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      • KCI등재

        Apoptosis and necroptosis‑inducing effects of arctigenin on nasal septum carcinoma RPMI‑2650 cells in 2D and 3D culture

        Yoon‑Jin Lee,Kwan‑Sik Park,Byoung Joon Baek,Kyong‑Ae Lee,Sang‑Han Lee 대한독성 유전단백체 학회 2020 Molecular & cellular toxicology Vol.16 No.1

        Backgrounds Arctigenin derived from the seeds of Arctium lappa Linnaeus is known as an anticancer drug candidate by targeting various pathways involved in anticancer therapy. Methods Using 2D monolayer and 3D spheroid culture systems in nasal septum carcinoma RPMI-2650 cells, the effects of arctigenin and dexamethasone on cell viability, ROS levels, ATP level, mitochondrial function, apoptosis and necroptosis were examined. Results The combination treatment of both compounds induced strong cytotoxicity, accompanied by increases of sub-G0/ G1 peak, annexin V-PE-positive cells, and ROS levels, loss of mitochondrial membrane potential, and decrease of cellular ATP content. These changes were observed as simultaneous induction of DNA damage, apoptosis, and necroptosis. A series of changes by arctigenin and dexamethasone were efficiently restored by decreasing ROS levels or supplementing ATP. Treatment of 3D spheroids with arctigenin and dexamethasone decreased cell viability in the spheroids, but it was slightly resistant than cells under 2D conditions. In addition, this phenomenon was accompanied by an increase in mediators for both apoptosis and necroptosis. Conclusion Results of this study suggest that the apoptosis and necroptosis-inducing effects of arctigenin are associated with ATP depletion due to oxidative mitochondrial dysfunction.

      • KCI등재

        두가지 혈류 유발방법에 의한 새로운 심폐소생술(이중 혈류 유발 심폐소생술)장치의 개발

        황성오,김현,조준휘,오범진,임종천,최경훈,윤정한,이승환,김영식,이강현,이윤선 大韓應急醫學會 1999 대한응급의학회지 Vol.10 No.2

        Background: There have been many efforts to augment blood flow during cardiopulmonary resuscitation. These efforts have focused on maximizing the effect of cardiac pump or thoracic pump alone. However, considering that the heart is the biggest blood reservoir and increase of intrathoracic pressure can generate blood flow, simultaneous exploitation of both mechanisms may have synergistic effect. We hypothesized that simultaneous chest constriction in addition to sternal compression by standard CPR may have additive hemodynamic effects by preventing deformation of the chest and increase of intrathoracic pressure. Methods and results: we built a new mechanical device to perform compression and thoracic constriction simultaneously. The device consists of two main elements. Piston in the center is to depress the sternum. Strap is to constrict the thorax circumferentially. Strap is attached to both sides of the piston. When the piston is pushed down, it depresses the sternum and pulls on the thoracic strap. To determine strap width to produce optimal hemodynamic effect, we measured hemodynamic parameters with variable widths of strap in two dogs after induction of ventricular fibrillation. Result of the experiment showed that 10cm wide strap was determined to be most effective. We also determined optimal depth of compression to produce maximal hemodynamic effect with animal experiments using two dogs. Animal experiments showed that the highest aortic pressure could be generated when the stemum was depressed to 5 cm. Cardiopulmonary resusciation using a new device could generate higher systolic aortic pressure, coronary perfusion pressure and end-tidal carbon dioxide tension in comparison with standard cardiopulmonary resuscitation in a pilot animal study using two dogs. Conclusion: New cardiopulmonary resuscitation method using a mechanical device designed by us could perform sternal compression and simultaneous thoracic constriction, and generate better hemodynamic effects than standard cardiopulmonary resuscitation in pilot animal experiments.

      • 염기성추출제에 의한 중금속분리에 관한 연구(Ⅰ)

        이진우,김영일,장윤식 동의공업대학 2000 論文集 Vol.26 No.1

        In the recent methods of water treatment and recycling a technology using membrane is practically developed and spotlighted. Therefore in the study it is investigated about the method to separate Ni( D) by basic extactant in the addition to using hollow fiber membrane which is cheap and easy to handle in laboratories, namely by using TDA as extactant with hydrophobic hollow fiber membrane. In the given concentration range of hydrochloric acid, the long-chain aliphatic amines extractants has high distribution ratio for Ni(Ⅱ). The mass transfer speed of extraction is faster 3-5 times than that of stripping and is depends on the existence of membrane resistance.

      • 금강 수서생태계의 구조와 기능에 관한 연구 : 수질 및 미생물

        이규승,김윤석,오덕환,이영하,임항식 忠南大學校 環境問題硏究所 1995 環境硏究 Vol.13 No.-

        소백산맥의 주봉인 덕유산에서 발원하여 군산지역에서 황해로 유입되는 금강의 본류는 총 유로연장이 401.4km에 이르는 우리나라 4대강 중의 하나이며, 대전광역시, 충청남북도 및 전라북도 일부지역의 생활용수 및 산업용수의 공급원으로서 대단히 중요한 역할을 담당하고 있다. 1960년대 이후 계속적으로 추진된 경제개발과 공업화 정책에 의해 인구의 도시집중화, 생활수준의 향상등이 이루어지고, 이에 따라 양질의 생활용수 및 산업용수에 대한 수요는 계속적으로 크게 증가하고 있는 실정이다. 그러나 금강의 경우 도시의 생활하수, 공업단지로부터의 공업폐수, 유역의 축산폐수 등에 의해 수질을 비롯한 수환경의 악화가 점차 심화되고 있으며, 이에 따른 수서생태계의 변화도 매우 큰 것으로 보고되고 있다. 특히 최근에 조성된 바 있는 금강 하구둑이 94년 8월부터 가동되고 있고, 또 1995년 이후 금강종합개발이 중류와 하류지역을 중심으로 대대적으로 시행될 예정이어서 금강 본류의 수환경은 장차 많은 변화가 예상된다. 수환경의 변화는 생육하는 생물들의 종조성은 물론 군집의 구조와 기능에 큰 영향을 미치기 때문에 금강 본류의 수서생태계에도 많은 변화가 수반될 것으로 예측되고 있다. 이와 같이 금강본류를 대상으로 하는 사업이 시행된 후 야기되는 수환경의 변화는 장기간에 걸친 조사를 요구하며, 이로부터 얻은 결과를 사업 시행 이전의 조사 결과와 비교함으로써만이 효과적으로 그 경향을 파악할 수 있다. 또한 이러한 비교 분석은 수질관리를 위한 대책 수립과 효율적인 사후 환경관리를 모색하는데 대단히 중요하다. 이에 반하여 지금까지 금강을 대상으로 한 수환경 및 수서생태계의 조사 연구는 단편적인 분야에 대하여 극히 단기간 수행된 것이 대부분이고 정량분석이 아닌 정성분석에만 치중되었기 때문에 금강의 수질 및 생태게보존을 위한 자료로서의 기능을 발휘하지 못하고 있다. 이러한 관점에서 본 환경문제연구소에서는 장기(향후 5년 이상)적인 계획하에 금강본류를 대상으로 수서생태계의 구조와 기능을 조사ㆍ분석하고, 이를 통하여 금강의 수질 및 생태계보존과 수환경관리를 위한 기초자료를 수립하고자 한다. 이와 같이 본 환경문제연구소가 장기적으로 추진하려 하는 금강 수서생태계학술조사는 금강 수서생태계의 현황은 물론 금강을 대상으로 하는 여러가지 형태의 사업에 의한 변화 양상을 정확하게 파악하고, 이에 대한 적절한 대처 방안을 강구하게 할 수 있는 기초자료를 제공하여 줄 것으로 기대된다. 지금까지 금강에 대한 종합적인 생태계 조사가 이루어지지 않고 있음을 고려할 때, 본 학술조사는 장차 금강 수서생태계에 대한 연구의 지침이 될 것으로 기대되며, 이는 본교가 금강 생태계의 보존과 관리를 통하여 지역사회에 기여하는 중추적 학술기관으로서의 위치를 확고히 마련하는 계기가 될 것이다. 본 보고서는 이러한 연구계획의 1차년도 연구결과로서 수질 및 미생물, 수생식물, 어류, 동식물 플랭크톤, 수서곤충을 중심으로 금강 중ㆍ하류 유역 수서생태계를 구성하고 있는 주요 생물군의 구조와 기능을 정량적으로 조사ㆍ분석하는데 그 목적을 두었다. Heterotrophic microbial populations and physicochemical parameters of water samples collected from six stations on the Keum River have been examined from November 1994 to July 1995. The ranges for BOD and COD were 1.5-11.3㎎/L and 2.1-13.7㎎/L, respectively. At the station closest to the estuary, the values of BOD and COD were higher than at other stations, but those of PO₄-P were lower. Metal ions including Cu, Mn, Pb, Cd, and Hg were not detected at all. The population densities of heterotrophic bacteria amounted to 13.7-22.0% of the total bacteria. The densities of coliforms, Salmonella-Shigella, and yeasts were in the range of 49-538 cfu/ml, 16-271 cfu/100ml, and 30-259 cfu/㎖, respectively.

      • 2-Bromoacetylnaphthalene을 螢光誘導體化劑로 利用한 Alclofenac의 HPLC 分析에 관한 硏究

        李允中,曺正吉,河仁植,金容熙 成均館大學校 科學技術硏究所 1990 論文集 Vol.41 No.1

        A simple, rapid and high sensitive method for determination of alclofenac is described. 2-Bromoacetylnaphthalene was used as the pre-column fluorescent derivatizing reagent for high performance liquid chromatography. Alclofenac was derivatized quantitatively into fluorescent compound by reacting with 2-bromoacetylnaphthalene in the presence of 18-crown-6 ether in acetonitrile. The optimum conditions for the derivatization such as concentration of KOH, 18-crown-6 and 2-bromoacetylnaphthalene, reaction temperature and reaction time were investigated. The structure of alcolofenac derivative was confirmed from IR, NMR and mass spectra. The fluorescence properties of alclofenac derivative were examined. The derivative was separated on a reverse phase column (Lichrosorb RP-8) in isocratid elution mode using the secondary mixture of acetonitrile and water as the mobile phase. The effluent was monitored by fluorometer.(Ex. 303, Em. 418 nm). The calibration plots for the peak area versus concentration of alclofenac observed to be linear(r =0.999).

      • 카올린으로부터 질화알루미늄 분말 합성

        이윤복,서기원,류봉기,김광호,박희찬,장윤식 釜山大學校生産技術硏究所 1996 生産技術硏究所論文集 Vol.50 No.-

        카올린으로 부터 수화염기성황산알루미늄을 제조하고, 이것을 탄소열환원질화하여 질화알미늄 분말을 합성하였다. 수화염기성황산알루미늄은 카올린으로 부터 제조된 수화황산알루미나 0.5M 및 요소 5M인 용액으로 부터 얻은 것이 가장 미세하였다. 탄소열환원질화법으로 질화알미늄을 합성할 때 활성화탄과 염기성황산알루미늄의 질량비가 2인 조성이 가장 적합하였으며, 이 때 얻어진 질화알미늄은 0.3-1㎛의 submicron급 분말이었다. Aluminum nitride powder was synthesized by carbothermal reduction-nirtridation using kaolin- derived hydrated basic aluminum sulfate. The hydrated basic aluminum sulfate powder produced from the solution of 0.5M hydrated aluminum sulfate and 5M urea showed very fine particles. The aluminum nitride showed the submicron powder of 0.3-1㎛ in the optimum condition with 2.0-weight ratio of activated charcol to hydrated basic aluminum sulfate.

      • KCI등재후보
      • 세포질내 정자주입법(ICSI)에 있어서 정자흡입 및 난자내 주입방법에 관한 연구

        이택후,김항진,송건호,김대근,전상식,박윤규,서태광,전병균,류은경,이은숙,문진수,김광철 경북대학교 의학연구소 2000 경북대학교병원의학연구소논문집 Vol.4 No.1

        Study on Method of Sperm Aspiration and Injection into an Oocyte in Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection(ICSI) Immobilization of spermatozoa prior to intracytoplasmic sperm iniection(ICSI) sometimes results in crooked tail and this makes it difficult to aspirate sperm into an injection pipette tail first. Head-first sperm aspiration into an injection pipette avoid this problem due to the bigger size of the sperm head. The effect of head or tail-first sperm injection into an oocyte on fertilization cleavage, percentage of grade I embryos and development to blastocyst stage in ICSI program has been studied. A single living immobilized spermatozoa from oligoasthenozoospermic patient was injected into an oocyte head-first or tail-first according to the treatment. Eighteen hours after microinjection, oocytes ware inspected for survival and fertilization Fertilized oocytes with two pronuclei were cultured in 30μl drop of mHTF supplemented with 10% heat-inactivated follicular fluid(FF) at 37℃. On day 2. embryo transfer was performed with cleaved embryos. The remaining 2-8 cell stage embryos were co-cultured with BRL cells in mHTF + 10% FF for 72 hours and the developmental stage was observed. The data were analyzed by Analysis of Variance. A total of 164 oocytes from 36 cycles were assigned to earth treatment and ICSI was performed(88 head-first, tail-first). The rates of normal fertilization were 81.8% and 76.3% for head-first and tail-first, respectively. Of the fertilized oocytes, the percentage of cleaved embryos and the percentage of grade 1 embryo among cleaved embryos were 88.9% and 68.8%, 93.1% and 74.1% for head-first and tail-first, respectively. Of the 2-8 cell embryos cultured, 44.4%(16/36) and 50.0%(10/20) for head first and tail first, respectively developed to blastocyst stage. There were no differences in fertilization, cleavage, rates of grade 1 embryos, and development to blastocyst stage. In conclusion, head-first or tail-first sperm injection into an oocyte in ICSI program does not affect fertilization and subsequent embryo development to blastocyst stage in vitro.

      • 특발성 과호산구 증후군 환자의 치료 도중 발생한 간혈종 1례

        이영태,김동기,박지훈,김윤정,김기향,박보민,권민정,김애란,이원식,주영돈,손창학 白中央醫療院 2005 仁濟醫學 Vol.26 No.1

        Idiopathic hypereosinophilic syndrome is characterized by marked elevation of eosinophil count ( >1,500/㎣) in peripheral blood without explaining etiology. It shows tissue involvement in many organs such as liver, G-I tract, myocar dium, lung, skin, kidney and nerve. Some case of hypereosinophilic syndrome with hepatic involvement have been reported, but not much. We have recently experienced a case with idiopathic hypereosinophilic syndrome of a 40 year old man who presented with RUQ pain. By abdominal CT, ill- defined subcapsular hematoma was detected. Liver biopsy showed eosinophilic infiltration within the portal tract and sinusoid. Drain procedure and corticosteroid adminiiatbrought marked improvement of clinical manifestation, hematologic abnormality and radiologic abnormality.

      • 21세기 새로운 시대를 준비하는 원광대학교 의과대학의 교육목표 개정과정

        이학승,김요식,송윤강,오재민,양연식,정선관 원광대학교 의과학연구소 2009 圓光醫科學 Vol.24 No.1

        교육목적은 대학의 교육이 지향하는 대전제이다. 그러므로 대학교육 목적과 목표가 어떤가에 따라 교육과정과 교육방법이 달라진다. 원광대학교 의과대학의 교육목표는, '지덕겸수'로 요약되는 '과학과 도학을 겸비한 전인교육'의 건학정신과 '학술탐구'와 '덕성함양'의 원광대학교 교육목표와 일치하게 현재까지 유지되었다. 그러나 현행 교육목표의 여러 문제점이 발견되었고, 시대상의 변화에 따라 원광대학교 의과대학에서도 사회적 변화 빛 의료인에 대한 시대적 요구에 걸맞은 의학교육의 목적 및 목표의 재설정 과정을 시작하게 되었다. 그 결과 개정 작업을 통해 새로운 교육목표를 설정하게 되었으며 그 내용은 다음과 같다. 1. 기본진료능력을 지닌 의사를 양성한다. 2. 원불교 교리 이념을 반영한 윤리적, 도덕적인 의사를 양성한다. 3. 평생 학습하는 연구하는 의사 혹은 의과학자를 양성한다. 4. 사회적 책무를 수행하는 리더십을 갖춘 의사를 양성한다. 5. 지역 사회에 공헌하는 봉사정신을 갖춘 의사를 양성한다. Purpose : With the changes to the medical environments and to the medical educational systems, we aimed to evaluate the current mission statement of the School of Medicine, Wonkwang University, and to revise it. Methods : To establish the new goal and mission statement, a Special Committee for the Revision of Medical School Mission and advisory group were organized in 2008. This special committee conducted through five steps of action, which are composed of investigation, education, development, surveillance of various opinions, and announcement. Results : For the development of new goal and mission, the revised, final goal and mission statements decided through the five steps of action. The new mission of Wonkwang University School of Medicine was as follows; 1. Doctor who can diagnose and treat easily 2. Ethical and moral doctor who practice Won Buddhism 3. Doctor or Medical Scholar who studies lifelong study 4. Doctor who has leadership to social responsibility 5. Doctor who goes into service to a local community. Conclusion : The authors expect that the new goal and mission of Wonkwang University School of Medicine would be helpful in giving the guideline on the educational process of medical school and will give the information to reform the medical school system according to the rapidly changing educational environment.

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