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        Research on the Sustainable Development of Chinese Regional Food Culture Integrating Service Design Thinking

        He, Song Fei(하송비),Liang, Yue Hui(양월휘),Chung, Mi Sun(정미선) 한국전시산업융합연구원 2021 한국과학예술융합학회 Vol.39 No.2

        This study begins with the phenomenon that cultural conflict may occur between people with different social backgrounds, lifestyles and values in the context of social and economic globalization. Cultural conflict is one of the preconditions to promote cultural identity, and cultural identity is also the basis for the sustainable development of regional culture. With the rapid development of society and the substantial improvement of material conditions, food and clothing is no longer a social problem in China. People begin to pay attention to their own internal needs and have more diversified demands on the connotative value and presentation of food. As a symbol of regional culture, food can reflect the internal culture of the region and the social and cultural relationship between the region and other regions. It is an important carrier of the sustainable development of regional culture. In the face of the increasing demand at all levels, tangible single products can no longer meet the needs of users, thus promoting the market economy from product oriented to service-oriented competition. The purpose of this study is to deconstruct and reconstruct a variety of possibilities between regional food, regional culture and people, give play to the role of service design thinking in this process, and explore the value and significance of service design thinking in the process of sustainable development of regional food culture. Therefore, this paper attempts to use service design thinking to participate in the research process of the sustainable development of Chinese regional culture, and its methods and tools to participate in the process of regional culture characteristic food is not only the food remanufacturing and so on. The key is to study and analyze the relationship between the cultural attributes and lifestyle of regional food, create design value by means of symbols, vision, products, space and service process, and enhance the cultural significance and commercial attributes of food with the intervention of multi stakeholders. The research results and contents are as follows: firstly, as the determination and expression of regional food cultural connotation information, service design is not only the presentation of food material attribute information, but also the fundamental driving force to promote the development of intangible values (information, memory, interaction, etc.) such as its cultural attribute. Secondly, the food system involved in service design pays attention to the experience perception of users, promotes collaborative innovation activities of regional food stakeholders, maximizes the value of regional cultural information obtained by stakeholders in the service system, cooperatively creates possible solutions and improves the service quality of the food system. Thirdly, service design improves the user experience of regional food culture, explores the interactive relationship between people and time, region, culture, food and other contacts, and uses symbols and other means of information expression to play the role of people in promoting and inheriting the sustainable development of culture in the regional food system. Based on the research results, this paper looks forward to the ability and creativity of service design to solve the problem of sustainable development of food culture with regional characteristics, promote the advanced innovation of food culture with regional characteristics, and transmit and develop more diversified cultural values.

      • 외식상품의 마케팅전략방안 연구

        이무형(Lee, Mu-Houng),최중근(Choi, Joong-Keun) 국제관광산업학회 2010 국제관광산업연구 Vol.2 No.3

        Marketing starting from business economics encompasses the industries and objects where exchange occurs as its scope. Food service industry is not an exception to this. Food service is performed after customers’ payment and its series of follow-up processes. The experiences of receiving food service and their positive or negative results determine success or failure of food service companies. Nowadays, food service consumers basically believe that taste of food should be maintained and they demand and expect more than that. These may include atmosphere, facilities, services, etc. distinguished from the other food service companies. Among them, as initial interior design and regular changes, atmosphere and facilities are also the products that customers indirectly feel. Meanwhile, services are the products that customers feel directly. That is, food service consumers feel value satisfaction through physical environments and services. In such food service industries, consumers keep changing what they want and demand new products and innovative services that they have not felt before. Therefore, the marketing of food service companies should cope with the market changes and can predict the factors affecting such changes. In this way, food service companies should establish right marketing strategies by finding out the attributes of customer preference and choice to survive the rapidly changing market. In addition, they should establish their marketing strategies corresponding to the market, by accurately figuring out the resources and products that they possess. The food products established based on such market situations and factors are a necessity to the growth of food service companies, along with the satisfaction of changing customers’ demand and needs. Therefore, this study is aimed to suggest the methods of developing marketing strategies for food service products, after establishing the concepts and types of marketing strategies through previous and relevant national and international research and literature, in order to achieve the objectives of “methods of marketing strategies for food service products.”

      • KCI등재

        Successful Management Strategies of Global Foodservice Companies

        Yoo, Sanghun,Lee, Sanghyeop 경성대학교 산업개발연구소 2023 산업혁신연구 Vol.39 No.4

        The purpose of this study is to comprehensively and objectively analyze the success factors of food service companies. It also aims to reduce the probability of failure by accurately identifying the services and products that customers want from food service companies. Since consumers who use food service companies were found to be sensitive to the taste and service of food, it was found that food service companies need to create various strategies to improve consumer satisfaction. The opinions of a total of 13 interviewees are summarized as follows: Food service companies have been shown to offer discount coupons or free food to improve consumers' satisfaction, and consumers are positively aware of these services. In addition, food service companies have been shown to use various methods to promote the brand to consumers, which is effective for consumers to recognize new menus or brands. Food service companies are trying to inform consumers of their products or services, as consumers have been shown to select attractive brands among numerous food service companies. Since consumers make recommendations to people around them or share their opinions on the Internet after visiting a food service company, it is important to improve their satisfaction. In order for food service companies to operate successfully, it is essential to accurately identify and provide what consumers want. Therefore, this study aims to help food service companies continue to survive and is expected to be useful for understanding consumers' purchasing behavior.

      • KCI등재

        식품 알레르기 아동의 보호자를 위한 식품 정보 검색 서비스 디자인 연구

        이지수,강연아 인제대학교 디자인연구소 2020 Journal of Integrated Design Research (JIDR) Vol.19 No.3

        Background : In order to prevent food allergy accidents, it is important for food allergy patients to accurately check the ingredients of the foods they consume to avoid consuming allergy antigens. However, many food-allergic patients find it difficult to read food labels and experience allergic accidents because they misread information. By age, children under the age of 10 have the most food allergy accidents. Although previous studies have suggested various methods for preventing food allergies in children, there has been a lack of service research to help them find foods that do not contain particular allergy antigens. Methods : This study was conducted based on the double-diamond design process. First, the behaviors of the guardians of children with food allergies were observed while they were checking food labels. Second, the problems and needs of guardians of children with food allergies were analyzed, their personas were defined, and a user journey map was created. Third, a prototype was made to visually convey the service concept and service functions derived from the ideation phase. Fourth, user satisfaction with the service and the degree to which the service resolved their problems was checked. Result : The results showed that the guardians of food-allergic children experience many pain-points when checking food information in food purchasing environments. They evaluated the service positively, indicating that it addressed their needs. Implications for the understandability and reliability of food information that should be considered in designing services for guardians of food-allergic children are presented in the paper. Conclusion : Unlike the preceding studies which emphasized the improvement of food allergy awareness as a way to prevent food allergy accidents, this study proposed measures to manage allergies through a service. The results of this study will help users gain access to safe foods that do not contain their own allergy antigens through a service. it was also meaningful in that it contributed to the safety of the diets of those suffering from food allergies. 연구배경 : 식품 알레르기 환자는 식품 알레르기 사고 예방을 위해 식품의 원재료 성분을 정확히 확인해서 본인이 보유한 특정 알레르기 항원을 먹지 않는 것이 중요하다. 하지만 많은 식품 알레르기 환자는 가공식품을 읽고 해석하는 것에 어려움을 느끼고 있으며 잘못된 정보 습득으로 알레르기 사고를 경험한다. 연령별 식품 알레르기 환자 중 만 10세 미만의 아동에게 가장 많은 식품 알레르기 사고가 발생하고 있다. 선행 연구에서 식품 알레르기 아동의 알레르기 예방을 위해 여러 방안을 제시하고 있지만, 환자 개인이 보유한 알레르기 항원이 함유되지 않은 식품을 탐색하는 데에 도움을 주는 서비스 연구는 부족한 실정이다. 연구방법 : 본 연구는 더블 다이아몬드 디자인 프로세스에 기초하여 연구를 진행하였다. 첫째, Discover 단계에서 식품 알레르기 아동의 보호자가 식품을 구매하는 환경에서 식품 정보를 확인하는 행동 패턴을 관찰하였다. 둘째, Define 단계에서는 식품 알레르기 보호자의 문제, 니즈 및 인사이트를 분석하여 퍼소나를 정의하고 사용자 여정 지도를 제작하였다. 셋째, Develop 단계에서 아이디에이션 과정을 통해 도출한 서비스 컨셉과 정의한 기능을 시각적으로 전달할 수 있도록 프로토타입으로 제작하였다. 넷째, Deliver 단계에서는 서비스에 대한 사용자의 만족도를 확인하고 서비스의 문제점을 개선해나갔다. 연구결과 : 본 연구는 식품 알레르기 아동의 보호자가 식품 구매 환경에서 식품 정보를 확인할 때 많은 Pain-point와 니즈를 경험하고 있다는 것을 확인하였다. 이를 반영하여 디자인한 서비스의 사용자 평가에서 식품 알레르기 아동의 보호자는 본 서비스를 긍정적으로 평가하고 있음을 확인하였다. 또한, 식품 알레르기 아동의 보호자를 타깃으로 서비스 디자인 시 고려해야 할 식품 정보의 이해도와 신뢰도에 대한 시사점을 제시하였다. 결론 : 본 연구는 식품 알레르기 사고 예방 방안으로 개인의 식품 알레르기 인지도 향상을 강조해왔던 선행 연구와 다르게, 서비스를 통한 알레르기 관리 방안을 제안하였다. 본 연구는 사용자가 서비스를 통해 알레르기 항원이 함유되지 않은 안전한 식품에 접근할 수 있도록 도움을 주는 데에 기여할 것이다. 더 나아가, ‘식품 알레르기’라는 특수한 도메인에서 사용자의 안전한 식생활에 기여하는 데에 의의가 있다.

      • KCI등재

        군 전역자들의 군 급식에 대한 인식조사: 대학교 급식경험과 비교하여

        방은정,전민선 한국생활과학회 2022 한국생활과학회지 Vol.31 No.1

        Food service is an important factor in the military. Accordingly, the Korean military has been continuously working to improve the quality and satisfaction of food service. As a result, there has been a lot of improvement in the quality and satisfaction of food service in recent years in comparison to the past. However, results from a recent survey by the Ministry of National Defense, revealed that further improvements were still needed in terms of satisfaction. In this study, a satisfaction survey was conducted for college students who had served in the military, and by analyzing this, important factors were defined for the improvement of military food service satisfaction. Results of the survey, indicated that the military food service satisfaction score was relatively lower than that of university food service. In order to improve the satisfaction of military food service, the authors suggest that there should be a system that allows a smooth flow of communication between military food service and the members. In addition, it is important to continously study trends in the civilian food service and apply them to the military food service. 급식 서비스는 군에서 중요한 요소이다. 이에 우리 군은 급식의 질과 만족도 향상을 위해 지속적으로 노력하고 있다. 그 결과 최근 몇 년 사이에 과거에 비해 급식 서비스의 품질과 만족도가 많이 향상되었다. 그러나 최근 국방부에서 실시한 설문조사 결과 만족도 면에서는 여전히 개선이 필요한 것으로 나타났다. 본 연구에서는 군 복무를 마친 대학생을 대상으로 만족도 조사를 실시하였으며, 이를 분석하여 군 급식 만족도 향상을 위한 중요요인을 정의하였다. 조사 결과, 군 급식에 대한 만족도는 대학 급식에 비해 상대적으로 낮은 것으로 나타났다. 군 급식에 대한 만족도를 높이기 위해서는 군 급식자와 제공자간의 원활한 의사소통이 가능한 시스템이 필요하다고 제안한다. 또한 지속적으로 민간 급식 동향을 연구하여 군 급식에 적용할 것을 제안한다

      • KCI등재

        학교급식의 운영 현황 및 실태 조사

        이영은,양일선,차진아,채인숙,강혜승 대한지역사회영양학회 2002 대한지역사회영양학회지 Vol.7 No.3

        The purpose of this study was to investigate the operation and management systems of the school food services in Korea and to provide useful data for improving the quality of the school food services. This study was conducted in school food service operations nationwide using a written questionnaire. The questionnaires were mailed to the dieticians of three types of school food service systems-conventional, commissary, and joint-management. Of the 660 schools that participated in this study, the responses from 212 conventional system, 212 commissary system and 200 joint-management system services were selected for analysis. Statistical analysis was performed utilizing the SAS/Win 6.12 program so as the provide a descriptive statistics. The main results of this study can be summarized as follows: The average number of meals served per day was 1014, 738 and 695 in the conventional food service, the commissary food service and the joint-management flood service systems, respectively. Over half (58.9%) of food service facilities were utilizing computer programs for their operations. Most of the commissary flood service systems (52.4%) had a satellite school and served a maximum of 2000 meals per day. In most of the joint-management food service systems (87.1%), the number of food service schools managed was two and a maximum of 3330 meals were sewed. Only one dietician was posted irrespective of the school food service system. The mean hours of work by the dietician per day was 8.9, 8.6 and 8.6 in the conventional food service, the commissary flood service and the joint-management food service systems, respectively. The principal work functions of cook personnel were cooking and cleaning.

      • KCI등재

        충남지역 영양교사의 학교급식지원센터 만족도에 미치는 영향

        이석원 ( Seog-won Lee ),양성범 ( Sung-bum Yang ) 한국식품영양학회 2017 韓國食品營養學會誌 Vol.30 No.6

        The objective of this study is to investigate the satisfaction of elementary, middle and high school nutrition teachers in the Chungnam province concerning the free school food service. We surveyed satisfaction related to policies on school food service and the school food service center. Satisfaction on the school food service center was separated according to four dimensions; perception, food materials, operational system and service. Furthermore, we analyzed factors that affect satisfaction with the school food service center with a multiple regression model. First, satisfaction about the free school food service and dietary life education are higher than the total average of satisfaction with the policy about the school food service. Second, satisfaction about a variety of food materials and reasonable prices are lower than total average of satisfaction with the school food service center. Third, when more teachers have a high level of a positive perception and have higher satisfaction with the operational system of the school food service center, then they also subsequently display higher satisfaction with the school food service center. Therefore it is necessary to improve or make up for pricing and diversity on food materials by the school food service center.

      • KCI등재

        충남 지역 학부모의 학교급식지원센터를 통한 학교급식 만족도에 대한 연구

        양성범,Yang, Sung-Bum 한국식품영양학회 2016 韓國食品營養學會誌 Vol.29 No.3

        This study aims to investigate the satisfactions with school food service for elementary and middle school parents. We surveyed parents about their concerns regarding food materials, the perception of free school food service, improvement of free school food service and satisfaction with the quality of school food service. The regions were classified into two categories according to the operation of a school food service center. The respondents with greater concern and cooperative purchase of food materials had higher satisfaction with the quality of school food service. It is interesting to note that school food service centers managed directly by the local government had higher satisfaction than those operated by private enterprises with respect to the quality of the school food service. The results of this study can contribute to the establishment of school food service and school food service center policies in the future.

      • KCI등재

        충남 초·중학생의 무상급식에 대한 인식 및 만족도에 대한 연구

        김호,양성범,Kim, Ho,Yang, Sung-Bum 한국식품영양학회 2016 韓國食品營養學會誌 Vol.29 No.3

        The objective of this study is to investigate the perception and satisfaction of elementary and middle school students on free school food service. We surveyed education related to school food service, concerns about food ingredients, perceptions of free school food service and satisfaction for the quality of the school food service. The investigation is classified into two groups, schools that operate as a food service center or those that do not. Those who are provided food ingredients by school food service centers are educated about the agricultural products' country-of-origin and their environment-friendly food service. The more individuals are educated of the foods' county-of-origin and environment-friendly food service the more they will have a higher concern of the food materials and subsequently a higher satisfaction for the quality of school food service. School food service centers managed directly by the local government would probably receive higher satisfaction than those consigned to a private sector. The results of this study will be meaningful to establish policies on school food service and school food service centers.


        Jaewon Hwang,Yong-Ki Lee 글로벌지식마케팅경영학회 2018 Global Marketing Conference Vol.2018 No.07

        Introduction In recent times, mass customization strategy has been actively adapted even in the food service industry, which provides services wherein consumers select the main ingredients of the food they order according to their preference. In this study, we examine the effect of mass customization strategies perceived by consumers in the food service industry. We also includes the external and internal environmental factors stimuli surrounding the situation of purchasing customized food items to better predict how consumer’s perceived value of mass customization might be formed within the context of service industry. Evidence shows that consumers’ perceived value is high for mass customization in food consumption service compared to food service for a fixed menu. The findings further suggest that this effects of mass customization on consumer perception is moderated by social influence (group vs. individual) and food type (utilitarian vs. hedonic). Theoretical Development Recent research in the field of mass customization has demonstrated that the advantage of designing consumer’s own products is in increasing consumer's perceived benefits while engaging in the customization of tangible products. These studies have shown that the mass customization provides consumers with a utilitarian value due to the purchase of optimized products that meet their individual needs and various values that are embedded in the customization process, such as hedonic value, self-expressive value, and creative achievement (Merle, Chandon, Roux, & Alizon, 2010; Yoo & Park, 2016), and that this value recognition leads to positive attitudes and behavioral responses such as high willingness to pay (Franke, Keinz, & Steger, 2009; Schreier, 2006), purchase intent, and loyalty (Yoo & Park, 2016). However, whereas research on mass customization focusing on tangible products has been actively conducted, research in the field of intangible services, is still lacking in two respects. First, there has been very little discussion of the effectiveness of mass customization strategies in the food service industry. Specifically, based on the stimuli-organism-response (S-O-R) framework, which states that environmental stimuli (S) lead to the formation of a customer perception (O) that induces consumers’ behavioral responses (R) (Mehrabian & Russell, 1974), existing research focused on the relationship of customer’s behavioral response to mass-customized food service (S-R relationship) (Kuo & Cranage, 2010; Wolf and Zhang, 2016), failing to embrace S-O relationship that focuses on how mass customization differs from a standard system in terms of how consumers perceive value. Considering that mass customization services can be regarded as a form of customer engagement strategy (Chathoth et al., 2014; Chathoth et al., 2016), it can be assumed that mass customization in services can induce positive consumer perception. Second, little research has yet examined situational factors that affect consumer response in purchasing mass customization of products/service. Considering that service environments play a significant role in service delivery by strengthening customer perceptions and retention (Baker, Parasuraman, Grewal, & Voss, 2002; Sherman, Mathur, & Smith, 1997), it is necessary to identify the internal and external environmental factors that limit or enhance consumers’ perceived value of the mass customization for effective implementation of the mass customization strategy. The aim of the present research is to empirically examine the effects of mass customization on consumer responses. It is hypothesized that consumers’ perceived value might be high for mass customization in food consumption service (compared to food service for a fixed menu) (H1), which is consistent with previous literature on consumer responses to mass customization in tangible. Furthermore, the current research further includes various environmental stimuli surrounding the situation of purchasing customized food items to better predict how consumer’s perceived value of mass customization might be formed within the context of service industry. Based on the assumption that (a) people's choice of consumption is affected by the expectations of how others evaluate their decisions (Ariely & Levav, 2000; Calder & Burnkrant, 1977) and that (b) consumers are more concerned about social norms and therefore make similar choices to blend in resulting in uniformity at the group level (Tice, Butler, Muraven, & Stillwell, 1995), it is expected that consumers sometimes feel compelled to refrain from choosing favorites because of how they expect to be perceived by others, hindering consumer’s benefits of mass customization. In addition, there are two food types based on the goal of consuming food: utilitarian food and hedonic food (craving for sweetness, e.g., desserts) (Wansink, Ittersum, & Painter, 2004; 2005). In pursuing the hedonic goal, the consumer tendency to engage in various behaviors is strengthened by the desire to express one’s personality to others (Ariely & Levav, 2000; Ratner & Kahn, 2002). Accordingly, in the present research, we explore the perceived value of mass customization moderated by social influence (H2), and food type (H3). In this model, social influence (group vs. individual), which is the factor outside the scope of customizing process, is regarded as an external variable and food types (utilitarian vs. hedonic), divided according to the purpose of food consumption, as an internal variable. Method We used a 2 (customization: low vs. high) × 2 (social influence: individual vs. group) between subject experiment conducted on the subjects regarding two types of food service: utilitarian food (main course) and hedonic food (dessert). We assigned 208 participants randomly to one of four conditions. Participants were asked to imagine they were visiting the high customized restaurant with their colleague together (vs. alone) that provide high customized service (vs. low customized service) and saw a menu for a food item. Modified from Kuo and Cranage (2010) study, two level of customized menu scenarios were used in this study. In the high customization scenario, participants are told that they were in a restaurant where they were offered to customize their dishes with choices of ingredients. In the low customization condition, participants were told that they were in a restaurant where they ordered among fixed menu items. Based on pretest result, we used pasta, which is entr?e for the utilitarian food, and use ice-flake, which is dessert for the hedonic food. After reading the scenario, participants provide their perceived value of mass customization ratings of the service process. Results and Conclusion First, an analysis of variance (ANOVA) revealed a significant effect of mass customization demonstrating that on perceived value, participants who read mass customization service condition had a higher perceived value on their food than participants in the fixed menu condition (H1). Second, in order to examine whether social influence (H2) and food type (H3) moderate the effect of mass customizatino on consumer perceptions, a moderated moderation model was performed a bootstrapping procedure with 5000 samples using the PROCESS model 3 (Hayes, 2016). The result revealed a significant three-way interaction effect among level of customization (high vs. Low), social influence (group vs. individual), and food types (utilitarian vs. hedonic). As the level of customization increases, the overall perceived value increases; however, it is confirmed that, when making decisions about food in a group situation, there are restrictions on perceiving the value that the consumer can customize and feel as compared to the individual situation. Finally, impact of social influence on the perceived value of customization is moderated by food type (hedonic vs. utilitarian). In other words, in hedonic food consumption situation, the modeartion effect of social influence on the perceived value of customization is weakened. Consumers are more likely to appreciate the process and consider it more palatable when they use mass customization service in restaurant. However, when people are conscious of the presence of others, the act of selecting food ingredients according to one’s own preference is restricted. Therefore, even if customized food is ordered in the presence of the group, its perceived value will be as lower than that of a fixed menu. In addition, when people use mass customization service in hedonic food consumption situations, regardless of group influence, they perceive that the value of customized menu is higher than that of the fixed menu. We expect that the study findings and framework will provide practical and theoretical implications such as the development of theories on food service situations, as well as aid restaurants in establishing marketing strategies. In addition, identifying internal and external environmental factors that limit consumers’ perceived value of mass customization will enable restaurants to find a suitable menu composition method to enhance and maintain customers’ perceived value and build a promotional strategy accordingly.

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