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      • 1984년 '구로지역 민주노조운동'의 전개와 특징 : 구로동맹파업의 주체형성 과정에 대하여

        유경순 역사학연구소 2001 역사 연구 Vol.- No.9

        The Main aim of this thesis is to examine formation process of labor capacities which made it possible to go on the Guro Alliance Strike against the government oppression of trade union in 1985. The Guro Alliance Strike broke out with the arrest of "Daewoo Apparel trade union staff" in 1986, June 22th. The Guro Alliance Strike occurred with four trade union alliance strike on June 24th, and developed until Daewoo Apparel labors were broken-up by compulsion on June 29th. The labor capacities of the Guro Alliance Strike were formed by the labor movement of the first half 1980, and by the process of development of the Guro labor movement in 1984. The development of labor movement was searched by the closed-door activities in the first half 1980s when government used the oppression of violence. But a lot of student activists collectively engaged the manufacturing industry, thus they grew up as new subjects of the labor movement. The advanced labors, who were grown up by participating democratic trade union activities in the 1970s, also organized the group behind closed doors, and tried to do new activities. These Two subject generally found the direction of the labor movement, having the critical mind that democratic trade union movement should overcome isolated disperbility and trade unionism. As a result, new current of the Guro democratic trade union movement in 1984 was formed at the Guro area. When the oppressive control of government was withholded for a while, that is, the appeasement phase, labors developed the struggled for the demend for higher wages and the betterment of working conditions, and then formed the trade union. There was also increasing in democratic trade union movement at the Guro area, so many trade unions could be formed at a lot of work places, such as Daewoo Apparel, HyoSung MoolSan, SunIl SumYu, GaRiBong JunJa. In the early stage of the making of democratic trade union, because of the physical, ideological oppression of the capitalist, the figure of union members decreased, but the core union members could keep on their union with the devoted struggle. After overcoming oppression of the capital, the trade union developed the labor's daily activities by itself, like orgnizing a small group for his(her) hobby and culture or solving out a educational problem, propaganda campaign, dissatisfaction matters based on the demend and interesting of the labor. The trade union tried to make the labor's daily activities be intercommunicated, instead of making the his(her) daily activities stay at the single workplace. Being based on the activities, the trade union got the higher wages through the strike struggle which made it possible for trade union members unite together, then made wage raise policy of government be withholded, and labors get the selfconfidence in 1985. The victory of the strike struggle for the wages raise gave the ability, and reliance to the trade union, and union members, so they could see trade union members be increasing. The character of the trade union activities in this period was to find solidarity. There was a objective condition making trade unions solidify. that was the same area, and same type of industry where the labors worked. Besides, It was also iomportant conditon for the solidarity that a lot of the trade unions were formde at the same time, and they could overcome the oppression of the trade union formation. These process could became the bases of labor capacities which made it possible solidarity struggle for government oppression of democratic trade union.

      • KCI등재후보

        교수방법의 효율화를 위한 웹 기반 진단평가 시스템 설계 및 구현

        유선경,이미정 한국컴퓨터교육학회 2003 컴퓨터교육학회 논문지 Vol.6 No.3

        효과적인 교수활동을 위해서는 교수자가 학습자의 현 수준을 정확히 파악해야 한다. 학습자의 수준 파악을 위해서는 일반적으로 진단평가를 활용한다. 그러나 시간상의 제약으로 인해 교수자가 필요로 하는 모든 경우에 학습자의 수준 파악을 위한 진단평가를 실시하기는 어렵다. 이에 본 논문에서는 교수자 교수방법의 효율화를 위한 웹 기반 진단평가시스템을 제안한다. 제안하는 시스템에서는 교수자가 웹을 통해 원하는 평가문제를 수시로 입력하는 것이 가능하며 학습자는 자신의 수강과목의 일정에 따라 시공간 제약 없이 개별적으로 온라인 진단평가를 수행할 수 있다. 또한 제안하는 시스템에서는 각 학습자의 평가결과를 자동으로 처리하여 교수자가 학습자의 현재 수준을 분석하고 교육 수준을 결정할 수 있는 다양한 통계 자료를 제시해준다. For efficient teaching method a teacher should understand the current level of learners. Diagnostic evaluation is generally used to grasp a knowledge level of learners. However, it is not easy to take a diagnostic examination in every class because of time limitation. Accordingly, we propose a web based diagnostic evaluation system for efficient teaching method. In the proposed system, it is possible for teachers to feed diagnostic evaluation questions on the web at any time and for learners to take an online diagnostic examination without space and time limitation. In addition, the proposed system automatically grades the diagnostic evaluation and provides a teacher with various statistical data that can be a criterion to decide a proper teaching level.

      • Improvement of the Fluorescence Intensity during a Flow Cytometric Analysis for Rice Protoplasts by Localization of a Green Fluorescent Protein into Chloroplasts

        You, Min Kyoung,Lim, Sun-Hyung,Kim, Min-Jin,Jeong, Ye Sol,Lee, Mi-Gi,Ha, Sun-Hwa MDPI 2015 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR SCIENCES Vol.16 No.1

        <P>Protoplasts have been a useful unicellular system for various molecular biological analyses based on transient expression and single cell analysis using fluorescence-activated cell sorting (FACS), widely used as a powerful method in functional genomics. Despite the versatility of these methods, some limits based on low fluorescence intensity of a flow cytometric analysis (FCA) using protoplasts have been reported. In this study, the chloroplast targeting of fluorescent proteins (FPs) led to an eight-fold increase in fluorescence intensity and a 4.5-fold increase of transfection ratio from 14.7% to 65.7% as compared with their targeting into the cytoplasm. Moreover, the plot data of FCA shows that 83.3% of the K-sGFP population is under the threshold level, regarded as a non-transgenic population with background signals, while 65.7% of the K-sGFP population is spread on overall intervals. To investigate the reason underlying this finding, mRNA/protein levels and transfection efficiency were analyzed, and results suggest that mRNA/protein levels and transfection ratio are not much different between K-sGFP and KR-sGFP. From those results, we hypothesized that the difference of fluorescence intensity is not only derived from cellular events such as molecular level or transfection efficiency. Taken together, we suggest that the translocation of FPs into chloroplasts contributes to the improvement of fluorescence intensity in FCA and, apparently, plays an important role in minimizing the loss of the transfected population. Our study could be usefully applicable for highly sensitive FACS and FCA-investigations of green tissue.</P>

      • KCI등재

        다발성 조기 위암과 동반된 심낭종성 위염 2예

        문선유 ( Sun You Moon ),김경오 ( Kyoung Oh Kim ),박상훈 ( Sang Hoon Park ),유교상 ( Kyo Sang Yoo ),박철희 ( Cheol Hee Park ),김종혁 ( Jong Hyeok Kim ),박충기 ( Choong Kee Park ),전선영 ( Sun Young Jun ) 대한소화기학회 2010 대한소화기학회지 Vol.55 No.5

        Gastritis cystica profunda (GCP) is a rare disease which shows multiple cystic gastric glands within the submucosa of the stomach. GCP lesions mainly develop at the site of gastroenterostomy and exhibit benign behavior. However, there have been a number of debates over its malignant potential. Several reports have documented GCP accompanied by gastric carcinomas, but the relationship between the two conditions remains uncertain. Here we report two cases of GCP with dysplasia accompanied by synchronous multiple early gastric cancers without previous gastric surgery. (Korean J Gastroenterol 2010;55:325-330)

      • KCI등재

        위암 천공 및 태반 조기 박리와 동반된 임신 1예

        유경선 ( Kyoung Sun You ),신정규 ( Jeong Gyu Shin ),최원준 ( Won Jun Choi ),이순애 ( Soon Ae Lee ),이종학 ( Jong Hak Lee ),백원영 ( Won Young Paik ) 대한주산의학회 2002 Perinatology Vol.13 No.3

        30세 이하 여성에서의 유병률은 위암 발생률 중 단 0.4~0.5%를 차지하며 임신과 동반된 경우는 발생빈도가 매우 드물며 비특이적인 증상으로 인하여 진행된 병기에서 진단됨으로 매우 불량한 예후를 보인다. 임신시 동반된 위암의 연구자료는 부족한 형편이며 위암의 발병률이 비교적 높은 일본에서는 1916년 이후 1988년까지 103례에 국한된 보고가 있으나 국내에서는 임신과 동반된 위암의 역학 및 그 임상례의 보고는 찾기 어렵다. 저자들은 임신 전 기간을 통하여 오심, 구토, 속쓰림을 호소하던 산모가 임신 말기에 위천공을 동반한 태아 절박 가사로 응급 제왕 절개술을 시행, 수술시 태반 조기박리 및 임상병기 4기의 위암을 진단하였기에 문헌 고찰과 함께 증례 보고하는 바이다. The coincidence of stomach cancer and pregnancy is a rare event. Most of the cases are diagnosed in advanced stage either because the patient`s symptoms are attributed to her pregnancy or because of a reluctance to pursue diagnostic studies during pregnancy. So, the prognosis for a pregnant woman with stomach cancer is very poor. We experienced a case of perforated stomach cancer with placental abruption during pregnancy and report with a brief review of literature.


        Evaluation of in vitro anti-oxidant and anti-inflammatory activities of Korean and Chinese Lonicera caerulea

        You-Suk Lee,Il Je Cho,Joo Wan Kim,Sun-Kyoung Lee,Sae Kwang Ku,Hae-Jeung Lee 한국영양학회 2018 Nutrition Research and Practice Vol.12 No.6

        BACKGROUND/OBJECTIVE: The honeysuckle berry (HB) contains ascorbic acid and phenolic components, especially anthocyanins, flavonoids, and low-molecular-weight phenolic acids. In order to examine the potential of HB as a hepatoprotective medicinal food, we evaluated the in vitro anti-oxidant and anti-inflammatory activities of Korean HB (HBK) and Chinese HB (HBC). MATERIALS/METHODS: Antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects of the extracts were examined in HepG2 and RAW 264.7 cells, respectively. The anti-oxidant capacity was determined by DPPH, SOD, CAT, and ARE luciferase activities. The production of nitric oxide (NO) as an inflammatory marker was also evaluated. The Nrf2-mediated mRNA levels of heme oxygenase-1 (HO-1), NAD(P)H dehydrogenase [quinone] 1 (Nqo1), and glutamate-cysteine ligase catalytic subunit (Gclc) were measured. The concentrations of HB extracts used were 3, 10, 30, 100, and 300 μg/mL. RESULTS: The radical scavenging activity of all HB extracts increased in a concentration-dependent manner (P < 0.01 or P < 0.05). SOD (P < 0.05) and CAT (P < 0.01) activities were increased by treatment with 300 μg/mL of each HB extract, when compared to those in the control. NO production was observed in cells pretreated with 100 or 300 μg/mL of HBC and HBK (P < 0.01). Treatment with 300 μg/mL of HBC significantly increased Nqo1 (P < 0.01) and Gclc (P < 0.05) mRNA levels compared to those in the control. Treatment with 300 μg/mL of HBK (P < 0.05) and HBC (P < 0.01) also significantly increased the HO-1 mRNA level compared to that in the control. CONCLUSIONS: Thus, the Korean and Chinese HBs were found to possess favorable in vitro anti-oxidant and anti-inflammatory activities. Nrf2 and its related anti-oxidant genes were associated with both anti-oxidant and anti-inflammatory activities in HB-treated cells. Further studies are needed to confirm these in vivo effects.

      • Plastoglobule-Targeting Competence of a Putative Transit Peptide Sequence from Rice Phytoene Synthase 2 in Plastids

        You, Min Kyoung,Kim, Jin Hwa,Lee, Yeo Jin,Jeong, Ye Sol,Ha, Sun-Hwa MDPI 2017 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR SCIENCES Vol.18 No.1

        <P>Plastoglobules (PGs) are thylakoid membrane microdomains within plastids that are known as specialized locations of carotenogenesis. Three rice phytoene synthase proteins (OsPSYs) involved in carotenoid biosynthesis have been identified. Here, the N-terminal 80-amino-acid portion of OsPSY2 (PTp) was demonstrated to be a chloroplast-targeting peptide by displaying cytosolic localization of OsPSY2(ΔPTp):mCherry in rice protoplast, in contrast to chloroplast localization of OsPSY2:mCherry in a punctate pattern. The peptide sequence of a PTp was predicted to harbor two transmembrane domains eligible for a putative PG-targeting signal. To assess and enhance the PG-targeting ability of PTp, the original PTp DNA sequence (<I>PTp</I>) was modified to a synthetic DNA sequence (<I>stPTp</I>), which had 84.4% similarity to the original sequence. The motivation of this modification was to reduce the GC ratio from 75% to 65% and to disentangle the hairpin loop structures of <I>PTp</I>. These two DNA sequences were fused to the sequence of the synthetic green fluorescent protein (sGFP) and drove GFP expression with different efficiencies. In particular, the RNA and protein levels of <I>stPTp-sGFP</I> were slightly improved to 1.4-fold and 1.3-fold more than those of sGFP, respectively. The green fluorescent signals of their mature proteins were all observed as speckle-like patterns with slightly blurred stromal signals in chloroplasts. These discrete green speckles of PTp<I>-</I>sGFP and stPTp<I>-</I>sGFP corresponded exactly to the red fluorescent signal displayed by OsPSY2:mCherry in both etiolated and greening protoplasts and it is presumed to correspond to distinct PGs. In conclusion, we identified PTp as a transit peptide sequence facilitating preferential translocation of foreign proteins to PGs, and developed an improved <I>PTp</I> sequence, a s<I>tPTp</I>, which is expected to be very useful for applications in plant biotechnologies requiring precise micro-compartmental localization in plastids.</P>

      • SCOPUSKCI등재
      • KCI등재

        Epidemiologic Profile of Patients With Valvular Heart Disease in Korea: A Nationwide Hospital-Based Registry Study

        You-Jung Choi,Jung-Woo Son,Eun Kyoung Kim,In-Cheol Kim,Hyung Yoon Kim,Jeong-Sook Seo,Byung Joo Sun,Chi Young Shim,Se-Jung Yoon,Sahmin Lee,Sun Hwa Lee,Jun-Bean Park,DukHyunKang 한국심초음파학회 2023 Journal of Cardiovascular Imaging (J Cardiovasc Im Vol.31 No.1

        BACKGROUND: Valvular heart disease (VHD) is a common cause of cardiovascular morbidity and mortality worldwide; however, its epidemiological profile in Korea requires elucidation. METHODS: In this nationwide retrospective cohort study from the Korean valve survey, which collected clinical and echocardiographic data on VHD from 45 medical centers, we identified 4,089 patients with VHD between September and October 2019. RESULTS: The aortic valve was the most commonly affected valve (n = 1,956 [47.8%]), followed by the mitral valve (n = 1,598 [39.1%]) and tricuspid valve (n = 1,172 [28.6%]). There were 1,188 cases of aortic stenosis (AS) and 926 cases of aortic regurgitation. The most common etiology of AS was degenerative disease (78.9%). The proportion of AS increased with age and accounted for the largest proportion of VHD in patients aged 80–89 years. There were 1,384 cases of mitral regurgitation (MR) and 244 cases of mitral stenosis (MS). The most common etiologies for primary and secondary MR were degenerative disease (44.3%) and non-ischemic heart disease (63.0%), respectively, whereas rheumatic disease (74.6%) was the predominant cause of MS. There were 1,172 tricuspid regurgitation (TR) cases, of which 46.9% were isolated and 53.1% were associated with other valvular diseases, most commonly with MR. The most common type of TR was secondary (90.2%), while primary accounted for 6.1%. CONCLUSIONS: This report demonstrates the current epidemiological status of VHD in Korea. The results of this study can be used as fundamental data for developing Korean guidelines for VHD.

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