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      • KCI등재

        ‘한국어 교육과정’ 부록에 제시된 어휘 목록 분석

        곽재용 배달말학회 2012 배달말 Vol.51 No.-

        The purpose of this study is to consider whether vocabulary list (1,638) of Korean curriculum was chosen appropriately. It was compared and analyzed with Korean learning vocabulary (1,965), educational graded vocabulary (33,825), and Elementary Korean textbook vocabulary (23,280). It was compared again with headwords in Korean learning dictionary for foreigners. The result is as following. Two hundred thirty nine words were included in Korean curriculum but not in Korean learning vocabulary list. One hundred eighteen words were selected in Korean curriculum but not in educational graded vocabulary. One hundred and one words were chosen in Korean curriculum but not in elementary Korean textbook. Fifty two words were chosen none of three. Between them, only two words ‘사이즈’ and ‘님’ were showed in Korean learning dictionary for foreigners, which indicates fifty words were not included. The problem of not included fifty words is as following. The word spacing problems such as ‘교장선생님’ are sixteen. Suffix problems such as ‘과학실’ are five. Educational vocabulary such as ‘공개수업’ are four. Low frequency Chinese words such as ‘잔반’ are six. More examples are as following: Neologism such as ‘친환경’, low frequency words such as ‘반팔’, ‘손걸레’, old-fashioned words such as ‘느낀 점’, country name such as ‘몽골’, loan words such as ‘스쿨뱅킹’. Those words are not appropriate for Korean curriculum vocabulary; however some words such as ‘휴대전화’ are essential. As a result, forty three words were not appropriate words except ‘과학실, 컴퓨터실, 휴대전화, 정수기, 몽골, 베트남’. 이 글의 목적은 ‘한국어 교육과정’의 어휘 목록(1,638개)을 분석하여 어휘 선정의 타당성을 밝히는 데 있다. 이를 위해 국립국어원(2003)의 ‘한국어 학습용 어휘’, 김광해(2003ㄱ)의 ‘등급별 교육용 어휘’, 국립국어원(2009)의 ‘초등학교 국어 교과서 어휘’와 비교·분석한 후 <외국인을 위한 한국어 학습 사전>의 표제어인가를 살펴 어휘 선정의 타당성을 검증하였다. 국가 기관에서 한국어 학습용 어휘를 선정하여 교육과정에 제시한 것은 역사적인 일이다. 이들 어휘가 타당하게 선정되었을 것으로 기대하며 다음과 같은 비교·분석 결과를 얻었다. ‘한국어 교육과정’ 어휘 목록에는 있으나 국립국어원의 한국어 학습용 어휘(5,965)에 없는 단어들은 모두 239개로 나타났다. ‘한국어 교육과정'에는 나타나지만 김광해(2003ㄱ)의 ‘등급별 교육용 어휘’(33,825)에는 없는 어휘는 118개이다. ‘한국어 교육과정'에서 선정한 어휘 중 국립국어원(2009)의 초등학교 교과서(23,280)에는 없는 어휘는 101개로 나타났다. ‘한국어 교육과정’ 어휘 목록 중 국립국어원(2003), 김광해(2003ㄱ), 국립국어원(2009)의 세 문헌에 공통적으로 나타나지 않은 어휘는 52개이다. 이들 어휘를 <외국인을 위한 한국어 학습 사전>의 표제어와 비교한 결과 ‘사이즈’, ‘님’ 두 단어만 걸러져 최종적으로 50개의 어휘들이 남게 되었다. 이들 50개는 ‘교장선생님’과 같은 띄어쓰기 문제 16개, ‘과학실’과 같이 접미사가 있는 어휘 5개, ‘공개수업’과 같이 지나치게 학습용인 어휘가 4개, 잔반(殘飯)’과 같은 빈도수가 극히 낮은 한자어가 6개 등이 나타났다. 그 외에도 ‘친환경’과 같은 신조어들, ‘반팔’과 같이 많이 사용하지 않는 어휘, ‘느낀 점’과 같은 구 형태의 목록, ‘몽골’과 같은 나라 이름, ‘스쿨뱅킹’과 같은 외래어들을 찾을 수 있었다. 이들 중 일부는 한국어 교육과정의 어휘 목록으로 적절하지 못한 것으로 판단한다. 결국 어휘 중 ‘과학실, 컴퓨터실, 일기예보, 정수기, 휴대전화, 몽골, 베트남’ 정도의 어휘를 제외한 43개는 부적절한 선정이었다.

      • KCI등재

        중국어 표현어휘 교육을 위한 한․중 어휘대조: 『한국어 학습용 어휘 목록』과 ≪漢語水平詞彙與漢字等級大綱≫을 대상으로

        조은숙 서강대학교 언어정보연구소 2020 언어와 정보 사회 Vol.40 No.-

        Assuming that it is necessary to consider Korean words frequently used by Korean learners for the education of Chinese vocabulary expressions, this article serves as a preliminary study for designing the education of Chinese vocabulary expressions for Korean learners. The words in Level A of the Vocabulary List for Learning Korean are compared with the words in the Chinese Proficiency Outline for Chinese Vocabulary and Characters (漢語水平詞彙與漢字等級大綱). The result is that there is a significant difference between the two vocabulary lists. Therefore, it is suggested that a separate plan should be prepared for the education of Chinese vocabulary expressions for Korean learners. In addition, various issues have been noted in the process of comparison regarding designing of educational contents.

      • KCI등재

        한국어 교육과정 부록에 제시된 어휘 목록 분석

        곽재용 ( Jae Yong Kwak ) 배달말학회 2012 배달말 Vol.51 No.-

        The purpose of this study is to consider whether vocabulary list (1,638) of Korean curriculum was chosen appropriately. It was compared and analyzed with Korean learning vocabulary (1,965), educational graded vocabulary (33,825), and Elementary Korean textbook vocabulary (23,280). It was compared again with headwords in Korean learning dictionary for foreigners. The result is as following. Two hundred thirty nine words were included in Korean curriculum but not in Korean learning vocabulary list. One hundred eighteen words were selected in Korean curriculum but not in educational graded vocabulary. One hundred and one words were chosen in Korean curriculum but not in elementary Korean textbook. Fifty two words were chosen none of three. Between them, only two words ``사이즈`` and ``님`` were showed in Korean learning dictionary for foreigners, which indicates fifty words were not included. The problem of not included fifty words is as following. The word spacing problems such as ``교장선생님`` are sixteen. Suffix problems such as ``과학실`` are five. Educational vocabulary such as ``공개수업`` are four. Low frequency Chinese words such as ``잔반`` are six. More examples are as following: Neologism such as ``친환경``, low frequency words such as ``반팔``, ``손걸레``, old-fashioned words such as ``느낀 점``, country name such as ``몽골``, loan words such as ``스쿨뱅킹``. Those words are not appropriate for Korean curriculum vocabulary; however some words such as ``휴대전화`` are essential. As a result, forty three words were not appropriate words except ``과학실, 컴퓨터실, 휴대전화, 정수기, 몽골, 베트남``.

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