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      • KCI등재

        일본어 학습자의 능동적 지식구성에 관한 연구

        김태희(Kim, TaeHee) 중앙대학교 일본연구소 2017 日本 硏究 Vol.0 No.46

        This study adopt key insight from behaviorism, cognitivism and constructivism so as to construct a learning environment required for Korean learners of the Japanese. The “active learners” proposed by constructivism signifies that they are beings who actively select information, and if learners recognize in class “the boundary between what they know and what they do not” on their own, such a recognition plays a role of “a social context,” helping leaners identify necessary information. The proposed classes were executed based on such a hypothesis that this recognition helps learners’ active selection among information on offer. As an example in which class activities can help integrate and regularly introduce both traditional lecture-based and constructivism-based classes, the study in Phase I conducted a survey with a questionnaire so as hep learners recognize the boundary between what they know and do not know. In Phase II, the study used a traditional lecture-based class, and in Phase III, the study had the learners complete the questionnaire used in Phase I again so as to confirm the result of knowledge construction. Through the “Phase III class that uses questionnaires,” the study reported and evaluated the result.

      • KCI등재

        ‘문장 만들기 활동’을 통한 생성적 관점의 문법 교육 실천에 대한 연구

        남지애 한국문법교육학회 2018 문법 교육 Vol.34 No.-

        The purpose of this study is to evaluate the generative approach to grammar education by analyzing cases of “sentence making activities” in actual grammar classes rooted in a critical awareness of sentence education. First, I reviewed previous studies on sentence related education and concluded that “productive knowledge” is the focus of grammar education. Through this theoretical lens, I analyzed cases of the 'sentence making activities' in six grammar classes in S-high school. I tried to understand the practical aspects of classroom activities including designing sentence making activities, the realization of class activities, and learners’ grammatical experiences in the classes. In this study, I discuss three implications of grammatical education from a generative approach. First, it is important to consider the learner’s perspective when designing generative approaches. Second grammar education should start with the generative ability of the native speakers and through this process we can make various elements of the linguistic processes into learning experiences. Third, it is the learner who must organically connect, integrate and expand the necessary grammar knowledge in the generative process.

      • KCI등재

        전통놀이를 통한 물리적 지식활동 구성과정 분석

        민행난,문미옥 한국유아교육학회 2003 유아교육연구 Vol.23 No.4

        본 연구의 목적은 우리나라 전통놀이 중 물리적 지식활동으로서 구성적 갈등을 유발시키기에 적합한 팽이치기와 굴렁쇠 굴리기 활동을 통한 물리적 지식활동의 전개과정 분석과 재방문 토의하기의 효과를 검증해보며 이 활동을 통한 전통놀이에 대한 유아의 인식변화 대해 알아 보고자 하였다. 본 연구의 결과는 팽이치기에서는 구성과정의 전체 8단계에 걸쳐 59개의 하위 행동과 굴렁쇠 굴리기에서는 7단계에 걸쳐 52개의 하위 행동에서 구성적 갈등 요인과 극복 과정이 분석되었다. 또한 재방문 토의하기를 실시한 집단이 실시라지 않은 집단에 비해 더 많은 하위 행동들을 구성하였으며 흥미와 태도에서도 유의미한 차이가 있었음이 검증되었다. 뿐만 아니라 전통놀이를 통한 물리적 지식활동 전개는 유아의 전통놀이 인식변화에 긍정적 영향을 주었음이 검증되었다. This study explores the constructive process, effective teaching methods, and the educational value of physical knowledge activities centering on two Korean traditional play activities, top spinning and hoop driving. These two particular kinds of play were selected from among many kinds of Korean traditional play because they seemed to be suitable for inducing constructive conflicts. In this study, the subjects were forty-eight 5years old children at S University' Laboratory school located in Seoul. They were divided into an experimental group and a comparative group. Each group consisted of 24 children. The experimental group was then equally divided into two sub-groups. One of the experimental subgroups did retelling along with the traditional play; the other group did not do retelling along with the traditional play. The duration of the study was 20 weeks; 10 weeks were allocated to top spinning and the other 10 weeks were allocated to hoop driving. Each type was played once a week, a total of 10 times. All the processes of the study were recorded by 8㎜ video camera. According to the results of the study, 59 subordinate behaviors spreading over 8 stages have been identified in top spinning. Fifty-eight subordinate behaviors spreading over 7 stages have been identified in hoop driving. In addition, the group that had undergone retelling displayed more subordinate behaviors than the group that did not. Moreover, the fact that they displayed meaningful differences in interest and attitude toward the traditional play was verified as well. Furthermore, changes in the children's understanding of identity, succession and familiarization with traditional play were also observed. In conclusion, in this study the constructive processes of physical knowledge through traditional play activities demonstratively fostered a science education that emphasized the learning process itself. Such activities can be utilized as data for understanding children's developmental sequences. Teaching through retelling proved to be highly effective for maintaining the children's interest in the constructive processes of physical knowledge activities through traditional play. It was also effective in facilitating the children's interactions with one another. In addition, the physical knowledge acquired through traditional play activities positively changed the children's perceptions of traditional play.

      • KCI등재

        비조작 자료의 조작 과정이 학습자의 지식 구성에 미치는 영향 -초등 사회과를 대상으로-

        정혜정 ( Hye Jeong Jeong ),송언근 ( Un Gun Song ) 한국지리환경교육학회 2008 한국지리환경교육학회지 Vol.16 No.1

        비조작 자료와 사회과 지식 구성의 관계 규명을 목적으로 하는 본 논문의 주요 연구 결과는 다음과 같다. 비조작 자료의 조작에 토대한 사회과 수업의 결과는 첫째, 지식의 구성은 일차원적 지식에서 다차원적 지식 구성으로 발전하였다. 둘째, 학생들은 조작과 해석 과정에서 개념의 정의를 확인하고, 자료에 근거해서 생각하고, 타인에 해석에 대해 해석하려는 등, 비판적 사고력이 육성되었다. 셋째, 능동적이고, 맥락적으로 지식을 구성하며, 사회과를 즐거운 교과, 협동하는 교과로 인식하였다. 이 같은 특징과 더불어 사회과 지식이 비조작 자료의 수집과 조작, 그에 토대한 해석의 과정으로 거치면서 구성된다는 점에서 볼 때, 사회과다운 수업과 사회과다운 탐구는 비조작 자료의 조작에 토대한 수업을 할 때 가능해 진다고 할 수 있다. This study, on the relationship between un-manipulated learning materials and knowledge construction in social studies, can be summarized as follows: First, the construction of knowledge has proceeded from one-dimensional to multi-dimensional. Second, students have shown improvements in critical thinking; that is, they have defined concepts clearer, thought on the basis of materials, and reflected on others` interpretations. And third, students have constructed their knowledge actively and contextually, and thus experienced social studies as an occasion for intrinsic fulfillment and cooperation. In a nutshell, genuine inquiry and learning in social studies could be predicated on manipulation of un-manipulated materials; gathering, adaptation and interpretation of materials.

      • KCI등재

        활동이론이 사회과교육에 시사하는 함의

        주웅영 한국사회교과교육학회 2023 사회과교육연구 Vol.30 No.3

        활동이론은 인간활동에서의 문화·역사적 맥락을 강조하며, 도구·기호와 같은 매개물을 통한 사회구성원 간의 상호작용을 통한 사회적 현상에 대하여 설명하는 이론이다. 인간 활동 체계에 대한 구조적 접근을 통해 학습이 지닌 집단적 속성에 대한 유용한 분석의 틀을 제공해 준다. 확장학습이론은 활동이론의 틀 내에서 진화한 이론으로서, 현장개선연구에 이론적 기초를 제공해 준다. 현장개선연구는 종전의 작업 방식을 극복하고 새로운 작업 방식을 협력적으로 팀과 네트워크를 구성하여 모색하려는 집단적 노력의 실행연구이다. 학교 교육의 혁신을 위한 현장개선연구는 교사의 전문성이라는 견지에서 학교 자율이 전제될 때에만 가능하고, 그 중심적인 작업은 지역적 교육과정의 재구성이다. 이 지역적 교육과정의 재구성은 학생들의 지식 구성활동을 안내하고, 촉진하며, 격려하는 방향과 수준에서 이루어져야만 한다. 여기에는 학습자들 간의 토론과 상호작용이라는 협력학습이 그 토대로 작용할 때에만 지식 구성을 위한 활동으로서의 진정한 탐구학습이 이루어질 수 있는 것이다.

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