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      • KCI등재

        「とか」에 관한 일고찰 -중고 중후기・중세 초기의 자료를 중심으로-

        하주영 동아시아일본학회 2019 일본문화연구 Vol.0 No.72

        In this study, ‘とか’ was researched on the basis of the early Heian period monogataries and the former Middle Age period monogatary. The results are summarized as in below. In 『Utsuhomonogatari』, 『Genzimonogatari』 it was identified that ‘とか’ had been used as a compound postposition as in the example where case particle ‘と’+sub-particle ‘か’ (It’s callde ‘と’+‘か’ below.) was used in Ancient times and the latter Heian period. The examples of compound postposition ‘とか’ appeared to be significantly different from the examples of ‘と’+‘か’. In the formative examples where ‘と’+‘か’, it is used as ‘interrogative (interrogative expression) とか~guess auxiliary verb/joint type’ and the compound postposition ‘とか’ is used as ‘~とかいふ(申す, のたまふ)/思う, 聞く, ある, etc.’ in a format of ‘とか’. Also, there were examples where ‘とか’ and ‘とかや’ are used as a collocation, ‘なにとか(や)’. On the other hand, examples of ‘とかや’ were found three times more than the examples of ‘とか’ in 『Heikemonogatari』, and ‘とか’ was used only as ‘と’+‘か’. Also, it was only used in the middle of the sentence. However, ‘とかや’ appeared in the middle of the sentence as well as at the end of the sentence interchangeably.

      • KCI등재

        일본인 남자대학생 대화에 나타난 「とか」의 담화상의 기능

        이은미 ( Lee Eun-mi ) 한국일어일문학회 2016 日語日文學硏究 Vol.98 No.1

        本硏究では日本人の男子大學生同士の會話における「とか」の使用樣相について談話上の機能を中心に調べた。その際, 日本人の言語使用に影響を與える主な要因の一つの親疎要因と絡めて定性的及び定量的に分析した。その結果を簡單にまとめると次のようである。 まず, 男子大學生の友達同士の會話に比べ, 初對面同士の會話において「とか」の使用割合がやや高くなっていた。「とか」の談話上の機能の使用樣相をみると, 男子大學生の友達同士の會話と初對面同士の會話ともに「とか」の基本的な機能である「例示」の機能より「發話緩和」の機能の使用割合がかなり高く, その傾向は友達同士の會話においてより顯著であった。佐竹(2013)では若者の會話の中で「とか」のようにある表現の基本的な機能ではなく「發話緩和」の機能として使われる現象を「ソフト化」と命名しているが, 「とか」は日本人の男子大學生同士の會話においては友達同士の會話において「ソフト化」の傾向がより顯著であると言える。一方, 「發話緩和」の機能を果たしている「とか」は男子大學生の友達同士の會話と初對面同士の會話において共通的に「話題導入」の時の使用割合が高かったが, 相對的に友達同士の會話においては「引用」の時に, また初對面同士の會話においては「その他」の時の使用割合が高いということが特徵的だと言える。本硏究の結果は日本人の男子大學生同士の會話という限られた場面とデ一タの數が少ないという点で一般化はできないものの, 若者同士の會話において「とか」は對話相手との円滑なコミュニ一ションを圖るための言語ストラテジ一として機能しており, その使用には親疎という要因が多少影響を與えていることが示唆されたといえるだろう。 In this study, discourse function of ``toka`` in the conversation between male university students focusing on the effect of interlocutors` degree of intimacy, was investigated. The results were summarized as follows. The ratio of ``toka`` was higher in the conversation between first-meeting people than between friends. For the discoures function of ``toka``, the ratio of ``mitigation`` was much higher than that of ``exemplification`` both in conversations between friends and between first-meeting people. This tendency was stronger in the conversation between friends. For the function of ``mitigation``, the ratio of the contexts of ``topic initiation`` and ``quotation`` was high in the conversation between friends, whereas the ratio of the contexts of ``topic initiation`` and ``others`` was high in the conversation between first-meeting people. From these results, it can be said that the factor of interlocutors` degree of intimacy influence the use of ``toka`` in the conversation between male university students.

      • KCI등재


        李允?(이윤희) 한국일본어학회 2011 日本語學硏究 Vol.0 No.32

        본고에서는, 일상회화에서 특히 빈번히 나타나는「っていうか」와「とか」의 용법을 분류하는 것으로, 그것들이 회화에서 어떤 기능을 하고, 대인관계에 있어서 언어사용심리와 어떤 관계가 있는지를 고찰해본다. 우선, 회화형식에 주목해서, 「っていうか」와「とか」를 출현위치에 따라서 분류했는데, 「っていうか」와「とか」가 문두, 문중, 문말에 전부 나타나는 것을 확인했다. 또, 회화내용의 의미에도 주목해, 그 하위분류로서 열거, 환언, 구체화, 예시, 인용, 불확실, 중단발화, 정정, 화제전환?도입, 잉여발화의 10종류를 「っていうか」와「とか」의 유사점이라고 보고, 각각의 고유한 특징과 기능을 분류했다. 회화에서의 「っていうか」와「とか」는, 열거, 환언, 구체화, 예시, 인용하는 것으로, 자신의 감정에 적절한 말을 찾거나 보충설명을 해서 상대방에게 보다 생생하게 전하고 불확실, 중단발화, 정정, 화제 전환?도입, 잉여 발화하는 것으로, 직접적인 표현을 피하고 책임을 회피하면서 자기주장을 전개하는 기능이 있다는 것을 알 수 있었다. 즉, 「っていうか」와「とか」의 실현으로, 자신의 생각과 심정에, 보다 알맞은 말이나 표현을 찾아, 상대방에게 될 수 있는 한 충실히 이야기하고 싶은 한편, 우호관계를 해치지 않으려 스스로 회화의 흐름을 컨트롤하면서 대인관계를 완충시키려는 심리도 작용하였다.

      • KCI등재

        対人関係の言語使用心理に対する一考察 -「っていうか」「とか」の用法分類を中心に-

        이윤희 한국일본어학회 2011 日本語學硏究 Vol.0 No.32


      • KCI등재

        여자대학생대화에 나타나는 「とか」의 사용양상 -친소요인을 중심으로-

        이은미 한국일본언어문화학회 2015 일본언어문화 Vol.33 No.-

        In this study, the use of ‘toka’ in the conversation between female university students with respect to the relationship between interlocutors’ degree of intimacy, was investigated. The results were summarized as follows. The ratio of ‘toka’ was higher in the conversation between friends than between first-meeting people. For the function of ‘toka’, both of conversations between friends and between first-meeting people, the ratio of ‘mitigation’ was higher than that of ‘exemplification’, and this tendency was stronger in the conversation between friends. For the specific context of ‘mitigation’, ‘toka’ is used for overwhelmingly high frequency in the context of ‘quotation’ in the conversation between friends, whereas ‘toka’ is used in more diverse contexts in the conversation between first-meeting people. Through this study, it was empirically revealed that the factor of the degree of intimacy influences the frequency of use of ‘toka’ and the function of ‘toka’ in the conversation between university students. Moreover, it may be said that ‘toka’ functions as a language strategy to maintain smooth communication with interlocutors.

      • KCI등재

        談話レベルからみた「とか」用法 -発話末に位置する「とか」を中心に-

        염미란 한국일본문화학회 2023 日本文化學報 Vol.- No.97

        This study examines the “toka” particle at the end of speech, specifically in examples derived from everyday conversation. A total of 300 examples were analyzed and categorized into four groups:example usage, citation usage, blur usage, and emphasis usage. Based on this, we examined the discourse-level and semantic characteristics of the “toka” particle in end-of-speech positions. Furthermore, a notable characteristic of its use is the continuous appearance of discourse markers such as “nanka” that guides the conversation in an ambiguous manner. The semantic features of the “toka” particle include the ability to (ⅰ)express the speaker’s thoughts indirectly using the form of quotation, (ii) the ability to express the speaker’s opinion with rising intonation, (iii)and its classification as belonging to “other cognitive modalities” rather than being strictly evidence-based.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        접촉 장면 대화에 나타나는 「とか」의 담화기능

        이은미 중앙대학교 일본연구소 2016 日本 硏究 Vol.0 No.40

        In this study, discourse function of ‘toka’ in the contact situation between Japanese female native speakers and Japanese female non-native speakers was investigated. The results of this study were summarized as follows. In this study, the functions of ‘toka’ were classified into ‘exemplification’ and ‘mitigation’. In addition to, ‘exemplification’ was subdivided into ‘enumeration’, ‘representation’ and ‘specification’, and ‘mitigation’ was subdivided into ‘topic initiation/topic switching’, ‘expression of opinion’, ‘expression of emotion’, ‘quotation’, ‘uncertainty’ and ‘others(surplus)’. Female Japanese non-native speakers used slightly more ‘toka’ than female Japanese native speakers in the contact situation. For the discourse function of ‘toka’, the ratio of ‘mitigation’ was higher than that of ‘exemplification’ in contact situation(both female Japanese native speakers’ utterances and female Japanese non-native speakers’s utterances), and this tendency was stronger in female Japanese native speakers’ utterances. Moreover, the ratio of ‘mitigation’ was higher in utterance-final. There are differences in specific usage of the function of ‘mitigation’ of ‘toka’ in contact situation between female Japanese native speakers and female Japanese non-native speakers. However, it could be said ‘toka’ in the contact situation has a function of language strategy to maintain smooth communication with interlocutors.

      • KCI등재

        대학생 친구 간 대화에 나타나는「とか」의 화용론적 용법

        이은미(李恩美) 한국일본어학회 2013 日本語學硏究 Vol.0 No.37

        본 연구에서는 대학생 친구 간 대화의「とか」의 사용양상을 화용론적인 관점에서 살펴보았다. 대학생 친구 간 대화에 나타난「とか」의 담화상의 기능은 크게 예를 들어 열거하는 ‘예시’의 기능과 ‘예시’의 기능이 없이 단정 회피를 함으로써 발화를 완화시키는 ‘발화완화’의 기능으로 분류되었다. 또한 담화상의 문맥에 따라 ‘예시’기능은 ‘열거’, ‘대표예시’, ‘구체화’ 로, ‘발화완화’ 기능은 ‘화제도입 · 전환’, ‘의견제시’, ‘감정표출’, ‘인용’, ‘불확실성’, ‘기타’로 세분화되었다.「とか」는 대화 참가자의 성별이나 문중 · 문말이라는 출현 위치와는 관계없이「とか」의 기본적인 기능이라고 할 수 있는 ‘예시’의 기능보다 ‘발화완화’의 기능으로서 보다 많이 사용되고 있었는데 그 경향은 남성 간 대화에서 보다 현저하게 나타났다. 이러한 ‘발화완화’의 기능을 수행하는「とか」는 타인과의 원활한 커뮤니케이션을 도모하기 위한 하나의 언어전략이라고 할 수 있겠다. 한편,「とか」가 ‘예시’의 기능을 수행하는 경우, 복수의 예를 열거하는 ‘열거’보다 ‘대표예시’로 보다 많이 사용되고 있었으며 ‘발화 완화’의 기능을 수행하는 경우에는 ‘인용’이나 ‘화제도입 · 전환’의 문맥으로 많이 사용되고 있었다. 사회인의 첫 대면 대화에서 사용된「とか」의 결과와 비교하면, ‘발화 완화’의 기능을 수행하는 비율이 매우 높고, 또 ‘인용’시의 사용비율이 높은 점이 대학생 친구 간 대화에서 사용된「とか」의 특징이라고 할 수 있겠다. 향후, 대학생 첫 대면 대화 등 보다 다양한 세대 및 인간관계 등을 고려한 면밀한 분석을 통하여「とか」의 사용 양상을 다각적으로 고찰해가고자 한다.

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