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      • KCI등재

        당풍(唐風) 수용기 정용(鄭鎔)의 한시(漢詩)에 대한 고찰 -시선집(詩選集)에 수록된 작품을 중심으로

        박용만 ( Park Yong-man ) 한국한시학회 2016 韓國漢詩硏究 Vol.24 No.-

        조선중기 盛唐詩를 수용한 三唐詩의 등장은 우리 문학사에서 매우 중요한 분기점이 된다. 문학사에서 새로운 풍조의 유행은 몇몇 작가의 노력만으로 이루어질 수 없으며, 당시 활동했던 많은 시인들이 교유하고 참여하는 과정에서 典範의 논리와 방향성이 자리를 잡게 된다. 그러나 三唐詩人을 제외하면 이 시기에 활동했던 여러 시인들에 대한 논의는 절대적으로 부족하다. 鄭鎔은 그동안 전혀 알려지지 않았던 시인으로 삼당시인이 활동했던 시기에 참여한 인물이다. 靖國功臣으로 海平府院君에 봉해진 鄭眉壽의 후손으로 화려한 가문의 배경과 경제적 풍요에도 출사하지 않고 자연을 벗 삼아 시작에 전념하였다. 많은 작품을 남긴 것은 아니지만 許筠은 그의 작품을 높이 평가하여 『國朝詩刪』에 6수를 선발하여 넣고 『鶴山樵談』과 『惺所覆?藁』에도 그에 대한 詩話를 수록했을 만큼 당시 상당한 비중을 지녔던 것으로 평가할 수 있다. 그는 唐風을 수용하여 정회를 표출하였다. 때로는 미숙한 작품이 보이기도 하지만, 절구 형식을 선호하여 주로 주위 경물과 심사를 소박하게 표현하는 특징을 보인다. 시화에 실린 일부 방대하고 현란한 의경의 작품을 허균은 詩魔가 들어 지은 것으로 소개하였다. 소박한 의경의 다른 작품과 연관성이 떨어지지만 정용의 입을 통해 지어진 것만은 분명하다. 조선 중기 당풍의 정착과 유행의 관점에서 정용의 담백하면서 소박한 한시는 일정한 의미를 지닌다고 할 수 있다. 아울러 당시 알려지지 않은 많은 시인들의 다양한 시풍을 논의하는 것은 당풍의 수용을 폭넓게 이해하는 단서가 될 것이다. The appearance of Chinese poems of the Tang Dynasty style by three poets in the Joseon Dynasty(三唐詩) that accepted the Tang poetry during its flourishing period(盛唐詩) became the turning point of Korean literary history. Trends of new tendencies in literary history cannot be done by several writers` efforts and model(典範)`s logic and directivity get to settle in the process that many poets who are active then associate with each other and participate. However, except the three poets who wrote the Tang Dynasty`s Chinese poem styles, discussion on several poets who were active in this period are desperately lacking. Joeng Yong(鄭鎔) is the figure who participated in the period that the three poets who wrote the Tang Dynasty`s Chinese poem styles were active as the poet who has never been known to us in the meanwhile. He devoted himself to writing his poems by communing with nature without entering government service despite the background of his distinguished family and economic affluence as the descendant of Jeong Mi-su(鄭眉壽) who was raised to Haepyeongbuwongun(海平府院君) as Jeonggukgongsin(靖國功臣). He did not leave many works of art. However, he can be evaluated to account for a considerable proportion of the period as Heo Gyun put his 6 poems in Gukjosisan(國朝詩刪) and included stores about his poems in Haksanchodam(鶴山樵談) and Seongsobugo(惺所覆?藁) by thinking highly of him. He expressed his thoughts by accepting the Tang Dynasty`s Chinese poem styles. Sometimes, he shows unpracticed works of art. However, his works of art usually feature simple expressions of the scenery of the seasons around him and his mind and thought as he gave preference to quatrain forms. Heo Gyun introduced his partial works of art about the vast and ornate scenery written by him because of a kind of spells that he felt a disposition to do them(詩魔) to people. It is clear that they were written by Jeong, Yong`s mouth even though they are not linked to his other works of art about the simple scenery. Jeong, Yong`s light and simple Chinese poems can somewhat be meaningful from an angle that the Tang Dynasty`s Chinese poem styles settled and were popular in the middle of the Jonseon Dynasty. In addition, discussion on various poetical styles by many poets who were not known then will be a clue to understand acceptance of the Tang Dynasty`s Chinese poem styles widely.

      • KCI등재

        신광수(申光洙)의 「탐라록(耽羅錄)」에 나타난 제주에 대한 인식과 정서

        박용만 ( Park Yong-man ) 제주대학교 탐라문화연구원 2021 탐라문화 Vol.- No.66

        조선시대 제주는 신화가 살아있는 공간이었다. 다가갈 수 없었던 육지인 들에게 제주는 관념적 공간이었지만 실제 제주를 경험한 지식인에게 제주는 목숨을 걸어야 하는 현실의 공간이었다. 1764년 서울에서 파견되었다가 풍랑에 발이 묶여 45일간 제주에 머물렀던 申光洙에게 제주는 ‘갇힌 공간’이었다. 신광수가 제주에 체류하며 남긴 「耽羅錄」에는 모두 49편의 시가 신광수와 李瀷의 서문과 함께 실려 있다. 원래 신광수와 함께 간 이익, 박수희가 창화한 것이지만 신광수의 문집에는 다른 두 사람의 시는 없고 두 편의 서문과 본인의 시만 수록하였다. 신광수는 육지로 돌아온 이후 제주에서 기록한 창화록을 주위 지식인에게 보여 睦萬中, 丁範祖, 李玄煥의 서문을 받았다. 이외에도 蔡濟恭은 그에 대한 묘지명에서 이 일을 자세히 기록하였다. 그러나 신광수와 육지 벗들의 서문에는 제주를 바라보는 인식에는 큰 차이가 존재한다. 제주는 육지인들에게 신선이 사는 동경의 공간인 동시에 목숨을 잃을 수도 있는 가기 싫은 공간의 이중성이 나타난다. 이에 비해 신광수에게 제주는 絶島이자 자신의 의지와 무관한 孤立無援의 공간이었다. 벗어나고 싶어도 벗어날 수 없는 ‘갇힌 공간’이었다. 개성주의 문학사상이 확고하게 자리 잡았던 18세기 문학은 현실과 괴리된 관념이 더 이상 허용되지 않았다. 주위의 지식인조차 제대로 이해하기 어려웠던 제주의 경험을 기록한 「탐라록」은 신광수의 제주 인식은 18세기 문학을 바라보는 중요한 기록이 된다. During the Joseon Dynasty, Jeju(濟州) was a place where myths lived. Jeju was an ideological space for landlords who could not approach, but for intellectuals who actually experienced Jeju, Jeju was a real space where they had to risk their lives. Jeju was a “confined space” for Shin Kwang-soo(申光洙), who was dispatched from Seoul in 1764 and stayed in Jeju for 45 days after being trapped in a storm. In the ‘Tamna-Rok(耽羅錄)’ left by Shin Kwang-soo while staying in Jeju, there are 49 poems along with the forewords of Shin Kwang-soo and Lee Ik(李瀷). Originally, it was created by Lee Ik, Park Soo-hee, who went with Shin Kwang-soo, but in Shin Kwang-soo's writings, there were no other poems, only two prefaces and his own poems. After returning to the mainland, Shin Kwang-soo showed the changhwa-rok(唱和錄) recorded in Jeju to the surrounding intellectuals and received the forewords of Mok Man-jung(睦萬中), Jeong Man-jo(丁範祖), and Lee Hyun-hwan(李玄煥). In addition, Chai Je-gong(蔡濟恭)'s name of the grave for him recorded this in detail. However, there is a big difference between Shin Kwang-soo and his friends on land in their preface to seeing Jeju. In the land, the duality of the space where Shinseon(神仙) lives in, and the space that they don't want to go to, which can lead to death, appears. On the other hand, for Shin Kwang-soo, Jeju was both a remote island and a space of an isolated employee that had nothing to do with his will. It was a "confined space" that could not escape even if it wanted to escape. Literature in the 18th century, in which individualistic literary thoughts were firmly established, was no longer allowed to have an idea apart from reality. Shin Kwang-soo's perception of Jeju, which “Tamna-rok”, about the experience of Jeju, which was difficult for even the surrounding intellectuals, to understand properly becomes an important record for viewing 18th century literature.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        정상 한국인에서 연령증가에 따른 혈장 Dehydroepiandrosteronesulfate ( DHEA-S ) 농도 및 DHEA - S / cortisol 비의 변화

        박성우,유형준,임성희,최문기,유재명,박민숙,이권엽,박철수,김철홍,김현규,김두만,박규용 대한내분비학회 1997 Endocrinology and metabolism Vol.12 No.2

        Backgroud: DHEA-S is the most abundant steroid hormone in circulation, and primarily secreted from the adrenal cortex, but its physiological role is little known. One of the characteristic features of DHEA-S is progressive decrement of plasma DHEA-S level with advancing age, in contrast, plasma levels of other adrenal hormones are not chaging or littie decreasing. To grasp the trends of plasma DHEA-S level and DHEA-S/cortisol ratio by age in healthy Korean, we measured the plasma DHEA-S levels and DHEA-S/cortisol ratios in healthy Korean. Methods: Healthy Korean(men: 99, women: 102, age range: 15-97 year old)were studied. Subjects were not taking drugs(such as glucocorticoid or androgenic medication) or cigarettes known to modify the plasma level of DHEA-S and cortisol, and had no evidence of hepatic, renal disease or hyperlipidemia as determined by serum lipid, bilirubin, SGOT, SGPT, BUN, creatinine. Data were analyzed by 10-year age group for men and women: i.e, 10-19, 20-29, 30-39, 40- 49, 50-59, 60-69, 70-79, 80-89 and 90 year or more. Plasma DHEA-S levels were measured by using a commercially available RIA kit with 125I labeled-DHEA-SO4(Coat-A Count DHEA-SO4), and for the measurement of plasma cortisol levels, commercial Gamma Coat TM[125I] Cortisol Radioimmunassay Kit was used. Results:. 1) In both men and women, plasma DHEA-S level showed high interindividual variation within the same age group. 2) There were individual sex differences in plasma levels of DHEA-S, in all age groups, plasma DHEA-S levels were significantly higher values for men than for women. 3) Maximum plasma DHEA-S levels(men; 237+-3.35 ug/dL, women; 108+-17.5 ug/dL) were at third decade in both men and women. 4) Both men and women showed the continuous decline in plasma DHEA-S level with age. These age-related decline was more prominent in men than in women(men; y= -3.152 * +292.6, r2= 0.8459, P$lt;0.05, women; y= -1.417 * +143.3, r2 = 0.7278, P$lt; 0.05). 5) As an index of aging, there was no stastical difference between DHEA-S and DHEA- S/cortisol ratio. Conclusion: In healthy Korean, there were high interindividual variation of plasrna DHEA-S levels. In both men and women plasma DHEA-S level was peak at third decade, and from when it declined progressively with age. These results suggest that although the reliability of single plasma DHEA-S measurement are limited, the decline of DHEA-S with advancing age might be a specific marker of endocrinologic hormonal milieu(aging index). Also, concerning to individual adrenal secreting capacity, we measured DHEA-S/cortisol ratio. But we did not found that plasma DHEA-S/cortisol ratio is superior to the plasma DHEA-S level as an aging index. (J Kor Soc Endocrinol 12:245-254, 1997)

      • KCI등재후보

        수침고목재의 보존을 위한 PEG, Sucrose, Lacitol 처리 및 습도조건에 따른 상태변화 실험

        이용희,김수철,박영만,김경수 국립중앙박물관 2000 박물관보존과학 Vol.2 No.-

        광주 신창동 저습지유적에서 출토된 수침목재유물에 적합한 보존처리 방법을 설정하고자 동일유적에서 출토된 2종의 자연목재를 PEG(Poly-Ethylene Glycol), Sucrose, Lactitol로 처리하고 약제별 치수안정성 및 처리목재의 습윤↔건조 특성을 상호 비교하였다. 그 결과 상수리나무류는 저분자의 PEG#200(MW:200)과 고분자량의 PEG#4000(MW:3,350)을 이용한 2단계 PEG처리(PEG-2Step)에서, 단풍나무류는 PEG#4000만을 단독으로 적용한 처리에서 가장 높은 치수안정성을 나타내었다. 또한 처리 후 습윤↔건조 실험에서는 2단계 PEG처리한 시험재의 치수변화가 가장 작게 나타났다. 반면 Sucrose와 Lactitol의 경우 약제 확산속도가 빠르지만 Sucrose처리재는 84%의 높은 습도조건에서 흡습량이 급격히 증가하면서 약제가 다량 용출되었고, Lactitol은 습윤↔건조 후 미세한 할렬과 함께 처리재가 팽창되는 현상이 발생되었다. 또한 습윤↔건조 실험에서 2단계 PEG처리를 제외한 모든 시험재에서 갈라짐이 발생하였다. 이번 실험결과 신창동 저습지 출토수침목재는 2단계 PEG처리법을 적용한 경우에 치수안정성이 가장 높고 습도변화에 대한 적응성도 양호한 것으로 나타났다. In order to studies proper conservation treatment condition of waterlogged archaeological wood excavated from wetland in Shinchang-dong, Gwangju, 2 kinds of wooden objects were treated with PEG(Poly-Ethylene Glycol), sucrose and lactitol and their size stability and relative humidity were analyzed and compared each other. The result showed that Quercus spp. had the highest size stability in 2 Step PEG treatment using PEG#200(MW:200) and PEG#4000 (MW:3,350) and Acer spp. was the highest in treatment using only PEG#4000. In relative humidity test after treatment 2 Step-PEG treatment showed the lowest size stability. In the meantime, sucrose and lactitol-treated sample was fast for penetration, sucrose-treated sample showed a sharp increase for penetration in as high as 84% humidity condition and medicine flew out a lot and lactitol-treated sample got enlarged with fine cracking(splitting) in relative humidity test. In relative humidity test, the samples showed cracking(splitting) in all treatment materials except for 2 Step-PEG treatment. This study showed that waterlogged archaeological wood excavated from Shinchang-dong had the highest size stability and highest adaptation to humidity change in case of treatment with 2 Step-PEG.

      • 중이 진주종상피에서 bcl-2의 발현 양상

        용만강,이창수,이주연,이동욱,신시옥 충북대학교 의과대학 충북대학교 의학연구소 2003 忠北醫大學術誌 Vol.13 No.1

        연구목적:중이 진주종의 조직학적 특징은 진주종 상피의 과증식과 비정상적인 과각질화 라고 요약되는데 이러한 현상은 진주종 상피를 형성하는 각질세포의 증식, 분화 및 세포 사 멸로 이루어진 세포주기의 항상성 변화로 기인한다. 본 연구는 세포 고사(apoptsis)에 억제작용(inhibition)이 있는 것으로 알려져 있는bcl-2가 중이 진주종에서 발현되는지 알아 보았다. 대상 및 방법:만성 진주종성 중이염으로 수술을 시행했던 환자 10 예에서 중이 진주종 상피를 얻어 western blot analysis를 시행하여 중이 진주종 조직에서의 bcl-2의 발현을 관찰하였다. 결과:Western blot analysis 상 정상 피부 조직과는 달리 중이 진주종 조직에서는 10 예 모두에서 bcl-2가 발현되었다. 결론:이러한 결과는 bcl-2가 중이 진주종에서 과발현 되는 것으로 볼 수 있다. Keratin debris의 축적은 각질세포 사멸현상의 증가에 의한 것으로 세포고사 억제 작용이 있는 bcl-2가 중이 진주종의 병인(pathogenesis)에 중요한 역할을 할 것으로 판단된다. Purpose:The unique pathologic feature of cholesteatoma is known to be accumulation of keratin debris within the middle ear cavity resulting from hyperproliferation and hyperk-eratosis of keratinocyte in the cholesteatoma epithelium. This phenomenon is due to disturbance of the epithelial homeostasis in the cell cycle. This study was designed to identfy the expression of bcl-2 in the cholesteatoma epithelium. Materials and methods:Ten fresh human cholesteatoma tissues and five postauricular skins were obtained from patients undergoing middle ear operations. Western blot analysis was performed for detection of bcl-2 expression on the tissues. Results:Western blot analysis revealed that bcl-2 protein was expressed in all of choesteatoma epithelium specimens, while barely expressed in postauricular skins samples. Conclusion:These findings show that bcl-2 was overexpressed in cholesteatoma epithe-lium. The author suggests that bcl-2 may play a role in pathogenesis of chronic otitis media with cholesteatoma.

      • KCI등재

        프레탈정 (실로스타졸 100mg)에 대한 실로스탄정 (한국유나이티드 제약)의 생물학적 동등성

        용철순,이경희,최진석,박병주,정세현,김용일,박상만,유봉규,이종달,최한곤 한국병원약사회 2003 병원약사회지 Vol.20 No.2

        Bioequivalence of one cilostazol tablets, the Pletaal^(R)(Korea Otsuka Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.) and Cilostan^(R)(Korea united Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.), was evaluated according to the guideline of KFDA. Sixteen normal male volunteers(age 20~30 years old)were divided into two groups and a randomized 2×2 cross-over study was employed. After one tablet containing 100㎎ of cilostazol were orally administered, blood was taken at predetermined time intervals and the concentration of cilostazol in plasma was determined with an HPLC method using UV detector. The pharmacokinetic parameters(C_(max), T_(max) and AUC_(t)) were calculated and ANOVA was utilized for the statistical analysis of parameter. The results showed that the differences in C_(max), T_(max) and AUC_(t) between one tablet were 16.08%, 18.88% and 17.57%, respectively. The powers (1-β) for C_(max), T_(max) and AUC_(t) were 85.03%, 83.92% and 80.12%, respectively. Detectable differences(Δ) and confidence intervals were all less than 20%, and confidence interval of all the parameters were also less than 20% at the significance level(α) of 0.05. All of these parameters met the criteria of KFDA for bioequivalence, indicating that Cilostan^(R) tablet is bioequivalent to Pletaal^(R) tablet.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        헬리코박터 파이로리 균 진단용 ^13C-요소 캅셀의 개발

        용철순,김용일,김지만,강성훈,권기철,이종달,김종국,사홍기,최한곤 한국약제학회 2002 Journal of Pharmaceutical Investigation Vol.32 No.1

        The purpose of this study was to develop a new ^13C-urea- containing capsule for diagnosis of H. pylori. The urea-containing capsules were prepared with various diluents such as polyethylene glycol (PEG), microcrystalline cellulose, sodium lauryl sulfate and citric acid. The dissolution test, ^13C-urea breath test and stability test were then performed on the capsules. Microcrystalline cellulose and sodium lauryl sulfate retarded the initial dissolution rates of urea. However, PEG increased the initial dissolution rates of urea. Furthermore, two formulae composed of PEG, [^13C-urea/PEG (38/1.9 mg/cap)] and [^13C-urea/PEG/citric acid (38/1.9/1.9 mg/cap)] had the maximum DOB value, about 16 at 20 mim, while the formula composed of only 38 mg ^13C-urea had the maximum DOB value at 30 min. The results indicated that PEG improved the sensitivity of ^13C-urea in the human volunteers. The capsule [^13C-urea/PEG (38/1.9 mg/cap)] was stable for at least six months in 25 and 37℃. Thus, a PEG-containing capsule, [^13C-urea/PEG (38/1.9 mg/cap)] would be a more economical, sensitive and stable preparation for diagnosis of H. pylori.

      • KCI등재

        폴록사머를 이용한 디클로페낙 고형 좌제의 개발

        용철순,오유경,김정애,김용일,박상만,양준호,이종달,최한곤 한국약제학회 2004 Journal of Pharmaceutical Investigation Vol.34 No.2

        To develop a poloxamer-based solid suppository with poloxamer mixtures, the melting points of various formulations composed of P 124 and P 188 were investigated. To investigate the effect of poloxamer to the dissolution and dissolution mechanism of diclofenac sodium from the suppository the dissolution of diclofenac sodium delivered by the poloxamer-based suppository was performed. Furthermore, to investigate the mucoadhesive property of the poloxamer-based solid suppository, the identification test in the rectum was carried out after its rectal administration in rats. The poloxamer mixtures composed of P 124 and P 188 were homogeneous. Very small amounts of P 188 affected the melting points of poloxamer mixtures. In particular, the poloxamer mixture [P 124/P 188 (97/3%)] with the melting point of about 32℃ was a solid form at room temperature and instantly melted at physiological temperature. Furthermore, very small amounts of P 188 in the poloxamer-based suppository hardly affected the dissolution rates of diclofenac sodium from the suppository. Dissolution mechanism analysis showed the dissolution of diclofenac sodium was proportional to the time. At 4 h after administration, the blue color of poloxamer-based suppository [diclofenac sodium/poloxamer mixture (2.5/97.5%)] with the P 124/P 188 ratio of (97/3%) and blue lake in the rectum was faded. However, the position of suppository in the rectum did not significantly change with time. Thus, it retained in the rectum for at least 4 h. Our results indicated that the poloxamer-based solid suppository with P 124 and P 188 would be a candidate of rectal dosage from for diclofenac sodium.

      • KCI등재

        아세클로페낙 연질캡슬(클란자 에스 연질캡슬)의 개발

        용철순,이경희,최진석,박병주,정세현,김용일,박상만,배명수,김귀자,김영식,유창훈,강성룡,유봉규,이종달,최한곤 한국약제학회 2004 Journal of Pharmaceutical Investigation Vol.34 No.1

        To develop and aceclofenac soft capsule, four preparations with various solubilizers were prepared and their dissolution test was carried out. Among four preparations tested, a preparation with ethanolamine was selected a formula of aceclofenac soft capsule (Clanza S^(™), since it showed the fastest dissolution rate. Bioequivalence of aceclofenac tablet, Airtal^(™)(Dae-Woong Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.) and aceclofenac soft capsule, Clanza S^(™)(Korea United Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.) was evaluated according to the guideline of KFDA. Fourteen normal male volunteers (age 20-25 years old) were divided into two groups and a randomized 2×2 cross-over study was employed. After oral administration of one tablet or capsule containing 100 ㎎ of aceclofenac, blood ws taken at predetermined time intervals and the concentration of aceclofenac in plasma wa determined with an HPLC method under UV detector. The pharmacokinetic parameters (C_(max), T_(max) and AUC_(t)) were calculated and ANOVA was utilized for the statistical analysis of parameters using logarithmically transformed AUC_(t), C_(max) and T_(max) between Airtal tablet and Clanza soft capsule were 2.89%, 0.18% and 43.0%, respectively. There were no sequence effects between two formulations in these parameters. The 90% confidence intervals using logarithmically transformed data were within the acceptance range of log(0.8) to log(1.250(e.g.log(0.81) - log(1.23) and log(0.89) - log(1.14)) for AUC_(t) and C_(max), respectively. Thus, the criteria of the KDFA guidelines for the equivalence was satisfied, indicating that Clanza S^(™) soft capsule is bioequivalent to Airtal^(™) tablet.

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