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      • KCI등재

        한류 및 한국 화장품의 제품이미지가 해외직접구매의도에 미치는 영향: 중국 소비자를 대상으로

        정민지 ( Jung Minji ),정재은 ( Chung Jae-eun ),양희순 ( Yang Heesoon ) 한국소비자학회 2018 소비자학연구 Vol.29 No.1

        한국 화장품의 대 중국 수출은 세계적인 경기 침체 및 한·중 간의 외교적 마찰에도 불구하고 꾸준히 증가하고 있으며, 중국의 전자상거래 시장이 빠르게 성장하면서 국내 역직구 시장 확대에 대한 기대감이 상승되고 있다. 본 연구는 중국 거주 소비자를 대상으로 한류, 한국 화장품의 제품이미지, ‘Kmall24’ 웹사이트의 지각된 유용성 및 이용편리성을 측정하여 한국 화장품에 대한 해외직접구매의도에 미치는 영향을 실증적으로 분석하였다. 이를 위해 만 20세 이상의 남·여 소비자를 대상으로 온라인 설문조사를 실시하였으며, 총 250부가 최종분석에 활용되었다. 분석방법은 Amos 21.0을 활용하여 구조방정식모형 분석을 실시하였다. 본 연구의 결과를 요약하면 다음과 같다. 첫째, 응답자들의 한국제품에 대한 온라인 구매는 주로 중국 온라인 플랫폼을 통해 이뤄지는 것으로 나타났으며, 한국제품 중 화장품 및 뷰티제품, 의류를 가장 많이 구매하는 것으로 나타났다. 둘째, 가설검증결과 한류는 한국 화장품의 제품이미지와 한국 온라인 쇼핑몰의 지각된 이용편리성에 긍정적인 영향을 미치는 것으로 나타났으며, 한국 화장품의 제품이미지는 한국의 온라인 쇼핑몰의 지각된 이용편리성에 긍정적인 영향을 미치는 것으로 나타났다. 그러나 한류 및 제품이미지는 해외직접구매의도에 대한 직접적인 영향은 유의하지 않았으나 지각된 이용편리성 및 지각된 유용성을 통해 간접적으로 영향을 주는 것으로 파악되었다. 마지막으로 한국의 온라인 쇼핑몰의 지각된 이용편리성이 지각된 유용성에 긍정적인 영향을 미쳤으며, 지각된 유용성이 한국의 온라인 쇼핑몰을 통한 한국 화장품의 구매의도에 긍정적인 영향을 미친 것으로 드러났다. 이에 본 연구는 글로벌 전자상거래 시장에서 해외소비자의 한국제품 구매행동에 대한 이해를 높이고 중국시장에 중소기업의 소비재 수출 판로 확대를 위한 전략을 수립하는데 도움이 될 거라 기대된다. Cross-border shopping is defined as domestic consumers’ direct purchase of foreign products via online platforms, Korean cross-border shopping market exhibited extraordinary growth. According to the Korean Customs Service Office(2017), Korean e-commerce exports reached 2.3 trillion won in 2016 and increased by 84 percent year-on-year, and China is Korea’s largest e-commerce export market. Furthermore, due to the increasing popularity of the Korean Wave, the demand for Korean consumer-goods among foreign consumers has increased. The purpose of this study is to examine the effects of Korean wave, product image, perceived ease of use and perceived usefulness on Chinese consumers’ cross-border shopping intention toward Korean cosmetics. Our data were collected from 250 consumers older than 20 years of age and who live in China using a quota sampling method. An existing online shopping mall, ‘Kmall24’ website, was utilized to evaluate how participants perceive usefulness, ease of use and cross-border shopping intention. For the analysis, SPSS was used to conduct frequency analysis and reliability test, and AMOS 21.0 was used to test confirmatory factor analysis(CFA) and structural equation modeling(SEM). Results of the study were summarized as follows. First, Korean wave was found to have positive effects on product image and perceived ease of use. Second, product image had a positive relationship with perceived ease of use. Third, Korean wave and product image had indirect effects on cross-border shopping intention toward Korean cosmetics. Forth, perceived ease of use had a positive effect on perceived usefulness, which, in turn, was positively related to cross-border shopping intention toward Korean cosmetics. The results help understand factors influencing Chinese consumers’ purchase intentions in cross-border e-commerce and suggest that it is important for Korean cosmetics firms to develop effective marketing strategies emphasizing Korean wave and product image of Korean cosmetics to enhance export performances.

      • KCI등재

        한,중 소비자의 소셜커머스 이용 불평행동 및 재구매의도에 관한 연구

        주혁균 ( Yi Jun Zhou ),류미현 ( Mi Hyun Ryu ),이승신 ( Seung Sin Lee ) 한국소비자학회 2012 소비자학연구 Vol.23 No.2

        최근 한국과 중국의 소셜커머스 시장은 급속도로 확산되고 있으므로 이에 따른 다양한 유형의 소비자문제들이 발 생하면서 소비자들의 불만이 급증하고 있다. 따라서 본 연구에서는 한국, 중국소비자를 대상으로 소셜커머스 이용시 가장 불만족한 유형을 비교하고, 불만 경험 시 불평행동의 유형별 정도를 파악해보고자 한다. 또한 한국, 중국소비 자들이 각각 소셜커머스를 이용하여 재구매의 의도가 어느 정도 있는지와 재구매의도에 영향을 미치는 요인들이 무 엇인지 비교하여 살펴보고자 한다. 본 연구의 궁극적인 목적은 한국과 중국의 소셜커머스 이용에 있어 소비자 측에서는 양국 소비자들의 불만을 최 소화하고, 만일 소비자들이 불만족이 있다면 적극적인 불평행동을 유도할 수 있는 소비자교육의 기초 자료를 제공 할 것이며, 소비자들의 무분별한 재구매를 감소시키고 정확한 판단 아래 재구매행동이 이루어질 수 있도록 하며, 아 울러 기업 측에서는 소비자들의 불만족 및 불평행동을 파악하여 고객만족 및 재구매의도를 향상시킬 수 있으며, 특 히 중국 진출 기업에게는 유용한 정보제공을 할 수 있을 것이다. 연구결과, 첫째, 소셜커머스 소비자불만족은 한국보다 중국소비자들이 더 높은 것으로 나타났고 하위영역인 사전 기대불일치불만, 모바일 및 결제서비스불만, 사후서비스불만의 세 영역 모두 중국소비자의 불만이 더 높게 나타났 다. 둘째, 한·중 소비자의 소셜커머스 소비자불평행동은 한국보다 중국 소비자들이 사적, 공적불평행동 모두 더 많 이 하는 것으로 나타났다. 중국 소비자가 한국 소비자보다 소비자불만족과 소비자불평행동이 높은 것은 아직까지 중국에서 소셜커머스에 대한 구체적인 정책이나 법률의 부재로 인한 결과라 생각된다. 셋째, 한·중 소비자의 소셜 커머스 재구매의도에는 통계적으로는 유의한 결과가 없었지만 전체적으로 볼 때 중국소비자가 한국소비자에 비해 소셜커머스 재구매의도가 높은 것으로 나타났다. 넷째, 한국, 중국소비자 모두 구매횟수가 많을수록 재구매의도가 높게 나타난 결과를 볼 때 소셜커머스 이용 관련 소비자교육시에는 소비자들의 의사결정과 관련되어 제품 구매시 습관적인 구매가 이루어지지 않도록 구매 의사결정관련 소비자교육이 이루어져야 할 것이다. 또한 한국소비자들의 경우 사적대응행동을 많이 할수록 오히려 재구매의도는 낮은 것으로 나타났다. 사적행동으로는 소비자들의 불만이 기업에 반영되기 어려우므로 기업에서 소비자들의 잠재 불만을 파악하기 전에는 소비자들의 불만이 결국은 재구매 의도를 낮추는 결과를 가져올 것이므로 기업은 향후 공적행동과 함께 사적 불평행동에 대한 기업의 적극적인 파악 이 요구된다. Social Commerce market already has rapid grown and got strong spread for consumers` behavior in South Korea for consumption behavior. Aslo many consumers in China has almost same phenomenon in using social commerce near from big city. However, more problems such as service quality decline and consumers` complaints occurred as commerce market grows both in South Korea and China. This paper is related consumers` behavior using social commerce market. It reviews situation and explanation of current social commerce market both in South Korea and China. Consumers` dissatisfaction, complaints, repurchase intention were examined. This research especially focused for analyzing the differences for consumers` between South Korea and China. Survey using questionnaire was designed and conducted in October 6th -25th, 2011 for this study. The questionnaire were delivered to 20s` and 30s` South Korean and Chinese consumers through Internet. The total number of 382 consumers were used for this research. The survey was conducted Beijing, Xinjiang, Hebei and Shanghai in China. In South Korea, quesionnaire were delivered in districts Seoul, Inechon, Kangwando. The major findings of this research were as follows: First, Chinese consumers have more frequently visit, more purchasing behavior, more diverse items purchased were shown in social commerce than South Korean consumers. The level of dissatisfaction for social commerce was found higher in Chinese consumers. This result is supposed to be caused by larger rapid growth in internet shopping, home shopping. Second, Chinese consumers were reported to be more satisfied with social commerce than S. Korean ones, and this disparity is significant. Third, Chinese consumers committed more complaining behaviors than consumers in South Korea. This difference was verified to be significant. It is supposed that is caused lack of legal regulation on social commerce market in China, compared to South Korea. Fourth, Social Commerce consumer repurchase intentions were higher for consumers in China compare to South Korea. The number of purchases, number of visits per month were affect repurchase behavior in social commerce both in South Korean and Chinese consumers. Based on findings, this study propose some suggestions on improving consumer policy and education. First, because South Korean electronic trade is comparatively more developed and more policy-ruled than China, Related legal laws and regulations for consumer protection are insufficient in China, yet. As the market rapidly develop, more diverse, severe problems will arise. I is necessary for formulating related policies and laws especially in social commere market for protecting consumers. Second, it is necessary giving consumer education for consumers related electroing transaction because of rapid growth and professional knowledge for using social commerce. It is strongly recommended to express complaints through several channels such as company, non-government organization, government. Also it is necessary to educate consumers for dealing with dissatisfaction and resolve the problems.

      • KCI등재

        한국판 단축형 감정욕구 척도의 개발 및 타당화

        김도연 ( Kim¸ Doyeon ),송찬기 ( Song¸ Changi ),강정석 ( Kang¸ Jungsuk ) 한국소비자학회 2021 소비자학연구 Vol.32 No.4

        본 연구의 목적은 한국인의 감정욕구를 측정하기 위한 신뢰할 만하고 타당한 한국판 단축형 감정욕구 척도를 제안하는 것이다. 이와 같은 목적을 달성하기 위해서, 3개의 하위 연구를 온라인으로 진행하였다. 연구 1에서 Maio와 Esses(2001)의 감정욕구 척도에 대한 한국인 대상의 타당화를 진행하였다. 그 결과, 21개 문항의 3요인 구조 (감정회피, 감정이해, 감정체험)로 구성된 한국판 감정욕구 척도를 개발하였다. 연구 1에서 확정한 한국판 감정욕구 척도를 기반으로 연구 2에서 9개 문항의 3요인 구조로 구성된 한국판 단축형 감정욕구 척도를 국내용으로 개발하고 타당화하였다. 두 하위 연구(연구 1과 연구 2) 결과에 의하면, 한국판 단축형 감정욕구 척도가 한국판 감정욕구 척도보다 심리측정학적으로 그리고 경제적으로 우수한 것으로 확인되었다. 한국인(만 20-29세 집단 vs. 만 60세 이상 집단)을 대상으로 실시된 연구 3에서 한국판 단축형 감정욕구 척도의 교차 타당도와 준거 타당도가 높음을 확인하였다. The goal of this study is to suggest a Korean version of a short-form need for affect scale to measure Koreans’ need for affect reliably and validly. To obtain the goal, three sub-studies were conducted online. In Study 1, the need for affect scale developed by Maio and Esses(2001) was validated for a Korean sample. As a result, a Korean version of need for affect scale with a 21 items, three-factor structure (emotional avoidance, emotional understanding, emotional experience) was developed. Based on the Korean version of need for affect scale, a Korean version of a short-form need for affect scale with a 9 items, three-factor structure was developed and validated for the same Korean sample in Study 2. The results of the two sub-studies (Study 1 and Study 2) confirm that the Korean version of the short-form need for affect scale is psychometrically and economically superior to the Korean version of need for affect scale. In Study 3 with other Korean sample (Koreans aged 20 - 29 years vs. Koreans over 60 years), the cross validity and the criterion validity of the Korean version of the short-form need for affect scale were found to be high.

      • KCI등재

        한중 소비자의 식품안전인식과 위험지각 및 안전식품 추가지불의도

        김경자 한국소비자학회 2022 소비자학연구 Vol.33 No.3

        본 연구는 한국과 중국 소비자들을 대상으로 자국의 식품안전 수준에 대한 인식은 어떠한지, 식품안전과 관련된 위해요소에 대해 어느 정도의 위험을 지각하고 있는지, 그리고 안전한 식품을 위한 소비자들의 추가지불의도는 어느 정도인지를 파악하고 비교하였다. 이를 위해 한국과 중국의 여성 소비자 267명과 288명을 대상으로 설문조사를 실시하고 그 결과에 대한 보완설명을 위해 면접을 시행하였다. 연구 결과 한국과 중국 소비자들의 자국의 식품안전수준 평가점수는 100점 만점에 70점을 밑도는, 비슷한 수준인 것으로 나타났다. 그러나 식품생산에서 가공, 유통, 소비에 이르는 각 단계별 식품안전수준에 대한 평가는 한국과 중국이 달랐다. 식품안전을 위협하는 15개 위해요소에 대한 평가에서는 전반적으로 한국 소비자들이 중국소비자들보다 위험을 더 높게 지각하였다. 그러나 위해요소로부터 안전한 식품을 구매하기 위한 추가지불의도는 한국소비자보다 중국소비자 집단에서 더 높았다. 연구 결과에 근거하여 소비자가 지각한 식품위험을 감소시킬 식품안전정책과 수출입 교역시 상대국 소비자의 불안을 감소시킬 방안과 시장 개척방안을 강구할 것을 제안하였다.

      • KCI등재

        가계의 은퇴자금으로서 퇴직연금의 자산배분에 대한 한미간 비교연구: OECD 패널자료 및 근로자심층면접 분석

        최신애 ( Shinae Choi ) 한국소비자학회 2014 소비자학연구 Vol.25 No.4

        본 연구는 가계 은퇴자금의 주요 부분을 차지하는 퇴직연금의 자산배분에 대하여 한국과 미국을 중심으로 비교분석하였다. 이를 위해 2011년 OECD 패널자료를 실증분석하였고, 퇴직연금에 가입한 가계를 대상으로 일대일 심층 면접법을 실시하였다. 한국과 미국을 중점적으로 분석하되, 퇴직연금제도가 발달된 유럽 선진국도 함께 포함하여 퇴직연금의 자산배분현황 및 변화추이를 비교분석한 결과, 한국은 퇴직연금의 투자상품으로 예적금과 같은 원리금보장상품을 강하게 선호한 반면, 미국은 주식과 같은 고위험자산에 편중된 자산배분을 나타냈다. 이에 따라 미국의 근로자들은 안전한 노후자금 마련을 위해 안정자산을 포함한 리밸런싱이 요구되는 반면, 우리나라는 원리금보장상품 위주의 자산배분에서 탈피하여 수익성 자산에 장기투자하는 방향으로 점진적인 리밸런싱이 요구된다. 더불어 퇴직연금의 자산배분에 영향을 미치는 사회경제적 요인을 실증분석한 결과, 여성평균수명이 증가하면 상대적으로 예적금과 채권에, 남성평균수명이 증가하면 상대적으로 주식과 기타자산에 투자하는 비중이 높아지는 경향을 보였다. 또한 가계순저축율이 높아지면 가계의 은퇴자산 마련을 위한 퇴직연금 투자시에는 상대적으로 고위험자산에 해당하는 주식과 기타자산의 비중을 높여 안정성보다는 수익성을 추구하는 성향을 보였다. 그리고 교육수준이 높아지면 주식에 대한 투자비중이상대적으로 높아지는 경향을 보였으며, 이는 통계적으로 유의미한 차이를 나타냈다. 다음으로 퇴직연금에 가입한 우리나라와 미국 가계를 대상으로 실시한 일대일 심층면접을 분석한 결과 첫째, 미국 가계의 경우 생애주기별로 퇴직연금의 자산배분행동이 상이하게 나타난 반면, 한국의 경우 근로자의 연령이나 직업, 퇴직연금 가입년수, 성별의 차이와 상관없이 모두 현금성 자산인 예적금에 투자한 비율이 압도적으로 높았다. 둘째, 미국 근로자의 경우 퇴직연금의 자산배분 리밸런싱을 보다 적극적으로 자주 하는 반면, 한국에서는 퇴직연금 도입초기에 선정한 상품을 그대로 유지하는 등 리밸런싱에 대한 노력과 인식이 상당히 저조한 타성현상이 발견되었다. 셋째, 미국에서 401(k)와 IRA가 가계의 은퇴자금이라는 목적은 동일하나 퇴직연금 유형별로 자산배분에 대한인식과 행동이 다소 차이가 있었으며, 한국에서 IRP는 다른 퇴직연금과 서로 연동되기 보다는 추가적인 연금으로 인식되고 있었다. 넷째, 한국에서는 퇴직연금의 자산배분에관한 의사결정시 직장동료나 친구의 영향을 많이 받았으나, 미국에서는 준거집단보다 퇴직연금운용사의 정보공시자료가 큰 영향을 미쳐 금융소비자정보의 중요성을 확인할수 있었다. 근로자들의 은퇴자금 마련을 통해 가계의 안정된 노후생활을 보장하기 위한 퇴직연금제도가 도입된 지 8년이 된이 시점에서 우리나라보다 수십 년 앞서서 도입되어 정착된 미국 퇴직연금의 자산배분과 비교분석한 본 연구는 우리나라의 개인 금융소비자뿐만 아니라 가계, 나아가 정책입안자들에게 직간접적으로 영향을 미치리라 기대된다. The shift in age structure associated with aging populations has a profound impact on a broad range of economic, political and social conditions (United Nations 2002). Specifically, increasing longevity can result in growing demands for retirement funds and rising risks for lack of money earmarked for retirement years. Longevity risk, the risk of outliving retirement savings, is a real concern for retirees. In general, social security, employer-provided pensions, and annuities purchased from personal savings are sources of income that can help retirees to manage their longevity risk (Society of Actuaries 2006) because the benefits extend until death. A key challenge for consumers is to accumulate sufficient savings to finance the kind of lifestyle that is desired in retirement (Kerr 2008). The role of private retirement funds is becoming increasingly important and consumers may underestimate the importance of decision-making regarding allocation of financial assets. The major purposes of this study were (1) to compare the trends of retirement funds asset allocation among OECD countries between 2001 and 2010, (2) to examine current retirement assets and selected national characteristics including life expectancy at birth, household net saving rates, and education attainment, and (3) to compare the perceptions and behaviors regarding asset allocation of retirement plans between South Korea and the United States. This study compared the asset allocation of retirement plans using mixed methodology approach. The study used both quantitative and qualitative analysis. First, this study was concerned with understanding the asset allocation of retirement plans in six developed countries; each representing a very different retirement allocation strategy. Comparison data were obtained from the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) Metadata in 2011 (http://stats.oecd.org). This study focused the analysis on comparisons of allocations to retirement plans, such as 401(k) and IRAs. Second, this study conducted one-on-one in-depth interview with 14 respondents who had retirement plans to compare the perceptions and behaviors regarding asset allocation of retirement plans between South Korea and the U.S. The 7 interviewees were the residents who were living in Iowa State and Illinois State in the U.S. The interviews were conducted between March 2, 2012 and April 6, 2012 for residents in Iowa and between May 2, 2012 and June 5, 2012 for residents in Illinois. In addition to the U.S. residents, the interviews were conducted for 7 respondents in South Korea in August 2012. The interviewees were the residents who were living in Seoul and Gyeonggi-do in South Korea. The results of the analysis are comprehensively summarized as follows. The OECD member nations this study included were the Czech Republic, Denmark, Germany, Italy, Korea, and the U.S. The selection criteria were as follows: first, having a three pillar retirement system; second, a geographic balance among OECD countries [America, Europe (West, North, South, and East), and Asia-Pacific]; and third, data availability. Three of the most important factors to consider for managing the portfolio of retirement funds are life expectancy, education attainment, and household net saving rates. Longer life expectancy needs more sufficient accumulation of assets. Retirement tends to be the most important saving motive, making a change in pensions and expected length of the retirement period important demographic variables in saving decisions (IMF 2010). This study examined life expectancy at birth, education attainment, and household net saving rates as social and financial factors in the description of retirement asset allocation. The descriptive analysis of life expectancy at birth shows that there were significant gender differences in the pensionable years. The average level of pensionable years for women was five years longer than men. The result implies that women need more retirement funding than men. The pensionable years of Italy, Korea, and Czech Republic were longer than average of OECD while Germany, U.S., and Denmark were shorter than the average of OECD. The countries with relatively higher educational attainment were more likely to invest in equities. German household net saving rates as a percentage of household disposable income were the highest while Danish that have the shortest pensionable years were the lowest in selected OECD countries. The household net saving rates in countries such as the U.S. have been steadily low while it has fluctuated in Korea. The existing retirement programs may need to be recalibrated because Korean household net saving rates were very low even though Korean pensionable years were long. This study compared and contrasted the trends of retirement funds’ asset allocation. Since the onset of the recent global financial crisis, the percentages for equities in total investment of retirement funds were decreased in selected OECD countries except in Germany which had the highest household net saving rate (11.1%). The results indicate that the asset allocations in the U.S. were concentrated in equities such as stocks and mutual funds. In general, the expected return of equities is higher than other asset classes but expected volatility is also highest among equities. Therefore, the assets of U.S. retirement plans have been most strongly impacted by recessionary stock market conditions. As a consequence, the global economic recession may have hurt retirement prospects for U.S. citizens more than citizens in other countries. Current U.S. retirement assets may need to be rebalanced to increase financial security of retirees. On the other hand, the Czech Republic and Denmark had retirement assets concentrated in bills and bonds, and Korea had retirement assets concentrated in cash and deposits. In good economic times, those countries did not benefit as much by investing in lower-yield funds. These countries might need to gradually rebalance the funds for long-term investment with higher returns. In addition to the results of quantitative analysis, the results of the qualitative analysis with respondents who had 401(k) or IRA in South Korea and the U.S. are comprehensively summarized as follows. First, the strategies on asset allocation of retirement plans among U.S. households were different depending on the stage of life cycle. In Korea, however, it had a very high percentage of GICs (Guaranteed Interest Contracts) regardless age, gender, job, and the number of years having retirement plans. Second, U.S. households often rebalanced asset allocation of retirement plans but most of Korean households had kept the initial asset allocation when they opened the retirement plans. Third, the investment goals of 401(k) and IRA were the same but the perceptions and behaviors of asset allocation were different in the U.S., while the IRP (Individual Retirement Pension) was the additional retirement plans and was separated from employer-provided pensions in Korea. Fourth, the decision making on asset allocation of retirement plans were highly influenced by reference groups such as work colleagues, friends, and family members among Korean but were affected by information disclosure such as flyer, reports, and websites information among U.S. households. The asset allocation of retirement plans has important implications for individual, household, and aggregate social financial welfare. Through this comparative study on the asset allocation of the retirement plans in households’ retirement funds between selected OECD countries, I hope that this contribution will have direct and indirect effects on retirement policies that could ultimately benefit individual consumers, families, and policymakers.

      • KCI등재

        산업과 국가 경쟁력 기반요소로서의 한국 사회신뢰 평가

        박상준 ( Sang June Park ) 한국소비자학회 2013 소비자학연구 Vol.24 No.3

        유통분야와 소비자 마케팅 분야의 연구들은 기업 간 그리고 기업과 소비자간 신뢰가 지속적 거래의 핵심 요소임을 주장해 왔다. 그러므로 많은 기업들은 다른 기업들과 장기적인 협력 관계를 구축하기 위해 노력해 왔고, 기업과 고객들과의 신뢰를 기반으로 한 중장기적 관계 형성에 대한 관심을 가져왔다. 더 나아가 기업들은 JIT(Just-In-Time) 와 EDI(Electronic Data Interchange) 같은 기술의 채택을 통해 시스템 (혹은 가치사슬) 비용(system cost)을 줄일 수 있기 때문에 가치사슬화를 추구해 왔다. 신뢰는 가치사슬 시스템 구축의 핵심 요소라고 할 수 있다. 즉, 가치사슬 시스템을 구성하는 구성원간의 신뢰는 가치사슬 시스템 경쟁력의 핵심요소가 된다. 더 나아가 국가 간 산업 경쟁력의 핵심이 되기 때문에 한 국가의 구성원들이 갖고 있는 일반적인 신뢰는 한 국가의 산업 및 국가 경쟁력과 직결된다. 한 사회 구성원이 동일 사회 구성원에 갖고 있는 신뢰를 학술적으로는 사회신뢰라고 불리운다. 사회신뢰는 사회자본의 핵심요소로서, 거래비용을 줄여주고 집단행동의 문제점을 완화시키는 작용을 하기 때문에, 경제적, 사회적, 정치적 발전에 기여를 하는 것으로 인식되고 있다. 대다수 선행 연구들은 한국의 사회신뢰 수준이 세계 주요 국가에 비해 낮은 것으로 평가하고 있으며, 시계열자료인 세계가치조사에 근거한 연구들은 한국의 사회신뢰가 지속적으로 하락하고 있다고 주장하고 있다. 이는 심각히 우려되는 사안이 아니라고 할 수 없다. 선행연구들은 세계각국의 사회신뢰 변화 분석을 통해 민주화의 이행과 금융위기 경험을 겪은 국가들의 사회신뢰 하락함에 주목하고, 이를 한국의 사회신뢰의 하락 원인으로 지목하였다. 그러나 1987년 촉발된 민주화 이행이 완료되고, 1997년에 시작된 금융위기가 극복된 시점에서도 사회신뢰가 지속적으로 하락할지에 관해서는 의문을 갖게 된다. 본 연구에서는 시간의 흐름에 따른 동일 세대의 타인에 대한 신뢰 변화 분석을 근거로 한국의 사회신뢰가 하락을 멈추었다는 단서를 제시하고 있다. Marketing literature on marketing channel or consumer marketing has repeatedly shown that trust between firms and between firms and consumers, is a crucial factor in the move from discrete market transactions to continuous exchange relationships. Thus, firms have tried to build their long term relationships with other firms or consumers based on trust. Moreover, they have tried to build a value-chain (or system) to reduce system costs through the adoption of technologies such Just-In-Time (JIT) and Electronic Data Interchange (EDI). However, such exclusive relationships also increase the firm``s vulnerability to opportunismby partners. Therefore, Trust is considered a fundamental factor in building such relationships. Other-regarding preferences such as trust, reciprocity and altruism are integral elements in economic transactions between firms, between firms and consumers, between employers and employees, and they are core factors in determining economic performance. Especially social trust (or generalized trust), as a core element of social capital, is known to reduce transaction costs, help solve collective action problems, and contribute to economic, social, and political development. Therefore social trust has been given a great deal of attention across an array of academic disciplines for its role in promoting cooperation among individuals and groups, and for its positive influence on the economic performance of corporations. The importance of social trust has become widely accepted in the social sciences. Social trust is important because it correlates with a number of other variables that are, for most people, normatively highly desirable. At the individual level, people who believe that most other people in their society in general can be trusted are also more inclined to have a positive view of their democratic institutions, to participate more in politics, and to be more active in civic organizations. They also give more to charity and they are more tolerant towards minorities and to people who are not like themselves. Trusting people also have a more optimistic view of their possibilities of having an influence over their own life chances and, not least important, of being happier with how their life is going. Most studies [including World Values Surveys (WVS)] describe Korea as a low-trust society than other industrialized countries. Furthermore, previous studies pointed out that Korean social trust has been declining continuously. According to them, Korean social trust was 34.2% in Wave 2(1989-1993), 30.3% in Wave 3(1994-1999), 27.3% in Wave 4(1999-2004), and 30.2% in Wave 5(2005-2007). The argument created serious concerns for Korean scholars and policy makers. It is very important especially for policy makers to know whether or not Korean social trust is continuously declining over the time. Previous researchers presented the two reasons why Korean social trust has declined over time. One of the reasons is the democratization processes that began with the 1987 citizens’ revolution (or June uprising). They explained that the democratization processes have negative effect on social trust although it has positive effect in the very long run. The other one is the Korean currency crisis that began in 1997. They also explained that the currency crisis has negative effect on social trust. If the democratization processes and the currency crisis were the main causes for declining social trust in Korea, however, one might find clues that Korean social trust is recovering after the democratization processes and the currency crisis. This paper investigated whether or not Korean trust has declined over time and whether it is expected to decline or to be recovered in the future. Based on the five waves of World Value Surveys which were conducted in Wave 1(1981-1984), Wave 2(1989-1993), Wave 3(1994-1999), Wave 4(1999-2004), and Wave 5(2005-2007), this paper analyzed changes of Korean social trust over the time. The social trust was measured by degree to which a respondent thinks that most people can be trusted. The results supported the previous studies. As the previous researchers mentioned, Korean social trust has declined from Wave 1 to Wave 3, Wave 4, and Wave 5 due to the democratization processes that began with the 1987 citizen``s revolution and the currency crisis that began in 1997. However, they also showed the clues impling that Korean social trust is expected to be recovered in the future.

      • KCI등재

        한국, 미국, 스웨덴의 소비문화 비교 -성별, 세대별 차이를 중심으로-

        김선우 ( Sunwoo Kim ) 한국소비자학회 2013 소비자학연구 Vol.24 No.3

        본 연구는 시장이 세계화되고 글로벌기업의 활동이 활발해지면서 소비문화 이해의 중요성이 점점 더 커지고 있다는 점에 착안하여 한국, 미국, 스웨덴 삼국의 소비문화를 비교하고 성별, 세대별 소비문화 차이를 살펴보았다. 한국, 미국 및 스웨덴 삼국의 20~40대 성인 각 500명 등 총 1,500명을 조사대상으로 온라인조사를 실시하였으며, 조사도구는 김선우와 김난도(2011)의 연구에서 개발된 소비문화 차원 척도를 적용하였다. 연구결과, 세 국가에서 모두 상징지향적 소비수준보다 기능지향적 소비수준이 높게 나타났고, 사회지향적 소비수준보다 개인지향적 소비수준이 더 높게 나타나 소비의 의미는 보편적으로 기능적이고 개인적인 특성를 지닌다고 할 수 있다. 한국, 미국, 스웨덴의 소비문화적 특징을 살펴보면, 한국은 집단주의 문화권에 속하여 타자승인지향적이고 미국은 개인주의 문화권의 영향으로 개인지향적이었으며, 한국과 미국이 상징적 소비성향이 높은데 반하여 스웨덴은 전반적으로 소비성향이 낮고 개인적 기능지향 차원에 대한 고려가 발견되었다. 성별과 연령대에 따른 소비문화 수준을 살펴본 결과, 상징적 소비차원에서 두드러진 차이를 발견할 수 있었다. 성별에 따라서는 여성이 개인적 상징에 더 큰 비중을 두는 반면 남성은 사회적 상징에 상대적으로 더 큰 비중을 두고 있었다. 한편 젊은 층일수록 상징 차원의 소비수준이 더 높게 나타났는데, 기능적 소비차원의 경우 성별과 연령대에 따른 차이가 상대적으로 미미하거나 없는 것으로 나타났다. 이상의 연구결과를 바탕으로 글로벌마케팅에 대한 시사점을 도출해보면, 한국에서는 사회적 상징, 미국에서는 개인적 상징으로 소구하고 스웨덴에서는 기능적 혜택을 제공하는 것이 중요하다. 또한 여성은 개인적 상징에 더 어필하며 남성에게는 사회적 상징을 강조하는 것이 소구 포인트가 될 수 있겠다. 아울러, 20대는 상징적 소비에 매 우 적극적이었으므로 20대를 대상으로 한 마케팅 커뮤니케이션을 원활하게 하기 위해서는 20대가 원하는 상징의 기원 및 유포과정에 대한 보다 심층적인 후속연구가 필요할 것으로 보인다. In the era of globalization since 1990``s, many global companies are actively pursuing crosscultural consumer understanding for optimized marketing decision. A lot of marketing efforts may be wasted or even hurt its brand due to the cultural or linguistic failure. With this background, culture has been a major research theme in the field of consumer studies, business management and consumer psychology. But the early researches with cross-cultural perspectives were mostly adopted qualitative ethnographic research methods to understand various aspects of the consumer culture. Empirical researches for cross-cultural consumer understanding from the global point of view are still emerging area. This research aimed to understand consumer culture and investigate gender and generation difference in the global context. An online survey was conducted to the 1,500 respondents in 20``s to 40``s of three metropolitan cities in Republic of Korea, USA and Sweden: Seoul, New York, and Stockholm. The dimensions and measures of consumer culture were adopted which was developed by S. Kim and R. Kim in 2011. Shortly introducing the dimensions and measures of consumer culture, consumer culture can be defined as an interaction of meaning via consumer goods, and herein, a meaning and an interactivity can be the main analysis unit. A consumer culture is classified into two dichotomies by meaning and interactivity; functional-symbolic and individual-social. These two dichotomies are combined into a 2×2 cross-classification, and four-celled dimensions of consumer culture are produced; individual-functional, socio-functional, individual-symbolic and socio-symbolic. Each dimension has two sub-dimensions; ‘economical efficiency’ and ‘frugality’ (individual-functional dimension), ‘fun pursuing’ and ‘self expression’(individual-symbolic dimension), ‘approval by others’ and ‘brand-good preference’(socio-symbolic dimension), and ‘ethical action’ and ‘pro-environmental action’(socio-functional dimension). The main findings from the study are as below. First, consumption is dominantly perceived as a functional and individual human activity with the finding that the functional consumption level was apparently higher than the symbolic and the individual consumption level was higher than the social. There was no significant difference in the ‘economical efficiency’ by country while it was scored around 4 points among 5 points likert type scale. ‘Economical efficiency’ is perceived as the main consideration point for consumers in the developed market economy countries to achieve a consumption task. Second, Korean consumers scored higher in ‘approval by others’ based upon their collectivism culture, while American consumers concerned more on ‘self expression’ influenced by their individualism culture. Swedish preferences were more located in individual-functional dimension, while Korean and American were striving more individual or social symbolic consumption. This finding supports the theory that culture and consumption is interdependent. Third, there was an apparent difference in symbolic consumption by gender and generation but there was no significant difference by age and generation in the functional consumption. By gender, female was more focused on individual symbol but social symbol and ‘brand good preference’ was more important to western male. This is an evidence that the consumption is a mechanism to form and reinforce culture and habitualize its fixed stereotype systematically. In the perspective of generation, the younger was attached more to the symbolic consumption than the older. Generational commons were found in 30``s and 40``s in Korea and 20``s and 30``s in America and sweden. This can be explained that the maturity of the market economy and that of the consumer culture is closely related with each other. In western society, the market economy was already matured in early 1970``s and the generation X in 30``s and the early 40``s is the first generation born to be a consumer. But Korea was transformed to the consumption society after the middle of 1980``s and the generation Y in their 20``s and early 30``s has its own identity as homo consumens. One more discussion point from the generation difference perspective is that the younger in America and Sweden is more eager to the ethical and pro-environmental consumption activity while the older has higher tendency in the socio-functional consumption activities in Korea. This can be explained that the long civic engagement tradition in the western country affects consumer culture as well. To expand ethical and pro-environmental consumption in young generation, it is important for them to provide an well-organized education program to reinforce Korean civil society and enhance their identity as consumer citizen. This research tried to provide business managerial implication from the global marketing``s point of view and ultimately to contribute to the expansion of empirical consumer culture study. The research findings imply several managerial implications for efficient global marketing. Frist, Korean``s aspiration is a social symbol but an individual symbol appeals to American, while Swedish is mainly focusing on the functional benefits. In addition, female prefers to individual symbols but social symbols are the key for the male targeted marketing. Furthermore, Y generation in their 20``s and in early 30``s is eager to consume the symbolic images, which need to be deeply explored more on to understand the nature of the symbols and their preferred touch points. This research has some limitations as below. First, this research didn``t limit the product category and measured the overall consumer culture. If the different category dynamics can be considered in the future research, it will be much more clear to understand the cultural differences and to provide more sharpened implications. Furthermore, there was a tendency of lower score in some question items from Swedish consumers even though the author tried to make a best effort to achieve equivalence of the measures. More thorough approach should be considered to understand the cross-cultural differences in the response styles for the elaborate cross-cultural comparison study. Finally, this research only included countries with matured market economy but it is suggested to consider developing countries or eastern european countries as well to investigate the consumer adjustment process and their identity as consumer.

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