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        문명번역으로서의 전고와 〈만고가〉

        김용철(Kim, Yong-cheol) 우리문학회 2012 우리文學硏究 Vol.0 No.37

        이글은 18세기 전라도 영암 지역 사족인 박이화가 쓴 가사 <만고가>를 대상으로 하여 <만고가>와 당대의 동몽서 십구사략의 관계를 알아보고 <만고가> 속에 있는 역사적 사실과 역사적 전고의 특성에 대해 살펴보는 것을 목적으로 한다. 중국의 역사를 상식적인 선에서 기술하고 있는 것처럼 보이는 <만고가>는 천황씨부터 명말까지 다루고 있어 여러 역사서 중 특별히 『십구사략』의 역사서술을 따르고 있다. 조선에서는 보통 증선지의 『십팔사략』에다 원나라 역사를 덧붙인 여진의 『십구사략』이 주로 읽혔다. 또한 18세기 당대 전라도 지역대표적인 실학자였던 이웃 고을 장흥의 위백규가 『십구사략』에다 명나라 역사를 덧붙이려는 노력에 호응하여 쓴 것이기도 하다. <만고가>의 내용은 여진의 『십구사략』의 영향을 받아 정통을 분명히 하고 신화적 요소를 삭제한 현실적 역사관을 견지하고 있다. 또한 중국사 가운데 분열의 시기나 이민족이 지배한 시기를 거의 삭제하여 정통의 문제를 어떤 역사서보다 더 적극적으로 실현하고 있다. <만고가>는 이러한 무거운 주제들을 국문가사 특유의 즐거움 속에 녹여내고 있다. <만고가> 속에 서술된 역사적 사실은 기본적으로 전고와 관련이 있다. 시문 속의 전고와 달리 <만고가>나 『십팔사략』 속에 들어간 역사적 사실들은 일종의 전고집으로 활용되어 현실의 상황을 분석하고 해결하는 데 활용된다. <만고가>가 편년체로 전체 중국사를 기술하고 있을 뿐만 아니라 아주 구체적인 사실들을 적시하고 있는 데서 전고집의 성격을 갖게 된다. 또한 <만고가>는 문명번역의 성격도 갖고 있다. 번역은 언어적 차원에서 일어나지만 그 현장에는 문화적 성격이 개입되어 있다. 그런 점에서 <만고가>가 중국역사를 통째로 또 아주 구체적인 차원에서 포획하려는 노력은 한문으로 된 『십구사략』에서 국문가사로 된 <만고가>로의 문명번역의 한 현장이기도 하다. This study aims to explain the relation of <Mango-Ga> and <Sipgusa-Ryak>. <Mango-Ga> is Park Lee-Hwa’s Gasa work in 18C. <Sipgusa-Ryak> is a chinese history to describe from antiquity to Won Dynasty. Then, this study aims to explain the features of historical facts and Citation of an histrical Facts in <Mango-Ga>. <Mango-Ga> describes chinese history from Cheonhwang-ssi to Ming Dynasty, This tells the fact that <Mango-Ga> follows the historical formation of <Sipgusa-Ryak>. Because of this fact, <Mango-Ga> holds fast to the orthodoxical line of dynasties and realistic historical view. It relates to Wi Baek-Kyu’s effort, too. He writes the history of Ming dynasty and links this work to <Sipgusa-Ryak>. The historical facts in <Mango-Ga> relates the citation of an histrical facts. <Mango-Ga> is the warehouse of the citation of historical facts. It puts the citation of historical facts to analyze and solve the practical affairs. <Mango-Ga> has the translation of chinese civilization. It efforts to capture chinese civilization of the whole and concrete level. Then, the reader gets the knowledge of chinese history, the universal history.

      • KCI등재

        망고 접촉피부염 1예

        이드보라 ( Deborah Lee ),서종근 ( Jong Keun Seo ),이현재 ( Hyun Jae Lee ),강주현 ( Ju Hyum Kang ),성호석 ( Ho Suck Sung ),황선욱 ( Seon Wook Hwang ) 대한피부과학회 2009 大韓皮膚科學會誌 Vol.47 No.5

        Allergic reaction to different fruits and vegetables has frequently been described, but an allergic reaction to mango fruit, including its sap, pericarp, stems and leaves, has rarely reported in the literature. Mango dermatitis, although not common, is the term for allergic contact dermatitis caused by mango. The Mango plant is found worldwide, and the plant shares chemical compounds that are similar to other substances of the Anacardiaceae plant. The substances uroshiol and cardol cause the allergic contact dermatitis. Any case of allergic contact dermatitis with eating mango fruit has not been reported in the Korean dermatologic literature. Here we report the first case of mango contact dermatitis in a 20-years-old female and this happened when she drank mango juice. (Korean J Dermatol 2009; 47(5):612~614)

      • KCI등재

        Morphological and molecular analysis of indigenous Myanmar mango (Mangifera indica L.) landraces around Kyaukse district

        Kyaing, May Sandar,Soe, April Nwet Yee,Myint, Moe Moe,Htway, Honey Thet Paing,Yi, Khin Pyone,Phyo, Seinn Sandar May,Hlaing, Nwe Nwe Soe The Korean Society of Plant Biotechnology 2019 식물생명공학회지 Vol.46 No.2

        There is vast genetic diversity of Myanmar Mangoes. This study mainly focused on indigenous thirteen different mango landraces cultivated in central area of Myanmar, Kyauk-se District and their fruit characteristics by 18 descriptors together with genetic relationship among them by 12 SSR markers. Based on the morpho-physical characters, a wide variation among accessions was found. Genetic characterization of thirteen mango genotypes resulted in the detection of 302 scorable polymorphic bands with an average of 4.33 alleles per locus and an average polymorphism information content (PIC) of 0.7. All the genotypes were grouped into two major clusters by UPGMA cluster analysis and a genetic similarity was observed in a range of 61 ~ 85%. This study may somehow contribute insights into the identification of regional mango diversity in Myanmar and would be useful for future mango breeding program.

      • KCI등재

        Morphological and molecular analysis of indigenous Myanmar mango (Mangifera indica L.) landraces around Kyaukse district

        May Sandar Kyaing,April Nwet Yee Soe,Moe Moe Myint,Honey Thet Paing Htway,Khin Pyone Yi,Seinn Sandar May Phyo,Nwe Nwe Soe Hlaing 한국식물생명공학회 2019 JOURNAL OF PLANT BIOTECHNOLOGY Vol.46 No.2

        There is vast genetic diversity of Myanmar Mangoes. This study mainly focused on indigenous thirteen different mango landraces cultivated in central area of Myanmar, Kyauk-se District and their fruit characteristics by 18 descriptors together with genetic relationship among them by 12 SSR markers. Based on the morpho-physical characters, a wide variation among accessions was found. Genetic characterization of thirteen mango genotypes resulted in the detection of 302 scorable polymorphic bands with an average of 4.33 alleles per locus and an average polymorphism information content (PIC) of 0.7. All the genotypes were grouped into two major clusters by UPGMA cluster analysis and a genetic similarity was observed in a range of 61 ~ 85%. This study may somehow contribute insights into the identification of regional mango diversity in Myanmar and would be useful for future mango breeding program.

      • KCI등재

        Recent Developments in Application of Precooling of Mangoes—an Overview

        Patel Krishna Kumar 한국농업기계학회 2022 바이오시스템공학 Vol.47 No.3

        Purpose Mango is a climacteric fruit and field heat after harvest can accelerate the metabolic respiration, deterioration, and senescence processes. The precooling is the process of lowering down of the post-harvest temperature of mangoes. The main aim of this study is to provide basics/fundamental knowledge, mechanism, and application of the precooling technique in one place and create interest among the readers about the technique. Natural air or room cooling, hydro-cooling, forced-air cooling, vacuum cooling, evaporative cooling, liquid nitrogen (LN2) or cryogenic cooling, etc. are some of the most important cooling/precooling techniques used for the removal of the field heat. Methods The effect of application and principle of precooling techniques was studied from the different research reports in the public domain. Data was collected, summarized, and compared based on their performance, as reported in previous research. Results The precooled mangoes are less prone to microbial attack and postharvest loss. There is more chance of mangoes remain fit for the consumers’ acceptability and provide better opportunities of good commercial value to growers and sellers even in distant markets. Conclusion Most of the studies are based on the engineering, modeling, market returns, and physiology of precooled products. In this review paper, the basic principles and their recent development in applications for the precooling of mangoes are discussed to encourage the wide use of this technology so that the post-harvest losses can be minimized, significantly.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        대만 산 애플 망고와 필리핀 산 카라바오 망고의 휘발성 향기성분 분석

        안미란(Mi-Ran An),금영수(Young-Soo Keum),이시경(Si-Kyung Lee) 한국식품과학회 2015 한국식품과학회지 Vol.47 No.2

        본 연구는 국내에서 주로 판매되고 있는 망고 품종의 이화학적 특성과 망고의 휘발성 향기성분의 화합물 조성을 비교하였다. 품종이 다른 대만 산 애플 망고와 필리핀 산 카라바오 망고의 조회분을 제외한 일반성분은 대부분 유의한 차이를 보였고, 수분과 조지방은 애플 망고에서 높았으며, 조단백과 탄수화물은 카라바오 망고에서 높았다. 유리당 함량은 두 품종에서 sucrose, fructose, glucose의 순으로 높게 검출되었으나 함량에서는 유의적 차이를 보였다. 그러나 maltose, lactose, galactose는 검출되지 않았다. SPME 추출법으로 확인된 휘발성 향기성분은 대만 산 애플 망고, 필리핀 산 카라바오 망고에서 각각 56종, 59종을 확인할 수 있었고, 휘발성 향기성분을 분석한 함량은 각각 59.45, 37.25%이 추출되었다. 휘발성 향기성분의 종류 및 함유량에서 테르펜류 및 그 유도체의 종류 및 함유량 모두가 높았고 ester류 화합물이 다음으로 높았으며 함유량에서는 품종에 따라 차이를 보였다. 테르펜류와 그 유도체 함유량은 대만 산 애플 망고에서 94.42%로 높게 나타나는 특징을 보였고, 필리핀 산 카라바오 망고에서는 63.79%로 차이를 보였다. 필리핀 산 카라바오 망고는 acetic acid, hexanoic acid, octanoic acid, palmitic acid 등의 acid류 화합물이 품종이 다른 대만 산 애플 망고의 휘발성 향기성분과 비교하여 종류 및 함유량에서 높게 나타나는 특징을 보였다. 대만 산, 필리핀 산 망고 모두에서 δ-3-carene의 함량이 각각 17.78, 8.11%로 확인되어 동정된 화합물 중 가장 높은 함량을 보였다. 대만 산애플 망고의 경우 α-copaene, α-guaiene, germacrene D, α-bulnesene, γ-gurjunene 등이, 필리핀 산 카라바오 망고는 β-myrcene, α 및 β-phellandrene, α-terpinolene, cis-3-hexenyl butyrate 등이 특징적인 화합물로 확인되어 이는 품종에 따른 망고 향기성분의 특징을 구분하는데 기여할 것으로 생각된다. We investigated the physicochemical properties and volatile flavor compounds in Taiwan Apple Mango (TAM) and Philippines Carabao Mango (PCM). The volatile flavor compounds were extracted using solid-phase microextraction (SPME) and analyzed by GC/MS. TAM and PCM have significantly different chemical composition, except for their crude ash. The moisture and crude fat contents were higher in TAM, whereas the crude protein and carbohydrate contents were higher in PCM. The major free sugars in order of concentration were sucrose, fructose, and glucose. We identified 56 and 59 volatile flavor compounds in TAM and PCM, respectively. Terpenes and their derivatives comprised 94.42% of the volatile flavor compounds in TAM, but only 63.79% of those in PCM. The acidic compound contents were higher in PCM than in TAM. δ-3-Carene was the dominant flavor compound in these two mango cultivars. α-Copaene, α-guaiene, germacrene D, α-bulnesene, and γ-gurjunene were found only in TAM, whereas β-myrcene, α-phellandrene, β-phellandrene, α-terpinolene, and cis-3-hexenyl butyrate were identified in PCM. Based on the results, we suggest that these compounds might contribute to the distinguishing flavor properties in different varieties of mango.

      • KCI등재

        당 삼투액을 달리한 삼투건조가 망고의 열풍건조에 미치는 영향

        오현빈,조용식,심현정,백채완,장현욱,황영 한국식품영양학회 2022 韓國食品營養學會誌 Vol.35 No.6

        In this study, the effect of osmotic drying conditions of mangoes on hot air drying was investigated. Four different osmotic agents of 60 Brix, such as S60, SM10, HF80, and SG25, were prepared. Mango slabs were osmotically dried with the agents at a ratio of 1:4 (w/w) for up to 8 hours. SG25 showed the lowest weight reduction and moisture loss during the process. As a result of hot-air drying, all samples showed a high correlation with the Page model (0.9761~0.9997), and the required drying time of all samples that were osmotically dried was reduced compared to the non-osmotically dried group. After hot-air drying, the pH value increased according to the drying temperature. The L, a, and b values and the total polyphenol content also decreased. Through this study, the possibility of osmotic drying was confirmed to increase the efficiency of hot air drying of mangoes, which is expected to contribute to the industrial use of domestic mangoes.

      • KCI등재

        Influence of canopy architecture on photosynthetic parameters and fruit quality of mango in tropical region of India

        Kishore Kundan,Singh H. S.,Nath Vishal,Baig M. J.,Murthy D. Sreenivasa,Acharya G. C.,Behera Suchitra 한국원예학회 2023 Horticulture, Environment, and Biotechnology Vol.64 No.4

        Canopy architecture is one of the most critical components infl uencing photoassimilation, yield and quality of fruit crops; thus, it is logical to optimize suitable canopy form with high light interception effi ciency. In this study, the eff ectiveness of three forms of canopy architecture viz., open centre, Y trellis and espalier were assessed, under high density planting system of mango (833 plants ha − 1 ). Y trellis facilitated better availability of photosynthetic photon fl ux density (PPFD) in upper (793 μmol m − 2 s − 1 ) and lower canopy layers (487 μmol m − 2 s − 1 ) by exhibiting moderate interception of photosynthetic active radiation (PAR). Y-trellis also manifested relatively higher photosynthetic activity (6.07 μmol CO 2 m − 2 s − 1 and 5.24 μmol CO 2 m − 2 s − 1 ), stomatal conductance (0.194 μmol H 2 O m − 2 s − 1 and 0.172 μmol H 2 O m − 2 s − 1 ), carbohydrate and protein content in upper and lower canopy layers. On the other hand, espalier system demonstrated high rate of PAR interception and low photosynthetic activity. Mango canopy with Y-trellis and open centre forms provided better results in terms of fl owering intensity and fruit yield. Fruits from Y-trellis exhibited relatively better colour attributes, sucrose and β-carotene content. Alternatively, soluble solid contents, citric acid, carbohydrate and protein content were unaff ected with the training systems. It was evident from PCA biplots that Y-trellis had close proximity with light intensity, photosynthetic characteristics, fl owering intensity, yield, and fruit quality attributes. Moreover, path coeffi cient analysis indicated that PPFD, iPAR and photosynthetic rate ( Pn ) were the most important predictors for determining fl owering in mango. The fi ndings of the present study demonstrate that optimized canopy architecture is instrumental for eff ective utilization of radiation energy for higher fl owering intensity, yield and fruit quality in mango. Economic assessment of training system indicated that Y-trellis was more feasible system when cultivation was aimed to maximise the profi t with no restriction on investment. However under capital constraint situation open centre system was more profi table.

      • KCI등재

        포말건조 조건에 따른 애플망고 분말의 건조 가공 특성

        오현빈,백채완,곽태호,장현욱,김하윤,조용식 한국식품영양학회 2023 韓國食品營養學會誌 Vol.36 No.6

        This study explored a method to enhance the drying process usability of local mangoes by producing foam-mat dried powder under varying drying temperatures (50, 60, 70°C) and foam thicknesses (3, 6, 9 mm). The drying process period ranged from 60 to 390 minutes based on the set conditions, with higher temperatures and thinner foams accelerating drying. Powder chromaticity (L*, a*, and b*) demonstrated a declining trend with increasing drying temperature and foam thickness, exhibiting notable variance in chroma values. The water absorption index varied significantly, between 3.08 to 4.24, under different drying conditions, although the water solubility index remained consistent across foam-dried samples. Powder moisture content ranged from 2.53% to 3.83%, with hygroscopicity escalating with temperature and foam thickness. Vitamin C structure was compromised during the hot air drying process, especially at temperatures above 60°C. Electronic nose analysis distinguished foam-dried powder from freeze-dried powder; however, a thicker foam yielded a scent profile closer to that of freeze-dried powder. The findings provide fundamental data on mango foam drying, which is expected to improve processing and storage tech for local mangoes.

      • KCI등재후보

        愚岑 張泰慶 生涯 硏究

        박상영,이정화,권오민,한창현,안상우 한국의사학회 2011 한국의사학회지 Vol.24 No.1

        With the discovery of WooJam JabJeo, Jang-Taegyung[1809~1887] was highlighted as a noted doctor who won fame in the neighborhood of Gwangju, but with ‘WoodJam Mango’ seeing the light of day, this study was able to confirm the appearance of a literary man enjoying a reputation enough to sway literary circles with his writing of poems. It’s possible to confirm his past related to medical service only until age of 42, which is because description in 「WooJam JabJeo」came to a halt there. The situation is that the contents of ‘WooJam Mango’ started from age of 46 and were carried on even until after his death by his followers. Therefore, there exists a very intense impression that he might have put a focus on the life as a literary man ever after his mid-40s. and considering that he breathed his last at the age of 79, it’s not difficult for us to estimate that his life was predominantly a series of literary activities rather than a health care provider. The place names appearing in 『WooJam JabJeo』 and 『WooJam Mango』 are limited to today’s Jeonlanam-do, and this researcher would say that the through-composed poems, which sang of the beauty of Gwangju area scenery are the works, deserve to get a spotlight in local history even today. Through the above discussion, this study could prove that WooJam is a flawless figure enough to represent Gwangju and Jeonlanam-do as a health care provider and a literary person as well.

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