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      • KCI등재

        시민의 디자인 역량 개발을 위한 공공디자인 정책 추진 방향

        이양숙 한국기초조형학회 2020 기초조형학연구 Vol.21 No.6

        The purpose of this study is to analyse the design capabilities required in the policy process so that citizens can develop their own design capabilities through active participation in public design policy. Through this, the roles of citizens and administrative entities, the direction and scope of citizen participation are reconsidered. To this end, the current domestic public design policies, cases and methods of citizen participation were analyzed, the correlation between citizen participation and design capability development was revealed, and the required design capabilities for each policy stage was analyzed through cases. The results of the study are as follows: First, the user concept is reinforced in public design, and the service design methodology is widely used. In addition, civic participation was taking place in the process, but the gap between law and reality was large in the design subject. Second, it is necessary to focus on the development of citizens' design capabilities, which is the ultimate direction of participation, rather than seeking ways to participate in public design. The overall policy should be designed to develop design capabilities. Third, it is necessary to establish a roadmap to develop the design capabilities required in each policy process. Design capability development goals should be set and promoted step by step. Furthermore, the strategy for creating a foundation for public design in the Comprehensive Public Design Promotion Plan needs to be complemented with such a design capability development dimension. In the case of establishing a foundation for public design R&D, support for building a platform for citizen participation to develop design capabilities is required. In the task of establishing an integrated public design management and inspection system, information sharing for citizens, evaluation and review of operation management methods by citizen participation will be required. The most important thing for the sustainable development and spread of public design is the citizen's design capabilities as a subject. Through their capability development, it will be possible to re-establish the public design value aimed at in the public design promotion plan. 본 연구의 목적은 공공디자인 정책에서 시민이 능동적 참여를 통해 스스로의 디자인 역량 개발이 가능하도록 정책 과정에 요구되는 디자인 역량 분석하고, 이를 통해 시민과 행정주체의 역할, 시민 참여의 방향과 범위를 재고하고자 하였다. 이를 위해 현재 국내 공공디자인 정책 및 시민 참여 사례, 방법을 분석하였고 시민 참여와 디자인 역량 개발과의 상관관계를 밝혔으며, 정책 단계별 요구되는 디자인역량을 분석하였다. 공공디자인 경향 분석에 따른 연구 결과로는 첫째, 공공디자인에 사용자 개념이강화되며 서비스디자인 방법론이 많이 활용되고 그 과정에 시민 참여가 이루어지고 있었다. 하지만 디자인 대상에 있어 법과 현실 사이의 괴리가 컸다. 둘째, 공공디자인에서 시민 참여 방법 모색보다 궁극적인 참여 방향인 시민의 디자인 역량 개발에 초점을 맞출 필요가 있다. 정책 전반에 디자인 역량개발을 위한 설계가 이루어져야 할 것이다. 사례 분석을 통한 정책 방향으로는, 각 정책 과정에서 요구되는 디자인 역량들을 개발하기 위하여 로드맵 수립이 필요하다. 단계별로 디자인 역량 개발 목표를설정하고 추진해야 할 것이다. 연구를 통한 시사점으로는, 먼저 이러한 디자인 역량 개발 차원에서 공공디자인 진흥 종합계획의 공공디자인 기반 조성 전략 보완이 요구된다. 또한, 공공디자인 R&D 기반조성의 경우 디자인 역량 개발을 위한 시민 참여 플랫폼 구축 지원이 필요하다. 나아가 공공디자인 통합관리 및 검수 체계 구축 과제에서는 대시민 정보 공유, 시민 참여를 통한 평가 및 운영 관리 방식검토가 필요하다. 공공디자인의 지속적 발전과 확산을 위해 가장 중요한 것이 주체인 시민의 디자인역량이다. 이 역량 개발을 통해 공공디자인 진흥계획에서 지향하는 공공디자인 가치 재정립이 가능해질 것이다.

      • KCI등재

        An Exploratory Study on the Design of Conflict Resolution Process by Citizen Participation in the National Project Conflict - The Case of Public Deliberation Committee on Shin-Gori Nuclear Reactors No. 5 & 6 -

        Haklin Kim,Hyoungjoon Jeon 위기관리 이론과 실천 2018 Crisisonomy Vol.14 No.7

        시민참여형 갈등해결프로세스는 참여와 숙의를 기본 구성요소로 하지만, 갈등의 특성에 따라 다양 한 형태로 진행될 수 있다. 국책사업갈등은 종종 지역적 차원의 문제인 동시에 전국적 차원의 문제 이기도 하기에, 갈등해결에 있어 핵심 이해당사자들은 물론 폭넓은 시민들의 참여를 필요로 한다. 본 연구는 한국사회 국책사업갈등의 특성에 부합하는 시민참여형 갈등해결프로세스를 탐색하는 것 을 목적으로 한다. 기존 연구가 숙의민주주의의 기본 조건인 참여와 숙의의 충족여부에 초점을 맞춘 것과는 달리 본 연구는 의제선정 단계부터 결과도출 단계까지 공론화 전 과정을 포괄하는 분석틀을 구축하고, 이를 토대로 신고리5⋅6호기공론화위원회의 활동을 분석적으로 재검토하였다. 분석결과, 신고리5⋅6호기공론화위원회의 활동이 성공적으로 평가되는 데에는 공론화위원회의 중립적 구성 과 운영, 공론화 방식의 신속한 정리, 시민참여단의 대표성과 숙의의 성찰성 확보, 이해당사자의 협력, 균형 잡힌 결과도출 등이 중요했던 것으로 파악되었다. 그러나 의제선정의 사회적 공감대 형성 미진, 공론화위원회의 자율성 부족, 이해당사자의 역할 재정립 등은 개선되어야 할 것으로 드러났다. The purpose of this study is to explore the process of conflict resolution based on citizen participation in the national project conflict. Unlike the previous research focusing on the verification of participation and deliberation, this study builds an analytical framework that covers the entire process of conflict resolution process. The activities of the Public Deliberation Committee on Shin-Gori Nuclear Reactors No. 5 & 6 were analytically reviewed. It is found that the success of the conflict resolution process is due to the neutral nomination and operation of the Public Deliberation Committee, prompt agreement of the deliberation process, citizens' representatives in the process and their sincere deliberation, cooperation among stakeholders, and balance of the final results. However, the study suggests that the lack of social consensus on agenda-setting, lack of autonomy of the committee, and reestablishment of the roles of stakeholders could have been improved.

      • KCI등재

        국내외 도시재생 사업의 거버넌스에 대한 연구

        신윤재 ( Yoonjae Shin ),이소연 ( Soyeon Lee ) 한국공간디자인학회 2016 한국공간디자인학회논문집 Vol.11 No.6

        It can be said that urban regeneration has become a buzzword of urban planning carried out worldwide. In the midst of such a change in urban planning paradigm, the Korean government is also formulating a variety of policies associated with urban regeneration. Under such background, the purpose of this study is to review major policies and cases both in and out of the country related to urban regeneration, with a focus on governance. This study intends to check relevant cases both in and out of the country to identify the decision-making process for urban regeneration projects and interpret them from the perspective of partnership via cooperation between the private and public sectors. (Method) This study aims to check the factors of change made over the past five years in urban regeneration-related governance through a survey of foregoing studies. Spatial scope-wise, this study intended to define the relationship between governance and urban regeneration by checking the governance in countries like Korea, the United Kingdom, France, the United States, Japan and surveying urban regeneration projects in major cities like London, Paris, New York, Seattle and Tokyo. Methodologically, this study was theoretically considered based on theoretical surveys and preceding studies and then engaged in a survey of cases both in and out of the country. Chapter 2 focuses on a survey of theories and preceding studies about urban regeneration and governance. Chapters 3 and 4 contain surveys and analyses of cases within SMG and abroad, respectively. Chapter 5 states the conclusion. Through such a flow, this study deals with governance cases on partnership-based urban regeneration projects both in and out of the country. (Results) This study concluded that urban regeneration and governance are closely associated with each other and that they are working as an irreversible trend. It appears that the importance of the role of partnership-based private communities and people-participating process will become larger. Also, in spending public budget for fostering the urban regeneration ecological system, measures should be taken to ensure that the effects of relevant policies are evenly distributed to people through meticulous pre-analysis of less-privileged people in the policy-making and execution processes. It is also necessary to establish a system that ensures relevant feedback to other policies based on objective appraisal of the projects carried out. (Conclusions) This study examined existing decision-making processes and relevant cases to ponder possible directions that should be adopted by cities in the future. As a conclusion, this study suggests that efforts should be made to ensure the proper working of the role of governance in each stage of policy decision, execution, and appraisal with the aim of making better residential cities.

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