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        미국 ‘제1세대 한국학자’의 해방 전후 한국 인식-조지 맥아피 맥큔의 Korea Today를 중심으로-

        김서연 ( Kim Seo-yeon ) 인하대학교 한국학연구소 2020 한국학연구 Vol.0 No.58

        이 글은 조지 맥아피 맥큔(George M. McCune, 1908~1948)의 저서 Korea Today에 나타난 그의 한국 인식을 다룬다. 맥큔은 종전 후 자신의 학문적 전문성을 바탕으로 미국 학계에 ‘제1세대 한국학자’로서 정착하고자 했다. 맥큔은 전쟁 전후 한국에 대한 미국의 관심을 환기하려 노력했다. 미국의 지역연구 흐름에서 한국에 대한 수요나 관심은 낮았지만, 맥큔은 한국학자로서 자신의 고유한 영역을 확보하려 노력했다. 그는 국무부 극동국에 한국문제 전문가 양성 프로그램 개설을 제안했으며, 모교 버클리대학에서 사망하기 전까지 3년 동안 한국사·극동외교사·한국어 등을 강의했다. 또한 극동 관련 학술지(FEQ, FES, PA)에 한국과 관련한 다양한 주제로 많은 글을 투고했다. 한편 그는 1882년 체결된 조·미 수교 관련 자료를 해제하기도 했다. Korea Today의 집필 및 출판은 단지 맥큔의 개인적 연구 경력뿐만 아니라 1940년대 미국 제도권 학계가 지역연구에 보인 관심과 맞물려있었던 것이다. Korea Today는 일종의 한국 관련 자료집의 성격을 갖고 있었으며, 해방 후 남북한의 정치·경제적 상황을 나누어 분석하였다. 다만 책의 구조상 남·북한의 대칭적 분석이 이루어져야 함에도 전체적으로 남한의 상황과 미군정의 정책 분석이 서술에서 상당한 부분을 차지했다. 소련 및 북한 관련 자료의 부족으로 내용이 다소 불균형해진 점은 ‘미국 지식인’으로서 맥큔이 마주한 한계였다. 맥큔은 일제 식민통치의 경제적 착취성을 전제로 하되 한국 정치의 낙후성이 경제발전을 가로막고 있다고 주장했다. 다만 기존 선교사 출신들이 한국 정치의 분열성을 한국인의 기질과 연관시켜서 분석했다면 맥큔은 이를 능력의 부재가 아닌 경험 부족이라는 의견을 분명히 했다. 또한 한반도에 수립될 정치·경제체제에 대해서는 궁극적으로 자본주의 도입 후 산업화로의 이행 및 미국식 자유민주주의가 수립되어야 한다는 신념을 견지하며 미국 제도권 학계 지식인의 면모를 보였다. 한편 맥큔은 한국인들이 행복하기 위해서는 통일이 필수적이라고 주장했는데, 이는 한국인들에 대한 그의 심정적 공감이 반영된 것이었다. Korea Today는 한국에 관한 관심이 저조한 1950년대 초반에 발간되어 사람들의 흥미를 제고시켰으며, 한국학 연구의 공백을 메웠다. 또한 사료의 활용·검증 측면에서 ‘한국 전문가가 쓴 역사 개론서’라는 위상을 공고히 했다. 더불어 Korea Today의 간행은 미국 한국학의 출발 시점이 기존 연구자들이 제시한 1950년 초에서 2차대전 종료 직후로 당겨짐을 시사한다. 맥큔의 한국 인식은 미국 제도권 지식인의 사고와 한국·한국인에 대한 심정적 동조가 혼재되어있는 다층적 면모를 보인다. 맥큔의 한국 인식의 특수성이 유년기 한국 경험에서 나온다는 점으로 미루어보아, 맥큔과 유사한 경험이 있는 다른 ‘제1세대 한국학자’들의 한국 인식도 함께 살펴봐야 더욱 포괄적 분석이 가능하리라 생각한다. 이는 기존 친한·반한의 이분법적 틀을 넘어 맥큔과 같은 인물들이 가지는 다양한 정체성을 고찰하기 위함이다. This article examines George McAfee McCune’s view on Korea through his book Korea Today. After WWⅡ, McCune wanted to establish himself as a "first-generation Korean scholar" in American academia based on his academic expertise. Around war time, he put a lot of effort to make U.S. get interested in Korea. Although researches in the U.S. Area Studies had little interest in Korea, McCune tried to secure his own territory as a Korean scholar. He suggested to the Far Eastern Bureau in the State Department to open a new program for training experts in Korean issues, and lectured on Korean history, Far East diplomatic history, and Korean for three years before his death at his alma mater University of Berkeley. He also contributed many articles to the journal(FEQ, FES, and PA) on various topics related to Korea. Meanwhile, he published a book dealing with Treaty of Peace, Amity, Commerce and Navigation, United States-Korea Treaty of 1882. The publication of Korea Today was not only for as a historian, but also related with the interest of American institutional academia in Area Studies in the 1940s. In Korea Today he analyzed the political and economic situations of Korea, which was divided after after liberation. Even though the structure of the book requires a symmetrical analysis of the South and the North, overall, the analysis of the situation is mainly about the South Korea and the policy of the U.S. military administration. It was McCune’s limitation as an “American intellectual” that the contents were disproportionate because resources from the Soviet Union and North Korea were inaccessible for him. McCune argued that the economic exploitation of Japanese colonial rule on Korea was based on the assumption that the underdeveloped Korean politics was preventing economic development. According to McCune, however, if missionaries had lived in Korea long enough to analyze analyzed the divisiveness of Korean politics by linking it to the temperament of Koreans, it would be clear that it was not a lack of ability but a lack of experience. Regarding the political and economic system to be established on the Korea, he maintained his belief that ultimately, after the introduction of capitalism, the transition to industrialization and the establishment of American-style free democracy should be established, which shows the aspect of intellectuals from the America’s institutions. Meanwhile, McCune argued that unification would be essential for Koreans to be happy, reflecting his emotional sympathy for them. Korea Today was published in the early 1950s when the U.S. academic interest in Korea was low, raising people's interest and filling the gap in Korean Studies. It also solidified its status as a “History book written by the Korean expert” in terms of the use and verification of historical materials. In addition, the publication of Korea Today suggests that the starting point of Korean studies in the U.S. will be moved from early 1950 to right after the end of the WWⅡ. McCune’s view on Korea shows a multi-layered aspect of the thoughts of intellectuals in the American institutional academia and the emotional sympathy for Korea and Koreans. Judging from the fact that the unique features of McCune’s view on Korea derived from his experience in Korea when he was young, it is necessary to analyze comprehensively the views on Korea of other "first-generation Korean scholars" who have similar experiences with McCune is necessary. This article to look beyond the existing dichotomy between pro-Korean and anti-Korean, and to examine the various identities of characters like McCune.

      • KCI등재후보

        북한 연극의 인물 전형 형상화 -연극 <오늘을 추억하리>(2011)를 중심으로

        김미진 ( Mijin Kim ) 단국대학교 한국문화기술연구소 2015 한국문화기술 Vol.19 No.-

        In North Korea`s theatrical world, entering the second half of 2000s past the early and middle 200s, when evaluation was made over light comedy works produced in 4.25 Cinema Studio of Art Film for North Korean People`s Army, works prior to those periods were performed again and advertised extensively, and its fulfillment was announced. Examples of the very typical works derived from such attempts are a light comedy <The Rumbling of a Mountain> and a play <I Will Recollect Today>. The latter was produced as a form of North Korea`s typical drama, succeeding to the creation ways of Seonghwangdangstyled revolutionary plays. Kim, Jung-il formally watched this play for the last time before he died, and as pictures of him and his son and successor, Kim, Jung-eun who had accompanied him to watch this drama were reported, it caused a huge sensation in North Korea. In this article, through <I Will Recollect Today>, a play which aimed for political propaganda again as a legitimate drama after the fever of a light drama in the early and middle 2000s - the theatrical manifestation of “military first” politics, a study was made on the ‘archetype’ of types of characters which the Party calls for. When this play was premiered, in a criticism of 『Joseon Art』, the main character named Kang, San-hae, was explained as “a figure who had an indomitable revolutionary spirit, the nature of a hero and obstinacy, and a committed spirit of self-sacrifice.” In this play, firmly convinced that the accomplishment of the Party``s policies guaranteed the protection of socialism, he was portrayed to fulfill policies of the Party at any cost despite overwhelming obstacles. Features in the main character`s personality were constantly adopted even in a play produced in 2011, <I Will Recollect Today>; the main character was described as a figure who was convinced that though today he had to pour everything he had into tomorrow, his devotion would make ``today`` proudly memorable. On the other hand, Kang, San-ok, who both was a mother of a child and a chairperson in a Board of Military Administration and Economy, was portrayed as a figure who realistically embodied the affliction during Arduous March (North Korea famine), from which the people were suffering. The contrast of Kang, San-ok against a figure named Choi, Kwang-cheon revealed opposing images of the two characters more effectively. San-ok was the typical character of North Korea-styled hero who fought and self-sacrificed for the sake of public desire in its entirety, while Kwang-cheon was depicted as an antagonist who pursued his private desire by impersonating public desire. Consequently, the image of Kang, San-ok, who had a firm conviction in spite of her economic difficulty, is both a subject embracing the whole play and North Korea`s ideal ‘archetype,’ who should play a key part in the juncture when an impetus should be given to the construction of a strong and prosperous country. That is, by showing a typical figure who is faced with Arduous March, the play <I Will Recollect Today> also suggested an ideal image of a figure who is indispensable for a new era to come.

      • KCI등재

        ‘Andragogy Today’ 학술지의 연구 동향 분석: 내용분석 및 키워드 네트워크 분석을 중심으로

        박미경(Mikyung Park),김미숙(Meesook Kim),고광숙(Kwangsook Ko),김성길(Seonggil Kim) 한국성인교육학회 2021 Andragogy Today : International Journal of Adult & Vol.24 No.3

        본 연구는 2001년부터 2020년까지 ‘Andragogy Today’에 게재된 논문 512편을 대상으로 내용분석과 주제어에 대한 키워드 네트워크 분석방법을 활용하여 성인교육학 분야의 연구동향을 고찰하고자 하였다. 분석 결과 첫째, 내용분석에서 대학교 소속의 연구자가 가장 많았고 연구형태로는 단독연구가 많았다. 성인교육기관 및 단체를 대상으로 한 연구가 가장 많았으며 연구방법은 문헌연구가 가장 많았으나 점차 감소하고 있는 것으로 나타났다. 둘째, 키워드 네트워크분석에서 가장 많은 빈도수를 나타낸 키워드는 ‘평생교육/학습’, ‘성인교육/학습’, ‘성인학습자’, ‘HRD’, ‘노인교육’ 순이었으며 ‘평생교육진흥기본계획’의 목표 및 추진과제와 비교하여 검토한 결과 연계하여 시기별 키워드가 변화하는 양상을 보였다. 키워드 네트워크 중심성 분석결과 ‘평생교육/학습’, ‘성인교육/학습’, ‘성인학습자’, ‘HRD’, ‘경험학습’ 등의 키워드가 네트워크의 중심을 지배하며 성인교육학 분야에서 강한 영향력을 발휘하고 있는 것으로 나타났다. 이상의 결과를 토대로 논의와 시사점을 제시하였다. By focusing on content analysis and keyword network analysis methods, this study aimed to analysis research trends in the field of adult learning and education for 512 papers published in ‘Andragogy Today’ from 2001 to 2020. According to the research, first, in terms of form of research, the most research utilizing content analysis is undertaken as independent research level and the most researchers are mainly based in universities. In terms of subjects of research, research on adult educational institutions and organizations were undertaken the most, and literature research method is mainly used. But at the same time, literature research method was became gradually decreased. Second, keywords that represented the largest frequency in keyword network analysis were “lifelong education/learning,” “adult education/learning,” “adult learners,” “HRD,” and “education for the elderly learning,” and compared to the goals and tasks of “lifelong education promotion plan,” keywords were changed at each time periods. According to the results of keywords network centrality analysis, it shows that keywords such as “lifelong education/learning,” “adult education/learning,” “adult learners,” “HRD” and “experience learning” etc. were the most dominated keywords of the network and have a strong influence in the field of adult education. Based on the above results, this study provided meaningful discussions and implications.

      • KCI등재

        ‘今聲’과 ‘生趣’의 관점에서 본 유득공 시의 제재와 문예미

        申翼澈 ( Shin Ik-cheol ) 진단학회 2021 진단학보 Vol.- No.136

        In the preface to Yu Deuk-gong's poetry collection, Park Jae-ga(朴齊家) put forward the realization of a ‘sound that reflects today’ and ‘the attaining of a lively mood' as an achievement of Yu Deuk-gong(柳得恭)'s poetry. This article examines the characteristics of the poetic world of Yu Deuk-gong using the plain words ‘今聲’(a sound that reflects today) and ‘生趣’(a lively mood) as key words. It is understood that '今聲' refers to 'the sincerity of emotions based on the reality here and now', and '生趣' refers to the 'vibrant aesthetic taste' acquired through this(‘今聲’). Before Park Jae-ga, Shin Kyung-jun(申景濬) also developed a poetics that emphasized ‘sound’ in his poetry book “Si-Chik”(『詩則』). This shows that the issue of paying attention to the reality of those days of Joseon and expressing it in a lively manner emerged as a major issue in the Chinise poem of the 18th century. In Yu Deuk-gong's poems, the attaining of a lively mood(生趣) through the realization of a sound that reflects today(今聲) is conspicuously shown in poems sang about customs and social conditions, and poems sang about a local unique custom(土俗). The long archanism poems(one of chinese poem form) dealing with the times and customs were highly appreciated by many Korean and Chinese writers, for the poetry ability with vividness of description and the ability to use various historical records. It is noteworthy that poems dealing with local customs have acquired a vibrant asthetic sense through the keen capture of local customs, the use of local historical records, and the use of place names and Korean native language. ‘The attaining of a lively mood through the realization of a sound that reflects today' shows a distinct characteristic of Yu Deuk-gong's poems, so research needs to be developed in various ways besides these two aspects - ’customs and social conditions’ and ‘a local unique custom’.

      • 군 병원 환자경험 개선을 통한 의료혁신 성과에 대한 고찰

        서청수 ( Seo Cheong-soo ),김광동 ( Kim Kwang-dong ),한광일 ( Han Kwang-il ),박진영 ( Park Jinyoung ),정연욱 ( Jeong Yeon-wook ),강재현 ( Kang Jae-hyun ) 국군의무사령부 2019 대한군진의학학술지 Vol.50 No.1

        Objective; The purpose of this research is to find the right path of military medical innovation by comparing before and after the application of the polices and analyzing the effects of the polices. This research is progressed in accord with 'Project Today', which is for enhancing the outpatients` experience level. Project Today aims 'Providing quality treatment for all Patients who came to the hospital today` so is focused on reducing the number of untreated outpatients and improving patient experience. Method; Primary outcome is the score from patient experience questions of each area(medical officer service, nursing officer service, medical soldier service, process of prescription and treatment, hospital environment, overall evaluation), and was compared before and after the operation of the model project. The questionnaire contains total 8 areas 26 questions, including medical officer service, nursing officer service, medical soldier service, process of prescription and treatment, hospital environment, overall evaluation, individual trait. Results; As a result of patient experience evaluation, medical officer service from 3.12 to 3.33, nursing officer service from 3.17 to 3.19, medical soldier service from 2.67 to 3.11, process of prescription and treatment from 2.79 to 3.01, hospital environment from 3.29 to 3.42, overall evaluation from 5.95 to 6.85 has enhanced. Conclusion; After model implement of the Project Today, both quantitative and qualitative indicators have been enhanced and especially advancement of almost every area of patient experience has been verified. Yet, the whole military hospital scale result is not revealed, and it is to be analyzed in terms of cause and effect, and utilized for further policy development.

      • 시간을 나타내는 단어의 품사 설정과 사전 기술 연구

        이재현(Lee, Jae-Hyun) 동덕여자대학교 인문과학연구소 2013 人文科學硏究 Vol.21 No.-

        한국어의 단어들 가운데 시간을 나타내는 단어들을 포함한 일부의 단어들은 두개의 품사를 가지는 것으로 인식되고 있다. 이 논문에서는 품사 설정과 품사 전성 그리고 품사 통용 등의 용어들을 먼저 살핀 후 두 개의 품사를 가지는 것처럼 보이는 단어들 가운데서 특히 '어제, 오늘, 내일'과 같이 시간을 나타내는 단어들에 초점을 맞추어서 이들 단어에 하나의 품사를 부여할 것을 제안하였다. 국립국어원에서 펴낸 표준국어대사전에서는 '어제, 오늘, 내일'과 같은 단어들의 품사 설정과 풀이에 일관성이 보이지 않는다. 기본적으로는 하나의 표제어로 이들 단어를 등재한 후 한 단어에 두 품사를 부여하고 있다. 그러나 '그제, 어제, 오늘, 내일, 모레' 등의 단어에는 명사와 부사의 두 품사를 부여하고 있는 반면, 똑같은 시간적 연속선상에 있는 '글피, 그글피'와 '어제, 오늘, 내일, 모레'의 한자어인 '작일, 금일, 명일, 명후일/재명일'에 대해서는 명사 한 품사만 부여하고 있다. 이 논문을 통해 이러한 일관되지 못한 기존 사전의 처리 방법에 문제를 제기한 후 이들의 오류를 바로잡고 '어제, 오늘, 내일' 등과 같은 시간어에 두 개의 품사가 아닌 하나의 품사로서 명사를 부여하는 것이 타당함을 밝혀 보이려 하였다. 또한 시간어 '오늘'의 사전 기술 방식을 다음과 같이 제안하였다. <오늘> 품사 : [명사] 1. (1) 지금 지나가고 있는 이날. = 금일(今日) (2) =오늘날. 2. (부사적으로 쓰이어) 지금 지나가고 있는 이날에. Some Korean words are known to have two different parts of speech includingparticularly those words referring to time. Upon reviewing examples concerning thedecision of, the conversion of, and the circulation of parts of speech, the current researchsuggests that a unique part of speech can be given to a word that has characteristics ofboth noun and adverb (especially a time-referring word). Standard Korean Language Dictionary does not offer a systematic guide that may proveuseful for the decision of parts of speech and the application of such words as 'yesterday,today, and tomorrow.' Instead, the Dictionary lists this type of word as a single entry andthen, allows it to have two parts of speech. For example, some of the pure Korean wordsthat refer to time such as 'the day before yesterday, yesterday, today, tomorrow, and theday after tomorrow' can be either noun or adverb. In contrast, the Chinese-based wordsthat can be used interchangeably with aforementioned words such as 'the past day, thepresent day, and the upcoming day' are exclusively identified as nouns. The present study highlights these inconsistencies and the shortcomings embedded in theexisting lexical methods, while illustrating the benefit of giving a unique parts of speech asa noun to those time-referred words such as 'the day before yesterday, yesterday, today.'As an example, we offer an appropriate lexical description of a time referred word,'today', as in the following: <Today> Part of Speech: Noun (1) The day that is presently passing = the present day (2) Nowadays 2. (when used as an adverb) On the day that is presently passing.

      • KCI등재

        Contemporary Meaning of Christian Nurture in Family: Reconceptualization of Horace Bushnell’s Thought for Modern Family

        황병준 한국기독교교육정보학회 2013 Journal of Christian education information tech Vol.0 No.23

        This study is to articulate the contemporary meaning of Christian nurture in family in terms of the educational thoughts of Horace Bushnell and to figure out their implications in extending possible implications for today’s Christian family. Horace Bushnell is considered by many to be the father of the Christian education movement. He is called the most creative Protestant theologian of the 20th century and the father of American religious liberalism in the United States. This article focuses on the meaning of Christian nurture for Christian families that are in crisis today in light of Bushnell’s theological perspective and ministerial focus upon Christian family nurture. This study will discuss a variety of concepts: the Covenant of Promise by God, infant baptism, subjects of spiritual formation, the role of parents, piety as educational purpose, and the educational context of the home. It will figure out briefly the implications of Christian nurture for today’s Christian family, addressing Christian family values and the nurturing of children’s spirituality. The study will discuss its contemporary meaning as a possible way for developing Christian nurture in families. This development includes a trust relationship between parents and children in terms of social capital both within and outside of the family. This study will discuss Christian family resources of the faith community and the Church, and developing the networks between families for effective parenting in the home.

      • KCI등재

        적극적 부모역할 훈련(Active Parenting Today: APT)이 장애아 어머니의 자기격려와 자기낙담 및 양육스트레스에 미치는 효과

        김미례,오명자,오익수,허승준 한국상담학회 2008 상담학연구 Vol.9 No.4

        이 연구는 적극적 부모역할 훈련 프로그램이 장애아 어머니의 자기격려와 자기낙담 및 양육스트레스에 미치는 효과를 검증하기 위해 수행되었다. 연구대상은 광주광역시 소재 초등학교에 재학하고 있는 장애아 어머니 24명이었으며, 실험집단과 통제집단에 각각 12명씩 배치하여 실험집단은 12주 동안(주 1회, 120분씩) APT를 실시하였으며, 통제집단은 아무런 처치도 실시하지 않았다. 프로그램 효과를 검증하기 위하여 실험집단과 통제집단의 자기격려-낙담과 양육스트레스 점수의 사전-사후 검사 평균과 표준편차를 산출한 후 공변량분석(ANCOVA)을 실시하였다. 이 연구 결과 첫째, APT가 장애아 어머니의 인지·행동·정서 전 영역의 자기격려를 유의미하게 증가시켰다. 둘째, APT가 장애아 어머니의 인지·행동·정서 전 영역의 자기낙담을 유의미하게 감소시켰다. 셋째, APT가 장애아 어머니의 양육스트레스 요인 중 자녀의 특성 요인을 제외한 부모 및 가족문제와 부모의 비관적 태도 요인에서 대체로 양육스트레스를 감소시켰다. 마지막으로 본 연구의 의의 및 제한점과 추후 연구를 제안하였다. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effects of the active parenting today program on the self encouragement-discouragement and the parenting stress of mothers of children with disabilities. The subjects were 24 mothers of children with disabilities in Gwangju, Korea. Twelve subjects were assigned to the experimental group and Twelve to the control group. The experimental group received 12 sessions of APT program(once a week, each session lasted 120 minutes). But there were no treatments for the control group. The data were analyzed with ANCOVA, The result of this study were follows: First, APT program was effective to improve self encouragement of mothers of children with disabilities. Second, APT program was effective to reduce self discouragement of mothers of children with disabilities. Third, APT program was effective to mostly reduce parenting stress of mothers of children with disabilities. Implication and limitations of this study, and suggestions for further studies were presented.

      • KCI등재

        보로부두르 주악도와 한국의 불교 악가무

        윤소희 한국공연문화학회 2019 공연문화연구 Vol.0 No.39

        I have researched in the field the religious and performance culture of Indonesia through the musical iconography of Borobudur. There are many kinds of musical instruments which belong to India or Indonesia, performers being either court or folk musicians. Contemporary south-east Asian Indonesia has a broad religious heritage. Most of the population is Muslim, but the culture and customs are rooted in Indian Ramayana. I discovered, for example, the same percussion instruments played on a person’s knees. I also came across similar string instruments with long and elliptical resonance casks on the iconography of the Incense Burner and Byam temple stone pagoda of Beakje dynasty in Korea and in Borobudur in Indonesia. The two musical instruments can not be found in other countries, such as Silla, Koguryŏ, China or the silk road area, but only Indonesia or India. This suggests that Beakje Buddhism is from the southern regions rather than China. I also discovered the same dancing motion with the court performers on the iconography of Borobudur, and the same musical instrument and performance in the Gamelan in today’s Indonesian performance. Despite a disjuncture between the people and their past, the Shailendra Buddhism is alive in people’s life and culture in the present day. So we can discover some familiarities between Indonesia’s Gamelan and the percussional performance in Korean Buddhist rituals. 8~9세기 무렵 인도네시아는 세계3대 불교 유적에 드는 보로부두르 대탑을 건설하였지만 오늘날 인도네시아에서 불교신자를 만날 수가 없고, 인구 대부분이 무슬림이다. 그리하여 본고에서는 이슬람적 사회․문화 풍토 속에 불교적 산물인 보로부두르의 공연 예술이 어떻게 연결되고 있는지를 현지조사를 통하여 조명해 보았다. 불교왕국이었던 샤일렌드라왕조는 사라졌지만 그들의 문화는 이어지는 힌두왕조와 융합적 관계를 유지하며 존속하였다. 16~17세기 인도네시아에 이슬람이 유입될 당시 합리적 온건주의인 수니파 독경사(讀經師)들은 기존의 신행을 문화로 포용하였다. 그 결과 오늘날까지도 인도네시아 사람들은 아랍풍 이름 보다 “쉬리, 라마, 시타, 아르주나”와 같은 인도풍 이름과 함께 라마야나 주인공들이 행하는 인도문화적 덕목을 추구하고 있다. 오늘날 인도네시아의 불교 인구는 1%에도 미치지 못하지만 보로부두르에 새겨진 주악도는 인도네시아의 공연 문화 곳곳에서 발견되었다. 보로부두르 부조에 보이는 궁중악사의 춤사위와 똑 같은 동작으로 춤 추는 악인들이 있었고, 각종의 공연예술에서도 부로부두르의 주악도를 연상시키는 모습들이 발견되었다. 그런가하면 한국의 사찰에서 발견되는 긴나라나 가루다, 간다르바 등, 힌두 신화속 뮤즈들이 같으면서도 다른 모습으로 존재하고 있었다. 인도네시아의 가믈란은 종교의식 및 궁중․마을 행사에서 시작되어 현재는 그림자극, 인형극, 타악 앙상블 등 여러 장르로 분파되었다. 이는 대부분의 전통 공연이 무속을 비롯한 기타 종교의식에서 출발하여 공연예술화 되는 것과 궤를 같이한다. 한국 사찰에서의 법기 타주와 이에 수반되는 의례 악가무는 조선시대 억불을 맞아 걸립패와 유랑악사들의 탁발의 도구가 되었고, 오늘날 풍물놀이, 사물놀이 및 기타 공연예술의 자양분이 되었다. 이러한 점에서 인도네시아의 타악합주 가믈란과 한국불교의 법구 타주는 다양한 예술장르를 파생 시키는 문화 예술의 원류로써 중요한 키워드이다.

      • KCI등재

        Contemporary Meaning of Christian Nurture in Family

        Byung-June Hwang 한국기독교교육정보학회 2013 Journal of Christian education information tech Vol.0 No.23

        This study is to articulate the contemporary meaning of Christian nurture in family in terms of the educational thoughts of Horace Bushnell and to figure out their implications in extending possible implications for today’s Christian family. Horace Bushnell is considered by many to be the father of the Christian education movement. He is called the most creative Protestant theologian of the 20<SUP>th</SUP> century and the father of American religious liberalism in the United States. This article focuses on the meaning of Christian nurture for Christian families that are in crisis today in light of Bushnell’s theological perspective and ministerial focus upon Christian family nurture. This study will discuss a variety of concepts: the Covenant of Promise by God, infant baptism, subjects of spiritual formation, the role of parents, piety as educational purpose, and the educational context of the home. It will figure out briefly the implications of Christian nurture for today’s Christian family, addressing Christian family values and the nurturing of children’s spirituality. The study will discuss its contemporary meaning as a possible way for developing Christian nurture in families. This development includes a trust relationship between parents and children In terms of social capital both within and outside of the family. This study will discuss Christian family resources of the faith community and the Church, and developing the networks between families for effective parenting in the home.

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