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        南朝 梁代 ‘海南諸國’과의 교류와 외교 – 林邑과 扶南을 중심으로

        정면 중국사학회 2023 中國史硏究 Vol.- No.142

        이 연구에서는 梁 왕조와 海南諸國의 교류를 중심으로 南朝 시기 ‘中國的 世界秩序’의 특징에 대해 살펴보았다. 이를 통해 魏晉南北朝時期 中國을 중심으로 하는 東亞 世界秩序의 특징이 幕府體制의 擴延에 있었음을 확인하였다. 아울러 梁朝 시기 海南諸國 또한 ‘幕府體制’를 통해 ‘中國的 世界秩序’에 참여하였음을 살펴보았다. 海南諸國의 遣使貢獻과 이에 대한 冊封 事例를 검토하였는데, 朝貢을 통해 中國으로 향한 물품은 대체로 특이한 동물을 비롯한 특산물과 사치품이었으며, 대규모의 교역이 이루어지지는 않았다. 이 외교관계에 관련하여 두 가지 주목할 점이 있다. 우선, 佛敎 관련 聖物이나 물품들이 공헌되었다는 것, 둘째 남아있는 表文에 불교적 세계관 가득 차 있다는 것이다. 이것은 佛敎文化의 共有가 이들의 교류를 촉진하였음을 보여준다. 그리고 朝貢 기록에 비해 冊封 기사가 현저히 적었는데, 이는 책봉이 수반되지 않은 조공의 사례가 다른 지역보다 많았음을 시사한다. 일부 海南 지역 국가에서 ‘長史’ 職을 지닌 使臣을 파견한 사례를 살펴보았고, 將軍職이 冊封에 포함된 사례들도 확인하였다. 華夷 구별을 없앤 ‘天下一家’의 실현은 秦始皇 이래 皇帝國家의 이상이었지만, 역사 현실에서 구현된 적은 사실상 없다. 中國 國家의 분열, 豪族 세력에 의한 분점이라는 역사적 현실이 ‘官의 爵化’ 현상을 초래하였고, 魏晉南北朝時期 분열된 皇帝 國家는 幕府體制에 기대어 그 명맥을 유지하였다. 그 幕府體制는 軍事的 封建制였다. 그리고 外夷 君長에 대한 將軍職 賜與는 이 ‘幕府體制’를 海外로 擴延하려는 皇帝國家의 의지가 반영된 결과로 해석해야 할 것이다. 海南諸國도 이 幕府體制를 통해 적극적으로 혹은 소극적으로 이 世界秩序에 참여하였다.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        『헤이케모노가타리』에 나타난 정치에 대한 고찰

        최재화(Jae-Howa Choi) 동아시아일본학회 2018 일본문화연구 Vol.0 No.68

        『헤이케모노가타리』 속 혈연관계에서 나타나는 갈등은 헤이케와 겐지 양측에서 확인된다. 헤이케의 경우 기요모리와 시게모리의 대립은 물리적 충돌을 수반하지 않지만 정치 사상적 대립으로 나타난다. 헤이케의 기요모리와 시게모리의 대립은 정치 사상적인 대립으로 고대말기의 율령체제에서 막부 체제로 넘어가는 과도기에서 천황제에 대한 군신 관계의 기준을 제시하고 있다. 이러한 시게모리의 군신론은 『헤이케모노가타리』에서 시게모리를 이상적인 인물로, 기요모리는 악한 자로 이미지화하고 있다. 겐지의 경우, 교토를 수복한 요시나카는 요리토모와의 갈등으로 요시쓰네와 요시나카의 물리적 충돌을 수반하고, 교토를 수복한 요시쓰네는 가지와라노 카게토키의 모함으로 요리토모와의 갈등으로 이어진다. 『헤이케모노가타리』에서는 이들의 갈등에 대하여 정치적인 갈등보다는 권력적인 갈등으로만 투영하고 있다. 『헤이케모노가타리』에서의 헤이케의 기요모리와 시게모리의 정치 사상적 갈등, 겐지의 권력적 갈등은 『헤이케모노가타리』가 가지는 한계로 볼 수 있겠다. In Heike Monogatari, the power conflict between the blood relationship is well expressed in the Heike family and Kenji family. The confrontation between Kiyomori and Shigemori of Heike family involves a political conflict and it suggests the standard for ruler and ruled in regard to Emperor system during the time of transition from the legal system to Bakufu system in the late ancient period. In HeikeMonogatari, Shigemori’s theory on the ruler and the ruled describes Shigemori as the ideal person and Kiyomori as the wicked person. In case of Genji family, after Yoshinaka redeems Kyoto, Yoshinaka gets into a physical conflict with Yoshitsune due to the conflict with Yoritomo caused by the conspiracy of Kajiwara Kagetoki. In HeikeMonogatari, the conflict is reflected as a power conflict rather than a political conflict. Also, in HeikeMonogatari, the political conflict between Kiyomori and Shigemori of Heike family and power conflict of Kenji family can be seen as the limit of HeikeMonogatari as the Rekishi Monogatari (Historical tales).

      • 근대중국 洋務運動에서의 幕府에 관한 연구

        이철원 韓國交通大學校 2013 한국교통대학교 논문집 Vol.48 No.-

        近代中國從中西兩種文化的接觸看,槪乎言之,无一而非兩大根本不同的文化的撞擊與衝突。西人挾其火砲鐵甲而帶來了聲光化電以及與中國傳統文化廻不相眸的典章制度,中國傳統文化在屢屢敗積中, 先進的知識分子轉而倡導向西洋文化尋求出路, 出內入外,持論百出,從體用之爭到本末之辦,到五四新文化運動而從倫理的覺悟作爲根本之道着手, 種種端端, 持續數十年。 上海, 這個海岸城市,由于所處的特殊地位, 在中西兩大文化的撞擊與衝突中,成爲集中点。 中西文化往往在上海首先相撞擊, 激烈相衝突, 然後是進而或相認同, 或予排拒。 洋務運動最顯著的成績表現于上海,維新思想的傳播盛著于上海,地方自治的成效最彰于上海, 辛亥革命在國內的中心是上海,五四新文化運動只可能發端于上海, 華人參政運動也只是在特殊格局的上海産生,以至于各種市民運動在上海明顯地不同于全國。由于中西兩大文化在上海已有前哨之戰, 成敗利鈍業已初見分曉, 從上海這個集中点將西洋文化輻射到全國, 其衝突的激烈性已見減輕, 其認同的可能性勢必增加。上海之所以獨異于全國,能够肩此重任,說是由于它所處的特殊地位,這包含了租界這個重要的因素。全國多有租界, 天津的租界且多之八個,爲何上海租界的作用影響特大? 无外乎在通商口岸中上海是列强最主目的地方,上海租界所具備的行政,立法,司法俱全的政治結構,較之其他同類型租界最爲完整與有力,上海西人遠多于中國其他通商口岸,西人投資最多,興辦事業最多,所爲西人利益在他們看來上海關係最大,因而西人所最着力經營者,在中國通商口岸中非上海莫屬。其所發揮的效能也最大,租界爲時也最長. 上海租界成了代表殖民利益的典型。

      • KCI등재


        張波,金昌庆 동북아시아문화학회 2018 동북아 문화연구 Vol.1 No.54

        To keep the society in an orderly state, Tokugawa Ieyasu utilized the concept of hierarchy in the Zhu Zi’s philosophy to divide people into four groups systematically and spiritually after his seizure of power, i.e. scholar, farmer, artisan, and merchant. There is an impassable gulf among each hierarchy and each one fulfills his duty within the range and their status would be inherited by their descendants, thus, to ensure the social ability and the stability of Tokugawa Regime. However, the hierarchical order of scholar, farmer, artisan, and merchant was challenged in mid-late Edo period. Every hierarchy was divided and changed internally. The bureaucratized, knowledgeable, pauperized, commercialization and independent trends of samurai, polarization between the rich and the poor of farmers, and affluence of businessmen swayed the hierarchical order, and finally threatened and overthrew the Tokugawa Regime. The samurai class of the ruling class has undergone profound changes.The bureaucratization has caused the samurai to lose its heroic character, thus losing the rationality. Knowledge-basedization has led the samurai class to gradually accept the requirements of the status quo of the reformed abacus system based on the continuous acceptance of Western culture. The samurai's poverty and constant commercialization have caused loyal warriors to deviate from their Lord Jun. The peasant class has changes in the separation of the rich and the poor,and triggering peasant uprisings, threatening the basis of the ruling system.The affluence of municipalities sparked the rise of the anti-abstinence and anti-abstinence ideology of the townspeople, leading to the emergence and development of the idea of opposition to the order of feudalism,and the culture of the people of the towns, resulting in a great deal of arrogance challenge.

      • KCI등재후보
      • KCI등재

        ‘중국적 세계질서’와 古代 雲南

        鄭勉(Jeong, Myeon) 동양사학회 2016 東洋史學硏究 Vol.135 No.-

        This article explores how ancient “Chinese world order”, or “East Asian world order” was operated in Yunnan, located in the borderland between East and Southeast Asia; how Yunnan participated in Chinese world order there. This article argues that Yunnan participated in the ancient Chinese world order from the second century BC to the tenth century. For the most part during the period, Yunnan was located outside the traditional boundary of China, but had constantly engaged with Chinese state. It even became a part of Chinese empire for a certain period. This regions was integrated into Chinese world order through the operations of Chinese institutions, such as “frontier commandaries” and “mofu” systems, as well as “tribute-investiture” relations. Yet, as Nanzhao, a regional state existed in Yunnan from 738 to 902, expanded into northern Myanmar and its vicinities since mid-eighth century, Yunnan started to participate in the Southeast Asian world order. In the ninth century, the king of Nanzhao called himself “Pyu-shin” and “Maharaja” and functioned as a regional hegemon there. However, the expansion of Nanzhao did not mean the expansion of “East Asian world” into mainland Southeast Asia, because it participated in different regional world order, as it expanded there. Therefore, while for instance Goguryeo and the regional tributary system operated by it constituted a part of East Asian world order, Nanzhao and the regional world order operated by it were not a part of it. Indeed, Nanzhao constituted a borderland between the Chinese world and the world of Sanskrit. Therefore, Nanzhao state’s simultaneous participation in these two different worlds reveals the multilayered and interlocked operations of the multiple ancient “world” systems. Yet, from the viewpoint of rulers of Nanzhao, it may have been that “China,” “Tibet,” and “India,” and Pyu states were mere elements that constituted their own regional world order centered around Yunnan.

      • KCI등재


        ?波(Zhang Bo),金昌?(Kim, Chang-Gyeong) 동북아시아문화학회 2020 동북아 문화연구 Vol.1 No.63

        Bakuhan is unique social system of modern Japan is different in China"s ancient unified social system, and different from Europe"s system of separation of powers, It is the organic combination of the centralized power of the shogunate and the decentralization of various vassal states, is the unification of the supreme emperor and the supreme strong general, it is also a unique social system on the eve of the modernization of Japanese history, so there are a lot of discussions and arguments on the view of the Bakuhan system in the historians, and all of them have aroused the attention of the scholars from its connotation and essence, its formation reasons and the social influence brought by the characteristics of power. The tokugawa shogunate with absolute superiority of power, why not completely overpower the emperor, completely suppress the daimyo, the establishment of a more powerful than the “centralized feudal state” absolute monarchy, why the group of vassal states willing to submit to the minister of the tokugawa, how the emperor in the tokugawa regime under the decree of the law to maintain the eternal. The separation of the shogunate from the court, the shogunate from the vassal states, leading to the separation of power from authority, power from wealth,a political system that looks like this looks like a decentralized system, but it can achieve a peaceful and unified Japan. A locked, closed and seemingly stagnant society created a period of prosperity and development. In the face of drastic social change, the rapid change of political power can be achieved in an almost peaceful way,as the bakuhan system of Japan on the eve of modernization, what has been prepared for the modernization reform, all of these arouse the attention of scholars and explain its true meaning.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

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