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        MCU '페이즈3'영화에 나타난 기하학적 상상력

        김영선,김태수,Kim, Young-Seon,Kim, Tae-Soo 한국콘텐츠학회 2022 한국콘텐츠학회논문지 Vol.22 No.10

        The purpose of this study is to interpret the MCU's universal worldview from the perspective of geometry and to storytell narrative elements with mathematical imagination. For storytelling, data from the Phase 3 series aired from 2016 to 2019 was used. The Phase 3 series stimulates the imagination of the public with the sense of reality shown in the narrative and images based on geometrical theory and various predictions about future technology. Imagination is the driving force for diverse and original thinking about the unexperienced, and the ability to find order in chaos and create new perceptions of matter. The power of imagination is very necessary not only in artistic activities, but also in the scientific field where logic and rationality are important. Bachelard's imagination aims for art, the primitive realm of human beings, and contains sincerity and passion for the wonders of nature and all things. By exploring the MCU's worldview and superhero narrative through geometrical logic and imagination-driven imagery, you can understand the cosmic messages and laws in the film. From a convergence point of view of art and science, various and original techniques based on mathematics and scientific imagination used in MCU video production will help to improve the quality of video analysis.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        생명의 개념과 본질에 대한 신학적 고찰

        김영선(Young Seon Kim) 한국기독교학회 2003 한국기독교신학논총 Vol.30 No.-

        The purpose of this paper is to examine the concept and nature of life and suggests Christian view of it. In order to discuss of life, this paper starts with human life. Human life exists by interrelating with body(an appearing order; physical) and soul(a hiding order; spiritual). Without one of these, man cannot take life, thereby cannot live. Through this point, we can recognize that ‘living’ or ‘aliveness’ is the key concept for the nature of life. Life cannot be considered apart from ‘living’. Christianity defines life as ‘living’ because it comes from God. Living with God means living related with God. It also is connected with eternal life. Energy(called as ‘Ki’ in oriental mind) can be defined as an another concept of life. Because energy can explain the relation of body and soul, and unify an appearing order(physical) and a hiding order(spiritual) at the same time. Understanding life as energy can be a good vehicle to understand ‘relation’ as an essence of life because energy is a kind of life power that is beyond body and spirit, and penetrates them. The concept of life as ‘living’ and ‘energy’ shows that the nature of life can be expressed as relation. It is very important to understand the nature of life as relation in this paper. All things(life) in the world are connected one another. Life consisted with individual life and co-life which is penetrated each other, therefore in my co-life you are included and I am included in your co-life. In this point of view, the structure of life seems to be an universal life(global life). Life is continuity of relation so that all life have to take the relation. If life doesn`t take the relation, it cannot be existed. Therefore to die is not to take the relation, and to live is to take the relation. The term “perichoresis” which expressing well the nature of Trinity can help to understand life as relation. It suggests self-emptiness for accepting the other and self-exist through giving them each other. From this principle of perichoresis God is not three but one. This nature of God consists God`s trinity. In God`s inner trinitarian movement love acts vigorously. This love action becomes the base of life. Therefore Life is produced by love meaning the relation of trinitarian God`s self giving. Love and life is not separated. Life and love are closely related and mutually define each other: Love is the interrelatedness of life, and life is the dynamism of love. From the aspect of love and life in God, we can see that God is life and love, also is the Being consisted in interrelationship. Christianity sees God as life. Life that Christianity seeking is (divine and eternal life as God`s spirit). This life can get through having relation with God. The attitude for this life can be defined as ‘reverence’. Christian life view defined by ‘relation’ and ‘reverence’ asks the following points; 1) we need community spirit in fact that all things are one life connecting each other. 2) Life value must be much more emphasized than economic value. 3) The subject of movement of life have to be all things including human. 4) The stewardship has to be strengthen. 5) Christian discussion of life ought to be considered in the frame of nature intimacy.

      • 초ㆍ중학교 국어지식 영역의 연계성 연구

        김영선(Kim Young-seon) 한국어문교육학회 2007 어문학교육 Vol.35 No.-

          The continuity means identical or related contents between each textbook. In Korean grammar textbooks, Korean knowledge area contains many difficult concepts and contents. Therefore, Korean knowledge education in the elementary and middle school must secure strong continuity. This theme aims to study on the continuity of Korean knowledge education in the elementary and middle school.<BR>  To achieve this goal, I analysed Korean knowledge areas in Korean language textbook of the elementary and middle school. As the result of this study shows, each textbooks prove to be problematic due to non-continuity. To resolve this problem, I presented two solutions.

      • KCI등재

        일반 : 독일 경건주의의 근원에 대한 고찰

        김영선 ( Young Seon Kim ) 한국개혁신학회 2013 한국개혁신학 Vol.41 No.-

        본 논문은 독일 경건주의 근원에 대한 통찰을 통해 경건주의가 무엇인가를 묻고 그 답을 제공하는 것을 과제로 삼는다. 이를 위해 먼저 종교개혁 이후 ‘경건성의 위기’와 ‘30년 종교전쟁’이 독일 경건주의의 발생 배경이 되었다는 것을 논한다. 그리고 경건주의의 역사적이고 본질적 근원은 종교개혁으로 거슬러 올라갈 수 있으나, 결정적이고 실제적인 근원은 영국의 청교도주의와 네덜란드의 경건주의 운동인 ‘나데레 레포르마티’라는 것을 밝힌다. 본 논문의 목적은 초기 독일 경건주의의 핵심적 인물들의 정황과 청교도주의, 그리고 ‘나데레 레포르마티’의 내용을 고찰하여 이들이 독일 경건주의 근원의 주류에 서 있으며, 경건주의의 본질은 교회와 사회의 ‘갱신’에 있음을 파악하고 작금의 부패하고 타락한 한국교회의 변화와 갱신을 요청하고자 한다. 본 논문은 무엇이 참된 그리스도인이며 무엇이 참된 기독교인지 그 길을 보여준다. This paper is aimed at reflecting on the origin of German Pietism, and providing an answer concerning this matter. To begin with, we will examine the fact that the crisis of godliness and the 30-year religious war after the Reformation have caused German Pietism. Second, we will make it clear that the historic and essential origin of Pietism dates back to the Reformation, but the critical and practical origin can be boiled down to Puritanism in Britain and Nadere Reformatie in the Netherlands. The purpose of this paper is to mull over Puritanism, Nadere Reformatie, and the circumstances key German Pietists were in, and suggest that they are the main factors that comprise the origin of German Pietism. Furthermore, this paper tries to understand that the essence of Pietism is to reform church and society, and request the change and reform of Korean church, which is now depraved and corrupted. Thus, it can suggest what true Christians and Christianity are like.

      • KCI등재

        유산균 발효유가 복합레진 표면에 미치는 영향

        김영선 ( Young-seon Kim ),김지은 ( Ji-eun Kim ),정기호 ( Ki-ho Chung ),최충호 ( Choong-ho Choi ) 대한예방치과·구강보건학회 2021 大韓口腔保健學會誌 Vol.45 No.3

        Objectives: The present study was carried out to identify the effects of commercially available fermented milk on the surfaces of composite resins. Methods: The experiment included 6 groups: Fermented milk (Group 3), fermented milk supplemented with 3% calcium (Group 4), specimens coated with fluoride and then treated with fermented milk (Group 5), specimens coated with fluoride and then treated with fermented milk supplemented with calcium (Group 6), mineral water (Group 1), and carbonated beverage (Group 2). The prepared specimens were immersed in the experimental solution to analyze the effects of the test fluid on the surfaces of the composite resin specimens. The degree of microhardness on each specimen surface was subsequently measured. The results were obtained using scanning electron microscopy. Results: The pH values of the experimental solutions in an increasing order were: Group 2 (2.34 ±0.08), Group 3 and Group 5 (3.45±0.03), Group 4 and Group 6 (4.04±0.06), and Group 1 (7.72 ±0.17). Significant differences in the Vickers hardness number (△VHN) were found between the groups when measured before and after immersion in the experimental solution in the following order: -11.48±1.45 (Group 2), -9.54±1.15 (Group 3), -9.21±1.21 (Group 4), -8.14±0.84 (Group 6), -8.10±0.92 (Group 5), and -1.71±0.57 (Group 1) (P<0.05). Scanning electron microscopy findings of the composite resin surfaces in Groups 5 and 6 revealed smooth surfaces similar to those in Group 1 (negative control). In contrast, Groups 3 and 4 showed rough surfaces with severe cracks between the crystals, similar to those of Group 2 (positive control). Conclusions: The intake of fermented milk may attenuate the surface microhardness of composite resins. To slow down the reduction in microhardness following fermented milk consumption, coating the composite resin surfaces with fluoride and adding calcium supplement to the fermented milk could be considered.

      • KCI등재

        일반 : 레오나르도 보프의 관계적 삼위일체론 연구

        김영선 ( Young Seon Kim ) 한국개혁신학회 2015 한국개혁신학 Vol.46 No.-

        오늘날에 이르러 바르트, 몰트만, 라쿠나, 지지울라스, 보프 등과 같은 현대 신학자들은 관계성에 관심을 가지게 되었고, 이에 대한 신학적 근거를 삼위일체 하나님에서 발견하고 있다. 현대의 삼위일체론은 추상적이고 사변적인 교리로 머물러 있지 않고 현대 사회의 관계성에 대한 새로운 대안을 제시하는 교리로 발전하고 있다. 본 논문은 보프의 삼위일체론을 관계적 관점에서 고찰하여 관계적 삼위일체론의 속성과 본질이 무엇인지, 관계적 삼위일체의 적용과 실천은 어떤 면에서 고려될 수 있는지를 제시하는데 그 목적이 있다. 이를 위하여, 첫째, 보프의 삼위일체론의 위치와 방향을 논한다. 보프는 하나님의 세 위격이 갖는 연합에 관심을 갖고, 삼위일체를 사회를 변혁시킬 근거로 삼는다. 둘째, 삼위일체 하나님의 관계적 속성과 관계적 삼위일체론의 본질을 고찰한다. 일치와 다양성, 상호침투와 연합은 삼위일체의 속성으로, 그리고 세 위격의 상호관계성, 세 위격의 동시성, 세 위격의 삼중적 계시관계는 관계적 삼위일체론의 본질로서 규정된다. 셋째, 관계적 삼위일체의 적용과 실천을 위한 자리로 창조, 인간, 사회, 교회, 공동체를 논한다. 모든 창조는 삼위일체 하나님의 성례전이 된다. 이는 인간, 사회, 교회, 공동체는 삼위일체의 형상 또는 상징으로서 삼위일체적 삶을 사는 것을 의미한다. 결론적으로 관계적 삼위일체론은 그리스도인의 삶의 원리와 동력으로 작용될 수 있다. In recent times, modern theologians such as Barth, Moltmann, LaCugna, Zizioulas, and Boff have become interested in relationality, and find the theological ground for the relationality in the doctrine of the trinity. The modern doctrine of the trinity does not remain in an abstract, metaphysical, and speculative form. Not only that, it is now developing as the doctrine that offers a fresh idea for the relationality of modern society. This paper explores the Leonardo Boff ``s doctrine of the Trinity from a relational perspective, and suggests what the nature and essence of relational trinity is and in what sense the relational trinity can be applied and practiced. To this end, first, this paper addresses the position and direction of Boff ``s doctrine of the Trinity. Boff pays attention to the unity of God``s three personalties and takes the trinity as the basis for social changes. Second, this paper explores the relational attributes of the trinity, and the essence of the relational trinity. Perichoresis, plurality, interpenetration, and, unity can be regarded as the attributes of the trinity, on one hand, and the interrelation, simultaneity, and threefold revealed relation of the three divine persons constitute the essence of the relational trinity, on the other. Third, this paper sees creation, man, society, church and community as the place for the application and practice of relational trinity. All creation becomes the sacrament of the trinity. It means that man, society, church, community as the images and symbols of the trinity follow the life of trinity. In conclusion, the doctrine of relational trinity can provide the principles and energy for Christian life.

      • KCI등재

        활용 패러다임과 음운 규칙

        김영선(Kim Young-Seon) 우리말학회 2020 우리말연구 Vol.60 No.-

        이 글의 목적은 활용 패러다임의 내적 구조를 살피고 이를 근거로 활용형과 관련된 규칙의 문제점과 해결 방안을 살피는 데 있다. 국어에서 대부분의 규칙이 활용형에 집중되어 있고 규칙 적용에 따른 예외 또한 적지 않다는 점에서 활용형과 관련된 음운 현상은 오래 전부터 관심의 대상이 되어왔다. 또 이들을 논의하는 과정에서 복수 기저형이나 화석형 같은 이론적으로 유의미한 개념이 제시되기도 하였다. 그럼에도 불구하고 아직 이들 음운 현상과 관련된 여러 가지 이론적이고 현실적인 문제점이 산재해 있는 상태이다. 모어화자가 실현하는 음운 규칙이 선험적인지 경험적인지는 확인할 도리가 없다. 분명한 것은 음운 규칙이 가지는 규칙성을 확보하기 위하여 모어화자가 참조할 수 있는 정보는 스스로 실현한 패러다임밖에는 없다는 것이다. 그런데 모어화자가 구사하는 이 패러다임에는 공시적 정보와통시적 정보, 지역 정보와 개인적 정보, 성별 정보, 연령별 정도 등 다양한 언어적 정보가 포함되어 있다. 이와 같은 다양한 정보를 반영함으로써 화자는 상황에 따라 여러 가지 방식의 형태론적 규칙성을 확보하고 이를 통해서 기저 어간과 어미를 도출하며 이를 근거로 규칙을 형성할 것이라고 예측할 수 있다. 음운 현상을 규칙의 체계로 이해해 왔던 지금까지의 대체적인 방식과 달리 패러다임을 중심으로 음운 현상을 이해하려는 방식은 패러다임 자체가 화자가 참조할 수 있는 가장 구체적인 근거라는 점에서 이론적으로 보다 실제적인 방식이라 할 수 있다. In this article aims to examine the internal structure of the inflectional paradigm and, based on this, examine the problems of the phonological rules related to inflection and how to overcome them. It has also been a common theme in the phonological phenomena of the language in that most rules of Korean language are related to its inflection phenomena and there are many exceptions. To ensure the regularity that occurs in the speech process, there is only a paradigm in which the speaker can refer to it. However, the paradigm used by the speaker includes a variety of linguistic information, including diachronic and synchronic information, regional and personal information, gender information, and age-specific information. By reflecting this variety of information, the speaker can predict that various forms of morphological regularity will be secured depending on the situation, thereby deriving the underlying stem and the ending, and forming rules based on them. Unlike the alternative way so far, which has understood phonological phenomena as a system of rules, the paradigm itself is a more realistic approach in theory because it is the most specific basis for a speaker to refer to.

      • KCI등재

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