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경유교환기 수의 제약을 고려한 패킷 통신망 설계에 관한 연구
윤문길,주성순,전경표 한국경영과학회 1995 經營 科學 Vol.12 No.2
Traditionally, the scarce and expensive resources in communication networks has been the bandwidth of transmission facilities; accordingly, the techniques used for networking and switching have been chosen so as to optimize the efficient use of that resource. One of them is the packet switching for data communications, which is much different from the circuit switching. It allows multiple users to share the data network facilities and bandwidth, rather than providing specific amounts of dedicated bandwidth to each users. One main challenge therefore has been to design and build cost-effective packet switching networks. In this paper, we develop a mathematical programming medel and heuristic algorithm for designing the packet switching networks with hop-count constraints. To develop an efficient heuristic, we apply the Lagrangian relaxation method. Some valid inequalities, which have been known as the tight constraints, are considered to improve the bound for Lagrangian sub-problem. The computaional experiments show that the performance of the proposed heuristic is very satisfactory in both the speed and the quality of design solutions generated.
하악골 골절 환자에 있어 수술후 합병증으로 발생한 골수염의 치험례
윤규호,전인성,신용길,박준호,허남오,방석준 大韓顎顔面成形再建外科學會 1996 Maxillofacial Plastic Reconstructive Surgery Vol.18 No.4
The term osteomyelitis literally means inflammation of bone marrow. It is described as an inflammatory condition of bone primarily engaging the medullary Following circulatory collapse and ischemia, the involved portions of the bone become necrotic. Cellulitis and osteomyelitis are the most frequent complications of fractures of the mandible and maxilla, because there is an abscessed tooth in the line of fracture. Since most fractures are compound fractures, infection may develop because of contact with oral secretions or outside air. The treatment of chronic osteomyelitis is still under debate. Some authors rely on antibiotics alone, while others advocate combination with surgery. But when infection occurs, establish proper drainage and administer antibiotics. Author treated a case of infected mandibular fracture with mandibular osteotomy, sequestrectomy, iliac bone graft and hyperbaric oxygen therapy, who had suffered suppurative osteomyelitis and mandibular nonunion following the open reduction of the mandibular fracture.
張聖浚,尹張燮 明知大學校 産業技術硏究所 1985 産業技術硏究所論文集 Vol.4 No.-
The study defines the role of Standard Design of Rural House drafted by the government for the modernization of rural housing in recent Korea (since 1970s). It analyzes the changing patterns of SDRH, the choice characteristics of SDRH in the real construction, and the appropriation by the people. It is based on field survey of several ruval villages which underwent reconstruction of houses either through the government project or by the residents' initiation : Sangyukok (reconstruction in 1978), Samka (1979), Dongjin, Ssangkoi, and several house in Idong Sub-county in Yongin County ; Daeya (1978) in Boun County ; Samchong (1979) in Oikuan County ; Taei (1979) in Andong County.
약국서비스 만족에 영향을 미치는 요인 분석 : 환자체감시간과 실 조제시간 비교를 중심으로
박성희,서준규,윤혜설,홍진영,박군제 한국의료QA학회 1998 한국의료질향상학회지 Vol.5 No.2
Purpose : To shorten processing time for variety of medical affairs of the patient at the outpatient clinic of a big hospital is very important to qualify medical care of the patient. Therefore, patient's waiting time for drug delivery after doctor's prescription is often utilized as a strong tool to evaluate patient satisfaction with a medical care provided. We performed this study to investigate factors influencing patient satisfaction related with waiting time for drug delivery. Methods : The data were collected from July 21 to August 12, 1998. A total 535 patients or their families who visited outpatient clinics of Inha University Hospital were subjected to evaluate the drug delivery time and the level of their satisfaction related, which were compared with those objectively evaluated by Quality Improvement Team. The reliability of the scale was tested with Cronbach's alpha, and the data were analyzed using frequency, t-test, ANOVA, correlation analysis and multiple regression. Results : The mean drug delivery time subjectively evaluated by the patient (16.1 13.0 min) was longer than that objectively evaluated (10.9 7.6 min) by 5.2 min. Drug delivery time objectively evaluated was influenced by the prescription contents, total amount or type of drug dispensed, etc, as expected. The time discrepancy between two evaluations was influenced by several causative factors. One of those proved to be a patient's late response to the information from the pharmacy which the drug is ready to deliver. Interestingly, this discrepancy was found to be more prominent especially when waiting place for drug delivery was not less crowded. Other factors, pharmaceutical counseling at the pharmacy, emotional status or behavior of a patient while he waits for the medicine, were also found to influence the time subjectively evaluated. Regarding the degree of patient satisfaction with the drug delivery, majority of patients accepted drug delivery time with less than 10 min. It was also found to be influenced by emotional status of the patient as well as kindness or activity of pharmaceutical counselor. Conclusion : The results show that, besides prescription contents, behavior pattern or emotional status of a patient, environment of the waiting place, and quality of pharmaceutical counseling at the pharmacy, may influence the patient's subjective evaluation of waiting time for drug delivery and his satisfaction related with the service in the big hospital. In order to improve patient satisfaction related with waiting time for drug delivery, it will be cost effective to qualify pharmaceutical counseling and information system at the drug delivery site or waiting place rather than to shorten the real processing time within the pharmacy.
건축설계실무와 의사결정에 관한 사례 연구 : 공공프로젝트의 경우 Case of Buchon Welfare center and Yonsu Sub-municipal Office
장성준,서윤영,이현창,하종수 명지대학교 대학원 1997 대학원논문집 Vol.1 No.-
The study analyzes a series of decisions made by Building Construction Review Committee on public building construction project. Several government authorities are engaged on the review and required the building client authority to revise the design according to revise items suggested by the committee members ranging from Architectural Planning to other Building Engineering fields. The study delves the legal and design aspects of the review, the meaning of private, semi-public and public function of building, and the construction policy. Two Public building projects were analyzed in terms of revise items. We found some patterns of problem and the current review system works to promote technical aspect of the building and to keep public entity of the projects.
동종 조혈모세포이식 후 발생한 크립토콕쿠스 척추염 1예
고윤호,임동준,이성수,조유경,이동건,최정현,김유진,민창기,김동욱,박정미,김춘추,신완식 대한감염학회 2001 감염 Vol.33 No.4
Skeletal cryptococcosis is an uncommon infection. Cryptococcus is a common cause of meningitis and infects 7∼10% of patients with AIDS. As well as AIDS, the infection may be seen in association with leukemia, lymphoma, Hodgkin's disease, sarcoidosis, tuberculosis and diabetes, also in patients on steroid medication. But there is no case report of skeletal cryptococcosis following allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation. A 40-year-old woman was admitted to the hospital because of low back pain. She had chronic myelogenous leukemia for 2 years and underwent allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation 8 months ago. She have been treated with steroid and cyclosporine orally because of chronic graft versus host disease. On examination she was afebrile and had posterior lower lumbar tenderness. But, she had no reduced strength of low extremities. Open biopsy was underwent. Histology demonstrated budding, round-to-oval, refractile yeast-like organisms within debris. The results of a lumbar puncture were unremarkable and cerebrospinal fluid culture failed to grow bacteria and yeast. The patient was treated with amphotericin B (1 gram) and AmBisome□ (2.8 gram) over 6 weeks. Three months after cessation of therapy, the patient was doing well.(Korean J Infect Dis 33:298∼301, 2001)