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        전후 한국시의 ‘현대성’과 그 계보적 가설 : 김종삼 시를 중심으로

        김용희(Kim Yong-hee) 한국근대문학회 2009 한국근대문학연구 Vol.10 No.1

        김종삼 시는 한국 현대시사에서 암시와 생략, 절제와 순수로 익히 정평이 나 있다. 이는 1950년대 한국 전쟁 상황이라는 비극적 인식 속에서 본질적 이념으로서의 기의를 상실한 채 시적 징후로서 현실을 형상화할 수밖에 없는 전후 시인들의 시대적 실어증을 내포하고 있다. 이는 김수영과 김춘수, 김종삼을 포함한 1950년대 문학인 전체에 해당하는 사안이다. 이들은 “외국어(일본어)로 사고하고 구성하고 모국어로 그것을 옮”겨야하는 불구적 창작방식의 세대였다. 유려한 리듬과 토속의 능숙한 구사를 원천적으로 제약당했던 세대가 민족 고유어나 민요를 계승할 수 없는 것은 당연한 일이었다. 박재삼이나 박용래와 같은 일부 시인을 제외하고 대부분 시인들이 모더니즘에 경사된 측면은 어쩌면 필연적이라 할 수 있다. 이 가운데서 김종삼은 비극적이고 황폐한 현실 인식, 가난과 소외와 죽음의식, 실존의 문제에 천착하면서 독자적인 시 형식을 보여준다. 불완전한 구문, 자주 급격히 끊어지는 리듬, 논리적 유추를 거부하는 생략과 비약, 여백들. 이는 ‘낡은 언어를 버리고 새로운 언어’를 찾고자 하는 시인의지이다. 세계 인간에 대한 부조리, 폐허 속에서의 부재의식, 피안-순수의 세계를 지향하고자 하는 초월적 낭만의지와 연관되며 릴케 영향 받은 후 실존주의에 대한 심취, 서양문화, 음악에 대한 경도와 연관된다. 이와같은 심취는 다시 미학적 시적 형식으로 육화된다. 1950년대 한국시 모더니즘은 1960년대에 안정적인 구도를 찾아간다고 할 수 있다. 한국시의 새로운 흐름은 소월, 만해에서 페시미즘과 토속적 초월주의, 미당의 전통설화에서의 민속주의, 청록파의 자연주의를 부정하면서 김수영, 김춘수라는 한국 모더니즘의 새로운 국면으로 접어든다. 김수영의 현실부정의 시학과 역동적 시적 주체의 문제, 김춘수의 언어실험 극단에 발생하는 도발적 이미지 충돌과 언어 본질 기능의 천착. 그 극단의 양 갈래 사이에 김종삼이 위치하는 것은 아닌가 한다. 김수영의 대사회적 삶의 태도, 김춘수의 역사허무주의 속에서 언어본질 탐구, 그 사이에 김종삼의 무정부주의적 삶의 한 단면을 생각해 볼 필요가 있다. 1960년대 한국 현대시 모더니티의 정착에서 새로움이 자아 인식, 개인의 발견, 일상적 개인의 추구라 한다면 김종삼 시는 지금까지 한국시에서 일찍이 볼 수 없었던 묘사적 ‘이미지를 통한 상징성’, 개성적 언어형식을 통한 ‘여백과 생략의 심미성’을 보여준다. Jongsam Kim's poetry is well-known for its suggestion, omission, temperance and genuineness in Korean modern poetry history. This has postwar poets' epochal aphasia of representing reality as poetic indication deprived of significance as the essential ideology, within the tragic recognition called Korean war in the 1950s. Such is a case relevant to the entire literary men in the 1950s, including Suyeong Kim, Chunsu Kim and Jongsam Kim. They were the generation of crippled creative method that conceived, composed in foreign language (Japanese) and then put into native language. It was a natural outcome for the generation, which was fundamentally constrained from having skillful command of elegant rhythm and folkways, to unable to inherit ethnic native tongue or folk song. Except for some poets like Jaesam Park or Yongrae Park, it was some what of perforce for most poets to show sides slanted towards Modernism. Jongsam Kim among them shows original poetry form by inquiring into recognition of tragic ruined reality, awareness of poverty, alienation and death, as well as the existent issues. Defective construction, frequent sudden breaks of rhythm, omission and leap refusing rational analogy, and blanks. These are the will of the poet to 'discard old language and search for new language'. After being influenced by Rilke in relation to transcendental romantic volition of heading towards absurdity for cosmopolitans, absent consciousness in the ruins and the world of Nirvana-purity, it was related to the fascination with existentialism, western culture and the degree of music. Such fascination is incarnated again into aesthetic poetry form. It can be said that Modernism of Korean poetry in the 1950s found its stable composition by the 1960s. From Sowol and Manhae, the new flow of Korean poetry approached the new aspect of Korean Modernism with Suyeong Kim and Chunsu Kim, by denying feminism; ethnic transcendentalism; ethnicism within traditional tale of Midang; and naturalism of the Cheongrokpa. Suyeong Kim's poetry of denying reality and theme of dynamic poetic subject, Chunsu Kim's collision of provocative imagery generated from the extreme language experiment and inquiry into the essential function of language. One thinks Jongsam Kim stands in the middle of the two extremes. It is necessary to think about one slice of Jongsam Kim's anarchistic life among Suyeong Kim's anti-social attitude to life and Chunsu Kim's investigation of linguistic essence seen in Historical Nihilism. When the recency was pursuing self-perception, discovery of individuals and ordinary individual in the modernity of Korean modern poetry in the 1960s, Jongsam Kim's poetry shows depictive 'symbolism through imagery' which was never seen in Korean poetry before as well as 'aesthetic appreciation for blank and omission' through his unique linguistic form.

      • KCI등재

        김수영 시에 나타난 분열된 남성의식

        김용희(Kim Yong-hee) 한국시학회 2001 한국시학연구 Vol.- No.4

        In previous studies, Kim Soo-young had been considered as a precursor of modernist, who adopted the core spirit of modernism. Sometimes he was believed hard to be understood This study will focus an male consciousness revealed in his poems, Although his poems show conflict between self and world, they reveal his self-consciousness as a man, who lived a difficult time. In his poems Kim reveals his male consciousness as a intellectual, who confronted modernity. A stereotype of modern "macho man" is very close to the image of a man who possesses a sense of responsibility and determination, independence and achievement, power and humanity. It is very different from the traditional image of a man which was valued in the pre-industrial society, in which a man was thought to be scholastic. An ideal man in the traditional society should re idealistic and nominalistic, but was actually powerless and interdependent in the real world He evaluated human relations very high and was very social. In this view Kim felt the conflict between the image of "traditional man" and "modern man" and found discontinuity between the two images. Facing modernity, Kim was exposed to the reality of backwardness of Korea, which had been refused to maintain the traditional way of life or normal historical development. Continuity of history and tradition was identified with male consciousness in Kim At this point. Kim experienced historical discontinuity and disorganization of identification. A father was not supposed to be confronted face to face, a wife was a front-runner of new civilization and a quick adopter of the real world. In this respect, "Pul(Grass)," which had been usually interpreted from a viewpoint of people (minjung), needs a new interpretation In "Pul" Kim could not avoid the dichotomy of comparison, describing as 'faster than the wind,' 'ahead of the wind,' or 'later than the wind' Kim revealed that he was not free from the competitive world by using adverbs and verbs which mean comparison to describe the wind It shows he was in conflict with reality. From the viewpoint that the 'laughing' of a man on the grass was not 'laughing' of anybody but 'faster one,' Kim's poetry was interlocked with the lives of modern men. It reveals disorganization and conflict of modern men and 'the process of manly overcome' because 'laughing' on the grass is a laugh of revolutionary achievement and also a laugh busted at the end of manly 'self-confrontation' 'The victory of grass' is clearly different from the value of new creation which attempts universal reconciliation through cycling, prosperity, and expansion.

      • KCI등재

        Prediction of Grain Structure of Thin Bronze Slab Produced by Horizontal Continuous Casting

        Yong‑You Kim,Hee‑Soo Kim 대한금속·재료학회 2019 METALS AND MATERIALS International Vol.25 No.2

        The grain structure of a thin bronze slab produced by horizontal continuous casting was investigated using heat-transfercalculation and cellular automaton (CA). The composition of the bronze was Cu–22wt%Sn, which has been widely used inKorean history. The solid form of Cu–22wt%Sn was assumed as a single phase for simplicity. To simulate the macrostructureof the alloy, the heat transfer in the horizontal continuous casting was calculated as a steady-state one-dimensional lumpedsystem. The CA was used for simulating the grain structure. Since the temperature profile was in the steady state, the cellinformation was shifted along the casting direction at a rate of one cell per time step during the simulation. The grainswere nucleated at the slab surface and grown as columnar grains. The effects of the process parameters, such as initial melttemperature and casting speed, on the grain structure of the slab were investigated. It was found that the casting speed is acritical factor determining the angle between the columnar grains and the casting direction.

      • KCI등재

        김정은 시대 정치제도화와 경제정책의 경로 분석

        Kim,Chang Hee,Park,Seong Yong 고려대학교세종캠퍼스 공공정책연구소 2021 Journal of North Korea Studies Vol.7 No.2

        This study explores North Korea’s pathway to attain the goal of an economic powerhouse sustaining the party-centric politics and Kim Jong-un’s monolithic leadership system. The economic-nuclear parallel development policy strongly envisioned by the Kim Jong-un regime worked for political institutionalization and core national strategy in a transition period. The strategic priority of the policy was given to nuclearization although North Korea carried out economic measures including “Five-year Economic Development Strategy” to ameliorate people’s living. The plenary meeting of the central committee of the party revised the parallel policy on April 20, 2018. On the declaration of the accomplishment of nuclear arsenal, “All-out Concentration Policy for Economic Building” was suggested as a new national strategy. Confronting the economic sanction and the COVID-19 pandemic, North Korea came forth with “Five-year Economic Development Plan” admitting the failure of the previous economic strategy. Nonetheless, the general situation is unfavorable to North Korea in spite of its strong drive to the new economic development plan. In the sake of soothing the current difficult situation and becoming a normal state, North Korea has to consider enhancing credibility with South Korea and improving relations with the United States.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재
      • KCI등재후보

        위절제술 환자의 표준진료지침 개발 및 적용 효과

        김은희,김철규,이순교,김순덕,이혜옥,권정순,이경미,이민미,심순미,유용만,신종식,강은희,이상일,김병식,오성태,육정환,박수길 한국의료QA학회 2003 한국의료질향상학회지 Vol.10 No.2

        Background : Gastric cancer is the most common malignant tumor in Korea. surgical operation is one of the major treatment modalities for gastric cancer patients. Therefore, gastrectomy is one of the most common procedures in General Surgery. There were variation in length of hospital stay and medical treatment for gastrectomy between three surgeons at Asan Medical Center. Clinical pathways have received considerable attention as a tool for recucing the medical practice variation, increasing the efficiency of care process, and improving the quality of care. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of a clinical pathway for gastrectomy in gastric cancer patients. Methods : The clinical pathway for gastrectomy was developed and implemented by a multidisciplinary group in Asan Medical Center. A computerized clinical pathway program was developed and revised after a pilot test. A total of 145 patients underwent gastrectomy by three surgeons at Asan Medical Center. We compared the length of hospital stay, patient satisfaction, and unplanned readmission rate between the pre-pathway group(n=67) and the post-pathway group(n=78). We also investigated the degree of satisfaction among the physicians and nurses who were main end-users of the clinical pathway. Results : The clinical pathway was applied to all target patients. The average length of hospital stay was shortened from 12.7days to 10.6days(p<0.01). The degree of patient satisfaction with the care process changed from 90.3% to 89.2% after the implementation of the clinical pathway, but the difference was of satistically significant(p=0.761). Unplanned readmission rate was 2.9% in the pre-pathway group. More than 90% of physicians and nurses answered that the clinical pathway had been a useful tool in their medical practice. Conclusions : The findings of the study demonstrated that implementation of the clinical pathway for gastrectomy produced substantial reduction in the length of hospital stay while improving the quality of patient outcomes. The computerized clinical pathway program can be used as one of the powerful patient management tools for reducing the practice variations and increasing the efficiency of care process in Korea hospital settings.

      • 서울의 Penicillinase Producing Neisseria gonorrhoeae 발생빈도(1997)

        김재홍,문득곤,김정수,김용준,임동진,박상훈,김희성,이민수,송기훈,김갑형,김형석,성소영,이인섭,김석우,황지환,조창근,김경문,부태성 대한화학요법학회 2000 대한화학요법학회지 Vol.18 No.3

        Background : In recent years, gonorrhea has been pandemic and remains one of the most common STDs in the world, especially in developing countries. Objective & Methods : For the detection of a more effective therapeutic regimen and assessing the prevalence of PPNG, we have been trying to study the patients who have visited the Venereal Disease Clinic of Choong-Ku Public Health Center in Seoul since 1980 by means of the chromogenic cephalosporin method. Results : In 1997. 99 strains of N. gonorrhoeae were isolated, among which 45(45.5%) were PPNG. Conclusion : The prevalence of PPNG in Seoul, which had been decreased to 39% in 1996 after a peak of 74.3% in 1993, is increased to 45.5% in 1997.

      • KCI등재

        아세클로페낙 연질캡슬(클란자 에스 연질캡슬)의 개발

        용철순,이경희,최진석,박병주,정세현,김용일,박상만,배명수,김귀자,김영식,유창훈,강성룡,유봉규,이종달,최한곤 한국약제학회 2004 Journal of Pharmaceutical Investigation Vol.34 No.1

        To develop and aceclofenac soft capsule, four preparations with various solubilizers were prepared and their dissolution test was carried out. Among four preparations tested, a preparation with ethanolamine was selected a formula of aceclofenac soft capsule (Clanza S^(™), since it showed the fastest dissolution rate. Bioequivalence of aceclofenac tablet, Airtal^(™)(Dae-Woong Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.) and aceclofenac soft capsule, Clanza S^(™)(Korea United Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.) was evaluated according to the guideline of KFDA. Fourteen normal male volunteers (age 20-25 years old) were divided into two groups and a randomized 2×2 cross-over study was employed. After oral administration of one tablet or capsule containing 100 ㎎ of aceclofenac, blood ws taken at predetermined time intervals and the concentration of aceclofenac in plasma wa determined with an HPLC method under UV detector. The pharmacokinetic parameters (C_(max), T_(max) and AUC_(t)) were calculated and ANOVA was utilized for the statistical analysis of parameters using logarithmically transformed AUC_(t), C_(max) and T_(max) between Airtal tablet and Clanza soft capsule were 2.89%, 0.18% and 43.0%, respectively. There were no sequence effects between two formulations in these parameters. The 90% confidence intervals using logarithmically transformed data were within the acceptance range of log(0.8) to log(1.250(e.g.log(0.81) - log(1.23) and log(0.89) - log(1.14)) for AUC_(t) and C_(max), respectively. Thus, the criteria of the KDFA guidelines for the equivalence was satisfied, indicating that Clanza S^(™) soft capsule is bioequivalent to Airtal^(™) tablet.

      • KCI등재

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