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      • KCI등재

        足厥陰肝經 五?穴 主治의 特性과 是動病의 聯關性에 관한 硏究 -《針灸甲乙經》을 中心으로-

        성수민,이성수,오세형,황민섭,윤종화 대한침구의학회 2006 대한침구의학회지 Vol.31 No.3

        Objectives : It is known that the five Su points(五腧穴) are very useful clinically. The following study was undertaken in order to find out the general characteristic and the origin of the five Su points(五腧穴). Methods : We investigated the relation of symptoms that are treated by five Su points(五腧穴) and Shi-Dong․Suo-Sheng-Bing(是動․所生病). The main reference book was Zhen Jiu Jia Yi jing(針灸甲乙經) and the author took Liver Meridian of Foot Gworeum(足厥陰肝經) as an example. Results : 1. Five Su point(五腧穴) of Liver Meridian of Foot Gworeum(足厥陰肝經) treats Shi-Dong-Bing(是動病) of Liver Meridian of Foot Gworeum. It is peculiarity of Five Su point of Liver Meridian of Foot Gworeum, differed from the others acupoints. Symptoms of Shi-Dong-Bing appears with the abnormal pulsation of Merdian Gi(脈氣), and the special feature of Shi-Dong-Bing is the symptoms are consisted of disorders of whole body, trobles of an internal organ, and psychosomatic disorders. 2. In ≪Su Wen․San Bu Jiu Hou Lun (素問․三部九侯論)≫, it is described the part of pulse feeling for Shi-Dong-Bing(是動病) of Liver Meridian of Foot Gworeum(足厥陰肝經) as "A region that is 2 Chon(寸) from the basic digital joint of the first toe". This region is agree with the acupoint of Liver Meridian of Foot Gworeum in ≪Mai-Jing(脈經)≫, ≪Qian-Jin-Yao-Fang(千金要方)≫. And Haeng-gan(行間)․Tae-chung(太衝), members of five Su-points(五腧穴) of Liver Meridian of Foot Gworeum is situated the same region. So we suppose that the part of pulse feeling for Shi-Dong-Bing of Liver Meridian of Foot Gworeum is transformed into Haeng-gan(行間)․ Tae-chung(太衝) , among the five Su points.

      • KCI등재


        강지현 한국일본어문학회 2022 日本語文學 Vol.93 No.-

        I also discussed Ikku I's leading disciple, Gohensya-hanku, who seems to be the central person under the Jippensya-ikku’s disciples, was the main axis and Kinreisya-ippo, who has many confusing pen names. As a research method for that purpose, I decided to dig out biographical matters from the bibliography of lesser-known works and introduce them. As a result, the following views were obtained. First, as a result of verifying the name “Ginreisya-hanku, Ginreitei-hanku, Ginreisya-hanpo”, I proposed the following things that the theory of Ginreisya-hanku = Kinreisya-ippo and Ginreitei-hanku = Gohensya-hanku is a fallacy, Ginreisya-hanpo would be a disciple of Kinreisya-ippo, “Ougontei” as the teigo of Kinreisya-ippo and so on. Second, I inferred the cause of the rumors of the trouble about the succession to “the Ikku II” between Hanku and Sanku. However, the truth is unknown because there is no evidence that the two contended, and except for “Sanku”, he is the most creative activity among the direct disciples of the Ikku Ⅰ, while being involved in the succession names of the Ikku Ⅱ and Ikku Ⅲ. It was decided that Gohensya-hanku was the disciple who tried to make prosperous the Ikku disciples. 十返舎一九の高弟、金鈴舎一寶と五返舎半九について 初代一九の高弟で、十返舎門下の中心的人物と思しき五返舎半九を主軸に、紛らわしい戯号が多い金鈴舎一宝まで論じた。そのための研究方法としては、あまり知られていなかった著作の書誌から、伝記的事項を掘り出して、紹介することになった。その結果、次の新知見が得られた。第一、「銀鈴舎半九、銀鈴亭半九、銀鈴舎半宝」という名前について検証した結果、銀鈴舎半九=金鈴舎一宝、銀鈴亭半九=五返舎半九という説は誤謬であること、銀鈴舎半宝は金鈴舎一宝の弟子であろうこと、金鈴舎一宝の亭号として「黄金亭」などを提起した。第二、半九と三九の二代目一九襲名争いの噂が立った原因を推論しつつ、しかしながら、二人が争った形跡は見当たらないので真相は不明であること、転門してきた三九を除くと、初代一九の直弟子の中で随一の創作活動をしていて、代々の一九襲名に関わりつつ社中を盛り立てようとした門弟が五返舎半九であることを見極めた次第である。因みに、その半九作噺本『落噺仕立おろし』の改題再版本が『落しばなし』と『茶番今様風流』であった。

      • 현장의 불전 번역 원칙

        조윤경(Yoonkyung Cho) 중앙승가대학교 불교학연구원 2019 불교와 사회 Vol.11 No.2

        서역의 불전을 한문으로 정확하게 번역해내는 것은 중국불교가 당면한 과제 가운데 가장 핵심적인 것이었다고 해도 과언이 아니다. 본 논문은 현장 이전의 번역을 대표하는 도안과 구마라집의 불전 번역에 관해 살펴보고, 현장의 불전 번역이 지닌 특징을 도출하기 위해 현장의 번역 원칙이 이들과 어떤 점에서 다른지 고찰한다. 현장 이전의 불전 번역가들은 대략 직역파와 의역파로 나뉜다. 도안은 ‘오실본삼불역(五失本三不易)’이라는 원칙을 제시하며, 불전 번역에서 직역을 중시한 반면, 구마라집은 비교적 간결한 문장으로 원문의 내용에 충실한 의역을 추구했다. 현장의 신역은 양적․질적인 측면에서 모두 뛰어난 번역이라고 평가받는데, 특히 인도의 원본에 가장 충실한 정확한 번역이라는 후대의 평가를 받았다. 현장은 보다 체계적이고 발전된 형태의 불전 번역 이론을 갖추었는데, 바로 ‘오불번(五不翻)’ 및 ‘정번(正翻)’, ‘의번(義翻)’이다. 그의 번역 이론은 음역, 직역, 의역의 기준을 제시하였으며, 불전 번역에서 여러 가지 번역 방법을 다양하게 구사하여 이전 번역에서 보이는 단점을 보완했고, 후대 동아시아 불전 번역에 큰 영향을 미쳤다. It was undoubtedly the most important task to translate Indian Buddhist texts correctly into Chinese characters in the history of Chinese Buddhism. This paper examines the translation of Xuanzang compared with the previous translation by Dao’an and Kumārajīva, especially focused on their principles for the translation of Buddhist texts. While Dao’an emphasized literal translation proposing the principles of Transformation in the Five Cases and Preservation in the Three Cases (五失本三不易), Kumārajīva’s translation was closer to liberal translation and he tried to translate the texts according to the meaning of the original Sanskrit texts using concise Chinese sentences. The new translation of Xuanzang was evaluated for being excellent in both quantitative and qualitative aspects, and particularly appreciated for being the most accurate translation in accord with the original Sanskrit texts. He presented a more systematic and advanced theory of translating Buddhist texts: Transliteration in the Five Cases (五不翻), Literal Translation (正翻), and Liberal Translation (義翻). It is significant in that Xuanzang's translation theory provided the criteria for transliteration, literal translation, and liberal translation, and he overcame the imperfections of previous translation by using various methods in the translation of Buddhist texts.

      • KCI등재

        日本における軍隊用語の成立に関する研究 -『五国対照兵語字書』及び独和軍隊用語辞典を中心に-

        박균철 한국일본어문학회 2010 日本語文學 Vol.44 No.-

        本稿では、独和軍隊用語辞典4種を取り上げ、各辞典の序文の分析及び辞典同士の影響関係、また『五国対照兵語字書』からの影響について考察を行なった。まとめると、以下のとおりである。 まず序文の分析によって各辞典の刊行に至った経緯、当時の軍隊の状況などが知りえた。つまり、当時世界最強というドイツ軍隊の位相、辞典の編纂にかかった時間、辞典の編纂に当たって参考とした資料、ドイツ語関連の辞典が少ない理由、軍隊用語辞典の編者が一般人も視野に入れていることが明らかになった。 4種の独和軍隊用語辞典間の影響関係を調べてみたところ、①、②、③、④辞典の訳語が完全一致するのは、357原語のうち160語(44.8%)である。つまり①辞典の訳語の半分近くが②、③、④辞典へ影響を与えていたことになる。①辞典は最初の独和軍隊用語辞典という辞書史的意義のほかに、訳語の非定着期である明治20年代の辞典として後続する辞典への影響力がかなり大きかったといえよう。 『五国対照兵語字書』と独和軍隊用語辞典類との間で、原語の確認ができた80語を対象に、一致する訳語を調べてみたところ、『五国対照兵語字書』の訳語のうち35語は独和軍隊用語辞典類へ影響を与えていることがわかった。

      • KCI등재후보
      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재후보

        『상한론(傷寒論)』변병진단체계(辨病診斷體系)에 근거하여 오령산(五苓散) 투여 후 호전된 다한증 증례 1례

        박서연 ( Seo-yeon Park ) 대한상한금궤의학회 2018 대한상한금궤의학회지 Vol.10 No.1

        Objective : The purpose of this paper is to report the improvement of patient with hyperhidrosis treated by herb medication based on Shanghanlun disease pattern identification diagnostic system. Methods : According to ‘Disease Pattern Identification Diagnostic System based on Shanghanlun Provisions’, the patient was diagnosed with Taeyang-byung Kyeolhyung number 156 provision, and took Oryeong-san herb medication 15days. The result of administration was evaluated by Hyperhidrosis Disease Severity Scale (HDSS) and Visual Analog Scale (VAS). Results : After administration of Oryeong-san 15days, based on 156 provision of Oryeong-san seclected according to Shanghanlun provisions, Hyperhidrosis Disease Severity Scale (HDSS) was decreased from 4 to 2 and Visual Analog Scale (VAS) was decreased from 10 to 2. Conclusions : The patient’s hyperhidrosis improved. This case report suggests that the word ‘遂’ on the 153-156 provisions of Shanghanlun be a direct emotional cause of hyperhidrosis in this case.

      • KCI등재


        康志賢 한국일본어교육학회 2020 日本語敎育 Vol.0 No.92

        As a result of searching the bibliographic point of view of the book from 1828 when he became a disciple of Jippesya to 1832 when the name “Zyuzitei-sanku” had become widely known, it was found the following things. First, what are “Kankosya-chutamaru” and “sanchyo” as the authors of the“Seiro-irodosi” published in 1828, and “Tokai- sanzin” as the editor? As a result of investigating their identity, which was apt to be confused with Itoi, each of three was a different person. Also, based on bibliographic research, we could reinforce and retouch the precedent that Tokai-sanzin was Itoi. I pointed out the following two points as my basis for previous reason. (1)I suggested the possibility that Chinpotei-tanenori is Itoi(another name is Tokai-sanzin).(2)In addition to precedent that Sanchyo, who appears in the Ninzyobon “Kirino-hitoha”, is Gozitei-sanchyo (and he is not Zyuzitei-sanku.) and the possibility that Sanchyo, who appears in the book “Kirino-hitoha” is a warrior of the Aki Domain “Syokaro-sanchyo” is coexisted. Second, by focusing “Dozikun-irohatanka” and as the text “Irohawake-edonomeisyo”, I demonstrated that it can be seen Itoi's attitude of emphasizing that Itoi who moved to a disciple of Zippensya in 1828 as “Tosensya renamed Zyuzitei” is Zyuzitei Sanku until 1832.

      • KCI등재

        오령산 정제 개발 및 항염증 효과

        김세진,임현희,남원희,손수미,최혜민,김명진,김정옥,이화동 한의병리학회 2020 동의생리병리학회지 Vol.34 No.6

        Oryeong-san (ORS) is a traditional Korean herbal medicine widely used for renal associated diseases, composed of five medicine herbs; Atractylodes japonica Koidzumi, Cinnamomum cassia Presl, Polyporus umbellatus Fries, Poria cocos Wolf and Alisma orientale Juzepzuk. We studied to improve the convenience of intake and portability by developing modernized dosage forms, and examined the effect on anti-inflammation of ORS. In order to develop the tablet formulation of ORS (ORS-F), the tablets were evaluated on the basis of physical characteristics include diameter, thickness, weight variation, hardness, friability and disintegration. To analyze the marker components of ORS-F, eight index markers from five herbal medicines were chosen. And the method using high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) with diode-array detector method was established for the simultaneous analysis. The biological activities were examined the effect of ORS-F on pro-inflammation mediated by LPS-stimulation. The production of nitric oxide (NO) and cytokines were determined by reacting cultured medium with griess reagent and enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). The expression of cyclooxygenase-2 (COX-2) and inducible NO synthase (iNOS) were investigated by Western blot and RT-PCR. The anti-oxidant activities of OJS-F increased markedly, in a dose-dependent manner. and, The total phenolic compound and flavonoids contents of OJS-F were 10.20±0.09 ㎍/㎎ and 12.86±0.86 ㎍/㎎. OJS-F which is LPS has diminished in the LPS-induced release of inflammatory mediators (NO, iNOS, COX2 and PGE2) and pro-inflammatory cytokines (TNF-α, IL-6 and IL-1β) from the RAW264.7 macrophages. Therefore, the developed formulation for tablet of ORS-F provide efficiency and usability, and indicated effect of anti-inflammation.

      • KCI등재


        伊河 ( Yi¸ He ) 한국중국학회 2021 중국학보 Vol.97 No.-

        豫西调本源问题一直是学术界争论的焦点, 争论的关键问题是豫西调来源于祥符调还是山陕梆子。大多数学者认为祥符调是豫剧的母调, 豫西调来脱胎于祥符调, 然而判断一种声腔源流最重要的方法是从板式和节奏上着手, 研究是否同其它声腔有相似之处。豫西梆子在孕育与形成的过程中, 其节奏、板式受到了梆子腔的影响, 但音乐旋律却随流传地域语言、语音及当地的民间音乐变化而发生了改变。当梆子腔流传到豫西一带, 便迅速与当地的民间音乐及语言、语音相结合而形成“豫西梆子”。同理流传到豫东一带就会形成祥符调、豫东调。然而, 时至今日, 豫西山区依然保留有豫西调的最原始状态的唱腔(靠山簧班社)。通过田野调查研究发现, 靠山簧的唱腔中存在两大腔调与豫剧的两腔调关系甚为密切。在没有典籍记载的情况下通过民间俗谚、文献法、曲调考证法对豫西调源流的研究来探讨与河南梆子、祥符调、山陕梆子及其它梆子腔之间的关系, 最后得出结论豫西调就是河南梆子的前身, 同时为五声宫调式。 The origin of the Western Henan Tune has always been the focus of academic debate. The key issue of the debate is whether the Western Henan Tune comes from Xiangfu Tune or Shanshan Bangzi. Most scholars believe that Xiangfu tune is the main tone of Henan opera. The western Henan tune is derived from Xiangfu tune. However, the most important way to determine the origin of a tune is to see whether it is similar to other tunes in terms of style and rhythm. In the process of gestation and formation of the clapper in western Henan, the rhythm and style of the clapper were influenced by the clapper's accent. Then the melody changes with the spread of regional language, pronunciation and local folk music. When the Bangzi accent spreads to the west of Henan, it will be combined with the local folk music, language and pronunciation to form the “Western Henan Bangzi”. When it spreads to the east of Henan, it will form the Xiangfu tune and the Eastern Henan tune. However, to this day, the mountainous area in western Henan still retains the most primitive singing voice of the Western Henan Tuning (Kaosh Theatrical troupe). In the absence of records in the classics, through the study of folk proverbs, literature methods, and tune textual research on the origins of Western Henan Tiao, the relationship with Henan Bangzi, Xiangfu Tune, Shanshan Bangzi and other Bangzi accents is discussed, and the final conclusion is Conclusion The Bangzi in the west of Henan is the predecessor of the Bangzi in Henan, and it is also the five-tone palace mode.

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