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        어류를 이용한 내분비계 장애물질 검출 및 Biomarker로서 Vitellogenin의 이용

        윤석주,김일찬,윤용달,이재성 한국육수학회 2003 생태와 환경 Vol.36 No.2

        어류 vitellogenin은 난황전구체로 난형성과정동안에 estradiol의 체내 순환에 의해 암컷의 간에서 생산되며 alkylphenol류와 같은 비이온성 계면활성제 등의 내분비계 장애물질에 의해 수컷에서도 생산된다. 물 환경의 주요 생물종인 어류는 내분비계장애물질에 의해 암컷에서는 번식률 저하와 함께 수컷에서는 정소의 축소 및 이에 따른 암컷화가 관찰된다. 특히 수컷에서 내분비계 장애물질에 의해 유도된 vitellogenin의 생성을 이용하여 환경오염에 의해 유도된 생물체의 유전자 발현 변화 뿐만 아니라 이를 토대로 특정지역의 환경오염을 모니터링할 수 있다. 본 논문에서는 어류의 vitellogenin를 이용하여 수환경의 내분비계장애물질의 검출과 환경오염 모니터링을 위한 biomarker로서의 유용성을 검토하였다. Fish vitellogenin produces in female liver during oogenesis through estradiol cycle, and produces even in male liver by endocrine-disrupting chemicals (EDCs) such as alkylphenols. The resulting effects of EDCs lead to the low fecundity of female and the feminization (eg. shrinkage of testis) in male. Especially, the production of vitellogenin in male indicates the environmental contamination of EDCs, resulting in the modulation fo gene expression profiles and the monitoring of environmental contamination at specific area. In this paper, we suggest that fish vitellogenin is useful for biomonitoring for environmental contamination and would be substantially useful as a biomarker for a detection of EDCs in aquatic environment.

      • 根軌跡에 의한 系統解析에 관한 硏究

        朴允錫,柳盛林 충주대학교 1997 한국교통대학교 논문집 Vol.12 No.2

        In the frequency domain study of linear feed back control system, the Nyquist criterion, the Bode plot, and the Nichols chart were shown to be very useful tool of analysis. The above Mentioned technigues will lead to the design of a feedback control system penfermance are given in terms of the gain margin, prase margin, peak of resonance Mp band width , etco However, in the study of linear systems. it is equally important to consider the time domain specifications, such as the over shoot, damping ratio, setting time, etc Although theoretically, there is a definite correlation between the frequency response and the transient response, Unfortunately, simple relationships can be obtained only for system of the order of two of less. The root locus technique was introduced by Evans in 1948, and the art has been greatly developed in the past few year. The technique can be regarded as a grapbical method of determining the roots of the characteristec equation of asingle seek back loop system.

      • 기본권으로서의 안전권에 관한 시론적 연구

        송석윤 梨花女子大學校 法學硏究所 2003 法學論集 Vol.8 No.1

        Die Pr ambel der Verfassung Koreas erkl rt die Sicherheit als Leitprinzip der Staatst tigkeiten. Art.10 Satz 2 der Verfssung wird als Grundlage der grnudrechtlichen Schutzpflicht des Staates verstanden. Dar ber hinaus soll der Staatnach Art.34 Abs.6 der Vefassung "versuchen, die Katastrophen vorzubeugen und vor deren Gefahr das Volk zu sch tzen". Die koreanische Gesellschaft ist der Gefahr der Industriegesellschaft einerseits und der neuen Gefahr aus dem schnellen Vortschritt der Wissenschaft und Technik ausgesetzt.(Doppelte Risikogesellschaft) Bei diesem Aufsatz handelt es sich um die Frage, ob sich aus diesen Ver-fassungsvorschriften ber die grundrechtliche Sch tzpflicht hinaus das Gnudrecht auf Sicherheit ergeben kann. Die Sicherheitsgew hrleistung war der Kern der Legitimit t des modernen Staates. Die konstitutionellen Staaten haben auch diese Aufgabe - ausdr cklich oder stillschweigend - als eigene bernommen. Obwohl bei den Verfassungen der Aspekt des Grundrechtsschutzes gegen den staatlichen Eingriff in den Vordergrund gestellt wurde, haben die Grundrechte Funktionen nicht nur als subjektive Abwehrrechte, sondern auch als objective Zielsetzungen bzw. Prinzipien. Dies kann schon in den fr hkonstitutionellen Staaten, wo es die gesellschaftliche Voraussetzung f r die Verwirklichung der Grundrechte fehlte, beobachtet werden. Die objektivrechtliche Funktion des Grundrechts hat ihre Auspr gung in der institutionellen Garantie sowie Drittwirkung, und neuerdings in der grundrechtlichen Schutzpflicht. Die grundrechtliche Schutzpflicht hat eine so grundlegende Bedeutung, dass sie andere objektivrechtliche Funktionen umfassen k nnte. F r die Anerkennung der Grundrechtsfunktion als Schutzpflicht braucht man nicht unbedingt den Doppelcharakter des Grundrechts an sich oder den Grundrechtscharakter als "objektive Wertordnung" vorauszusetzen. Angesichts der Ausweitung der objektivrechtlichen Grundrechtsfunktion ist von der Resubjektierung des Grundrechts die Rede. Dabei liegt das Recht auf Sicherheit im Zentrum der Diskussion. Das koreanische Verfassungsgericht hat in seiner Entscheidung die grundrechtliche Schutzpflicht anerkannt und die Ver-fassungswidrigkeit eines Gesetzes nach dem UntermaBverbotsprinzip gepr ft. Das Votum von 3 Verfassungsrichtern hat dabei die Anwendung der strengen Kontrolldichte, die im Grunde genommen nicht anders als Verh ltnism Big- keitsprinzip ist, bef rwortet. Diese Meinung scheint in der Tat das Rechts auf Sicherheit als Grundrecht nahezu anzuerkennen. Recht auf Sicherheit ist auch eine Art von Anspruchsrechten. Dabei geht esaber nicht um die Gestaltung der neuen Rechtsg ter, sondern urn den Bestandschutz. In diesem Sinne hat dieses Recht Affinit t zum klassischen Abwehrrecht. Obwohl die objektivrechtliche Funktion des Grundrechts und seine Resubjektivierung immernoch stark umstritten ist, k nnte sich die objektivrechtliche Handlungspflicht des Staates auch zu subjektivrechtlichen Anspr chen verdichten, wenn die entscheidend wichtigen Rechtsg ter wie das Leben oder k rperliche Unversehrtheit gef hrdet werden.

      • 정상인에서 베타3-아드레날린 수용체 유전자의 변이가 복부 비만도 및 지질대사에 미치는 영향

        김영선,윤석기,김철희,서교일,김학선,김극배,변동원,유명희 순천향의학연구소 1998 Journal of Soonchunhyang Medical Science Vol.4 No.1

        The β₃-adrenergic receptor is expressed in visceral adipose tissue in humans and is thought to contribute to the regulation of the resting metabolic rate and lipolysis. We studied the influence of a mutation in the β₃ -adrenergic receptor gene(Trp64Arg) on body fat distribution, central obesity, lipid metabolism in 65 healthy young male adults. One out of 65 subjects were homozygous (Arg/Arg) for the trp64Arg mutation, 17 subjects were heterozygous (Trp/Arg), and 47 lacked the mutation(Trp/Trp). The body weight, height, body mass index, waist-to-hip ratio were similar between the subjects with- and without the mutation. Total body fat, abdominal fat amount, body fat distribution, serum total- and HDL-cholesterol, triglyceride, glucose, and insulin concentrations were also not different according to the presence or absence of the mutation. These results suggested that Trp64Arg mutation in β₃-adrenergic receptor gene is not a major contributing factor for central obesity or change in lipid metabolism in Korean young adults.

      • 그레이브스 병 치료 후 재발 위험 인자에 관한 연구

        이영창,유명희,윤석기,변동원,서교일,김극배 순천향의학연구소 1998 Journal of Soonchunhyang Medical Science Vol.4 No.2

        연구 배경 : 그레이브스 병에 대한 항갑상선제 치료후 적절한 치료 여부 평가 및 재발 위험성을 예측하기 위하여 여러 가지 예후 판정 인자들이 연구되어 왔으며, 이러한 인자들 중 TRH(thyrotropin-releasing hormone) 자극 시험이 가장 믿을 만한 검사중에 하나로 알려져 있다. 그러나 TRH 자극 검사가 정상으로 나와도 재발하는 경우가 많으며, 현재로는 이러한 경우에 재발을 예측하는 예후 인자에 대한 연구는 전무한 실정이다. 금번 연구에서는 TRH 자극 시험 후 TSH(thyroid stimulating hormone)가 정상적인 반응을 보인 환자를 대상으로 재발 및 관해여부를 예측할 수 있는 인자들을 찾고자 하였다. 대상 및 방법 : 항갑상선제제 치료 종료후 TRH 자극 시험을 시행하였던 그레이브스 병 환자 총 84명 중, 정상적인 TSH 반응을 보이면서 1년 이상 추적 관찰이 가능하였던 32명의 환자를 대상으로 하였다. 처음 진단 시와 치료 종료 시에 T3(triiodothyronine), T4(thyroxine), T3/T4 비, TSH, TRAb, Anti-TPO Ab(anti-thyroperoxidase antibody)를 측정하였으며, 치료 종료 2개월후에는 TRH 자극 검사를 하여 TSH 증가폭(△TSH) 및 유리 T_(3) 증가폭(△FT_(3))을 구하였다. 모든 측정치는 평균±표준편차로 표시하였으며, SPSS software를 이용하여 Student's paired t-test, chi-square test, Wilcoxon signed ranks test를 시행하였고, 유의 수준 0.05 이하를 통계적으로 유의하다고 판단하였다. 결과 1) 총 32명의 환자 중 재발한 환자(Group Ⅰ)는 22명(69%) 이었으며, 재발한 환자(Group Ⅱ)는 10명(31%) 이었다. 2) 진단 초기 총T3 치는 Ⅰ 군에서 342.0±126.2ng/dl, Ⅱ 군에서 493.0 ±142.2 ng/dl로 Ⅱ군에 비해 유의하게 증가되었다(p<0.05). 3) Anti-TPO Ab는 Ⅰ군에서 2.9±4.4, Ⅱ군에서 22.3±22.3 U/mL로 나타나 Ⅱ군에서 유의하게 증가되었다.(p<0.05) 4) 양군에서 치료 종료후 재발시 대부분의 환자가 1년 이내에 재발하였다. 5) TRH 자극· 검사후 유리 T3 증가폭 및 TSH 증가폭은 양군간에 차이가 업ㅅ었다(1.5±0.9 vs 1.2±1.0 pmol/L, 12.54±7.56 vs 11.23±4.21 mU/L, p>0.05) 결론 : TRH 자극 검사후 정상적인 TSH 반응을 보인 환자에서 재발 및 관해여부를 치료 초기 T3 및 치료 종료시 Anti-TPO Ab로 예측할 수 있었으며, 이들 측정치가 증가해 있을수록 재발의 가능성이 많음을 알 수 있었다. 또한 투약 중단후 초기 12개원의 추적기간 동안 관해가 유지되면 그 이후엔 재발의 가능성이 현저히 줄어 들었으며, 이 후 좀더 많은 환자들을 대상으로 하는 장기적인 추적연구가 진행 되어야 할 것으로 사료된다. Background : Many studies were undertaken to find parameters that could predict the clinical course of patients with Graves' disease after withdrawal of antithyroid drugs. In many parameters, TRH (thyrotropin-releasing hormone) stimulation test and T3 suppression test were considered to be one of the most reliable for predicting remission. But recently, some studies showed that the measurement of free T3 and FT3 are to be a more accurate than other thyroid function test. In this study, we measured T_(3), T_(4), T_(3)/T_(4), TSH (thyroid stimulating hormone), TRAb (TSH receptor antibody), FT3 and other known useful parameters to compare the factors influencing the relapse of Graves disease after antithyroid medication. Patients and methods : Among the 84 Graves' disease patients who had done the TRH stimulation test after withdrawal of antithyroid medication, we examined 32 patients who showed normal TSH response and followed up more than one year. T_(3), T_(4), T_(3)/T_(4), TSH and TRAb levels were measured at the time of diagnosis and at the end of therapy. Serum TSH and FT_(3) levels were measured after TRH stimulation, after two months of withdrawal of medication. Statistical evaluation was Performed by SPSS software in combination with Student's Paired t-test, chi-square test, Wlicoxon signed-ranks test. p-value less than 0.05 was considered to be significant. Results 1. In the 32 patients with Graves disease, 10 patients(31%) relapsed(Group Ⅰ) and 22 Patients(69%) remained in remission(Group Ⅱ). 2. Initial serum T3 level was significantly higher in group Ⅰ than group Ⅱ(342.0 ±126.2 vs. 493.0±142.2 ng/dl, p<0.05). 3. Anti-TPO Ab level was significantly higher in group Ⅰ than group Ⅱ(22.3±22.3 vs 2.9±4.4 U/mL, p<0.05). 4. In group Ⅰ and Ⅱ most patients showed relapse within 1 year after antithyroid medication. 5. After TRH stimulation test, serum FT_(3), and TSH level were not significantly different between group I and Ⅱ(p>0.05). 6. Serum T_(4), T_(3)/T_(4), TSH, TRAb levels were not significantly different from group Ⅰ and Ⅱ. Conclusion : In this study, we found increased relapse rate in the patients with Graves' disease whose initial serum T3 and anti-TPO Ab levels were high, so these parameters could be used to predict the relapse of Graves' disease. In the case of more than 12 months remission period after withdrawal of antithyroid medication, no relapse wsa observed in this study, but study should be done in the large population of patients with Graves' disease.

      • 항갑상선제로 치료한 그레이브스병 환자의 관해예측인자

        남일송,윤여일,김선규,김용현,이주영,목지오,윤석기,김철희,김영선,변동원,서교일,유명희 순천향의학연구소 2001 Journal of Soonchunhyang Medical Science Vol.7 No.2

        Background: Most cases of Graves' disease have been treated by antithyroid drugs in Korea. The major drawbacks of antithyroid drugs are the relative high rate of relapse and the inconvinience of long term therapy. Measurement of TBII and TRH stimulation test have been considered as the most reliable tests predicting relapse, but the predictive power is not high enough to use in clinical situation. This study was performed to find good prognostic indicators in Graves' disease patients after the discontinuation of antithyroid drug therapy. Subjects and methods : We restrospectively evaluated 96 patients with Graves' disease who showed normal TRH test at the end of antithyroid drug therapy and were followed for more than one year. Serum T3, T4, T3/T4 ratio, TBII, Anti-TPO Ab and TGAb levels were measured at the time of diagnosis and at the end of therapy. Two to three months after withdrawal of antithyroid medication, serum TSH and free T3 responses to TRH were examined. These parameters were compared between the relapse group and the remission group. Results : Among the 96 patients, 22 patients(22.9%) relapsed(Group Ⅱ) and 74 patients(77.1%) remained in remmision(Group Ⅰ). No significant difference was observed between the relapse and the remission group in clinical parameters, serum T3, T4, TSH, T3/T4 ratio, TBⅡ and Anti-TPO Ab determined before and after treatment. Serum TSH and free T3 levels measured after TRH stimulation were also similar in both groups. Serum TGAb levels determined at the end of treatment were significantly higher in the remission group(p<0.05). Relapse following the discontinuation of therapy occured within 24 months in 72.7% of the relapsed cases. After 24 months, relapse rate was reduced significantly. Conclusion : These results suggest that high serum TGAb levels could be a favorable prognostic indicator for the long term remission of Graves' disease treated with antithyroid drugs, and may suggest that Hashimoto's thyroiditis is combined with Graves' disease in those patients.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        김치유래 젖산균의 균체지방산 분석을 이용한 분류학적 연구

        이정숙,정민철,김우식,이근철,김홍중,박찬선,이헌주,주윤정,이근종,안종석,박완,박용하,민태익 한국미생물생명공학회 ( 구 한국산업미생물학회 ) 1996 한국미생물·생명공학회지 Vol.24 No.2

        표준균주를 포함한 230여개의 김치유래 젖산균에 대한 균체지방산(FAMEs)을 분석하였다. FAMEs profiles는 Euclidian Distance 17.5에 의해 7개의 Major Cluster와 1개의 Single Cluster로 나뉘어졌다. 이중 A, B, C 및 Cluster는 Leuconostoc속으로 분석되어졌고, F는 Lactobacillus속으로 분석되어졌다. 그리고 E와 G cluster는 두개의 Genus가 혼재되어 나타났으며 보충적인 연구가 필요하다. 앞으로 김치유래 젖산균의 균체지방산 분석결과를 기반으로 한 데이타베이스에 95가지 탄소원을 이용하는 수치분류학적 접근방법 및 Pyrolysis Mass Spectrometry 등의 화학적 분석 방법과 분자친화적 연구를 통한 종합적 분류정보 체계가 갖추어지면 젖산균의 신속, 정확한 동정 및 연구에 활발히 이용되어질 것이다. Two hundreds and thirty lactic acid bacteria, mostly isolated from Kimchi, including type strains were sued for analysis of cellular fatty acids. The 230 test strains were recoverd in 7 major and 1 single clusters defined a Euclidian distance of 17.5. These aggregate taxa were equivalent to the genus Leuconostoc (aggregate group A, B, C and D), and the genera Leuconostoc and Lactobacillus (aggregate group G). It is concluded as evident that FAMEs (Fatty Acid Methyl Esters) profile of cell can be used as a criterion in classification of lactic acid bacterial from kimchi. Additional comparative taxonomic studies need to be carried out on well chosen representative strains to determine the most appropriate methods of value.

      • KCI등재후보

        신이식 환자에서 성공적인 임신 4예

        윤선애 ( Yun Seon Ae ),안석주 ( An Seog Ju ),우제영 ( U Je Yeong ),김석영 ( Kim Seog Yeong ),윤영석 ( Yun Yeong Seog ),방병기 ( Bang Byeong Gi ) 대한내과학회 1992 대한내과학회지 Vol.42 No.5

        Recently, we have experienced 4 cases of successful pregnancies in renal allograft recipients. There were no rejection of allograft, congenital anomaly and intrauterine growth retardation. Our finding suggest that we can be reasonably optimistic about the outcome of pregnacy in patient with a well functioning renal transplant. But we think it is important to control blood pressure strictly during pregnancy and more safe to wait at least 2 years following transplant before becoming pregnant.

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