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        Correlations Between Fasciology and Yin Yang Doctrine

        Hui Tao,Mei-chun Yu,Hui-ying Yang,Rong-mei Qu,Chun Yang,Xin Zhou,Yu Bai,Jing-peng Wu,Jun Wang,Ou Sha,Lin Yuan 사단법인약침학회 2011 Journal of Acupuncture & Meridian Studies Vol.4 No.2

        The aim of this study is to explore the correlations between fasciology and yin yang doctrine. Professor Yuan developed fasciology by three-dimensional reconstruction of connective tissue (fascia) in the trunk and limbs of the human body and tracing back to tissue origins in light of biological evolution and developmental biology. Fasciology states that the human body can be divided into two systems: the supporting-storing system and the functional system. This article elaborates on the roles of the two systems and their mutual relationship. The two systems are used to analyze the yin,the yang, and their relationship. The two systems are promoted but also restricted in different contexts. The supporting-storing system is formed by undifferentiated connective tissue and provides undifferentiated cells and nutrients for differentiated cells of the functional system. Thus, the supporting-storing system could be classified as quiet, similar to yin. The functional system continuously maintains the various functional activities of the human body. Thus, the functional system could be classified as active, similar to yang. In interpreting the yin yang doctrine from the point of view of fasciology, yin can be compared with the supporting-storing system and yang can be compared with the functional system.

      • KCI등재

        Construction of High Strain Rate Loading Constitutive Model and Failure Model and Prediction of Forming Limit for LA103Z Magnesium Alloy

        Hailiang Yang,Xiao Wang,Peng Ni,Zhewen Li,Huixia Liu 대한금속·재료학회 2022 METALS AND MATERIALS International Vol.28 No.8

        In order to use numerical simulation to reveal the formability of magnesium–lithium alloys and other light alloys under highstrain rate, it is crucial to construct a constitutive model and a forming limit diagram (FLD) of LA103Z alloy that was formedby laser shock at high strain rate. In this study, three different uniaxial tensile experiments on the ultralight alloy materialLA103Z magnesium alloy were conducted, the mechanical behavior of the material with sensitivity to high strain rate wasstudied, and a Johnson–Cook (JC) constitutive model sensitive to high strain rates and suitable for laser shock forming wasproposed. At the same time, the constitutive parameters and failure parameters of the modified JC model of LA103Z magnesiumalloy were obtained through three different uniaxial tensile experiments. On the basis of the relationship betweentensile loading and stress–strain of LA103Z magnesium alloy, the experiments demonstrated the precision of the modified JCconstitutive model. A modified constitutive model was then developed by using the user material subroutine VUMAT, andthen it was applied to ABAQUS. Finally, the formability of the material was simulated, and the FLD of LA103Z magnesiumalloy material in laser shock forming was predicted. This study provides guidance on the actual production and applicationof LA103Z magnesium alloys.


        Two New Species of Placolecis (Lichenized Ascomycota) from China

        ( An Cheng Yin ),( Xin Yu Wang ),( Dong Liu ),( Yan Yun Zhang ),( Mei Xia Yang ),( Li Juan Li ),( Li Song Wang ) 한국균학회 2019 Mycobiology Vol.47 No.4

        Two new species of the lichen genus Placolecis are discovered in China, namely P. kunmingensis An. C. Yin & Li S. Wang and P. sublaevis An. C. Yin & Li S. Wang. The new combination P. loekoesiana (S.Y. Kondr., Farkas, J.J. Woo & Hur) An. C. Yin is proposed. Placolecis kunmingensis is characterized by having simple, spherical or ellipsoid, hyaline spores, and pear-shaped pycnidia; while P. sublaevis can be distinguished by its thallus forming larger aggregations with slightly flattened lobes at the thallus margin, and urn-shaped pycnidia. Descriptions, a phylogenetic tree and a key are provided for all the known Placolecis species in China.

      • KCI등재

        自由詩意識과 感傷克服의 苦惱 : 金億의 詩硏究(Ⅰ) A study of Kim Eok's poetical works (1)

        梁汪容 부산대학교 사범대학 1977 교사교육연구 Vol.4 No.1

        The following is the summary of the writer's comprehensive survey of Kim Eok's poetical works and art of poems from 1918 to 1925. The writer intends to study them before Kim Eok became a ballad poet. This is why the writer limits the period from 1918 to 1925. The following is his conclusion. First. The important matter in Kim Eok's earlier poetical works is his consciousness of free verse and he keeps to it to the period of 1925 in various aspects. Second. Other poets before Kim Eok wrote Sinchesi(new style poems) and expressed racial consciousness through nature, while Kim Eok expressed personal emotion in the course of cognizing nature. But he indulged in sentiment and tried to escape from it in vain. Third. He was not so much a ballad poet who was tradition-oriented as the first poet in Korea who tried to write modern poetry. Therefore he should be registered in the history of Korean poetry as a poet who was future-oriented or Western-oriented.

      • 부안 계화도 산상유적 재검토

        양성혁,김왕국 한국고고미술연구소 2018 고고학지 Vol.24 No.-

        부안 계화도 유적은 故 전영래 선생에 의해 소개된 유적으로, 신석기시대 다른 유적과는 달리 산 정상에 입지하고 있다는 점이 특이하다. 출토된 토기는 신석기시대 중서부지역의 단사선문계 구분계토기와 남해안지역 전기를 대표하는 영선동식토기이다. 영선동식토기는 당시에는 서해안지역에서 처음으로 확인되었다. 또한 석기 중 옥부와 전면마연 장방형석부 역시 당시 출토 예가 많지 않았다. 발표 당시 고고학적 지식의 한계로 유적과 유물에 대한 평가가 부족한 점이 없지 않았다는 점에서 계화도 산상유적에 대한 재평가가 필요하다. 이에 계화도 산상유적에 대한 현지답사를 하고 새롭게 유물을 실측하여 유적과 유물을 재보고하였다. 처음 소개 당시 이미 유적이 훼손되어 유구에 대한 정확한 정보를 획득할 수 없었다. 이에 새롭게 현지답사를 한 결과, 유적이 있었던 계화산 정상에는 조선시대 봉수시설이 복원되어 있었으나, 주위에는 돌과 풀이 무성하여 지표상에서는 별다른 유구의 흔적을 찾을 수 없었다. 계화도 산상유적에서 출토된 토기는 이른바 영선동식토기로 불리는 것으로 남해안지역 전기에 해당되는 것들이다. 석기는 석부 중심인데, 옥질의 석재를 정밀 마연한 옥부와 장방형석부가 주목된다. 이 석기는 비실용적인 것으로 판단되는데, 계화도 산상유적의 성격을 이해하는 데 주요한 자료로 판단된다. 이와 관련하여 산 정상 혹은 능선의 평탄면에 조성된 신석기시대 유적인 부산 다대동 유적, 용호동 유적, 인천 시도 유적, 영종도 는들 유적, 울진 후포리 유적의 입지와 출토 유물의 상관관계를 검토하여 이 유적들이 신석기시대 의례 행위와 관련성이 높다고 판단하였다. The site of Gyehwa-do, Buan, was first made known to the archaeological community by the late Jeon Yeong-rae. It is distinctively located at the summit of a mountain, presenting a contrast to other typical Neolithic sites. Yeongseondong-type pottery, which is the representative pottery type of the Early Neolithic of the southern coastal regions, was recovered at this site, representing the first discovery this pottery type in the western coastal region. The jade axe and rectangular axe polished on all sides are also rare finds for the time. Due to lack of archaeological knowledge at the time that the site first came to be known to the wider archeological community, there is need to re-examine the mountain based site of Gyehwa-do and its artifacts. This paper represents an up-to-date report of the site, based on the re-survey of the site and the re-drawing of the artifacts. The site had already been destroyed at the time of its discovery, making it difficult to obtain detailed information on its archaeological features. A re-survey of the site made it possible to establish that Joseon period beacon facilities had been constructed at the summit of Mount Gyehwa, where the Neolithic site had been located. The surrounding area was densely covered with stones and grasses, making it difficult to find any traces of archaeological remains. The pottery from the mountain based site of Gyehwa-do is of the Yeongseondong-type, which is attributed to the Early Neolithic of the southern coastal regions. The lithic assemblage consists of stone axes; of particular interest are the finely polished rectangular axe and jade axe. Given that these axes would not have served a practical function, their presence provides important information on the nature of this site. Other examples of Neolithic sites situated at mountainous locations (on summits or relatively flat locations along ridges), and their associated artifacts were examined. These sites are as follow: Dadae-dong and Yongho-dong (Busan), Shi-do and Yeongjong-do Neundeul (Incheon), Hupo-ri (Uljin). It is proposed that it is highly likely these sites, along with the mountain based site of Gyehwa-do, were associated with Neolithic ritual activities.

      • KCI등재

        黃錫禹의 詩史的 位置와 詩의 特性 : 그의 시와 시론을 중심으로

        梁汪容 부산대학교 사범대학 1976 교사교육연구 Vol.3 No.1

        The following is the summary of the writer's comprehensive survey on Hwang Seok-U's poetical works and art. 1. The poet adheres to the technique of sensual description through this poetical works; he begins to make use of it from the period of Taeseomunvesinbo (News o Western Literature), and keeps to it to the periods of Pyeheo (The Ruins, the organic magazine of his poetry circle) and Jayunsong (Psalm of Nature, his anthology). Nevertheless he can hardly be said to be successful with it, because he gradually passes into common-sense-like, nursery-song-like recognition of it, and tends towards excessive use of simile. 2. His poetic tone is extremely temperate and ordered. This is because he is not so much a poet of emotion as a poet of technique. He is a rare poet in 1920's in that he, unlike many other poets, never fell in sentimental tone. 3. He was in advance of the contemporary poetry world of Korea in the theory of poetry. He was a kind of avant-grade who was western-oriented and future-orineted, as was revealed in his argument on Sinchyesi (new poetical style). Such terms as pictorial element, imagism, etc. used in his poetics are transformed into sensual descriptions in his poems. This poetic taste of his, however, was under the influence of western literary movement of imagist poetry via Japanese poetic circles at that time, therefore his background will be made clearer when further comparative study of Japanese and Korean literature is achieved. Sensualistic avant-grade as he is, sensual quality of his poems is partly indebted to the features of Korean language and tradition of Korean people. 4. He was the first poet in Korea who tried to write poems which least reflected the poet's real life. He never wrote poems which revealed his thought, activities, and misfortunes in real life. In this respect he is connected with those present-day poets who tend to write the same kind of poems. 5. He was ahead of Yukdang or Chunwon in the respects of poetics and attitude toward nature. This is not to say that he was the forerunner of the new poetry of 1920's. There was Kim Eok before him and Ju Yo-Hwan following him, but these two poets took their course to the folk song poets, while Whang remaining avant-garde who believed in western free verse. This is why there are those who are ready to regard him as one of the most important poets of 1920's. 6. He began to write poems in earnest just after the 1919 Independence Movement, and continued to write until late 1920's. He was one of those poets whose talent and importance in the history of poetry were underestimated because of their personality and private affairs.

      • Mobile Agent 기술을 이용한 네트워크 관리 구조

        오양훈,송왕철 濟州大學校 情報通信硏究所 1999 情報通信硏究所論文集 Vol.2 No.-

        The agent system has been considered as a part of the artificial intelligence technology. The mobile agent is an agent with mobility and an independent software program which runs on behalf of its operator. In this paper, a network management architecture using mobile agent technology in distributed network environment is proposed. The proposed architecture uses CORBA as the distributed object platform and the mobile agent is implemented using mobility of Java code. In order for mobile agent to communicate with SNMP agent. proxy object which can converse with CORBA object is proposed in the architecture. It can use several transparency characteristics that CORBA provides. In the result. it has been shown that the system.

      • Java Applet을 이용한 SNMP 망 管理 使用者 인터페이스

        오양훈,송왕철,강건호 濟州大學校工科大學産業技術硏究所 1998 尖端技術硏究所論文集 Vol.9 No.2

        The internet enables multivendor computer systems to join together so that many different models of network devices can co-exist with one another. These days a management program for a web-based SNMP network device is being developed by using web techniques such as HTML. Java Applet, etc. This paper proposes a user interlace technique for managing a web-based network to provide static, dynamic, and interactive management information. Hence. the implementation of the user interface using the web-based technique of Java Applet, makes it possible for a manager to easily search and manage agent MIBs through a browser.

      • Campylobacter pylori 위장내 분리위치에 따른 병원성

        한왕수,한상진,김정목,조양자 대한감염학회 1989 감염 Vol.21 No.1

        Compylobacter pylori may cause gastritis and has been proposed as an etiologic factor in the development of peptic ulcer. However, it is unknown where is primary colonization sites of C. pylori. Isolation sites of C. pylori in stomach and duodenum and pathology in antrum were evaluated in 90 subjects endoscoped at Hanyang University Hospital in Seoul, Korea. C. pylori detected in biopsied specimens of 40 (74%) of 54 C. pylori-positive patients at antrum only, and 13 (24%) of the same patients at antrum and body, but did not detected in duodenal biopsied specimens. Antral pathology results were chiefly found in active chronic gastritis. These findings strongly suggest that antrum is a primary colonization sites of C. pylori and the agent may be spread within stomach from the antrum.

      • VRSA에 대한 항생물질을 생산하는 방선균의 분리

        이지연,양시용,고은지,이승구,김시관,조왕식,송민동 建國大學校 自然科學硏究所 2002 建國自然科學硏究誌 Vol.13 No.2

        본 연구가 VRSA에 대한 신규 항생물질 생산 균주를 얻기 위하여 실시하였다. 국내외에 채취한 토양시료에서 분리한 방선균 중, 임상분리 VRSA와 돌연변이 유발 VRSA에 대해 항균성을 나타내는 JY-24를 선별하였다. 선발 균주는 원통형의 포자 모양을 갖고 있으며, Bennett's 배지에 배양시 aerial mycelium color는 흰색을 나타냈으며, reverse side color는 대체로 노란색을 나타내었다. 항균물질 생산을 위한 탄소원으로는 fructose, mannose, 질소원으로는 yeast extract가 가장 우수하였으며 glucose의 첨가로 항균 물질 생산성이 증가하는 것으로 나타났다. 최적 초기 pH는 pH 7로 나타났으며, 28 ℃, 37℃, 45 ℃의 온도에서 균이 성장하는 것으로 나타났다. 또한 배양기간에 따라 항균물질 생산성을 조사한 결과, 임상분리 균주에 대해 5일 배양 시 가장 높았으나, 3일 배양과 7일 배양 시 동일한 생산성을 나타내 생산속도가 빠르며, 안정한 물질인 것이 파악되었다. 향후 균주동정 및 항균물질 정제에 관한 연구를 수행하고자 한다. An antibiotic substance producing strain JY-24, effective to the VRSA (Vancomycin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus), was isolated from soil. The spore chain of JY-24 was cylindrical, and its sulface was smooth. The aerial mass color of the strain was white, and its reverse side color was yellow. The strain did not produce soluble pigment. For the production antibiotics, fructose, mannose and yeast extract were favorable as carbon and nitrogen sources. Optimal initial pH for the production of the antibiotic was pH 7. Accumulation of the antibiotic in the culture broth reached at maximal level after 5 days cultivation in Bennett's medium.

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