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        (번역)『박통사』(상)의 난해어

        김양진(Kim, Ryang-jin),장향실(Chang, Hyang-sil) 국어국문학회 2014 국어국문학 Vol.- No.166

        This article aims lexicologically to research difficulty words which we could not understand the meaning of declinable words in the (Beonyeok)Baktongsa(朴通事) volume one. By this research, we find out meaning of several verbal words, as follows "japsoeu-[잡소으-](lesson 1 ), hyang-nario-[향나리오-](lesson 2), bopnol-[봅놀-](lesson 19), al-[알-](lesson 26), gatalh?-[가탈하-](lesson 33), and also uncovered meanings of abjective words like s?m?itgap-[사밋갑-](lesson 6), s?lgap-[살갑-](lesson 6), p?n[펀](lesson 13) etc.. This thesis present the reason why gatalh?-[가탈하-] means ‘totter’, ‘stagger’ and ‘stagger’. And also it was a significant research which find out ‘s?m?itgap-[사밋갑]-’ means ‘considerate(생각이) 깊-’ and the word of p?n[펀]means ‘p?l-[펄-]’ as meaning of ‘bluish green’. In fact, it was the controversialword. There were controversies in interpreting the meaning of these words.Of course still there were lots of unsolved words in (Beonyeok)Baktongsa(朴通事), those are wait for in-depth research.

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