values of the modern era while Ravana as the values of the feudal age and society. The freedom of Sitā is meaning not only the freedom of individual from the feudal values oppressing the individual, but also the freedom from the British imperial rule fostering feudal values for the convenience of the colonial governance. Nirālā implied that the inner strength of the individual can not be increased to infinity by the traditional values such as Dharma, Karma. Instead he chose the worship of Shakti with Hatha Yoga as the symbolic device to make the inner strength of the individual infinite in order to attain Shakti which was on the side of injustice. In conclusion, Nirālā has successfully presented the image of modern man who recognized the inner strength of the individual and struggled for the realization of modern values against the society prevailing feudal values under the atmosphere of supporting the colonial rule. Rāma Kī Śakti-Pūjā can be evaluated as a modern Rāma - Story to satisfy the spirit of new era and the demands of the changing Indian society.

      • KCI등재

        개화기 서울의 문화 유통 공간

        김취정(Kim, Chwi-Jeong) 서울시립대학교 서울학연구소 2013 서울학연구 Vol.- No.53

        Seoul has been the heart of Korea’s culture center of the country from Choseon Dynasty. Especially, during the pre-modern era, the aspect of Seoul as a culture circulating space remarkably increased. The cultural community in the pre-modern era showed totally different aspects in comparison with previous cultural situations. It was the area of Gwangtonggyo that most represented such a changing aspect. The major reason why the area of Gwangtonggyo played a central role in consuming and supporting culture was that most culture patrons resided in the area in the pre-modern era. Moreover, the aspects of commercial city in the area of Gwangtonggyo contributed to establishing a cultural tendency during the pre-modern era. The area of Gwangtonggyo in the pre-modern era was the center of producing, consuming and circulating culture. A space for circulating painting and calligraphy as a modern meaning based on Ji-Jun located around Gwangtonggyo was established and publishing and circulating books began increasing. Such an aspect in the area of Gwangtonggyo gradually expanded to the whole area of Jongro. Around Gwangtonggyo, various modern culture was produced and went on sale and a vital interaction among cultural personages, art sponsorship activities, and energetic art and literature activities of dominant figures of the time appeared. Therefore, the area of Gwangtonggyo in the pre-modern era is considered to build a status as ‘a space for circulating painting and calligraphy.’ This study attempted to examine the track of a culture circulating space in Seoul during the pre-modern era, exclusively limiting to the area of Gwangtonggyo. The purpose of this study includes exploring the aspects of a culture circulating space and making an effort to reinterpret the history of Seoul as a center of culture.

      • KCI등재

        <탁류(濁流)>: 약의 향연

        이병훈(Byoung Hoon Lee) 한국현대소설학회 2013 현대소설연구 Vol.- No.53

        In this paper, I analyzed Chae Man-Sik`s <Turbid Stream> through the symbol system of the modern drugs. This has two purposes. First, I was trying to explain the specific form of modern medicine, its structural problems and various means of modern drug, that appeared in <Turbid Stream>. This approach is not only a new subject for the work but also restoration of the Japanese colonial period in history of pharmacy in Korea. Second, I was trying to analyze ‘drug’ as a symbol in the work. This is the first attempt to analyze <Turbid Stream> through the symbol system of drug as epic motif. Above all, ‘Jejungdang’ as drugstore gives important keyword, that understand Korea health care system of Japanese colonial era. In ‘Jejungdang’ was well reflected the modern pharmaceutical industry of the end of the 1930s. And Chae Man-Sik criticize the inequal ecosystem of ‘drugs’ through druggist Park jeho. He is a figure, who well understand absurdity of the modern pharmaceutical market and system, because Park jeho is directly concerned with the structural contradictions and profiteer in that situation. The modern drugs in <Turbid Stream> emerge as a symbol of emergency prescription for distorted life of characters and its result. Forexample, it is a drug to clear signs of indiscriminate sexual desire(syphilis cure), a drug to judge human greed(poison), a drug to erase the past, that do not want to remember(abortion drug). This is far from the functional purpose of the modern drugs as reasonable treatment for the disease. If so, what is the cause of this inversion of the function of modern drugs? We can be found the cause in two respects: the one is the distorted life of modern society, and the other one is a characteristic of the modern drugs itself. The characters in <Turbid Stream> should try to realize their desires, or conceal the damage through the modern drugs. Because of this the inherent feature of the drug is altered and distorted. For example, syphilis cure is means of destruction of evidence of indiscriminate sexual desire, poison is the weapon of revenge and parturifacient is transformed into an abortion drug. This is demonstrated, that the modern drugs is one axis to sustain modern society`s distorted life. The misuse of the modern drugs are originated from a characteristic of the modern drugs itself. The modern drugs are not a product of nature, but the result of artificial. The result was a simplified form of drugs and human accessibility for drugs has improved by leaps and bounds. Distortion of the features of modern drugs, that abuse of the drug was immediately available in the mechanism. The drug in <Turbid Stream> is closely connected with the tragic life of the person in colony. In this regard, ‘drug’ is a important sign, that reveal Korea`s modern health care system, as well as a symbol, which implies the tragic fate of Korean people of Japanese colonial era.

      • KCI등재

        [회장 취임 기념논문] 동아시아 근대의 고유한 위상과 특징

        김상준(SangJun Kim) 한국이론사회학회 2015 사회와 이론 Vol.26 No.-

        이 글은 동아시아 근대의 고유한 위상과 성격을 추출하고 유형화하여 동아시아 근대에 대한 체계적인 역사사회학적 인식틀을 구축함을 목적으로 한다. 동아시아 근대의 원형(原型)과 그 변형 과정, 이를 통해 형성된 동아시아 근대 체제의 특징, 그리고 그 내부의 (국가 또는 세력 단위의) 하위 유형(sub-types)들을 포착하고 분석하여 체계적으로 범주화할 것이다. 널리 운위되는‘동아시아의 부상(浮上)’은 이제 더 이상 서구 모델과의 근사(近似) 정도로 판정할 수 없게 되었다. 그 부상을 이해하는 관건은 이제 동아시아)가 서구형에 아직 못 미치는 점을 색출하고 격차를 계량하는 것이 아니라, 서구 근대를 그토록 압축적으로 수용할 수 있었던 그 수용체(receptor)의 특이한 형질, 즉 체형(體形)과 체질(體質)이 무엇인가를 규명하는 것이 되었다. 동아시아인으로서의 자부감 때문이 아니라 오히려 동아시아 근대가 직면해 있는 곤경을 이해하고 그로부터의 출구를 모색하기 위해서다. 오늘날 ‘동아시아의 부상’은 ‘서구 근대의 위기’와 긴밀하게 맞물려 있다(근대지속 가능성의 위기). 동아시아 근대가 단지 서구형 근대의성공적 수용일 뿐이라면, 그 역시 위기에 처한 서구 근대의 한계를 더욱 압축적인 형태로 내장 한 채, 압축된 만큼 더욱 빠른 속도로 침몰할 운명일 수도 있다. 동아시아 근대의 고유 형질(形質)에 대한 정확한 이해는 동아시아 압축 근대가 처한 이러한 딜레마의 성격과 연원, 그리고 그 곤경으로 부터의 출구(지속가능한 근대)를 모색하는 데 관건적인 관심사가 된다. ‘동아시아 근대의 독특한 형질’은 동아시아 근대의 원형, 그리고 그 원형의 변형 과정을 동태적 유형학(typology)과 위상학(topology)으로 체계화할 때 포착될 수 있다. 그래야 부상(浮上)이 의미하는 바의 전모와 현재의 상황이 내포한 딜레마의 정체도 밝힐 수 있다. Modern world history in the 21th century seems going back to the future. China and India are coming back to the front stage of history as they were before the ‘European hegemony’. Not only these two, but also South East Asia and Latin America are emerging. Historical importance of Indian Sea and South China Sea is reemphasized. Eurasian silk roads through vast lands and sees are reevaluated and revitalized. This ‘Rise of the Rest’ is an opening of a new future, but also going back to the past, that is, before ‘The Rise of the West’. During the time which historians call ‘the early modern age’, Eurasian civilizations were communicating and transacting more equally than the time of European hegemony. So now we can observe three stages (or sequences) of modern age: 1) the early modern, 2) the fully modern, and 3) the late modern era. The second stage of modern era began from the Rise of the West; and the third stage, from the Rise of the Rest, the civilizational situation of which resembles that of the first one when peace in East Asian prevailed. Reflecting this situation, this paper reformulate East Asian modern history into three stages, and thinking about the possibility of East Asian regime of peace.

      • KCI등재

        1930년대~1940년대 ‘식민지 이중언어문학 장’ 국가와 시장을 둘러싼 언어선택과 문학제도의 재편에 관한 고찰

        차혜영 상허학회 2013 상허학보 Vol.39 No.-

        본고는 식민지 시대 일본어글쓰기의 위상과 의미를, 1934년~1943년까지 『삼천리』, 『경성일보』, 『국민문학』의 조선문학 및 일본어글쓰기에 관한 좌담회를 대상으로, 식민지 이중언어 체계와 자본주의적 근대문학제도라는 문제틀 속에서 태평양 전쟁 이전과 이후와의 내적 연속성의 관점을 견지하며 살펴보았다. 입론적 개괄로서의 2장에서 식민지 시대 문학제도를, 식민지 이중언어체계라는 국가적 축과 근대문학제도라는 자본주의 문화제도라는 두 축으로 이루어졌다고 보았다. 문화정치의 시기를 통해 신문과 잡지 등의 미디어와 출판시장, 가격이 책정된 상품으로서의 책, 독서공중의 존재, 1926년부터 시작된 라디오 방송, 영화, 문화상품으로서의 대중잡지 등 다른 문화상품들 과 경쟁하는 콘테츠로서의 자본주의 문화상품 및 근대문학제도로서 성장해왔다고 할 수 있다. 또한 2차교육령기(1922-1937) 조선어 학교교육의 실시, 민간에서의 문화적 경로를 통한 언어 및 문학 교육 재생산, 그리고 치안유지법과 검열, 카프의 해산 등에서 보듯이, 국가권력의 유동적`상시적 개입을 통해 문학제도 구성의 한축으로서의 국가적 차원을 상정할 수 있다고 논했다. 그래서 식민지 이중언어체계하 1922~1938까지 약 15~20년의 시간은 한편에서는 자본주의 근대문학제도로서 한글로 쓰어진 조선문학이 명실상부하게 발전해 온 시간이지만, 다른 한편 국가적 축에서는, 식민지 이중언체계가 유동적으로 허용한 조선어문학장 내에 구속된 채 점층적으로 공공어와 일상어의 분리, 고급어와 저급어의 분리, 독서시장에서 일본어 독자층`일본어 출판물의 지속적 성장이 이루어진 시기라고 할 수 있다. 그리고 이러한 조선 식민지 내부의 ‘자본주의/국가’ 양축의 절합체는, 조선 외부적으로 지배국가(일본)축과 일본자본의 축에 의해 규정`지배되면서 작동해온 것임을 언급했다. 이런 입론하에, 3장에서 문화통치시기(2차교육령기) 일본어글쓰기에 대응하는 조선인 문인지식인들의 『삼천리』(34-36년) 좌담회를, 4장에서 3차교육령기(1938년) 일본어글쓰기에 대한 『경성일보』 좌담회를, 5장에서 태평양전쟁기~4차교육령 개정까지의 1940년대 『국민문학』, 『삼천리』 좌담회를, 언어선택을 둘러싼 국가와 시장의 제도적 규약지점이 어떻게 변동되고 지속되는가를 분석했다. 구체적으로 3장에서, 문화통치시기인 2차교육령기(1922~1937)의 『삼천리』좌담회(34년~36년)를 통해, 장혁주가 제공한 ‘식민지 조선인의 일본어(국어)문단 신진진출’이라는 사건에 반응하는 이 시기 조선어문학장의 대응방식을 분석했다. 장혁주의 식민지배국 진출(국어권 진출)을 미국` 프랑스와 같은 해외진출과 동렬화하고, 그것은 조선문학이 아니다라는 조선어 순혈주의로 배제하는 조선문학 정의의 내부적인 지점을 논했다. 그러나 이는 외부적 시각에서 보면, 이 장혁주 사건은 1922년부터 지속된 2차 신교육령시기 식민지 이중언어체계하에서, 일본 측의 출판자본의 시장개척 요구, 언어적으로 균질화된 더 넓은 시장의 필요성, 그것을 위한 미디어의 개방, 그리고 그것을 위한 언어일원화, 증가해가는 국어권 독자(=국어권 국민)의 존재라는 상황이 결합된 결과임을 논했다. 4장에서 조선어가 선택과목화 되고, 조선인 지원병제가 실시되는 3차교육령기를 『경성일보』 좌담회를 통해 살펴보았다. 조선적 본질주의와 일어로의 번역불가능성을 ... Targeting the symposiums of 『Samcheonri』, 『Kyungsungilbo』 and 『Kukminmunhak』 over Joseon literature and Japanese writing from 1934 to 1943, this paper investigated the status and meaning of Japanese writing in the colonial era by analyzing the bilingual language system in the colonial era and the capitalistic modern literary institution before and after the Pacific War, from the perspective of inner continuity. In chapter 2 an argumentative summary, the literary institution in the colonial era was considered to consist of two axes; the bilingual language system of the colonial age and the capitalistic modern literary institution. Capitalistic cultural goods and modern literary institution have been developed as contents to compete with media such as newspaper and magazine, publishing market, books as priced commodities, reading public, popular magazines as radio broadcasting, film and cultural goods launched in 1926, during the period of cultural politics. Also, the implementation of Joseon language education in school during the 2nd educational law period(1922-1937), reproduction of language and literary education through cultural channels in the private sector, the Peace Preservation Law, censorship and dispersion of KAPF demonstrate that they made a contribution to the formation of the literary institution on a national level, through fluid and regular intervention of state power. As a capitalistic modern literary institution, Joseon literature written in Hangul had made remarkable advance for nearly 15~20 years from 1922~1938, under the bilingual system of the colonial age, but from the national point of view, this was also when public language and high-level language were separate from ordinary language and low-level language by gradation, and Japanese readers and publications constantly developed in the reading market, while it was repressed in the Joseon language literary field that was fluidly allowed by the bilingual system of the colonial age. Moreover, it was mentioned that the articulation of two axes; 'capitalism/state' in the colonial era developed, being regulated and ruled by the ruling nation(Japan) and Japanese capital. Based on this argumentation, chapter 3 analyzed the 『Samcheonri』(1934~1936) symposium of Joseon literary intellectuals who stood against Japanese writing during the cultural ruling period(the 2nd educational law period), chapter 4 analyzed the 『Kyungsungilbo』 symposium on Japanese writing during the 3rd educational law period(1938), and chapter 5 analyzed the 『Kukminmunhak』 and 『Samcheonri』 symposiums of the 1940s from the Pacific War to the 4th educational law revision, in order to see how the institutional regulations in the country and market over language selection changed and lasted. After classifying these symposiums according to each period and medium, each chapter examined 1) the articulation of the market and state in the Joseon language literary field of the colonial era through discourse analysis of symposiums, and 2) the regulation by the 'articulation of the market and state in the colonial era'. During the three periods(the 2nd educational law period and cultural ruling period, the 3rd educational law period, and the war period of the 40s), 1) the country(colonial policy and war)'s bilingual system in the colonial era changed into the monolingual system, and 2) it led to the change of the capital(market) which was in a complementary relation with this, in the end. The 'writing subjects of Joseon' yielded by the process of modern literary institutionalization within this 'articulation of the market and state in the colonial era' were regulated, being bound by the literary field that was multiply affected by the regulations of the capital and state like desire for good writings to build literary career and win prize, readers and the conditions of the publishing market, the existence of magazines and newspapers and rights for their continuati...

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