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      • Average Consensus of Multi-agent System With Binary-valued Observations

        Ximei Wang,Ting Wang,Changbao Xu,Yanlong Zhao 제어로봇시스템학회 2015 제어로봇시스템학회 국제학술대회 논문집 Vol.2015 No.10

        This paper considers average consensus problem of a multi-agent system with binary-valued observations. The information network transfers binary-valued information and the control is a quantity of transportation between neighbors. We propose a two-scale average consensus algorithm with a constant gain and prove the convergence and convergence rate of the algorithm. In the first stage, each agent estimates the states of its neighbours based on binary-valued observations for a holding time. In the second stage, the system updates the states of agents by a control law which is designed as a quantity of transportation between neighbors with a constant gain. The algorithm is proved to be convergent and asymptotically efficient, meanwhile, the renewal of agents can lead to average consensus. Finally, simulations illustrate the effectiveness of the obtained results.

      • KCI등재

        Stability of Reticulated Shell with Steel Panel as the Bracing and Time-varying Structure for LNG Tank During Concrete Dome Casting

        Ximei Zhai,Yonghui Wang,Heng Wang 한국강구조학회 2017 International Journal of Steel Structures Vol.17 No.3

        With the growing demand of energy for recent decades, liquefied natural gas (LNG) has become one of the most significant energy sources due to the high calorific value and performances, as well as the ease of transportation and storage. Hence, many LNG tanks have been constructed to store liquefied nature gas and the roof of a LNG tank consists of reticulated shell, roof panel and concrete dome. The ribbed-type reticulated shell welded to the roof panel, which is called roof panel enhanced (RPE) reticulated shell in this paper, can be treated as the template during concrete dome casting. In addition, it also sustains the gravity load of concrete dome before concrete hardening and works together with concrete dome as a composite structure after concrete hardening. It is of significance to study the response of RPE reticulated shell during the construction stage. In the first part of this paper, the nonlinear load–deflection complete process analysis was carried out to study the buckling behavior of the RPE reticulated shell under uniformly distributed load. The effects of beam section size, rise-to-span ratio and the initial geometric imperfection magnitude on the buckling resistance of the RPE reticulated shell were investigated to optimize the current design. In the second part of this paper, the buckling behavior of the RPE reticulated shell under non-uniformly distributed load induced by concrete dome casting was studied and the air pressures of each construction step were determined by considering the response behaviors of the time-varying structures composed of RPE reticulated shell, concrete dome and changing load. The safety factors of the RPE reticulated shell were calculated under the appropriate air pressure and initial geometric imperfections, based on which, the original optimized design of the RPE reticulated shell was improved to reduce the material consumption.

      • KCI등재

        The Nexus among Globalization, ICT and Economic Growth: An Empirical Analysis

        Ximei Liu,Zahid Latif,Daoqi Xiong,Mengke Yang,Shahid Latif,Kaif Ul Wara 한국정보처리학회 2021 Journal of information processing systems Vol.17 No.6

        Globalization has integrated the world through interaction among countries and people with the help of information and telecommunication technology (ICT). The rapid mode of globalization has put a new life in ICT and economic sector. The key focus of this study is to examine the nexus among the globalization, ICT and economic growth. This study uses autoregressive distributed lag model (ARDL), vector error correction model (VECM) and econometric method spanning from 1990 to 2015. The empirical result highlights that the globalization stimulates economic growth of a country. In addition, both the internet penetration and the mobile phone usage contribute to the economic growth. Lastly, this article contributes important policy lessons on strengthening the economy by utilizing ICT with the rapid globalization.

      • KCI등재

        Mean-VaR Portfolio: An Empirical Analysis of Price Forecasting of the Shanghai and Shenzhen Stock Markets

        Ximei Liu,Zahid Latif,Daoqi Xiong,Sehrish Khan Saddozai,Kaif Ul Wara 한국정보처리학회 2019 Journal of information processing systems Vol.15 No.5

        Stock price is characterized as being mutable, non-linear and stochastic. These key characteristics are known tohave a direct influence on the stock markets globally. Given that the stock price data often contain both linearand non-linear patterns, no single model can be adequate in modelling and predicting time series data. Theautoregressive integrated moving average (ARIMA) model cannot deal with non-linear relationships, however,it provides an accurate and effective way to process autocorrelation and non-stationary data in time seriesforecasting. On the other hand, the neural network provides an effective prediction of non-linear sequences. Asa result, in this study, we used a hybrid ARIMA and neural network model to forecast the monthly closing priceof the Shanghai composite index and Shenzhen component index.

      • KCI등재

        재한 중국인 상담자의 경험에 관한 연구

        안희매(Ximei An) 학습자중심교과교육학회 2023 학습자중심교과교육연구 Vol.23 No.9

        목적 본 연구는 재한 중국인 상담자의 경험에 관한 내러티브 연구로 한국에서 상담자로 살아가고 있는 조선족과 한족 상담자들이 겪은 경험을 상담자 발달단계에 근거하여 심층적으로 탐구하는 목적을 지니고 있다. 방법 현재 한국에 거주하며 상담자로 활동하고 있는 두 명의 조선족과 두 명의 한족 상담자들을 대상으로 질적 연구방법 중 하나인 내러티브 연구방법을 활용하여 연구를 진행하였다. 자료수집은 2019년 7월부터 11월까지 약 4개월에 걸쳐 이루어졌으며, 반구조화된 질문지를 통하여 개별적인 심층면담을 진행하였다. 그리고 심층 인터뷰 자료를 바탕으로 Clandinin과 Connelly의 내러티브 연구의 과정과 절차를 참조하여 분석하였다. 결과 본 연구의 결과는 ‘씨앗이 심어지다’, ‘날아가 닿는 곳 어디든’, ‘꽃을 피우기 위해’라는 세 장으로 구성되었으며, 첫 번째 장은 ‘참 만남의 통로’, ‘선택과 집중’, ‘의지적 관심’, ‘길모퉁이를 돌아서면’이라는 주제가 나타났다. 두 번째 장은 ‘머물고 싶은 그곳’, ‘낯섦이 주는 것’, ‘아름다운 역할’, ‘균형 맞추기’라는 주제가 나타났다. 세 번째 장에서는 ‘나의 상처도 꽃’, ‘내가 아니었고, 나여야만 했다’, ‘의심을 확신으로’, ‘준비되지 않은 만남’이라는 주제가 나타났다. 결론 본 연구자는 연구 결과를 근거로 ‘관심: 마음과 마음이 만나기 전’, ‘자신과 마주하기’, ‘다름에 대한 예의’라는 주제 별로 참여자들을 비교 분석하며 재한 중국인 상담자의 경험을 상담자 발달이론과 더불어 개인의 연속적인 삶의 맥락 안에서 상담자의 길을 선택하고 살아가는 경험이 갖는 유의미성을 발견했다는 데 그 의의를 두었다. 또한 내러티브 연구가 추구하는 현장성⋅실천성⋅성찰성을 바탕으로 한국에서 상담자로 활동하고 있는 외국인 상담자들의 진솔한 이야기와 경험들이 재구성되는 과정 차원에서의 제언을 하였다. Objectives The purposes of this study were to explore in-depth the experiences of Chosun Chinese and Han Chinese counselors living in Korea, based on their counselor development stages, through a narrative study on the experiences of Chinese counselors in Korea. Methods The study utilized the narrative research method, one of the qualitative research methods, and conducted individual in-depth interviews as the main method of data collection, targeting two Chosun Chinese and Han Chinese counselors who are currently living and working as counselors in Korea. Results The results of this study were divided into three chapters: “The Seed is Planted”, “Wherever I Fly”, and “To Bloom a Flower”. The first chapter revealed the themes of “A True Gateway of Encounter”, “Choice and Focus”, “Volitional Interest”, and “Turning a Corner”. The second chapter revealed the themes of “The Place I Want to Stay”, “What the Unfamiliar Brings”, “The Beautiful Role”, and “Finding Balance”. The third chapter revealed the themes of “My Wounds are Also Flowers”, “It Was Not Me, But It Had to Be Me”, “From Doubt to Conviction”, and “Unexpected Encounters.” Conclusions Based on the research results, the researcher compared and analyzed the participants by theme, such as “Interest: Before Minds Meet”, “Facing Oneself”, and “Respect for Differences”, and discovered the significance of the experiences of Chinese counselors living in Korea, in terms of choosing and living their paths as counselors in the context of their continuous lives, in addition to the counselor development theory. The researcher also provided suggestions based on the practicality, reflection, and on-site nature pursued by narrative research, for the reconstitution of the sincere stories and experiences of foreign counselors working in Korea.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        Mean-VaR Portfolio: An Empirical Analysis of Price Forecasting of the Shanghai and Shenzhen Stock Markets

        Liu, Ximei,Latif, Zahid,Xiong, Daoqi,Saddozai, Sehrish Khan,Wara, Kaif Ul Korea Information Processing Society 2019 Journal of information processing systems Vol.15 No.5

        Stock price is characterized as being mutable, non-linear and stochastic. These key characteristics are known to have a direct influence on the stock markets globally. Given that the stock price data often contain both linear and non-linear patterns, no single model can be adequate in modelling and predicting time series data. The autoregressive integrated moving average (ARIMA) model cannot deal with non-linear relationships, however, it provides an accurate and effective way to process autocorrelation and non-stationary data in time series forecasting. On the other hand, the neural network provides an effective prediction of non-linear sequences. As a result, in this study, we used a hybrid ARIMA and neural network model to forecast the monthly closing price of the Shanghai composite index and Shenzhen component index.

      • Shadow Price of the Oil Industry

        LIU XiMei,WANG ChangFeng,Shahid Rasheed,Muhammad Nawaz Tunio 보안공학연구지원센터 2016 International Journal of u- and e- Service, Scienc Vol.9 No.12

        Oil, hailed as modern industrial blood, is of greater significance to a state, and is closely related to people's lives. Shadow price of the oil industry is a key evaluation parameter for the business of an economy. In this paper, the application of input-output method and linear programming theory has been sought to establish an optimization model for the oil industry and the shadow price of the oil industry has been calculated according to the 2007 China input-output table. The analysis concludes that among the agriculture, the industry, and the tertiary industry, the prices of oil industry products bear maximum influence on the prices of agricultural products.

      • KCI등재

        A Novel Precision Synchronization Control via Adaptive Jerk Control with Parameter Estimation for Gantry Servo System

        Hao Yuan,Ximei Zhao 제어·로봇·시스템학회 2023 International Journal of Control, Automation, and Vol.21 No.1

        This article presents a novel precision synchronization control method and corresponding control design using adaptive jerk control (AJC) with parameter estimation to improve the synchronous performance for gantry servo system with parametric variations and unknown disturbances. Initially, cross-coupled control (CCC) is provided to realize the synchronous cooperation of two parallel permanent magnet linear synchronous motors (PMLSMs), and the coupled system model is transformed into a state-space form. Consequently, the filtered errors based on synchronous error and position tracking error are established to simultaneously guarantee that both the synchronous error and position tracking error converge to zero asymptotically. Then, AJC is proposed to handle the uncertainty. More specifically, an adaptive feedback gain is involved in the AJC for improving the robustness, without requiring a priori knowledge of the uncertainty. A novel adaptation law is introduced to update the adaptive feedback gain. Moreover, a terminal attractor is incorporated into the adaptation law to improve the convergence even with noise. Therefore, the chattering phenomenon are significantly alleviated. Meanwhile, parameter estimation is employed to address the model parametric variations. Experimental results demonstrate the efficiency and superior performance of the precision synchronization control method.

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