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        오정희 소설에 나타난 ‘걷기’의 의미

        강유정 ( Kang Yu-jung ) 배달말학회 2018 배달말 Vol.62 No.-

        오정희의 소설은 존재의 심연, 삶에 내재한 갈등과 모순, 욕망과 안정의 이분법을 보여주었다. 아름다운 문장과 심오한 세계관이 담긴 오정희의 작품들은 지속적 연구와 평론의 대상이 되어 왔다. 오정희의 소설은 내면적인 인물의 일상을 통해 삶의 비의와 아이러니, 한 마디로 규정하기 어려운 생의이면을 보여주곤 했다. 그런데, 역설적이게도, 오정희 소설의 철학적 깊이와 내면적 사유는 오정희 소설에 등장하는 인물들이 대부분 여성임에도 불구하고 그 차별성을 간과하는 이유가 되기도 했다. 최근에 와서 여성 인물에 주목하고, 여성성의 지표를 다시 보는 여성학적 독법이 늘고 있기는 하지만 이러한 여성학적 연구와 기존의 존재론적 연구가 분리되어 있는 것도 사실이다. 이 과정에서 여성은 존재론적 결핍, 존재론적 심연과 같은 언어들로 희석되며 그 차별성을 잃고 만다. 성차에서 비롯되는 첨예한 갈등과 문제의식이 인간으로서의 본원적 갈등으로 중화되는 것이다. 주목해야 할 점 중 하나는 오정희의 소설에 유독 걷는 여성들이 자주 등장한다는 것이다. 이 걷기는 단순히 집으로 돌아오기 위한 귀환의 통로로 여겨지곤 했지만 오정희의 소설 안에서 ‘걷기’의 의미는 훨씬 더 풍부하고, 다양하다. 여성의 삶이 처한 곤궁과 어려움, 한계, 사회적 억압이 드러나는 것은 걷는 동안, 길 위에서라고 말할 수 있다. 따라서 본 논문은 오정희 소설의 걷는 여성을 추적하고, 그 의미를 구분하고 해석함으로써 오정희 소설의 걷기의 의미와 상징성을 재구성하고자 한다. 남성에게 있어 걷기는 성장의 배경이며 자아 정체성을 찾는 육체적 고행내지는 수련 과정과 동일시된다. 하지만 길 위의 여성은 가부장제를 거역하거나 혹은 가부장제로부터 아무런 보호도 받지 못하는 여성으로 취급받는다. 「순례자의 노래」의 인물 혜자는 망가진 삶을 복구하기 위해 길에 나서지만 걷는 동안 그녀는 그것이 불가능하다는 사실만을 확인할 뿐이다. 가벼운 산책을 떠나는 여자에게는 돌아올 집이 있지만 그 보다 멀리 걸어 나가거나, 이미 집을 벗어났던 여자에게 귀환은 허락되지 않는다. 집은 세상이 정한 규율 즉 가부장적 질서를 따르는 여성에게만 허용된 공간이다. 이는 자신의 존재론적 불일치를 해결하기 위해 거듭 길로 나서는 여자 은수의 경우도 마찬가지이다. 「바람의 넋」의 은수는 전쟁고아로, 어딘가 자신의 중요한 부분이 결락되어 있음을 호소하는 인물이다. 자신의 상실을 회복하고 애도하기 위해 거듭 길을 나서지만 남편에게 그것은 거역이며 길 위의 남자들에게는 빌미일 뿐이다. 추방과 폭력으로 돌아 온 은수의 걷기는 길 위의 여성이 겪어야만 하는 폭력과 오해가 어떤 것인지를 잘 보여준다. 만약 가정을 가진, 엄마이자 아내인 여성에게 허락된 걷기가 있다면 그것은 아이를 재우고 난 이후, 동네 주변을 도는 가벼운 산책이거나 아버지가 잠든 후 집 앞을 잠시 도는 정도의 산보에 불과하다. 「전갈」의 여자는 남편처럼 아프리카의 밀림을 꿈꾸지만 아내이자 엄마로서 그녀에게 허용된 것은 산책뿐이다. 「새벽별」의 정애가 하루 밤의 일탈 후에 다시 집으로 돌아가지 못할 듯한 공포를 느끼고 인생이 모두 끝나버린 여자라는 주변의 평을 듣는 이유도 마찬가지이다. 오정희 소설에 있어서 많은 여성 인물들이 반복적으로 걷는다. 목적지를 두고 어딘가로 이동하는 게 아니라 방황하며 거리를 헤맨다. 이 걷기는 단순한 서사적 관습이 아니라 오정희 소설의 중요한 문제의식을 담고 있는 상징이다. 여성 인물이 길 위를 걷는다는 것이 어떤 결말의 징후가 되기 때문이다. 문제적인 것은 이 헤맴이 자아의 성찰이나 회복, 정체성의 확보로 이어지는 게 아니라 폭력과 추방의 원인으로 받아들여진다는 점이다. 여성의 길 나섦, 걷기가 여로형 서사와 다르게 추방과 낙오의 결말로 이어지는 이유도 같은 맥락에 있다. 오정희 소설에 있어서 ‘걷기’는 여성으로서의 한계와 가부장제의 억압, 여성으로 살아가기의 어려움을 보여주는 매우 중요한 문학적 상징이자 행위이다. The novels by Oh, Jung-Hee have been recognized as the excellent literary imagery showing the dichotomy of an abyss of beings and conflict/contradiction, and desire and stability. One thing we should pay attention to is that almost every work by Oh, Jung-Hee repetitively shows 'walking women' besides 'family'. The motif of 'walking' repetitively shown in the novels by Oh, Jung-Hee is not a simple repetitive act, but an act revealing the gender difference and an ontological act showing all the meaning, limitation, and restriction of lives as women. Making them come back home after going out is not important. It would be necessary to have questions such as what makes them go out, what makes them come back, and why the act of 'walking' for women should be named 'taking a walk' or 'going out' that always has destinations. The repetitive motif means that it contains the narrative symbolism. When walking on the street which is not allowed to women instead of house allowed to women, the reality of female characters in the novels by Oh, Jung-Hee could be more solidly viewed. Therefore, this paper aims to analyze/understand the meanings of 'walking' for women shown in the novels by Oh, Jung-Hee, by analyzing the walking always shown in the novels by Oh, Jung-Hee to examine the parts that have not been revealed in the novels by Oh, Jung-Hee, and also recomposing the imagery process of gender differentiation as women.

      • Acylthiocholine의 합성

        정두희,이지현,박유미,정대일,곽문정,신영주 東亞大學校附設基礎科學硏究所 1998 基礎科學硏究論文集 Vol.15 No.2

        Choline esters that are used with substrate of EE-AChE-catalyzed hydrolyses were synthesized by two methods. 2-Chloroethyl thiohexanoate 4a, 2-chloroethyl thioheptanoate 4c, and 2-chloroethyl thiooctanoate 4b were synthesized by treatment of hexanoyl chloride 3a, heptanoyl chloride 3c, and octanoyl chloride 3b with ethylene sulfide 2. Hexanoylthiocholine 6a and octanoylthiocholine 6b were synthesized by using 4a and 4b with trimethylamine 5. Secondly after reaction ethylene sulfide 2 with dimethyl amine 7 and acylation by acid anhydride 8, heptanoylthiocholine 6c, decanoylthiocholine 6d were synthesized by treatment of methyl iodide.

      • 1,2-Benzisothiazol-3-one-1,1-Dioxide 유도체의 합성

        정대일,정희철,변석인,이용균,박유미,최순규,한정태 東亞大學校附設基礎科學硏究所 2002 基礎科學硏究論文集 Vol.19 No.1

        사카린 유도체는 제초제, 항독성, 살균제 등에 광범위하게 연구되어져 오고 있다. 새로운 농략 활성을 가진 물질을 합성하기 위해 먼저 선도물질로 사카린 1을 산화, 염소화 시킨 3-chloro-1,2-benzisothiazol-1,1-dioxide(BID-CI) 2와2cholromethy-1,2-benzisohizol-3-one1,1-dioxide 4를 합성하였다. 선도물질, amines, imidazoles, trones등과 반응시켜 다음과 같은 물질들을 얻었다. ; 3-cyclohexylamino-1,2-benzisothiazol-1,1-dioxide 6, 3-furylamino-1,2-benzisothiazol-1,1-dioxide 8, 3-(3-imidazol)-1,2-benzisothiazol-1,1-dioxide 10, 3-(2-methy-3-imidazol)-1,2-benzisothaizol-1,1-dioxide 12, 2-(3-imidazol)methy-1-1,2-benzisothiazol-3-one-1,1-dioxide 13, and 2-(-3-imidazol)methyl- 1,2-benzisothiazol-1,1-dioxide 14.

      • KCI등재

        한,독 여성문학의 "자전적 글쓰기" 비교연구 -헬가 노박과 오정희의 성장소설

        서유정 ( Yu Jung Seo ) 韓國世界文學比較學會 2011 世界文學比較硏究 Vol.35 No.-

        Das autobiographische Schreiben wie etwa Brief, Essay, Tagebuch und insbesondere der autobiographische Roman werden zwar als in der Literatur typisch weiblich marginalisiert. Doch nicht zu leugnen ist die Tatsache, dass dies zur Entfaltung sowie Erweiterung der bestehenden literarischen Formen beigetragen hat. Dies zu verdeutlichen stellt eine wichtige Aufgabe fur die feministische Literaturwissenschaft dar. “Die Eisheiligen”(1979) der deutschsprachigen Schriftstellerin Helga Novak(1935- ) mit einer innovativen Form hat einen besonderen Stellenwert in der Geschichte der deutschen Autobiographie. Denn dieser autobiographische Roman will nicht mehr eine zweckorientierte, linear erzahlte mannliche Entwicklungsgeschichte sein, sondern nimmt durch die Vermischung der verschiedenen literarischen Formen von Lyrik, Brief und Drama, fragmentarisches Schreiben und die Verwischung der Grenze zwischen Fiktion und Erinnerung eine sehr moderne Form der Autobiographie voraus. Dies zeigt, dass das weibliche autobiographische Schreiben nicht nur eine literarische Strategie ist, Geschichten von Frauen zu erzahlen, sondern auch eine Form, die Moglichkeiten der Literatur uberhaupt zu erweitern. In Korea besteht die Tradition des weiblichen autobiographischen Schreibens im Hangul-Schreiben von Briefen und Gasa oder der mundlich uberlieferten Prosa. Nach der Einfuhrung der abendlandischen Autobiographie am Anfang des 20. Jahrhunderts wurde das autobiographische Schreiben von den sogenannten Shin Yeoseong("Neue Frauen") in den 20er und 30er Jahren des 20. Jahrhunderts entwickelt und erlebte seine Hochkonjunktur spater seit den 80er Jahren durch Park Whanseo, Kim Hyeongkyeong oder Shin Gyeongsuk. Allerdings sind hier keine formexperimentellen Innovationen ausfindig zu machen wie bei Helga Novak, doch es liegen inhaltliche Gemeinsamkeiten vor, insofern sie nicht zuletzt familiare Geschichten in den Mittelpunkt stellen. Vor dem gemeinsamen Hintergrund der Kriegs- und Nachkriegszeit in den 30er und 40er Jahren werden in den Werken “Die Eisheiligen” von Helga Novak, “Der Hof meiner Kindheit” und “Chinatown” von Oh Junghee zum Beispiel Kindheit und Jugend der deutschen sowie koreanischen Frauen jeweils paradigmatisch beschrieben. Eine eigene Frauengeschichte gegenuber einer mannlichen ist nur dadurch zu etablieren, indem die Verwicklung der personlichen mit der sozialen Geschichte aus der weiblichen Perspektive durchschaut und beschrieben wird. Aus diesem Grund verdient das weibliche autobiographische Schreiben einer weitergehenden Forschung.

      • KCI등재후보

        체르냐찌노 5 발해고분군의 고분유형과 출토유물

        정석배(Jung Suk-Bae),Yu. G. 니끼친(Yu. G. Nikitin),이남석(토론자) 고구려발해학회 2007 고구려발해연구 Vol.26 No.-

        Chernyatino-5 burial ground is located on the bank of Razdolnaya (Suiphun) river near Chernyatino village in Oktyabrskii region (Primorskii territory). It was found out in 1997, and from 1998 to 2002 by Yu.G. Nikitin there were studied 41 graves of Malgal and Palhae origin. In 2003 the Korean National University of Cultural Heritage and the Far Eastern State Technical University began the Korean-Russian joint archaeological excavations, and till there were excavated another 116 graves of Malgal and Palhae origin, and two Malgal dwelling houses. In Chemyatino-5 burial ground purely soil graves, stone crypts, graves with the stone facing over the circuit, graves with the stone facing on their bottom and graves "without base construction" were investigated. The soil graves are divided into common soil, having the stone facing over the circuit and having the stone facing on there bottom ones; stone crypts are divided into having entrance and without it. There are rectangular and elongate rectangular graves with the stone facing on their bottom. Among the graves with the stone facing over the circuit, having continuous facing, facing in the comers and facing in the comers and in the middle of the sides are met. There are many wooden frames and coffins in the graves. Long axis of them is mainly oriented to NW-SE. Cremation and burial are found. In case of burial the body could be straight or its legs were bent. In the graves with cremation there are cremation directly in the grave and the secondary one. In the soil graves usually there is only one body, but in the stone crypts, the graves with the stone facing over the circuit and the graves with the stone facing on the bottom there are as a rule two or more bodies. The head of the great part of the graves is oriented to NW, but in a twin burial one body could be oriented to NW and other to SE. Among the artifacts there are ceramics, a fragment of a big fighting iron knife, iron sword, arrow-heads, dart-heads, spear-heads, armor plates, "little daggers", knives, nails, buckles, elongated cone-shaped things, bronze plaques, jingles, bells, ear-rings, rings, horseman figures, silver ear-rings, rings, jade discs, cornelian beads, glass beads, whetstone, stone club-shaped things, clay rings and others there were found. Ceramics are divided to 4 kinds: jars, vase-shaped vessels, amphora-shaped (bottle-shaped) vessels and pots. Jars and vase-shaped vessels are usually considered to have the Malgal origin. They are usually modelled, with a touch of sand or gruss in the clay paste. They are crude and their surface is yellow and brown or brown. TIley are made in oxidizing flame. Amphora-shaped vessels' are made on potter's wheel, and their paste even if it sometimes includes fine sand is usually washed clay. Their color is grey or dark-grey, they are made in carbonizing flame and so considered Koguryo vessels. Pots usually made or completed on the wheel, made with clay sand with fine mica or loam. In the latter case they have dark-grey surface and also considered Koguryo vessels. Such artifacts as the iron sword, spear-heads, armor plates, "little daggers", bronze plaques, horseman figures, silver ear-rings, jade discs, cornelian beads and others are common in Palhae or Palhae age sites: in Troitskij burial ground, in Sinie Skaly Site, in Liudingshan Palhae burial ground, Dunhwa, in Sangjing Longtianfu Site, in Xishigang Bohaizhen burial ground, in Yangtun Dahaimeng site and others. The date of Chernyatino-5 burial ground by correlation of constructions (dwelling house and graves), layers, founds, comparison with founds from other monuments, absolute date materials is determined from the late Malgal to the middle Palhae age. The Northern part of the ground, where are concentrated the soil graves, is dated the late Malgal-middle Palhae, and the Southern part, where the stone crypts, the graves with the stone facing over the circuit and the graves with the stone facing

      • KCI등재

        오정희 소설의 결말 구조 연구

        강유정(Yu Jung Kang) 한국현대소설학회 2015 현대소설연구 Vol.- No.59

        Oh Jung-hee (1947~) has proven herself as a representative Korean female writer after making her debut with A Woman of the Toy Store from winning the annual literary spring contest of Joongang Daily Newspaper Co. in 1968. Her novels are profound. The reason can be found out in a thematic aspect above all. The esotericism of her novels is connected with embarrassment and evaluated as a kind of aesthetic achievement. The paradoxical relations of embarrassment and aesthetics are originated from metonymy and conflict of unfamiliar heterogeneous things. In her novels, opposing elements such as life and death and carnal desire and hatred coexist inconveniently and stand against each other. So to speak, embarrassment which is given by her novels can be said as strange aesthetic transposition. The endings of Oh`s novels emphasize the reality full of contradiction and conflict and collision and chaos. They do not fill illusion and desire for the ordered world that traditional narration has secured but show the impossibility thoroughly. This is resistance to illusionism which realism of traditional fiction pursues and also reflection of the attitude of Oh who looks at the world. Satisfaction of desire or resolution of conflict that traditional novels pursue is redefined as perversion of reversed desires. So, the endings of her novels come as unfamiliar senses of difference and incomprehensible inconsequence to readers. She says the incomprehensibility as not characteristics of her novels but the intention of the world. Abstruseness is not staying at the individuality of her writing style in her novels and aesthetic properties but the attribute of life which she stares at. The end of Old Well as her sole work presenting hopeful affirmation shows panoramic views of worldliness of life by overturning and un-familiarizing sequential time order. Looking at the automatized world unfamiliarly is the aesthetic purpose and ethical subject of the novels of Oh Jung-hee. In this point, the finish of her novels intactly shows ugliness and pendency of life which she stares at. It is a narrative device to un-familiarize the illusion of the conclusion. An important thing is the fact that the device is to be made like scenes into delicate description through so keen observation. All ends of her novels finish with description, not narration. She finds out the ethicality of fiction in specific suggestion of conflict and discord, not in suggestion of false reconciliation. And, the foundation which reveals the artistic ethicality is just the ends of Oh`s novels.

      • 골분을 이용한 구리 흡착 첨착

        김은정,박정훈,김정섭,유현철,이봉섭,곽명화,우성훈,박승조 東亞大學校 環境問題硏究所 2005 硏究報告 Vol.27 No.1

        Spent pig bone was consist of hydroxyapatite. And then we thought that it have a possibility as a adsorbent. The preparation of bone char prepared from spent pig bone in this study. We study on the recycling possibility as a adsorbent is able to adsorb copper ion from their single aqueous solutions. The results are summarized as follows. Bone char that prepared from spent pig bone at 105, 400, 700℃. The adsorption removal efficiency of copper ion onto bone char as adsorbent was above 90% for 15 hours. Increase in the initial pH of the copper ion solution result in an increase in the copper ion uptake per unit weight of the adsorbent. Freundlich isotherm model was found to be applicable for the experiment data of copper ion. The results showed that spent pig bone can be used for the absorption of the copper ion.

      • KCI등재

        한국의 치과의료 취약지역 현황 분석

        유지원 ( Ji-won Yu ),신보미 ( Bo-mi Shin ),신선정 ( Sun-jung Shin ),배수명 ( Soo-myoung Bae ) 한국치위생학회 2021 한국치위생학회지 Vol.21 No.4

        Objectives: This study aimed to analyze the status of dental care in underserved areas of Korea. Methods: This study targeted 229 cities in Korea. The analytical index was revised and supplemented with variables related to dental care, and the “oral health level” indexes were further selected to provide a total of 20 analytical indexes. All selected indexes were converted into T scores (cited by the Korea Health Promotion Institute) and subjectively weighted. Finally, the regional oral health indices and areas were derived. PASW Statistics 25.0 (SPSS Inc. Chicago, IL, USA) was used to analyze descriptive statistics. Results: Gyeongbuk Cheongsong-gun had the highest dental underserved index. The city with the highest regional oral health underserved index was Jeonnam Shinan-gun. Daegu Jung-gu had the lowest dental underserved index and regional oral health underserved index. Regional gaps existed between dental care and the regional oral health underserved index according to the city province (p<0.001). Conclusions: To continuously evaluate oral health conditions and projects centered on vulnerable areas, it is necessary to develop indicators to derive vulnerable areas for dental care and to develop effective public dental policies.

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