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      • KCI등재

        Code-switching and cognitive models of the process of simultaneous interpreting

        Won, Jong-Hwa 한국통역번역학회 2007 통역과 번역 Vol.9 No.2

        Won, Jong-Hwa. (2007). Code-switching and cognitive models of the process of simultaneous interpreting. Conference Interpretation and Translation, 9(2), 89-112. Bilingual code-switching has long been recognized as an important linguistic phenomenon worthy of serious investigation. Code-switching is a special skill possessed by bilinguals which allows them to switch from one language to another in the course of a communicative exchange without slowing down speech delivery. The process involves the integration of the morphological, phonological, and syntactic structures of the two codes or languages in real time. Code-switching is a particularly vital aspect of the behavior of the simultaneous interpreters. Indeed, one of the major defining characteristics of simultaneous interpreting is that it inevitably involves code-switching in which switches occur moment by moment not only by the speakers but by the interpreters themselves. Code-switching can also be said to occur when interpreters listen in one language and delivers in another. Few interpreting models formulated so far, however, have incorporated the code-switching process, with the result that simultaneous interpreting is presented as a strict, linear, one-way process. This paper asks the question “To what extent should the theory of code-switching be drawn upon in describing and explaining the process of simultaneous interpreting?” and a tentative answer is offered by integrating the switching process into Setton’s (1999) simultaneous interpreting model. Keywords: Code-switching, mental lexicon, parsing, executive, frame

      • KCI등재

        El cambio de código entre español e inglés observado en Twitter

        황경진 ( Kyungjin Hwang ) 한국스페인어문학회(구 한국서어서문학회) 2021 스페인어문학 Vol.- No.98

        Due to immigration to Latin America from the 19th century, the Hispanic population now makes up a large proportion of the United States. As a result, the use of code-switching between Spanish and English is prevalent. This study aims to investigate code-switching on social networks in the southwestern United States. Conversation on social networks differs a lot from ordinary conversations. Twitter, in particular, tends to be refined and less spontaneous, unlike other media that are spontaneous. However, many studies have only dealt with code-switching in spontaneous situations. However, this study intends to observe code-switching on Twitter using less improvised and refined language. This study collected about 201,000 tweets written in the southwestern United States through a crawling method through the “tweepy” API provided by Twitter. Afterwards, about 899 code-switching between Spanish and English of tweets collected were analyzed. And the analysis results are as follows. First of all, it was largely divided into intra-sentential and inter-sentential code-switching. In the case of intra-sentential code-switching, replacement of simple occurred most frequently, and in the case of inter-sentential code-switching, most often occurred in the form of sentence insertion. This is because the speaker who uses code-switching unconsciously uses it in a way that does not try to violate the grammar of both languages. Considering that Hispanic immigration in the United States has a long history, and the use of Spanish decreases with generations, and the fact that formal education in the United States is conducted in English, many Hispanics in the Southwestern United States are unable to speak both English and Spanish fluently and completely. Therefore, bilingual speakers seem to use a lot of code-switching by word insertion and sentence insertion that can minimize grammatical violation. There are three main reasons for using code switching, and the first is a symbol of intimacy. If the other side to whom the mentions are exchanged seems to mainly speak Spanish, even if the speaker mainly uses English, Spanish code-switching was inserted to express intimacy. Secondly, code switching was inserted for the purpose of arousing attention to emphasize emotional expression, and thirdly, it can be interpreted that the phenomenon of gradually inserting English due to the high linguistic status of English in the United States occurs.

      • KCI등재

        K-pop 노랫말의 코드 전환 양상 및 담화 기능

        강희숙 ( Kang Hui-suk ) 전남대학교 호남학연구원 2016 호남학 Vol.0 No.60

        2000년대 중반 이후 한국의 대중가요, 일명 K-pop에서는 이중 언어 또는 다중언어 공동체에서 나타날 수 있는 언어 선택(language choice)이 상당히 활발하게 이루어져 왔다. 이와 같은 사실을 전제로 본 연구에서는 최근 3년간 인터넷 멜론월간 차트(http://www.melon.com)에서 상위 10위 안에 든 360곡 중 중복으로 순위에 오른 곡을 제외한 272곡을 대상으로 K-pop 노랫말의 언어와 언어 선택의 양상 및 그와 같은 언어 선택의 구체적인 모습으로서 코드 전환의 양상 및 기능에 대해 살펴보았다. 연구 결과를 요약하면 다음과 같다. 첫째, 대상곡인 272곡 가운데 코드 전환을 보인 곡은 171곡으로 63.9%의 비중을 차지한다. 특히, 가장 최근인 2015년에는 72.8%가 코드 전환을 보여, 갈수록 코드전환이 활발해지고 있음이 확인되었다. 둘째, 대부분의 코드 전환이 한국어(기저언어)와 영어(삽입 언어) 간의 선택을 통해 이루어지는 가운데 펀자브어 또는 프랑스어가 선택되기도 하였다. 이는 세계화의 특성을 반영하는 것으로, K-pop에서의 언어 선택이 영어 외의 다른 언어로 확장될 가능성이 있음을 시사하는 것이다. 셋째, 코드 전환을 코드 혼용(code-mixing)과 좁은 의미의 코드 전환(codeswitching)으로 구분하였을 때, 코드 혼용과 함께 코드 전환을 보여주는 곡은 124곡으로 72.5%의 높은 비중을 차지한다. 이는 대부분의 K-pop 가사가 코드 혼용과 코드 전환을 동시에 보이고 있음을 반영하는 것이다. 넷째, K-pop 노랫말에서 나타나는 코드 전환의 담화 기능은 음악적 기능과 의미적 기능 두 가지로 구분할 수 있다. 음악적으로는 `압운, 후렴, 추임새` 등의 기능을, 의미적으로는 `정체성 표현, 강조, 명확화, 완곡어법, 인용` 등의 기능을 수행하고 있음이 특징이다. The language choice, which usually appears in a bilingual or multilingual community, has been actively done on K-pop after mid 2000`s. On the assumption of this fact, targeting 272 songs among 360 songs which exclude overlaps in recent three years monthly chart on `Melon`, this research examined the language, language choice, and the aspects and functions of code-switching as specifics of K-pop lyrics. The summary of result is as follows. First, 171 songs, which consists 63.9% of 272 subjecting songs showed the code-switching, especially 72.8% showed code-switching on 2015, implying code-switching is on the rise. Second, while most code-switching is done with Korean(base language) and English(insertion language), also Panjabi and French had been chosen. This reflects the aspects of globalization, which suggests possibility that language choice of K-pop can be expanded to other languages besides English. Third, when divide code-switching into code-mixing and narrow sense of code-switching, 124 songs(72.5%) showed code-mixing with code switching. This shows most of K-pop lyrics is showing code-switching and code-mixing at the same time. Fourth, code-switching`s discourse function appears on K-pop lyrics can be subdivided into musical and meaning functions. Musical function includes `rhyme, refrain, rejoinder`, meaning function includes `expression of identity, emphasis, clarification, euphemism, quotation`. This research is significant in investigation of recent aspects and functions of language selection and code-switching. Especially it is distinguished among existing researches in that it embodied function of code-switching by dividing it into two separate functions-musical and meaning.

      • KCI등재

        대만의 國語와 閩南語 코드전환 의도 연구 ―대만 시사토론 프로그램 중 코드전환 사례를 위주로

        염재웅 한국중국문화학회 2023 中國學論叢 Vol.- No.77

        In this study, through the data of code-switching between Mandarin and South Min diarect in a current affairs discussion program in Taiwan, we examined what intention the speaker uses code-switching in a situation where political positions are sharply divided. Among the 127 code-switching examples, excluding 7 cases with no particular code-switching intention, Therer are 120 code-switching examples that are divided three type, the first type is “speaker’s intention-centered code-switching” which the speaker tries to reinforce and persuade his argument, the second type is “listener’s intention-centered code- switching” which is carried out by the speaker for the purpose of stimulating or placating the listener, and the third type is the combined type of “speaker’s intention-centered code-switching” and “listener’s intention-centered code- switching”. “listener’s intention-centered code- switching” is used 86 times (72%), “speaker’s intention-centered code-switching” is used 28 times (23%), and “speaker’s intention-centered code-switching” and “listener intention-centered code-switching” type were used 6 times (5%). 본 연구에서는 대만의 시사토론 프로그램에서 발생되는 국어와 민남어의 코드전환 자료 통해 정치적 입장이 첨예하게 갈리는 상황에서 화자는 어떤 의도를 가지고 코드전환을 사용하는지 고찰해보았다. 127개의 코드전환 용례 가운데 특별한 코드전환의 의도가 없는 7개의 용례를 제외한 120개의 코드전환 용례를 화자가 자신의 주장을 강화하고 설득하려는 “화자의 의도가 중심이 되는 코드전환(화자 중심 의도)”과 화자가 청자를 자극하거나 회유할 목적으로 진행되는 “청자의 의도가 중심이 되는 코드전환(청자 중심 의도)”으로 분류하였는데, 상황에 따라서 “화자 중심 의도”와 “청자 중심 의도”가 결합된 용례도 발견할 수 있었다. 코드전환의 전체적인 사용 비율로 보면 “청자 중심 의도”는 86회(72%)로 가장 많이 사용되었고, “화자 중심 의도”는 28회(23%) 사용되었으며, “화자 중심 의도”와 “청자 중심 의도”이 복합적으로 사용된 경우는 6회(5%)로 가장 비중이 낮았다. 일반적으로 토론 형식의 발화라면 자신의 주장을 강조하는 것을 우선으로 삼을 것으로 예측할 것이다. 그러나 본고의 연구 대상은 친국민당 성향의 시사토론 프로그램에서의 발화 내용이다. 따라서 국어 코드를 주로 사용하는 친국민당 성향의 화자들의 숫자가 더 많은 이 프로그램에서 친민진당 성향의 청자를 자극하고 회유할 생각으로 상대방의 코드인 민남어 코드의 사용하는 경우가 많았고, 이와 같은 이유로 “화자 중심 코드전환”보다 “청자 중심 코드전환”의 빈도가 3배 이상 높은 결과가 나온 것으로 유추해볼 수 있을 것이다.

      • KCI등재

        Constructing Multilayered Identity Through Code-Switching: Differences Between Girls and Boys.

        윤성원 한국응용언어학회 2012 응용 언어학 Vol.28 No.4

        This study explores the social meanings and functions of code choices between English and Korean by young Korean children in a Korean community in the U.S. It examines the ways code-switching contributes to the children’s co-construction of their social identities in their social groups. The major data consist of 42 hours of ethnographically collected videotaped interaction among Korean children over the course of four academic semesters in a Korean community in the U.S. Data analysis is qualitative and focuses on the macro and micro analysis of videotaped interactions including code-switching in situated activity types. The selected scenes for data analysis were transcribed to examine whether and how the specific sequences exhibit the roles that codes and code-switching play in constructing social identities. The findings of this study suggest some theoretical implications of code-switching research. First, code-switching contributes to the dynamic construction of local identities associated with different codes. Second, code-switching has a social indexing function that signals particular features of social identities and contexts. Third, social meanings of code-switching are always (re)constructed based on the relationships between local contexts, multiple intentional meanings, and characteristics of different people, so the social meanings of code-switching can be creative and emergent.

      • KCI등재

        Constructing Multilayered Identity Through Code-Switching

        Seongwon Yun 한국응용언어학회 2012 응용 언어학 Vol.28 No.4

        This study explores the social meanings and functions of code choices between English and Korean by young Korean children in a Korean community in the U.S. It examines the ways code-switching contributes to the children’s co-construction of their social identities in their social groups. The major data consist of 42 hours of ethnographically collected videotaped interaction among Korean children over the course of four academic semesters in a Korean community in the U.S. Data analysis is qualitative and focuses on the macro and micro analysis of videotaped interactions including code-switching in situated activity types. The selected scenes for data analysis were transcribed to examine whether and how the specific sequences exhibit the roles that codes and code-switching play in constructing social identities. The findings of this study suggest some theoretical implications of code-switching research. First, code-switching contributes to the dynamic construction of local identities associated with different codes. Second, code-switching has a social indexing function that signals particular features of social identities and contexts. Third, social meanings of code-switching are always (re)constructed based on the relationships between local contexts, multiple intentional meanings, and characteristics of different people, so the social meanings of code-switching can be creative and emergent.

      • KCI등재

        Code-switching and cognitive models of the process of simultaneous interpreting

        원종화 한국통역번역학회 2007 통역과 번역 Vol.9 No.2

        Won, Jong-Hwa. (2007). Code-switching and cognitive models of the process of simultaneous interpreting. Conference Interpretation and Translation, 9(2), 89-112. Bilingual code-switching has long been recognized as an important linguistic phenomenon worthy of serious investigation. Code-switching is a special skill possessed by bilinguals which allows them to switch from one language to another in the course of a communicative exchange without slowing down speech delivery. The process involves the integration of the morphological, phonological, and syntactic structures of the two codes or languages in real time. Code-switching is a particularly vital aspect of the behavior of the simultaneous interpreters. Indeed, one of the major defining characteristics of simultaneous interpreting is that it inevitably involves code-switching in which switches occur moment by moment not only by the speakers but by the interpreters themselves. Code-switching can also be said to occur when interpreters listen in one language and delivers in another. Few interpreting models formulated so far, however, have incorporated the code-switching process, with the result that simultaneous interpreting is presented as a strict, linear, one-way process. This paper asks the question “To what extent should the theory of code-switching be drawn upon in describing and explaining the process of simultaneous interpreting?” and a tentative answer is offered by integrating the switching process into Setton’s (1999) simultaneous interpreting model. Keywords: Code-switching, mental lexicon, parsing, executive, frame

      • KCI등재

        코드 스위칭과 통사이론에 대한 비판적 고찰

        이만기 ( Man KiLee ) 한국스페인어문학회 2010 스페인어문학 Vol.0 No.55

        In this paper, Ihave reexamined the previous syntactic theoretical studies on intrasentential code switching with special reference to Spanish and English code switching among hispanic americans in the US. First, Ihave showed Timm(1975)`s five constraints on Spanish/English code switching, which seems to be a descriptive ones. Second, Ihave critically reconsidered some previous syntactic theory-based studies on code switching such as Poplack(1980)`s Equivalence Constraint, Woolford(1983)`s highly Phrase Structureoriented approach, DiSciullo, Muysken and Singh(1986)`s Government Constraint, Mahootian(1993)`s Head Principle, Belazi, Rubin and Toribio(1994)`s Functional Head Constraint, Chan(2008)`s Lexical/ Functional category distinction and finally MacSwan(1999)`s Minimalist Approach to code switching. After the discussion of all of these theoretical approach to code switching, Ihave reexamined Lee(2009a)`s Head Constraint on code switching. In this paper, Ihave reconsidered some unexplained code switched data between Spanish and English, trying to resolve them in terms of syntactic theory. Ihave concluded this paper pointing out that the theory internal research on code switching have actually become one of our mayor linguistic areas and this type of study will contribute to the prosperity of generative grammar. The minimal code switching-specific appartus would be assumed as follows: Nothing constrains code switching apart from the requirements of the mixed grammars.

      • KCI등재후보

        Sociopragmatic Functions of Conversational Code-switching

        YANG, Chul-Joon(양철준) 한국외국어대학교 아프리카연구소 2015 Asian Journal of African Studies Vol.37 No.-

        다언어사회의 구성원들은 일상의 대화에서 종종 코드전환을 한다. 하나의 언어 혹은 변이어에서 다른 언어나 변이어로 전환하는 것을 지칭하는 코드전환은 일상에서 자연스럽게 관찰할 수 있는 의사소통의 패턴이다. 언어적으로 동질적인 사회에서 대화행위에 참여하는 화자들의 시각으로는 다소 생경한 코드전환이 다언어사회에서는 다양한 사회적 기능을 수행하는 일상의 양상이다. 코드전환에 사용된 개별 언어나 변이어는 특정한 대화상황과 맥락에서 특정한 의미나 가치를 지니고 있다. 따라서 화자들은 언어나 변이어에 대한 공유된 인식을 바탕으로 자신들이 전달하고자 하는 의사소통적 목적을 실현하려고 시도한다. 즉, 개별 언어나 변이어에 대한 사회구성원들의 공유된 가치나 인식을 전제로 하는 것이다. 이와 함께 코드전환을 통해 대인관계를 재규정하고 사회적 권리나 의무에 대한 교섭을 행한다. 본 논문은 자연스럽게 이루어지는 대화상황을 녹취해서, 대화가 이루어지는 상황과 맥락에 대한 관찰을 통해 화자들이 어떤 동기로 코드전환을 하며 코드전환을 통해 실현되는 담화적 효과를 고찰하고 있다. 코드전환은 언어구사능력의 제한이나 한계에 기인한다기보다는 오히려 화자의 의도된 의미를 전달하기 위한 능숙한 의사소통행위이자 목적이라고 보는 것이 타당하다. 이러한 의미에서 다언어사회에서의 코드전환은 언어적으로 동질적인 사회에서 관찰할 수 있는 스타일이나 언어사용역의 변화를 통해 새로운 상황과 맥락을 창출하고, 의도된 의미를 전달하려는 행위와 본질적으로 상이하지 않다고 볼 수 있는 것이다. 본 논문은 다양한 상황과 맥락 속에서 관찰할 수 있는 대화에서의 코드전환이 어떤 화용론적 기능을 수행하며, 어떤 의도된 의미를 전달하는지 분석하는 것을 목표로 하고 있다. 따라서 맥락화 단서와 기능적 차원의 효과를 살펴보고 해석적인 방법으로 그 과정에 접근하고자 한다. The seemingly taken-for-granted commonsensical perception that code-switching occurs mainly due to language proficiency limitations has been wrongly understood as a given. However, a plethora of studies have proved that code-switching, which refers to the alternation between two varieties, does not take place as a haphazard activity but skilled performance (Myers-Scotton 1993b:47). The present study seeks to address the sociopragmatic functions code-switching fulfills in conversational interactions. Code-switching performs a number of sociopragmatic functions by virtue of the functions each language involved is presumed to fulfill. Sociopragmatic meaning-making functions of code-switching show the multifaceted nature of psychological motivations and generate a variety of discursive effects. This paper delves into what motivates speakers to engage in code-switching in naturally occurring conversation. Why and how do bilinguals switch languages? This is the question to be raised and answered. What motivates them to switch from one code to another in the same conversation? This paper is an attempt to explore the sociopragmatic functions that derive from conversational code-switching, which is alternating two or more languages in bilinguals’ utterances. Much attention has been paid to discursive effects and sociopragmatic functions, grammatical and formal constraints, but without generally agreed-upon rules. Despite being eccentric, esoteric and even nonsensical from a monolingual point of view, code-switching carries out a number of sociopragmatic functions that are inseparably related to conveying the speaker"s intended communicative meaning. Why bilinguals switch from one language to another in conversational code-switching might be an unintelligible conundrum for monolinguals, but can be adequately deciphered by investigating the contextual cues and its functionality. In case of necessity, non-conversational types of code-switching such as political discourse are included to bolster the argument.

      • KCI등재후보

        Sociopragmatic Functions of Conversational Code-switching: Some Examples from Nairobi, Kenya

        양철준 한국외국어대학교(글로벌캠퍼스) 아프리카연구소 2015 Asian Journal of African Studies Vol.37 No.-

        The seemingly taken-for-granted commonsensical perception that code-switching occurs mainly due to language proficiency limitations has been wrongly understood as a given. However, a plethora of studies have proved that code-switching, which refers to the alternation between two varieties, does not take place as a haphazard activity but skilled performance (Myers-Scotton 1993b: 47). The present study seeks to address the sociopragmatic functions code-switching fulfills in conversational interactions. Code-switching performs a number of sociopragmatic functions by virtue of the functions each language involved is presumed to fulfill. Sociopragmatic meaning-making functions of code-switching show the multifaceted nature of psychological motivations and generate a variety of discursive effects. This paper delves into what motivates speakers to engage in code-switching in naturally occurring conversation. Why and how do bilinguals switch languages? This is the question to be raised and answered. What motivates them to switch from one code to another in the same conversation?This paper is an attempt to explore the sociopragmatic functions that derive from conversational code-switching, which is alternating two or more languages in bilinguals’ utterances. Much attention has been paid to discursive effects and sociopragmatic functions, grammatical and formal constraints, but without generally agreed-upon rules. Despite being eccentric, esoteric and even nonsensical from a monolingual point of view, code-switching carries out a number of sociopragmatic functions that are inseparably related to conveying the speaker's intended communicative meaning. Why bilinguals switch from one language to another in conversational code-switching might be an unintelligible conundrum for monolinguals, but can be adequately deciphered by investigating the contextual cues and its functionality. In case of necessity, non-conversational types of code-switching such as political discourse are included to bolster the argument.

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