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        하곡 정제두의 준론탕평론

        이남옥(Yi, Nam-ok) 한국양명학회 2017 陽明學 Vol.0 No.47

        본고는 정제두가 주장한 탕평론에 대해서 살펴보기 위해 작성되었다. 鄭齊斗가 생존했던 17~18세기 조선은 당쟁이 가장 심한 시기였다. 그는 스승 朴世采의 皇極蕩平論을 계승하여, 1728년 경연 석상에서 戊申亂을 수습하는 방편으로 中과 平을 강조하는 峻論蕩平論을 주장하였다. 그는 丙申處分이후 당론이 심해졌지만, 국왕 영조가 탕평을 시급하게 생각하므로 다행이라 여겼다. 그리고 임금이 極을 바로 세운다면[建極] 탕평이 가능할 것이라고 말하였다. 나아가 제갈량이 『출사표』에서 제기한 ‘宮中府中一體’를 통해 임금과 대신이 한 몸임을 역설하였는데, 임금이 마음을 바로 하고 이 바른 마음으로 대신을 임명하여 임금의 마음을 대변케한다면 백성에게까지 혜택이 갈 것이라고 하였다. 다만, 임금이 지극히 공평하고 사사로움이 없는 마음을 지니고 상벌을 공평히 하여[平] 죄진 사람은 죄주고 현자는 등용하여 시비와 곡직에서 中을 얻어야 한다고 하였다. 이는 피차를 구분하지 않고 화평한 정치를 목적으로하는 조제보합적 탕평을 반대한 것으로 이전의 탕평론과는 차이를 둔 것이다. In the 17-18th century of Joseon(朝鮮) when Jeong Je-du(鄭齊斗, 1649~1736) lived, party strife was the most severe. He inherited Park Se-chae‘s theory of impartiality and claimed the Stern political harmony(峻論蕩平) that emphasizes harmony(平) and equilibrium(中). In the Royal Lecture(經筵) of 1728, when Yi In-jwa’s rebellion took place, Jeong Je-du insisted on his theory of impartiality. After the political decision of King Sukjong in 1719, Jeong Je-du thought that political disputes had become more serious. However, he felt lucky that King Youngjo considered political harmony as an urgent problem. His agument is as follows. First, If the King establishes the principle, the political harmony will be possible. Secondly, Through Zhuge Liang(諸葛亮)’s theory that the royal clan and the government are one can prove that the King and King’s servant are one. Therefore, if the king has the right mind and appoints his servant with the right mind, if he represents the king’s heart, the political benefits will come to the people. Third, The King must fairly grant punishment with a fair heart, and the wise shall rise up and the sinner to sin. This is against the theory of impartiality in the previous era aimed at peaceful politics without discrimination.

      • KCI등재

        여헌 장현광 禮學思想 연구의 성찰과 전망

        유권종(Yoo Kwon-Jong) 한국인물사연구소 2010 한국인물사연구 Vol.13 No.-

        This article, as a result of investigation of the new understanding frame about Yoheon Jang Hyungwang's ideas of Confucian properties, keeps some new suggestions. Irrespective of limits established by existing studies, Yoheon's ideas of Confucian properties have freely been investigated into the connection of the whole system of his Confucianism and its subordinate structure. The most considerable points of his learning should be two: the first is the authenticity of his learning is on the ground of his learning of the Change(Ijing) and the second is the ultimate purpose of his learning points the completion of human undertaking of morality. In accordance with this reasoning, it is discussed in this article that studies on his learning ought not to be limited to analysis and adjustment of his explanations of Confucian properties and manuals for the ceremony of doing up one's hat, of wedding or of ancestor-memorial. Specially important point of this discussion should be the idea of Quadrents of Confcuian properties which can be set up according to his conceptions. The contents of the quadrents should Confucian properties as the Ultimate principle, human nature that keeps inside the Ultimate principle, the embodied ones on one's body and behaviors, and the norms of the outer world. However, from his viewpoint the key role of the achievement or completion of one's undertaking of morality should absolutely be dependent on the ability of the performer that can sum up and condense the contents of the quadrents onto the one's mind and body. Therefore what he accents is to establish the post that can sum up and condense the contents of the quadrents onto the one's mind and bory. The posts should be established first of all in one's mind. And a King should become the post of all his people. The perfect ideal stage should be to establish the post of this world or the cosmos. He insists that the post is the pivotal point of the completion of everyone's undertaking in one's life. On the basis of this discussion, the future studies of his learning of Confucian properties should investigate the ground of the truth of his learning necessarily taking into consideration the inter-relation and inner-relationship in the whole system of his Confucianism. In addition, every partition of the quadrents should be studied and his understanding about the structure of the coordinations of the quadrents should also be explored. And the methodology for the completion of human undertaking should be investigated in reference to the quadrents and establishment of the posts.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        여헌 장현광 禮學思想 연구의 성찰과 전망

        유권종 (사)한국인물사연구회 2010 한국인물사연구 Vol.13 No.-

        This article, as a result of investigation of the new understanding frame about Yoheon Jang Hyungwang's ideas of Confucian properties, keeps some new suggestions. Irrespective of limits established by existing studies, Yoheon's ideas of Confucian properties have freely been investigated into the connection of the whole system of his Confucianism and its subordinate structure. The most considerable points of his learning should be two: the first is the authenticity of his learning is on the ground of his learning of the Change(Ijing) and the second is the ultimate purpose of his learning points the completion of human undertaking of morality. In accordance with this reasoning, it is discussed in this article that studies on his learning ought not to be limited to analysis and adjustment of his explanations of Confucian properties and manuals for the ceremony of doing up one's hat, of wedding or of ancestor-memorial. Specially important point of this discussion should be the idea of Quadrents of Confcuian properties which can be set up according to his conceptions. The contents of the quadrents should Confucian properties as the Ultimate principle, human nature that keeps inside the Ultimate principle, the embodied ones on one's body and behaviors, and the norms of the outer world. However, from his viewpoint the key role of the achievement or completion of one's undertaking of moraity should absolutely be dependent on the ability of the performer that can sum up and condense the contents of the quadrents onto the one's mind and boty. Therefore what he accents is to establish the post that can sum up and condense the contents of the quadrents onto the one's mind and boty. The posts should be established first of all in one's mind. And a King should become the post of all his people. The perfect ideal stage should the post of this world or the cosmos. He insists that the post is the pivotal point of the completion of everyone's undertaking in one's life. On the basis of this discussion, the future studies of his learning of Confucian properties should investigate the ground of the truth of his learning necessarily taking into consideration the inter-relation and inner-relationship in the whole system of his Confucianism. In addition, every partition of the quadrents should be studied and his understanding about the structure of the coordinations of the quadrents should also be explored. And the methodology for the completion of human undertaking should be investigated in reference to the quadrents and establishment of the posts.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        성별불쾌감(gender dysphoria, GD)에 따른 성별변경에 대한 일고찰 : 외국의 입법례 및 판례를 중심으로 우리나라의 입법방향 제고

        박용숙(Park, Yongsook) 한국헌법학회 2021 憲法學硏究 Vol.27 No.2

        최근 우리 사회가 직면한 화두는 편견과 차별이다. 그 가운데 성별변경은 매우 민감한 법적 쟁점의 하나이다. 전 세계에서 처음으로 성전환수술을 받고 성별변경을 한 공식적 기록은 Einar Wegener의 사례이다. 그는 1882년 덴마크에서 남성으로 태어나 1904년 Gerda Gottlieb라는 여성과 결혼생활 중 성별정체성을 깨닫고 여성으로서의 삶을 살아가기로 결정한 후, 네 번의 성전환수술을 거쳐, 개명 및 성별정정을 통해 Lili Elbe라는 여성으로 젠더전환에 성공했다. 이 사례처럼, 출생 시 타고난 성별과 인식하는 성별 사이의 차이를 느끼는 경우 성별불쾌감을 완화시키기 위하여 호르몬 요법이나 성전환수술, 안면 성형 수술 등 기타 외과수술 등을 실시하곤 한다. 그리고 최종적으로는 자신의 법적 성별을 스스로가 인식하고 있는 성별로 승인받기를 원한다. 우리나라 현행법에는 성별불쾌감 등으로 인한 성별변경을 규정하는 법률 없이 대법원규칙 「성전환자의 성별정정허가신청사건 등 사무처리지침」으로 처리하고 있다. 사무처리지침은 제정당시 제6조에서 성별정정의 허가기준을 규정하고 있었다. 그런데 사무처리지침이 개정되는 과정에서 이 요건이 ‘조사사항’에서 다시 최근 ‘참고사항’으로 개정되었다. 따라서 본고에서는, 이와 관련하여 개념정의 및 성별구분 기준(Ⅱ)과 입법 관련 국내 논의 동향 및 입법의 필요성에 대해 검토(Ⅲ)한 다음, 제 외국의 법적 성별변경 요건(Ⅳ)을 살펴봄으로써 우리 대법원이 제시한 성별변경 요건의 타당성에 대해 검토(Ⅴ)해 보았다. It is no exaggeration to say that our society is facing the hot topic of prejudice and discrimination recently. Among them, gender change is one of the most sensitive legal issues. The world s first official record of gender reassignment surgery and gender change is the case of Einar Wegener. Born as a male in Denmark in 1882, he realized his gender identity during marriage with a woman named Gerda Gottlieb in 1904 and decided to live as a woman. changed gender to As in this case, if you feel a difference between your innate gender and your perceived gender, hormone therapy, gender reassignment surgery, or other surgical procedures such as facial plastic surgery are performed to alleviate gender discomfort. And finally, they want their legal gender to be recognized as the gender they recognize. In the current Korean law, there is no law that regulates gender change due to gender discomfort, etc., but the Supreme Court Rule “Guidelines for handling cases of transgender people applying for permission for gender reassignment, etc.” At the time of enactment, Article 6 of the Office Management Guidelines stipulated the criteria for permission for gender reassignment. However, in the process of revising the Office Handling Guidelines, this requirement was recently revised from ‘Investigation Matters’ to ‘References’. Therefore, in this paper, the Supreme Court of Korea examines the definition of the concept and gender classification criteria (Ⅱ), the trend of domestic debate and the necessity of legislation (Ⅲ), and then examines the requirements for legal gender change in other countries (IV). The validity of the proposed gender change requirement was reviewed (V).

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