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      • KCI등재

        국어 용언어간의 기저형 ‘X(C)ㅎ-/X(C)ㆆ-’

        정영호(Jeong Yeong-Ho) 국어국문학회 2009 국어국문학 Vol.- No.151

        The purpose of this thesis is to consider by what process and cause the restructuring of the stem is done, by reexamining the underlying form ‘X(C)h-/X(C)?-’ of the stem of a declinable word, Additionally, this thesis is to try to present a synchronic descriptive scheme on the underlying form of the stem of a declinable word. In the course of this, it is grounded that an abstract phoneme ㆆ is not admitted. The results are as follows. Firstly, the ㅎ in the end of stem of the declinable word is changed to a stop in the end of a syllable, and then to ㆆ[?]. Secondly, h-deletion between voiced sounds is a fact in general in Korean language. Thirdly, ㆆ does not exist as a phoneme but exists in a phonetic level. And the rule of ㆆ-deletion which is used for the reanalysis is not a general one. Fourthly, the phonological phenomenon is explained after setting up underlying form of stem of a declinable word by reanalysis making use of ‘h→?’ rule and h-deletion rule.

      • KCI우수등재

        만연사본 <진업진(1777년)>의 표기법 연구

        안주호 국어국문학회 2003 국어국문학 Vol.- No.133

        This paper is concerned with investigating the Siddhama ̄trka ̄ and its counterpart Korean pronunciation of Manyeonsa <Jineonjip 1777>, published by Monk Yong Am, who was very knowledgable of Sanskrit, and his disciple Monk Baek Am. It also studies the characteristics of actual mantra spelling system, and have made following observations. First, in the Siddhama ̄trka ̄ mantras are spelled in Korean more closely to Sanskrit pronunciation based on the Ansimsa <Jineonjip>. Unlike the Korean counterpart pronunciation for the 12 vowels in Mangwolsa which is spelled as the letter "ㆆ", the 12 vowels are closely matched with the Ansimas version. Secondly, Korean counterpart consonant pronunciations are matched in categorization of ① voiceless consonant sound, ② voiceless consonant sound/aspirate, ③ voiced sound, ④ voiced sound/aspirate, ⑤ nasal sound as in Sanskrit. Thirdly, in actual mantra spelling the Manyeonsa version was presented in the order of ˝Korean → Chinese → Sanskrit and the letter "ㆆ" was used as for the Korean counterpart pronunciation of long vowel "O^m, a ̄". Lastly, in actual mantra spelling the same letters(各自竝書) "까, 짜, 따, 따, 빠, ㆅㅏ" were used. This is very particular in comparison with other Juneunjips (Mantra books). In addition, "ㅿ, ㆁ, ㅸ" were matched in accordance with Sanskrit categorization. These cases were explained in the <Jineunjip Beomrye>. In conclusion, the Korean counterpart pronunciation of Siddhama ̄trka ̄ is well reflected in the mantra spelling of Manyeonsa version, using Korean counterpart pronunciation in clear categorization of Sanskrit pronunciation.

      • KCI등재

        이영보래(以影補來) 표기의 동기와 ㅭ종성 음절의 음운론적 성격에 대하여

        차익종 ( Cha Ik-jong ) 조선대학교 인문학연구원 2021 인문학연구 Vol.0 No.61

        이 연구는 동국정운식 한자음 표기 중 ‘ㅭ’, 이른바 이영보래(以影補來)의 동기와 ㅭ종성 음절의 음운론적 성격을 규명하는 데에 목적을 둔다. 훈민정음 해례본과 언해본, 동국정운 서문, 사성통고 서문 등 중세 조선의 기록과 중국의 성운학 문헌 속 기록, 현대 성조언어학 연구를 탐구한 결과 15세기조선 운학가들이 인식한 입성이란 促急한 자질을 가리키고 있음을 파악하였다. 이는 입성을 운미 분절음의 종류와 동일시했던 통념과 다른 결과로서, ‘ㄱ,ㄷ,ㅂ’종성 음절이 고유어에서는 平上去 세 가지 성조로 두루 나타나고 한어 입성이 한국 한자음에서는 거성과 같다는 훈민정음 해례의 기록은 성조에 대한 과학적 인식을 담고 있음을 알 수 있다. 한편 고유어 관형사형 어미 ㄹ 및 ㅭ 표기 구성, 사이시옷의 ㆆ 표기를 두루 관찰한 결과 15세기의 ㆆ은 후두긴장 자질을 나타내는 기능을 하였다. 이영보래의 ㅭ은 ㄹ과 다를 뿐 아니라 ㄹ과 ㆆ의 연속 발음도 아니며, 후두긴장 자질이 더해진 ㄹ의 변이음이라는 성격을 지닌다. 특히 고유어 관형사형 어미의 ㅭ 표기에서는 후두긴장 자질을 설정하는 것이 폐쇄음과 마찰음을 모두 포함하는 경음화 현상을 기술하는 효과적 방법이 된다. The Donggukjeongun (1447) 東國正韻 corrected the ending 'ㄹ'(/-l/) in Sino-Korean uniformly to ㅭ, which was dubbed yǐyǐngbŭlăi (以影補來). Many scholars have agreed that this unique transcription was devised to restore the original entering tone. But why the compilers of Donggukjeongun did not choose ‘ㄷ’(t) rather than ㆆ'? Actually the well-known description in Hunminjeongeum Haerye admits that 'ㄷ' should be used for the position of Sino-Korean ending 'ㄹ'(/-l/). The effective answer would be that one of the principle of Donggukjeongun was to respect the traditional or vernacular Sino-Korean. The compilers would have tried to re-construct the tonal system while keeping the ending 'ㄹ'(/-l/) intact. Why not 'ㅪ'? If they wanted to preserve the vernacular ending, 'ㅪ' would be an option. There must have been, however, an inevitable reason here; they needed a mark or sign for the feature of entering tone. It is 'ㆆ' that could effectively have taken this function. In Korean phonology, the syllable endings '-p, -t, -k' carry with them the reinforcement process; plain obstruents alternate with reinforced ones after '-k, p, t'. Another reinforcement process occurs in position following the adnominal ending (-ㄹ). In 15th Korean, ㅭ is closely related with the latter process: (1) 反側□ 사□말 (2) 나고져 □ 사□□ (3) 求□ 싸□. These examples are considered to be the equivalents of reinforcement phenomena. The environment of the adnominal construction is accompanied by the use of 'ㆆ', where 'ㆆ' functions as reinforcement feature. The reinforcement feature of 'ㆆ' would be [+laryngeal], rather than the so-called 'glottal stop' as is frequently referred to. The reinforced fricatives (ㅆ, ㆅ in Middle Korean) do not have any feature of stop, since the auditory nature of fricatives do not hold the phase of stop. It needs to be reminded that every consonant has 3 parameters; places of articulation, manners of articulation, and the phonation types. The three parameters of 'ㆆ' would be glottis (place of articulation), stop (manner of articulation), and laryngeal tenseness (phonation type). The compilers of Donggukjeongun would have so effectively captured the feature of phonation type in 'ㆆ' from the adnominal construction of native Middle Korean, and proceeded to apply it to the form of yǐyǐngbŭlăi (以影補來) for their new standard Sino-Korean.

      • KCI등재

        후기 중세 한국어에서 ‘ㆆ’의 음가 및 본질

        장석(张硕),곽령(郭玲) 가천대학교 아시아문화연구소 2024 아시아문화연구 Vol.65 No.-

        ‘ㆆ’은 사라진 문자로서 일찍부터 학계의 주목을 받았다. 선학들은 ‘ㆆ’에 대해 연구하여 많은 성과를 거두었지만 현재로서 ‘ㆆ’과 관련된 문제들이 여전히 남아 있다. 따라서 본고는 ‘ㆆ’의 음가와 본질에 대해 다시 살펴보았다. 제Ⅱ장에서는 훈민정음 의 기록, 문헌에서의 ‘ㆆ’의 쓰임을 통해 ‘ㆆ’의 음가를 다시 재구하였다. 훈민정음 에서는 ‘ㆆ’의 기본 음가를 성문 파열음 [ʔ]로 규정하였지만 이러한 음가는 이론적인 음가일 뿐이다. 그 원인은 문헌에서 ‘ㆆ’이 발음될 수 없기 때문이다. 후기 중세 한국어 문헌에서 ‘ㆆ’은 홀로 쓰이는 경우가 있고 ‘ㄹ’과 함께 겹받침 ‘ㅭ’을 이루는 경우도 있다. 본고에서는 이를 차례로 고찰하였고 두 종류의 ‘ㆆ’이 모두 발음될 수 없다는 결론을 얻었다. 제Ⅲ장에서는 ‘ㆆ’의 제자 원인, ‘ㆆ’으로 고유어를 기록하는 원인을 고찰하여 ‘ㆆ’의 본질을 규명하였다. ‘ㆆ’은 잉여적 자모이었지만 훈민정음 의 문자 체계, 제자 원리, 한글의 창제 목적과 긴밀한 관계를 가지고 있다. ‘ㆆ’은 동국정운식 한자음, 중국어, 일본어를 비롯한 외국어 그리고 기타 자연의 소리를 기록할 때 꼭 필요한 자모이다. 이것은 ‘ㆆ’이 만들어진 원인이다. ‘ㆆ’으로 고유어를 기록하는 원인을 규명하기 위해 세종의 언어 문자관, 집현전 학자들의 언어 문자관, 세조의 언어 문자관을 차례로 살펴보았다. ‘ㆆ’의 쓰임은 형태소 위주로 하는 세종의 언어 문자관, 집현전 학자들의 정밀표기 의식과 관련된다. 세조는 세종과 집현전 학자의 영향을 받아 ‘ㆆ’을 사용하였다. 그러나 월인석보 , 능엄경언해 에서는 오분석 혹은 과도 분석한 예들이 많이 확인되고 이는 세조가 ‘ㆆ’을 제대로 사용하지 못한 것을 암시한다. 이처럼 ‘ㆆ’은 한글 문헌에서 잉여적인 요소일 뿐더러 한국어를 기록하는 데에 지점을 주었다. 이것은 ‘ㆆ’의 소실 원인이다. The scholars have long studied the phonological status of ‘ㆆ’, but discussions are still under way. And since ‘ㆆ’ disappeared in a short time, it is more unusual than other letters. Therefore, it is necessary to accurately explain the essence of ‘ㆆ’. These two issues are discussed in this paper. ChapterⅡ constructed the sound value of ‘ㆆ’ through Hunminjeongeum and the Late Middle Korean literature. The value of ‘ㆆ’ in Hunminjeongeum is constructed into a glottal plosive [ʔ]. But this phonetic value is only a theoretical phonetic value. The reason is that 'ㆆ' cannot be pronounced in the Late Middle literature. Chapter Ⅲ discussed the essence of ‘ㆆ’. ‘ㆆ’ is a letter made for the systematicness of Hunminjeongeum consonants, and for the use of foreign languages. This is why ‘ㆆ’ was created. And King Sejong has a notation consciousness that places more emphasis on form than sound and the scholars have a strong tendency to narrow transcription. This is the reason why ‘ㆆ’ was used to mark the Native Korean.

      • 국어 후음 계열의 축약 현상에 대하여

        배영환 개신어문학회 2015 개신어문연구 Vol.40 No.-

        The purpose of this study is to examine a few issues associated with the contraction phenomenon in Korean. In Korean, contraction can be considered to be the phenomenon that two phonemes are combined to be a single phoneme. It is the phenomenon that the number of phonemes is reduced in the process of phonological changes. Of phenomena treated as the contraction in the previous discussion, a phonological phenomenon difficult to be regarded as contraction and phenomenon newly regarded as contraction were reviewed. In some cases, it is not easy to describe the scope of contraction and process of contraction with aspiration, the representative phonological phenomenon of contraction. With regard to the scope of contraction, so called the contraction phenomenon does not belong to the category of contraction in the strict sense. They also included things not easy to be explained only by glide formation or phonological aspects. And of the problems on the process of contraction, when ‘ㅈ’ etc. come in front of ‘ㅎ’ as shown in ‘[ichida]’, it is not easy to explain that it has been aspirated after going through syllable-final plain stops or ‘ㅈ’ and ‘ㅎ’ have been directed contracted. A phonological phenomenon that can be newly regarded as contraction is related to ‘ㆆ’. ‘ㆆ’ can be considered to be a phoneme appropriate to describe the irregular verbs of Korean and be understood in terms of showing the feasibility of phonological skills. According to the utilization aspect shown in ‘Jikko, Jieuni, Jieo’, it is difficult to explain that the utilization aspect of the previous period has been fossilized into modern Korean. Therefore, it is reasonable to recognize ‘ㆆ’ and regard it as the resulting contraction. ‘ㆆ’ can be considered as an element of glottalizing a following ending immediately without being changed or neutralized into ‘ㄷ’. By considering so, there is an advantage that it can be described in parallel with the aspiration phenomenon in which ‘ㅎ’ is shown.

      • KCI등재

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