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      • KCI등재

        魏・晉・南朝의 禪讓과 역사학

        강문호(Kang Moonho) 동아인문학회 2021 동아인문학 Vol.55 No.-

        魏・晉・南北朝시대의 왕조 교체는 대부분 禪讓이라는 형식을 빌려 이뤄지고 있었다. 그렇지만 그 본질은 軍・政大權을 장악한 권신에게 어쩔 수 없이 통치권을 양위했거나, 혹은 선양이라는 美名을 앞세운 폭력적 방법을 통해 통치권을 탈취하는 방법이었다. 그 결과, 새로운 왕조는 체제 안정을 위해 선양의 당위성 혹은 새로운 왕조의 정당성을 강조할 수밖에 없었다. 선양의 당위성 혹은 정당성을 강조하기 위한 가장 손쉽고 효과적인 방법은 바로 史書 粉飾을 통한, 즉 역사 왜곡을 통한 방법이었다. 전통시대 역사학이 강조했던 가장 중요한 부분은 直筆이었다. 그렇지만 이 시점에 이르러 직필 풍조는 쇠퇴하고 곡필을 당연시하는 풍조가 일반화하기 시작했다. ‘禪讓’을 앞세웠지만 사실상 강압적 수단을 통한 특수한 형식의 왕조교체 과정을 거치면서 새로운 왕조 출현의 당위성과 그 통치의 정당성을 강조하는 과정에서 바로 이 ‘曲筆’이라는 筆法이 이 시대 史書에 반영되었던 것이다. 魏・晉・南朝의 선양에 의한 왕조 교체와 관련한 역사 왜곡 모습을 역사학자들은 잘못을 감추거나 변호한다는 의미의 ‘廻護’라는 어휘로 두리뭉실하게 표현하곤 했지만 이 글에서는 史官들의 새로운 왕조의 開創 시기에 대한 인식 문제, 前 왕조 말기 통치자의 부정적 모습과 새로운 왕조, 그리고 그 창업군주에 대한 美化, 새로운 왕조 및 그 창업군주에 대한 부정적 사건 기록 회피 등 역사 왜곡의 모습이 어떠한 방식으로 이뤄지고 있었던가를 왕조별로 분류, 정리했다. 아울러 선양을 통한 잦은 왕조 교체 속에서 자신들의 정치 사회적 지위 및 가문의 위상을 지키려 노력했던 世家大族의 처세를 바라보는 이 시대 史家들의 인식 등에 관해서도 살펴보았다. 魏・晉 통치의 정당성을 얘기할 때 논자들은 언제나 삼국 및 司馬晉 관련 正統論을 떠올리지만 이 시대의 정통논쟁에 대한 논의는 이미 그 연구가 많이 이뤄졌기 때문에 이 글에서는 다루지 않았다. Most of China"s medieval dynasties were replaced by Shenyang(禪讓). However, its essence was achieved by the dynastic replacement being forced to abdicate the sovereignty to the ruling authority, or by taking over the sovereignty through violent methods under the guise of Shenyang. As a result, the new dynasty established through Shenyang was forced to emphasize the legitimacy of Shenyang or the legitimacy of the new dynasty in order to stabilize the system. The easiest and most effective way to emphasize the justification or legitimacy of establishing a new dynasty through Shenyang was through a historical fraud, or historical distortions. The most important part of the history of the traditional period was the writing plainly. By this point, however, the trend of the writing plainly had declined, and the trend of the writing twistedly for granted began to become common. Although ‘Shenyang’ was put forward, the penmanship of ‘the writing twistedly’ was reflected in the historiography of this era as it emphasized the legitimacy of the emergence of a new dynasty and the legitimacy of its rule through a special form of dynastic replacement through coercive means. Historians used to express historical records related to the replacement of dynasties by the Shenyang of Wei, Jin, and Nam dynasty, in other words, historical distortions in the vocabulary ‘hwe-ho’ meaning hiding or defending their wrong doings. However, this article categorizes and summarizes how historical distortions were being made, such as the perception of the new dynasty"s construction timing, the negativity of the late rulers, the glorification of new dynasties and founding monarchs, and the avoidance of records. In addition, this article will shed light on the problems of historians" perception of the conduct of life of the noble family, which tried to protect their political and social status and family status amid frequent dynastic changes through Shenyang.

      • KCI등재

        史學部 : 伐閱之源流與演變:以出土資料爲中心

        대위홍 ( Wei Hong Dai ) 한국중국학회 2014 中國學報 Vol.70 No.-

        In the pre-Qin period, Fa (伐) meant the exploit and its grades of the meritorious statesmen and counsellor, and Yue (閱) meant the resume. In the Qin-Han Dynasties, the two single words with different means were combined to a word ‘Fa Yue’ (伐閱), which not only meant the exploit and resume, but also was a document recorded the notable achievements and the resumption. Especially the wood manuscript titled Fa Yue was unearthed in the first time at an abandoned well of Qin dynasty in Liye, Hunan Province. In this wood manuscript, the characters were written by three segments and the contents were composed that the official`s resume recorded by the time sequence which especially was accurate to the day in the different officials, his age and assessments about financial affairs and the household register and indicating what positions and institutions he will be promoted by the higher authority. The Wood Manuscript titled Fa Yue was not a copy but the real used document. It was important firsthand information to recognize the sources and development of Fa Yue in ancient China. In the East Han Dynasty, the structure of Fa (伐) was changed to Fa (閥) meanwhile the mean of ‘Fa Yue’ (閥閱) was changed to pedigree because the aristocratic families who holding high official and teaching the Confucian classics possessed the selection system and many Confucians acceded in the grass-rooted administrative system who could not obtain the military exploits and did not have the official experience .In the Wei, Jin, Southern and Northern Dynasties, ‘Fa Yue’ (閥閱) referred to extraction then it became the another appellation of blue blood in the Tang Dynasty. It was illustrated that the transformation of ‘Fa Yue’ (伐閱) to ‘Fa Yue’ (閥閱) was not only the change in word structure and means, but also miniatured the bureaucratic culture in the medieval China.

      • KCI등재


        戴衛紅 한국중국학회 2014 중국학보 Vol.70 No.-

        In the pre-Qin period, Fa (伐) meant the exploit and its grades of the meritorious statesmen and counsellor, and Yue (閱) meant the resume. In the Qin-Han Dynasties, the two single words with different means were combined to a word ‘Fa Yue’ (伐閱), which not only meant the exploit and resume, but also was a document recorded the notable achievements and the resumption. Especially the wood manuscript titled Fa Yue was unearthed in the first time at an abandoned well of Qin dynasty in Liye, Hunan Province. In this wood manuscript, the characters were written by three segments and the contents were composed that the official’s resume recorded by the time sequence which especially was accurate to the day in the different officials, his age and assessments about financial affairs and the household register and indicating what positions and institutions he will be promoted by the higher authority. The Wood Manuscript titled Fa Yue was not a copy but the real used document. It was important firsthand information to recognize the sources and development of Fa Yue in ancient China. In the East Han Dynasty, the structure of Fa (伐) was changed to Fa (閥) meanwhile the mean of ‘Fa Yue’ (閥閱) was changed to pedigree because the aristocratic families who holding high official and teaching the Confucian classics possessed the selection system and many Confucians acceded in the grass-rooted administrative system who could not obtain the military exploits and did not have the official experience .In the Wei, Jin, Southern and Northern Dynasties, ‘Fa Yue’ (閥閱) referred to extraction then it became the another appellation of blue blood in the Tang Dynasty. It was illustrated that the transformation of ‘Fa Yue’ (伐閱) to ‘Fa Yue’ (閥閱) was not only the change in word structure and means, but also miniatured the bureaucratic culture in the medieval China.

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