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      • A Systematic Study on the Korean Anthozoa 15. : Dichopsammia granulosa new genus and new species 돌산호 目에 속하는 一新屬 一新種에 관하여 Dendrophyllidae, Scleractinia, Zoantharia

        Song, Jun-Im 이화여자대학교 생명과학연구소 1994 생명과학연구논문집 Vol.5 No.-

        한국산 산호충류의 계통분류학적 연구의 일환으로 1969년부터 1986년까지 우리나라의 삼면 연안과 도서 지방으로 부터 채집된 돌산호류 중 대한해협의 미포에서 그물에 의해 채집된 나무돌산호 과의 1종이 신속, 신종으로 밝혀져 미립이분지돌산호(Dichopsammia granulasa)라고 명명하고 기재한다. 이들의 완모식 표본과 대부분의 부모식 표본들은 이화여자대학교 자연과학대학 생물과학과에 보관되어 있고, 일부 부모식 표본은 이화여자대학교 자연사박물관에 보관되어 있다. A species of Dendrophyllidae collected by fishing nets from Mip'o (129˚11'E, 35˚09'N) in Korea Strait, turned out to be a new species in a new genus, Dichopsammia, is described. The new genus is closely related to the confamilial genus, Duncanopsammia in sharing the same corallum shape and the same septal arrangement, but differing in the mode of branching, the corallite formations, the mode of budding and the feature of costae.

      • Hydrogen Evolution from Biomass-Derived Carbohydrates by Clostridia

        Bae, Moo,Yi, Hye-joo 이화여자대학교 생명과학연구소 1990 생명과학연구논문집 Vol.1 No.-

        Clostridium속 세균에서 biomass의 생물학적 전환에 의한 수소 생성에 관하여 조사하기 위해 4균종을 대상으로 biomass를 구성하는 당류 이용도 및 그로부터의 수소 생성을 검토하였다. 효율적인 수소 생성 세균은 Cl.butyricum과 Cl. pasteurianum 으로 xylose,cellobiose를 포함한 그 외 단당, 이당류에서 높은 수소 생성능을 나타내었으며, 특히 Cl.butyricum의 경우, starch,xylan외에도 pectin의 이용성이 비교적 우수한 것으로 고나찰되엇다. 포도당(1%)이용시 회분 발효를 통하여 Cl.butyricum이 생성하는 유기산(acetate와 butyrate)의 molar ratio(A/B)는 0.7-0.8을 나타내었다. Cl.butyricum의 회분 발효시 수소 생성에 영향을 미치는 배양조건을 검토하기 위해 pH. phosphate의 농도, glucose의 농도 및 배양 초기 대사산물 (acetate, butyrate)의 영향을 관찰하였다. 그 결과 수소 발생에 최적인 pH는 7.0-8.0 phosphate 농도는 10-50mM에서 최적을 나타내었으나 500mM 이상에서는 증식 및 수소 발생이 완전히 저해됨을 나타내었다. 포도당은 2%(w/v)에서 최대 수소 발생량을 나타내었으며 6%이상에서는 solvent, 특히 butanol 생성의 급격한 증가를 나타내었다. 배양 초기에 acetate와 butyrate가 소량 존재할 경우 수소 생성은 약간의 증가를 보여주나 acetate 150mM 이상, butyrate 20mM 이상의 농도에서는 급격한 증식 저해를 나타내었다. 따라서 Cl. butyricum이 합성 배지에서 증식하는 경우 위의 최적조건에서 배양함으로써 건체량당 약 70mmole의 수소를 1%(w/v)의 포도당으로부터 생산할 수 있었다. Hydrogen evolution from biomass-derived carbohydreates by some Clostridia and optimal culture conditions for gydrogen evolution were investigated. Among the organisms tested, Clostridium buturicum was efficient hydrogen producer with starch, xylan, pectin, cellobiose and xylose. In batch fermentation of CI. butyricum, optimal conditions for hydrogen evolution were achieved at pH 7.0-8.5, 10-50 mM phosphate, and 2%(w/v)glucose. Total amount of molecular hydrogen evolved by the organism slightly increased at the presence of acetate(<150mM)or butyrate(<20mM) in the initial fermentation medium. Especially, in case of more than the above concentration of butyrate, growth and hydrogen evolution were drematically inhibited. In the conditions which were described here, 70 mmole of molecular gydrogen per mg of DCW was produced with 1% (w/v) glucose by the organism.

      • A Study on the Requirements for Health Education of Middle School Students

        Kim, Young Bok,Wie, Cha Hyung,Kwak, Jung Ok 이화여자대학교 생명과학연구소 1995 생명과학연구논문집 Vol.6 No.-

        본 연구의 목적은 중학생의 보건교육에 대한 요구도를 살피기 위해 먼저 현재 자신이 알고 있는 보건지식에 대한 만족도와 보건교육에 대한 필요도 및 이에 영향을 미치는 요인에 대해 알아보고, 이와 관련하여 보건지식에 대한 만족도와 보건교육에 대한 필요도가 보건교육 요구도에 미치는 영향을 분석해 보는 데 있다. 연구를 위한 조사대상으로 경기도 소재 M, S 중학교의 1,2학년 전체 학생 688명을 선정하였고, 1994년 12월 1일부터 15일까지 자기기입식 설문지를 통해 보건교육에 대한 요구도를 조사하였다. 본 연구의 결과는 다음과 같다. 1. 조사대상자의 분포는 남학생이 59.3%, 여학생이 40.7%였고, 자신의 건강상태에 대해 건강하다고 응답한 학생이 78.9%, 건강하지 않다고 응답한 학생이 21.1%였다. 또한 현재 알고 있는 보건지식에 대해 만족한다고 응답한 학생은 68.2%였고, 31.8%의 학생이 만족하지 않는다고 응답하였다. 보건교육에 대한 필요도에 대해서는 92.7%의 학생이 필요하다고 응답하였다. 2. 보건교육에 대한 요구도에서는 첫째, 보건교과설정에 대해 45.6%가 찬성하였고, 둘째, 보건교육 실시 시기에 대해서는 82.8%가 유치원 및 국민학교에서부터 시작되어야 한다고 하였다. 셋째, 보건교육의 적정시간에 대해 82.4%가 1주일 또는 1달에 1-2시간이라고 하였으며, 넷째, 보건교육 담당교사에 대해서는 63.2%가 보건교육 전문가가 담당하여야 한다고 응답하였다. 다섯째, 보건교육 내용에 대한 선호도 순위는 구급처치, 안전교육, 영양, 환경, 음주와 흡연 및 약물남용, 구강보건, 개인위생, 식품위생, 전염병관리, 성교육, 건강과 운동, 정신건강, 비전염성질환 관리, 공중보건, 의료기관의 기능 순이었다. 3. 현재 알고 있는 보건지식에 대한 만족도에 영향을 미치는 변수로는 성(p<0.01), 형제순위(p<0.05), 아버지의 학력(p<0.01), 어머니의 학력(p<0.01), 학업성적(p<0.05)이었으며, 보건교육 필요도에 영향을 미치는 변수는 성(p<0.05), 어머니의 학력(p<0.05), 학업성적(p<0.01)이었다. 4. 현재 알고 있는 보건지식에 대한 만족도에 따라 보건교육에 대한 요구도에 차이가나타났다. 보건지식에 대해 만족하고 있지 못한 비만족군의 경우 보건교과의 설정에 대해 만족군보다 더 적극적으로 찬성하였고(p<0.05), 보건교육의 실시 시기에 대해서는 유치원 시기부터가 적정하다고 응답하였다(p<0.01). 보건교육의 내용선정에 있어서도 만족군과 비만족군간의 차이가 나타났는데, 만족군의 경우는 안전교육, 건강과 운동, 공중보건, 비만족군의 경우는 성교육을 요구하였다(p<0.05). 5. 보건교육에 대한 필요도에 따라 보건교육에 대한 요구도에 차이가 나타났다. 보건교육이 필요하다고 응답한 필요군의 경우 보건교과의 설정에 대해 적극적으로 찬성하였다(p<0.01). 또한 필요군은 보건교육의 실시 시기에 대해 유치원 시기부터가 적정하다고 응답한 반면, 보건교육이 필요하지 않다고 한 비필요군의 경우는 중학교 이후부터 적정하다고 응답하였다.(p<0.01). 보건교육의 내용선정에 있어서도 음주와 흡연 및 약물남용, 식품위생, 건강과 운동, 비전염성질환 예방을 제외한 내용에서 필요군과 비필요군간의 차이가 나타났다(p<0.05).

      • 식이 단백질과 Cysteine수준이 흰쥐의 Cadmium중독에 미치는 영향

        김미경,박주연 이화여자대학교 생명과학연구소 1996 생명과학연구논문집 Vol.7 No.-

        This study was perfomed to investigate the effect of dietary protein and cystein levels on cadmium toxicity in rats. Seventy-two male rats of Sprague-Dawely strain weighing 171±3g were blocked into 12 groups according to body weight, and were raised for 30 days. Cadmium chloride was given at levels of 0 or 400ppm, protein at levels of 7, 5 and 40%, and cysteine was added(total dietary cysteine contents:0.45%)to diet or not. The results are summarized as follow. Food intake, weight gain, food efficiency ratio, liver and kidney weights, femur weight and length of cadmium added group were lower than those of cadmium free group. But, these were increased with increasing dietary protein level and cysteine addition. fecal cadmium excretion was remarkably increased in high protein(40%) groups. Thus, cadmium retention rates were decreased in high protein groups. Metallothionein concentrations in liver and kidney were increased in cysteine addition, and cadmium administration. Especially, these were remarkably increased in cadmium and cysteine added groups. Urinary calcium excretion was increased with cadmium administration, but urinary protein excretion and creatinine clearance were not changed in these animal. In conclusion, food intake, weight gain and organ weights were decreased with cadmium administration. Cadmium toxicity was alleviated by increasing dietary protein level and cysteine addition. High protein diet decreased cadmium retention by increasing fecal cadmium excretion, while cysteine addition increased metallothionein concentrations in liver and kidney. From these results, it was shown that cadmium toxicity was alliviated by synergistic effect of high protein level and cysteine addition.

      • 서울시 보건소에 등록된 폐결핵환자의 단기치료성적에 관한 연구

        박혜숙,하은희,위자형 이화여자대학교 생명과학연구소 1995 생명과학연구논문집 Vol.6 No.-

        This study was performed for the comparison of the therapeutic efficiency between 6-month(2HERZ/4HER) and 9-month(9HER) short-course chemotherapy under the programe conditions for pulmonary tuberculosis in terms of sputum AFB negative conversion rate, remedial interruption rate and cost effectiveness analysis. Two hundreds and ninty three patients treated with 9HER and 641 treated with 2HERZ/4HER had been discharged from 22 health centers in Seoul from May 1, 1993 to April 30, 1994. Seven hundreds and seventeen was subsequently analysed excluding 217 patients due to remedial interruption. The results: 1. Bacteriological negative conversion rate in 9HER regimen and 2HERZ/4HER regimen was 97.8% and 96.4% respectively(p>0.05). But the early tretment period, negative conversion rate in 2HERZ/4HER regimen was very higher than in 9HER regimen(p<0.01). 2. Remedial interruption rate for 9HER regimen and 2HERZ/4HER regimen was 34.1% and 13.6% respectively. The primary reason for the interruption was transfering to other clinics and this interruption was high within 3months. 3. Cost effectiveness for 2HERZ/4HER regimen was higher than 9HER regimen. The difference cost effectiveness ratio was 2.33 at the first sputum test and 1.69 at the last sputum test.

      • Two Human Liver cDNAs Encode UDP-Glucuronosyltransferases with 2 Log Differences in Activity toward Parallel Substrates Including Hyodeoxycholic Acid and Certain Estrogen Derivatives

        Ritter, Joseph K.,Chen, Fan,Sheen, Yhun Y.,Lubet, Ronald A.,Owens, Ida S. 이화여자대학교 생명과학연구소 1992 생명과학연구논문집 Vol.3 No.-

        Two human liver UDP-glucuronosyltransferase cDNA clones, HLUG25[Jackson, M. R., et al.(1987) Biochem. J. 242 58-5881-588] and UDPGT_h-2 [Ritter, J.K.,et al.(1990). J Biol. Chem. 266, 7900-7906] have previously been shown to encode isozymes active in the glucuronidation of hyodeoxycholic acid (HDCA) and certain estrogen derivatives (estriols and 3,4-catechol estrogens), respetively. Here we report that the UDPGT_h-2-enconded isoform (udpgt_h-2) and the HLUG25-encoded isoform (udpgt_h-1) have parallel aglycon specificities. Following expression in COS-1 cells, each isoform metabolized three types of dihydroxy-or trihydroxy-substituted ring structures, in cluding the 3,4-catechol estrogen (4-hydroxyestrone), estriol and 17-epiestriol, and HDCA, but the udpgt_h-2 isozyme is 100-fold more efficient than udpgt_h-1 udpgt_h-1 and udpgt_h-2 are 86% identical oerall (76 differences out of 528 amino acids), including 55 differences in the first 300 amino acids of the amino terminus, a domain which confers isoform substrate specificity. The data indicate that a high level of conservation in the amino terminus is not required for the preservation of substrate seletivity. Analysis of glucuronidation activity encoded by UDPGT_h-1/udpgt_h-2 chimeric cDNA_s constructed at their ommon restriction sites, SacI (codon 297.,NcoI(codon 385), and HhaI (codon 469), showed that nine amino acids between residues 385 and 469 are important for catalytic efficiency, suggesting that this region represents a domain which is critial for catalysis but distinct from that responsible for aglycon selection. In parallel with the existence of liver and kidney microsomal HDCA glucuronosyl transferase activity, mRNA coding for udpgt_h-2 is expressed in liver and kidney, whereas that for udpgt_h-1 expressed only in the liver. These data indicate that udpgt_h-2 is a primary isoform responsible for the detoxification of the bile salt intermediate as well as the active estrogen intermediates.

      • 인공적혈구의 제조 및 이용

        하종식,조응행,김구자 이화여자대학교 생명과학연구소 1990 생명과학연구논문집 Vol.1 No.-

        Hemoglobin was purified from the outdated human red blood cells. Phospholipids were purified from egg yolk and stored in chloroform. The artificial red blood cells (hemosome) were prepared by encapsulation of hemoglobin wht phospholipid mutilayer using rotary vacuum evaporator. The shape and size of hemosomes were measured by phase contrast microscope and image analyzer. The function of hemosomes was tested by measuring oxygen dissociation curve using blood gas analyzer. In order to test whether hemosomes are useful as blood substitute they were infused into rats of which one third of total blood were drawn. The results obtained are summarized as followings. 1) Hemosomes were spherical shape and their mean diameter was 0.7um. 2) Oxygen dissociation curve of hemosomes showed the same figure as that of normal red blood cells. 3) All rats given 1/3transfusion with hemosomes survived until sacrificed whereas three of four rats given 1/3 transfusion with saline died within 1 hour and the rest of them died within 24 hours.

      • 인삼 사포닌이 일산화탄소중독 및 노화과정에서 생쥐의 뇌신경세포 분포에 미치는 영향

        신정희,이인란,조금희,윤재순 이화여자대학교 생명과학연구소 1992 생명과학연구논문집 Vol.3 No.-

        The effects of ginseng saponins on the distribution of nerve cells in cerebral cortex of carbon monoxide (CO)-intoxicated mice were studied in the young (5~8 weeks) and aged (43~52weeks) mice. Mice were exposed to 5000 ppm of CO for 40 minutes (72%HbCO). After that, nerve cells in motor(area 4), somatosensory(area 3) and visual ((area 17) area of cerebral cortex was observed. In young mice, the number of nerve cells in each area was significantly decreased on 1st. 7th and 14th day after CO intoxication. In aged mice, that was also decreased after CO intoxication. Especially the number of the nerve cells in motor and somatosensory area was significantly decreased on 1st and 7th day, while that in visual area was decreased only on 1st day. The number of nerve cells in young mice pretreated with ginseng sapoinins were significantly decreased less on 7th and 14th day than that of untreated mice. The number of nerve cells in each area of normal aged mice was larger than that of normal young micel. The resultssuggest that CO exposure causes local degeneration or disturbance of nerve cells and delayed neurologic sequelae, while ginseng saponins might play a role of protetive action on the nerve cells which were damaged by CO.

      • 한국인 관절염환자의 관절액에서 풍진 및 볼거리바이러스에 대한 항체 측정

        박혜경,서주영 이화여자대학교 생명과학연구소 1995 생명과학연구논문집 Vol.6 No.-

        Rubella and mumps viruses are known to be capable of causing acute arthritis. There are several evidences suggesting the association of viral infections and arthritis; about 70% of those who recovered from rubella complainde arthralgia, rubella and mumps viruses could be cultivated in synovial tissue culture, and rubella virus has been isolated from the synovial fluid of arthritis patients. This study was purposed to evaluate the relationship between acute arthritis and rubella or mumps viral infections. Synovial fluid aseptically aspirated from 24 Korean arthritis patients were analyzed by immunoblot assay for IgG, IgM and IgA antibodies reacting with rubella or mumps viral antigens. The results showed that IgG, IgM and IgA antibodies against rubella viral antigens were detected in 75%(15/20), 85%(17/20) and 70%(14/20) of the analysed d\synovial fluid, respectively. Antibodies reacting with mumps viral antigens were detected in 70.8%(17/24, IgG), 66.7%(16/24, IgM) and 54.2%(13/24, IgA), respectively. The high prevalence rate of antibodies reacting with rubella and/or mumps viruses in the synovial fluid from arthritis patients suggested the relationship between arthritis and the viral infections.

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