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      • KCI등재

        사회적 기업과 기업의 사회적 책임의 관련성에 관한 소고

        강영기 ( Young Ki Kang ) 안암법학회 2012 안암 법학 Vol.0 No.39

        Social enterprise is a new business model was born in order to solve the unemployment and public interest issues arising from the contradictions of capitalist society, in the presence of a certain order to return to society the most of the revenue, and to contribute to society. It is not to hire for corporate activities, an organization that is working to employ, is where the relationship between corporate social responsibility and the existence of this social enterprise is a concern. If say roughly, for the reason for social enterprises has emerged here, have not played a general corporate that is a social existence, have a social responsibility as corporate citizen. Originally, members of society should play a responsible for the survival and maintaining of the entire community. and then, It appeared to be a social enterprise to play a role so that instead of the general corporate, And if so, if you play decent social responsibility of corporate as a corporate citizen, the survival and maintenance of the entire community is carried out smoothly, and the current existence of a form of social enterprise will become unnecessary. Thus, the need for discipline by the configuration logical theories about corporate social responsibility comes increased. Conditions necessary for such resolution is as follow: First, the original purpose of the enterprise in accordance with company business with the autonomy to lead, but in the realization of social justice, corporate citizenship is required to perform duties faithfully, To do this, first of all, this requires the formation of a Consensus of community members on the first corporate citizen. Second, the traditional corporate social responsibility have been discussed mainly the large companies. But I think it should be applied regardless of the scale of the company. Of course, there would be difference of content and extent of social responsibility, if that contains the contents of awareness of social responsibility to the heart of the business enterprise to carry out, the need for classification by the size of the company for less, corporate social responsibility is need to recognized and to expand it until the contents, including small and medium enterprises. Third, in recent Europe there is a movement to try to provide a framework for a single concept of corporate social responsibility through the integration of traditional debate. If a single logical system is provided, as expected norms of influence will increase. Results of the review, but may be disciplined by legislation if necessary, in case it is difficult to apply the law, you are able to apply corporate social responsibility. and then, I think it can be resolved through the recognition if corporate social responsibility is used as the norm would be possible, as like soft law as a kind of behavioral principles on corporate social responsibility. Under this perception, but a little rough overview of the words, corporate social responsibility is the responsibility of the company on a contract that should be borne as a member of the entire community, regardless of whether the provision of legal. In cases where the said provisions on corporate social responsibility by law, shall ensure responsibilities as a corporate citizen. Of course, if the contents of the responsibility of the directors as set forth on the form of legal provisions, which can be resolved as a matter of breach of duty of directors. And also, through the construction of the internal control system of the company, it could lead to link company law and corporate social responsibility, for example, through the form of norms soft law, consistent with social justice for the maintenance and survival of the entire community social responsibility can lead to results that would. As a result, corporate social responsibility, at least, it is able to be expected to function through the form of soft law, to act as the norm for sustainable survival and maintenance of entire community and company. As far as can be interpreted in this way, be said corporate social responsibility is a matter of law area.

      • KCI등재

        소비자의 기업평가에 있어서 기업과 소비자의 사회적 책임활동의 상호작용효과

        박상준(Sang-June Park),변지연(Ji-yeon Byun) 한국경영과학회 2012 經營 科學 Vol.29 No.2

        Business firms and consumers exist within a society, and their activities influence a society, because they are not separated from a society. Thus, consumers as well as business firms have been asked to conduct socially responsible actions (i.e., environmentally friendly production and socially friendly activities). Previous researchers have investigated on the relationship between corporate social responsibilities and business performances. For example, researchers have analyzed the effects of corporate social responsibility on consumer’s corporate evaluations. The corporate social responsibility is commonly classified into the three dimensions (economic, social, and environmental responsibility). In this paper, we demonstrated that the consumer social responsibility can also be classified into the three dimensions. Previous researchers have shown that the three dimensions of corporate social responsibility influence consumer’s corporate evaluation. However, they have not considered the interaction effect of the corporate social responsibility and the consumer social responsibility on consumers’ corporate evaluation. Different from the past studies, this study investigated on the interaction effect of consumer social responsibility (economic, social, environmental responsibility) and corporate social responsibility (economic, social, environmental responsibility) on consumer’s corporate evaluation. For the study, we collected survey data of 200 consumers and analyzed the interaction effect with ANOVAs. The result showed that the three dimensions of social responsibility to both corporate and consumers influence positively the corporate evaluation. They also showed that the interaction effect of consumer responsibility and corporate responsibility on the corporate evaluation was statistically significant. This implies that it is necessary for corporate to conduct corporate social responsibility differently depending on consumer’s activity for consumer social responsibility.

      • KCI등재

        A mediating role of social capital between corporate social responsibility and corporate reputation: Perception of local university on CSR of KHNP

        Jae-Hun JOO 한국유통과학회 2020 The Journal of Industrial Distribution & Business( Vol.11 No.3

        Purpose: Most of all studies regarding corporate social responsibility have been dealing with its direct performance. Many previous studies provided the evidence that corporate social responsibility activities directly affect firms‘ competitiveness or corporate reputation. However, there are no studies regarding the role of social capital between corporate social responsibility and firms‘ competitiveness. The present study aims to examine a mediating role of social capital between corporate social responsibility and corporate reputation. Research design, data and methodology: The structural equation model integrating corporate social responsibility, social capital, and corporate reputation was proposed with three hypotheses. Questionnaire including 15 question items for three concepts was designed. Data for testing hypotheses were collected from students and staff who had experienced the social responsibility activities of Korea Hydro & Nuclear Co. Ltd. SPSS and SmartPLS were used to analyze data. Results: All three hypotheses were supported at the significance level of 0.01. Corporate social responsibility have a significant influence on social capital as well as corporate reputation. Social capital plays a mediating role in the relationship between corporate social responsibility and corporate reputation. Conclusions: The present paper identified a missing link between corporate social responsibility and corporate reputation by validating an indirect effect of corporate social responsibility on corporate reputation through social capital. The present study contributes to finding the indirect link between corporate social responsibility and corporate reputation. Implications for academics and practitioners. The research model can be extended to analyze the relationship between corporate social responsibility and its performance. The present study sheds light on identification of a new role of social capital. Managers of firms have the opportunity to recognize the fact that investment recovery of corporate social responsibility results from social capital and corporate reputation in long-term rather than short-term. The results of this study offers an insight that managers can enhance customer loyalty. The process linking corporate social responsibility to corporate reputation through social capital implies that firms can realize spiritual marketing delivering authentic storytelling through corporate social responsibility. The present study has a limitation for generalizing of research results because the sampling came from a case of firm.

      • KCI등재

        유럽연합과 기업의 사회적 책임(CSR): 현황과 전망

        이종서 한국외국어대학교 국제지역연구센터 2010 국제지역연구 Vol.14 No.1

        This paper purported to explore the spread background of Social Responsibilities and to analyze the correspondence among Social Responsibility and inter-city cooperation policy and private sector purchasers. Based on this, the study was performed to examine the possibility whether social responsibility was to be a new Non-Tariff Barriers. Social responsibility is to encourage sustainable growth primarily for corporation economic, environmental and ethical responsibilities to fulfill. From the corporation's perspective, it feels anticipation and anxiety at the same time that future business opportunities should rely on social responsibility. Therefore, corporation is likely to recognize that social responsibility is going to be investment, it leads to strengthen the competitiveness of the corporations. Such a background that emphasizes social responsibility, it is inherent that stakeholder relationships and long-term value-oriented corporate strategy rather than short-term trading to pursue a relationship. Despite civil society and trade unions raised the serious criticism on social responsibility, corporate should confirm social responsibility whether it is self-regulation or mandatory regulations. The UN and OECD is trying to create international norms and standards of social responsibility. So discussion about corporate responsibility as voluntary responsibility will not be end. In the middle of discussions, the expanded application of social responsibility of the EU are likely to stress subcontractors and to be converted into a market entry barrier for foreign products. 본 논문은 기업의 사회적 책임이 확산되는 배경을 중심으로 유럽연합의 도시간·부문별 협력정책과 사회적 책임간의 연관성을 분석하고자 하였다. 이를 토대로 사회적 책임의 새로운 비관세장벽으로의 가능성을 조망해보고자 하였다. 사회적 책임이란 주로 기업이 경제적, 환경적, 윤리적 책임을 다함으로써 기업의 지속가능한 성장을 유도하는 것이다. 기업의 관점에서 볼 때 미래의 새로운 기회창출이 사회적 책임에 의존할 수 있다는 사실에 상당한 기대와 불안감을 동시에 느낀다. 따라서 기업들은 사회적 책임을 수행하는 데 들어가는 비용을 투자로 인식하고, 이는 기업의 경쟁력 강화로 이어질 가능성이 크다. 이처럼 사회적 책임을 강조하는 배경에는 이해관계자들과 단기적 거래관계가 아닌 장기적인 가치 중심의 관계를 추구하는 기업의 전략이 내재되어 있다고 할 수 있다. 시민사회와 노동조합의 사회적 책임에 대한 비판적 문제제기에도 불구하고, 문제는 자율적 규제이든 강제적 규제이든 사회적 책임은 기업이 따르지 않을 수 없다는 데 있다. UN, OECD는 초국적기업들의 기업활동 책임에 대한 국제적 규범을 만들려는 노력을 하고 있다 이를 감안하면 사회적 책임 논의가 단지 기업들의 자율적 책임으로만 그치지는 않을 것이다. 이러한 가운데, 유럽연합의 사회적 책임의 확대적용은 초국적기업들이 하청업체를 압박하고 역외국 제품의 시장진입을 막는 장벽으로 변환될 가능성도 있다는 사실을 간과해서는 안된다.

      • KCI등재후보

        사회적 책임활동 수준에 따른 발생액과 현금흐름의지속성과 가치평가의 효율성

        김태완 한국세무회계학회 2018 세무회계연구 Vol.0 No.58

        The study noted that corporate social responsibility activities have a net function such as increased management performance, increased profit persistence, and improved firm values. Therefore, social responsibility activities may provide useful information effects for participants in capital markets. As with previous studies, The net profit of this term included a implication of future profits in profit and capital market investors believed that such a implication would be reflected in the firm valuation. And in this process, social responsibility activities could provide useful information to investors in capital markets, and they were verified and analyzed. The results of the empirical analysis are as follows. First, it was found that the net profit of a company with excellent social responsibility has additional informational effects on profit persistence. In view of these results, social responsibility will be a strategic factor in the sustainable growth of businesses. This is a result consistent with the preceding study. In addition, the analysis was carried out in the same way, dividing profit into components of the accruals and the cash flows. Similarly, the better the social responsibility activities, the more significant a positive relationship between the components of the profit, both the accruals and the cash flows, were analyzed. Depending on the excellence of social responsibility activities, the sustainability of firm performance is differentially. Second, the analysis of the relevance of the firm’s value for the net profit, accruals and cash flows of a good social responsibility activity showed a significant positive (+) effect on the size adjusted return of this term(t). In addition, the next rate of size adjusted return(t +1) identified negative significance for those entities whose social responsibilities were not good. The better the social responsibility activities, the better the valuation of capital market investors by the persistence of net profit. Third, the efficient assessment of market investors was confirmed by expanding the study of the relevance of firm valuation on the basis of the differentially implication of future earnings persistence by this term’s net profit. The analysis shows that the assessment of the capital market of profits, accruals and cash flows of firms with excellent social responsibility is efficient. As a result, the efficiency of the capital market was established by companies with excellent social responsibility. However, the net profit of firms with poor social responsibility were analyzed for market overload valuation errors. This study found that social responsibility was important in understanding and assessing the differentially persistence implication of future profits in net profit, accruals, cash flow, and quality of profit(persistence of profit). 최근 기업의 사회적 책임활동은 지속가능 성장을 위한 전략적 활동으로서 중요하게 평가받고 있다. 본 연구는 사회적 책임활동이 경영성과인 이익과 발생액, 현금흐름의 지속성에어떤 정보효과를 가지는지 확인함으로써 사회적 책임활동이 이익성과의 지속가능성에 긍정적인 영향을 미치는지 검증한다. 여기서 이익구성항목인 발생액(accruals)은 반전하는 속성이 있으며, 현금흐름(cashflows)은 이익의 질(지속성)에 긍정적인 영향을 미치므로 사회적책임활동의 영향을 세련되게 분석할 수 있을 것이다. 특히, 발생액은 현금흐름이 갖는 인식시점과 대응의 문제를 완화시켜 기업의 성과를 적절하게 나타내기도 하지만 재량성이 있어인위적인 원가배분으로 가치흐름을 왜곡시키기도 한다. 본 연구는 Xie(2001)의 선행연구를바탕으로 이익을 발생액과 현금흐름으로 구분하고 이들 변수들의 미래성과 지속성, 기업가치(수익률) 간의 관계에 사회적 책임활동의 수준이 차별적인 정보효과를 가지는지 분석하였다. 이런 분석은 사회적 책임활동이 미래성과 지속성에 미치는 영향 분석하는 것과 함께 자본시장에서 올바르게 가치평가에 반영하는지 밝힘으로써 사회적 책임활동의 인식과 평가의중요성을 제고시키고자 하였다. 분석결과를 요약하면, 첫째, 사회적 책임활동의 수준이 높은 기업의 발생액과 현금흐름이미래이익성과에 양(+)의 유의적인 영향이 분석되었다. 사회적 책임활동은 영향은 현금흐름에 대한 미래성과 지속성이 발생액보다 더 크게 나타나고, 사회적 책임활동의 수준이 높은기업의 현금흐름과 발생액에 대한 미래이익정보효과가 더 크게 분석되었다. 따라서 사회적책임활동의 수준이 높을수록 미래이익, 현금흐름, 발생액의 변동성을 줄이고, 지속성을 높이는 영향을 미친다. 둘째, 사회적 책임활동의 수준이 높은 기업의 발생액과 현금흐름은 당기 가치평가에 있어 유의적인 양(+)의 결과가 나타났지만, 차기 평가에서는 사회적 책임활동의수준이 낮은 기업에 있어서만 유의적인 음(-)이 영향이 확인되었다. 이를 통해 얻어진 결론은 사회적 책임활동의 수준이 낮은 기업은 가치평가에 있어 낮은 평가를 받고 있음을 확인하였다. 셋째, 자본시장 효율성 평가 결과에서 사회적 책임활동의 수준이 높은 기업의 현금흐름과 발생액의 결합변수, 사회적 책임활동은 가치평가는 효율적으로 이루어져 사회적 책임활동의 영향력이 주식가격결정에도 충분히 반영됨을 확인하였다. 반면에 사회적 책임활동의 수준이 낮은 기업의 현금흐름과 발생액은 자본시장 과대평가의 오류가 분석되었다. 이런점에 비추어 볼 때, 사회적 책임활동의 수준이 높은 기업의 경우 현금흐름과 함께 발생액의특성을 고려했을 때에도 긍정적인 영향을 미치고, 자본시장 가치평가에 있어서도 충분한 정보로서 반영되고 있음을 알 수 있었다.

      • KCI등재

        The Effects of the Perceived Motivation Type toward Corporate Social Responsibility Activities on Customer Loyalty

        김경진,박종철 한국마케팅과학회 2009 마케팅과학연구 Vol.19 No.3

        Corporate social responsibility (CSR) activities have been shown to be potential factors that can improve corporate image and increase the ability of corporations to compete. However, most previous studies related to CSR activities investigated how these activities influence product and corporate evaluation, as well as corporate image. In addition, some researchers treated consumers’ perceptions of corporate motives as moderator variables in evaluating the relationship between corporate social responsibilities and consumer response. However, motive‐based theories have some weaknesses. Corporate social responsibility activities cause two motives(egoistic vs. altruistic) for consumers, but recently, Vlachos et al. (2008) argued that these motives should be segmented. Thus, it is possible to transform the original theory into a modified theory model (persuasion knowledge model, PKM). Vlachos et al. (2008) segmented corporate social responsibility motives into four types and compared the effects of these motives on customer loyalty. Prior studies have proved that CSR activities with positive motives have positive influences on customer loyalty. However, the psychological reasons underlying this finding have not been determined empirically. Thus, the objectives of this research are twofold. First, we attempt to determine why most customers favor companies that they feel have positive motives for their corporate social responsibility activities. Second, we attempt to measure the effects of consumers’ reciprocity when society benefits from corporate social responsibility activities. The following research hypotheses are constructed. H1: Values‐driven motives for corporate social responsibility activities have a positive influence on the perceived reciprocity. H2: Stakeholder‐driven motives for corporate social responsibility activities have a negative influence on the perceived reciprocity. H3: Egoistic‐driven motives for corporate social responsibility activities have a negative influence on perceived reciprocity. H4: Strategic‐driven motives for corporate social responsibility activities have a negative influence on perceived reciprocity. H5: Perceived reciprocity for corporate social responsibility activities has a positive influence on consumer loyalty. A single company is selected as a research subject to understand how the motives behind corporate social responsibility influence consumers’ perceived reciprocity and customer loyalty. A total sample of 200 respondents was selected for a pilot test. In addition, to ensure a consistent response, we ensured that the respondents were older than 20 years of age. The surveys of 172 respondents (males‐82, females‐90) were analyzed after 28 invalid questionnaires were excluded. Based on our cutoff criteria, the model fit the data reasonably well. Values‐driven motives for corporate social responsibility activities had a positive effect on perceived reciprocity (t = 6.75, p < .001), supporting H1. Morales (2005) also found that consumers appreciate a company’s social responsibility efforts and the benefits provided by these efforts to society. Stakeholder‐driven motives for corporate social responsibility activities did not affect perceived reciprocity (t = ‐.049, p > .05). Thus, H2 was rejected. Egoistic‐driven motives (t = ‐3.11, p < .05) and strategic‐driven (t = ‐4.65, p < .05) motives had a negative influence on perceived reciprocity, supporting H3 and H4, respectively. Furthermore, perceived reciprocity had a positive influence on consumer loyalty (t = 4.24, p < .05), supporting H5. Thus, compared with the general public, undergraduate students appear to be more influenced by egoistic‐driven motives. We draw the following conclusions from our research findings. First, value‐driven attributions have a positive influence on perceived reciprocity. However, stakeholder‐driven attributions have no significant effects on perceived reciproc... Corporate social responsibility (CSR) activities have been shown to be potential factors that can improve corporate image and increase the ability of corporations to compete. However, most previous studies related to CSR activities investigated how these activities influence product and corporate evaluation, as well as corporate image. In addition, some researchers treated consumers’ perceptions of corporate motives as moderator variables in evaluating the relationship between corporate social responsibilities and consumer response. However, motive‐based theories have some weaknesses. Corporate social responsibility activities cause two motives(egoistic vs. altruistic) for consumers, but recently, Vlachos et al. (2008) argued that these motives should be segmented. Thus, it is possible to transform the original theory into a modified theory model (persuasion knowledge model, PKM). Vlachos et al. (2008) segmented corporate social responsibility motives into four types and compared the effects of these motives on customer loyalty. Prior studies have proved that CSR activities with positive motives have positive influences on customer loyalty. However, the psychological reasons underlying this finding have not been determined empirically. Thus, the objectives of this research are twofold. First, we attempt to determine why most customers favor companies that they feel have positive motives for their corporate social responsibility activities. Second, we attempt to measure the effects of consumers’ reciprocity when society benefits from corporate social responsibility activities. The following research hypotheses are constructed. H1: Values‐driven motives for corporate social responsibility activities have a positive influence on the perceived reciprocity. H2: Stakeholder‐driven motives for corporate social responsibility activities have a negative influence on the perceived reciprocity. H3: Egoistic‐driven motives for corporate social responsibility activities have a negative influence on perceived reciprocity. H4: Strategic‐driven motives for corporate social responsibility activities have a negative influence on perceived reciprocity. H5: Perceived reciprocity for corporate social responsibility activities has a positive influence on consumer loyalty. A single company is selected as a research subject to understand how the motives behind corporate social responsibility influence consumers’ perceived reciprocity and customer loyalty. A total sample of 200 respondents was selected for a pilot test. In addition, to ensure a consistent response, we ensured that the respondents were older than 20 years of age. The surveys of 172 respondents (males‐82, females‐90) were analyzed after 28 invalid questionnaires were excluded. Based on our cutoff criteria, the model fit the data reasonably well. Values‐driven motives for corporate social responsibility activities had a positive effect on perceived reciprocity (t = 6.75, p < .001), supporting H1. Morales (2005) also found that consumers appreciate a company’s social responsibility efforts and the benefits provided by these efforts to society. Stakeholder‐driven motives for corporate social responsibility activities did not affect perceived reciprocity (t = ‐.049, p > .05). Thus, H2 was rejected. Egoistic‐driven motives (t = ‐3.11, p < .05) and strategic‐driven (t = ‐4.65, p < .05) motives had a negative influence on perceived reciprocity, supporting H3 and H4, respectively. Furthermore, perceived reciprocity had a positive influence on consumer loyalty (t = 4.24, p < .05), supporting H5. Thus, compared with the general public, undergraduate students appear to be more influenced by egoistic‐driven motives. We draw the following conclusions from our research findings. First, value‐driven attributions have a positive influence on perceived reciprocity. However, stakeholder‐driven attributions have no significant effects on perceived reciprocity...

      • KCI등재

        대학생의 사회적 책임 인식과 기업의 사회적 책임 신뢰가지속가능 식생활에 미치는 영향

        김지은,최경숙 한국식생활문화학회 2024 韓國食生活文化學會誌 Vol.39 No.3

        This study examined the influence of social responsibility awareness (economic and social-environmental responsibility)and trust in corporate social responsibility on sustainable diets. The subjects of the study were 468 university students. Themain research results were as follows. First, the social responsibility awareness of the study subjects was 4.03±0.72 pointsfor economic responsibility and 3.48±0.81 points for social-environmental responsibility. An awareness of economicresponsibility showed differences according to gender. Trust in corporate social responsibility was 3.62±0.61 points, andthere was no statistical significance based on gender. Second, the level of a sustainable diet was food safety andconsideration (4.06±0.63), knowledge of the environment and diet (3.94±0.68), understanding of the food circulationsystem (3.45±0.77), and healthy diet (3.26±0.89). Among the factors influencing a sustainable diet, female students hadhigher attitudes toward food safety and consideration and understanding of the food circulation system than male students. Third, the social responsibility awareness (economic responsibility and social-environmental responsibility) and corporatesocial responsibility trust variables influenced university students’ sustainable diet. Among these, social-environmentalresponsibility awareness had the highest influence.

      • KCI등재

        조직에 대한 사회적 책임 도입 방안 -ISO 26000의 실천지침을 중심으로-

        이동원 ( Dong Won Lee ) 단국대학교 법학연구소 2011 법학논총 Vol.35 No.1

        A guidance on putting social responsibility into practice in every organization is needed for the effective commitment of it. There could be three elements which ISO 26000 releases for the integration of social responsibility throughout the organization as follows: the organization itself, the stakeholders, and the review and improvement of performance of voluntary initiatives. In the first place, the organization has to be aware of the relationship of its characteristics to social responsibility, understand its social responsibility, determine relevance and significance of core subjects and issues to it with the due diligence, assess its sphere of influence, and raise awareness and building competency for social responsibility. In the second place, it is indispensible for the organization to communicate with its stakesholders within its sphere of influence including relevant and significant dialogue about social responsibility. Communication is critical to many different functions in social responsibility, and the organization is able to enhance credibility with the informations relating to social responsibility which are complete, understandable, responsive, accurate, balanced, timely, and accessible. In the third place, ongoing monitoring or observation of activities related to social responsibility and reviewing the organization`s progress and performance can help it enhance the reliability and improve the performance. Finally, the guidance on ISO 26000 social responsibility shows that these paradigms are essential for the organization to be leaded to the voluntary initiatives for social responsibility, and above all, the open-minded commitments of the members of that organization are requisite for the integration of social responsibility throughout the organization.

      • KCI등재

        사회적 책임 관련 특성이 소비자의사결정에 미치는 영향

        전유정,유현정 한국소비문화학회 2018 소비문화연구 Vol.21 No.2

        It is forecasted that the more meaning of consumption becomes strong, the more consumers’ Social Responsibility besides companies’ Social Responsibility may be regarded as important. Hence, in this research, I would like to investigate the influence to consumer behavior by studying that how consumers judge consciousness and practice for Social Responsibility of their own and which expectation and assessment the consumers have for companies’ Social Responsibility. Summary and conclusion for major research result isi as follows. First, when reviewing consumer variables between consumer and company’s Social Responsibility, it was proved that consumer’s Social Responsibility is higher. And when classifying it into consciousness․expectation level and practice․assessment level, consciousness․expectation level was proved as higher level. From this, we can understand that company’s region in Social Responsibility and behavioral region of practice and assessment level is relatively insufficient. Second, According to analysis on Social Responsibility factor, even though the questions were consisted by quoting preceding research, the results were quite different, so it is evident that additional research is necessary. Third, from the result of factorial analysis and cluster analysis of consumer’s Social Responsibility variables and consumer-related variables on company’s Social Responsibility, total 5 clusters were deducted. It was classified as ignorance type(2.3%), criticism to company type(8.3%), practice deficiency type(33.0%), urging company’s practice type(28.0%) and considering as important type(28.4%). And This shows that characteristic related to Social Responsibility influences to consumer behavior. Based on the above conclusion, I would like to propose as follows. Education in behavioral level is necessary in order to reduce gap between consciousness and practice, expectation and assessment which is widened while Social Responsibility is becoming more important. Especially, as consumer’s assessment part on company’s Social Responsibility has strong negative aspect, company’s improvement plan should be also devised. For this abovementioned education and improvement plan, appropriate education per clusters and improvement plan should be devised based on five clusters. 사회적 책임에 대한 중요성이 증가하면서 소비자 스스로에 대한 사회적 책임 의식과 행동, 그리고 기업의 사회적 책임에 대한 소비자의 기대와 실제 평가 및 관련된 영향요인과 유형을 알아보고, 이러한 특성들이 소비자 의사결정에 어떠한 영향을 미치는지 알아보았다. 본 연구는 만 19세부터 만 69세까지의 남녀 소비자 400명을 대상으로 다음과 같은 결과를 얻었다. 첫째, 소비자의 사회적 책임에 대한 의식과 실천의 평균 간에는 유의미한 차이가 나타났다. 의식의 평균은 3. 95점으로 실천의 평균인 3.70점보다 높은 것으로 확인되었다. 기업의 사회적 책임에 대한 소비자의 기대와 실제 평가의 평균 역시 유의미한 차이가 나타났다. 기대의 평균은 3.77점으로 실제 평가의 평균인 3.07점보다 높은 것으로 확인되었다. 둘째, 사회적 책임에 대한 소비자의 의식과 실천은 각각 두 개의 요인으로 도출되었는데, 의식은 사회차원의식과 개인차원의식으로, 실천은 소비실천과 일상실천으로 명명하였다. 기업의 사회적 책임에 대한 소비자의 기대와 실제 평가는 두 개의 같은 요인으로 도출되어 소비자․환경보호책임과 사회공헌책임으로 명명하였다. 셋째, 요인분석을 바탕으로 소비자의 유형 분류를 위해 군집분석을 실시한 결과, 무지형, 기업 비판형, 실행 부족형, 기업의 실행 촉구형, 중시형의 다섯 개 집단으로 분류되었다. 다섯 집단의 소비자의사결정 차이를 분석한 결과 브랜드전환과 구매 후 부조화를 제외한 관성적 구매, 정보탐색 비용 투자, 유통채널 다양화, 사용설명서, 주의사항, 올바른 사용법, 긍정적 구전, 불평행동에 대해 유의미한 차이를 보였다. 이상의 연구결과를 바탕으로 다음과 같은 결론을 도출하였다. 첫째, 소비자의 사회적 책임에 대한 의식과 행동 간, 기업의 사회적 책임에 대한 소비자의 기대와 실제 평가 사이에 차이가 존재하는 것으로 밝혀졌다. 둘째, 사회적 책임을 기준으로 나뉜 다섯 집단은 소비자의사결정에 있어 다른 모습을 보인다. 셋째, 사회적 책임 관련 요인은 기업보단 소비자의 요인이 소비자의사결정에 영향을 미쳤으며 주로 구매행동과 구매 후 행동에 영향을 미치는 것으로 나타났다.

      • KCI등재

        기업의 사회적 책임 활동이 중국 소비자의 인식과행동적 반응에 미치는 영향

        하의의 ( Yiyi He ),이혜미 ( Hyemi Lee ) 한국소비자학회 2016 소비자학연구 Vol.27 No.3

        본 연구는 중국 소비자들을 대상으로 기업의 사회적 책임 활동이 소비자 인식과 행동적 반응에 어떠한 영향을 미치며, 이러한 영향이 소비자의 자본주의적 태도에 따라 어떻게 달라질 수 있는지 살펴보았다. 기업의 사회적 책임 활동은 경제적 책임, 법적 책임, 윤리적 책임, 자선적 책임으로 구성되며, 소비자 인식은 기업 평판과 기업 태도를 중심으로 살펴보았고, 소비자의 행동적 반응은 구매의도로 측정되었다. 본 연구를 위해 중국의 베이징과 상하이 지역에 거주하는 20대~50대 소비자 387명을 대상으로 설문조사를 실시하였다. 연구의 주요 결과를 요약하면 다음과 같다. 첫째, 소비자 인식의 하위 요인인 기업 평판의 경우, 윤리적 책임을 제외한 경제적, 법적, 자선적 책임이 기업 평판에 긍정적인 영향을 미치는 것으로 나타났고, 소비자 인식의 또 다른 하위 요인인 기업 태도의 경우, 경제적 책임과 자선적 책임이 기업 태도에 긍정적인 영향을 미치는 것으로 확인되었다. 둘째, 기업의 사회적 책임 활동 중 경제적 책임, 윤리적 책임, 자선적 책임이 소비자의 구매 의도에 긍정적인 영향을 미치는 것으로 나타났다. 셋째, 기업 평판 및 기업 태도는 구매 의도에 긍정적인 영향을 미치는 것으로 확인되었다. 넷째, 소비자의 자본주의적 태도는 기업의 사회적 책임과 소비자 인식 및 소비자의 행동적 반응 간의 관계를 유의미하게 조절하지 않는 것으로 나타났다. 본 연구의 결과를 바탕으로 중국 내 기업들의 사회적 책임 활동에 대한 시사점을 제시하였다. With the rapid progress of globalization, the interest in Corporate Social Responsibility has increased and expanded into a global scale from the Chinese corporations to the world. As the Chinese consumers pay attentions to corporate social responsibility, the corporate social response activities become emphasized. Therefore, this study is designed to focus on how the social responsibility activities of corporations influence the awareness and response of the Chinese consumers. The results of this study are as follows. First of all, on the result analysis from the influences of corporate social responsibility activities on consumer awareness, it was found that economic responsibility, legal responsibility, charitable responsibility, all except for ethical responsibility, gave positive influences on corporate reputation in the case of corporate reputation as a sub-factor of consumer awareness. In the case of corporate attitude as a sub-factor of consumer awareness, economic responsibility and charitable responsibility were found to give positive influences on corporate attitude except for legal responsibility and ethical responsibility. Therefore, such results confirmed that corporate social responsibility activities affect consumer awareness. Secondly, on the result analysis from the influences of corporate social responsibility activities on consumer response, it was found that they gave positive influences on economic responsibility, ethical responsibility, and charitable responsibility except for legal responsibility. Among them, economical responsibility was the most influential element in consumer response compared to ethical responsibility. Thirdly, on the result analysis from the influences of consumer awareness on consumer response, it was found that the Chinese consumers had positive influences on purchase intentions from corporate reputation. In the case of corporate reputation as a sub-factor of consumer awareness, corporate attitude had significant influence on purchase intentions, and the Chinese consumers`` purchase intentions were positively impacted through good, favorable, and positive images on corporate reputation. Therefore, such results showed the influences of consumer awareness on consumer response. Fourthly, on the result analysis from the influences of capitalistic attitude on consumer awareness by interacting with corporate social responsibility, it was found that the corporate social responsibility according to capitalistic attitude did not influence consumer awareness at all. Although the attention on social responsibility activities related to the unique characteristics in China, such as the scientific development perspective, harmonious society, and sustainable development that emerged since 2002, it was found that capitalism over a ‘socialistic market economy” policy was not influential and suitable for the current Chinese circumstances. Fifthly, on the result analysis from the influences of capitalistic attitude on consumer awareness by interacting with corporate social responsibility, it was found that the corporate social responsibility according to capitalistic attitude also did not influence consumer response at all. Just like consumer awareness, it was found that capitalism over a ‘socialistic market economy” policy with the unique characteristics in China was not influential and suitable for the current Chinese circumstances either.

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