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        Effect of Vitamin E on Lipid Parameters in Ovariectomized Rats

        Bahram H. Arjmandi,Edralin A. Lucas,Tai-Yuan Chen,Sheau C. Chai,Latha Devareddy,Shanil Juma,Cheng-I Wei,Yamini B. Tripathi,Bruce P. Daggy,Deng-Fwu Hwang 한국식품영양과학회 2006 Journal of medicinal food Vol.9 No.1

        The risk of cardiovascular disease drastically increases at the onset of menopause, in part, because of rise inblood cholesterol and unfavorable changes in lipid profile. This study was designed to investigate the dose-dependent effectsof vitamin E supplementation on lipid parameters in ovariectomized (ovx) rats. Sixty 12-month-old female Sprague-Dawleyrats were either sham-operated (sham; one group) or ovx (four groups). All rats were maintained on a semipurified casein-based diet (AIN-93M; 75 IU vitamin E/kg of diet) for a period of 120 days. Thereafter, ovx rats were placed on one of fourdoses of vitamin E treatment (75, 300, 525, or 750 IU vitamin E/kg of diet), while the sham group was continued on 75 IUvitamin E/kg of diet for 100 days. Ovariectomy tended to increase (by 24%, P. 0.1) serum nonhigh-density lipoprotein(HDL) cholesterol and decrease (by 14%, P. 0.1) HDL cholesterol. Vitamin E did not have any significant effects on serumlipid parameters. Liver total lipids were notably increased (P. .001) in ovx animals, and supplementation with vitamin E at525 IU/kg of diet was able to significantly reduce liver total lipids by 13%. Additionally, ovariectomy caused an increase inserum glucose and liver C18:1fatty acid concentrations along with decreases in C18:0, C20:4, and C22:6fatty acid concentra-tions. These alterations on liver fatty acid profiles were unaffected by vitamin E. The findings of this study suggest that vit-amin E supplementation moderately improves lipid parameters in ovarian hormone-deficient rats.

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