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      • 濟州島 人工草地 植生의 經時的 變化에 관한 硏究 : 草種의 李節 및 年次的 變化 The Seasonal and Annual Changes in Species

        金翰琳,趙南棋,宋昌吉 제주대학교 1981 논문집 Vol.13 No.-

        本 硏究는 濟州道 改良牧草地에 있어서 草種組成의 季節 및 年次的 變動狀態를 調査한 結果이며 그 槪要는 다음과 같다. 1. 改良年度別 草種의 變動狀態는 1975年 草地에서 37種이었으나 年數가 經過함에 따라 種數가 增加되어 1980年 草地에서는 130種이었으며 每年 季節에 따르는 種의 數는 夏期에 가장 많았고 春期에는 種의 分布가 가장 적었다. 2. 改良年度別 生育型의 分布變動狀態는 1975年 草地에서 一年生 12種, 多年生 25種, 木本 1種이었으나,年數가 지남에 따라 每年 增加되어 1980年 草地에서는 一年生 42種, 多年生 88種, 木本 5種이었으며, 每年 季節에 따르는 生育型에 있어서는 一年生은 秋期에서, 多年生은 夏期에서 가장 많은 種이 分布되었고 木本雜草는 季節에 變化가 없었다. This study was conducted to investigate the seasonal and annual changes in species on the impoved pastures in Cheju Island. The results are as follows : 1. The annual changes in the number of intruding weed species were obsered. 33 weed species were found in 1975 and increased year after year to 127 species in 1980. The seasonal changes of species by year were also observed. In summer more species ranged than in any other seasons and the number of species growing in spring was found fewer than in other seasons. 2. The distributional changes in annual and perenial plant were brough on. 10 species of annual plant, 23 species of perennial plant, and one species of arbor were found in 1975 and increased respectively year by year to 44 species (annual plant), 86 species(perennial plant) and 5 species (arbor) in 1980. The seasonal changes in ecology by year showed a tendency that more species of annual plant ranged in autumn, and more perennial plants in summer than in any other season. But there is no change in the species of arbor.

      • KCI등재후보

        카드뮴폭로후 고환, 신장 및 간장내 카드뮴축적량과 조직손상의 변화

        이영구,박정덕,최병선,홍연표,장임원 大韓産業醫學會 1994 대한직업환경의학회지 Vol.6 No.1

        To assess the changes of cadmium deposit and histopathologic finding of testis, liver and kidney, different dose of cadmium (Cd) was administerd into male Sprague-Dawley rat(purchased from KIST, Korea Institute of Science and technology) by single intravenous injection. At 12, 24, 48, 168 and 672 hours after Cd injection, tissue cadmium concentration and histopathological change were examined. Cd exposed group showed lesser weight gain than the control. Renal Cd content tended to increase in time-dependent pattern, while hepatic and testicular Cd content tended to decrease. Mean of renal Cd content to hepatic Cd content (Cd K/Cd L) also progressively increased. These results suggest that Cd might be gradually transported to kidney from other organs. In testis and liver, degenerative changes appeared relatively in acute phase. These changes became more pronounced in testis, while less prominent in liver. In kidney, swelling of proximal tubluar cells and thickening of glomerular basement membrane appeared relatively later and these changes were progressively aggravated.

      • 전립선암의 조기진단을 위한 염색체 이상에 관한 연구 : Fluorescence In Situ Hybridizatioan법을 중심으로

        박종윤,박정덕,홍연표,장임원 중앙대학교 의과대학 의과학연구소 1994 中央醫大誌 Vol.19 No.1

        To detect the numerical changes of the chromosome 13 and 17, containing tumor suppressor genes (retinoblastoma gene and p53) in normal tissue, intraepithelial neoplasm and carcinoma of the prostate, the Fluorescence In Situ Hybridization technique with paraffin embedded tissue was done. Materials observed in this study consisted of 14 cases of lacalized carcinoma(TB1NOMO) and 1 case of locally infiltrating cancer(TC1NOMO)> The chromosomal number changes were counted at normal tissue, intraepithelial neoplasm and neoplastic gland at the same radical prostatectomy specimen. From the 4 patients, studied prospectively, fresh cancer tissue and peripheral whole blood were collected for the primary culture of the cancer cells and lymphocytic culture. There cultured cells were used fro karyotyping. The results were as follows : 1. There were no significant chromosomal number changes between 13 and 17 in each group. 2. The normal non-neoplastice duct, intraepithelial neoplasm and neoplastic gland of experimental group showed no significant difference in chromosomal change. 3. There were significant changes more than 30% in chromosomal numbers between control Y chromosome and experimental chromosome 13 and 17 in each group. 4. The karyotyping on primary cultured prostate cancer cells and lymphocyte showed significant difference in chromosomal number in spite of the same host, representing local chromosomal changes.

      • KCI등재

        Effects of needleless intradermal injection of multivalent foot and mouth disease vaccine on granuloma formation at neck region in fattening pigs

        Chang-Won Im,Wan-Kyu Lee 한국예방수의학회 2021 예방수의학회지 Vol.45 No.3

        The abnormal meat could caused by abscess, fibrosis and granuloma in the region of the neck by the adverse effect of foot-and-mouth disease (FMD) vaccination practice for Korean swine. After FMD vaccination was implemented in 2010, the number of incidences of abnormal meat has been increasing. In this study, it was evaluated whether needless intradermal injection (NII) of FMD vaccine reduces abnormal meat at the injection site in comparison to conventional intramuscular injection (IM). In addition, the onset of humoral immunity was analyzed in order to see if NII of this vaccine is able to mount comparable antibody response with IM. This study was carried out in four Korean pig farms. The O-type FMD vaccine was implemented via NII at three farms and the control group was vaccinated via IM. Antibody titers were compared from the serum samples taken from 10 random pigs at age of 8, 12, 16 and 22~24 weeks of age. The O+A type FMD vaccine was also compared with the same protocol. When test animals were slaughtered, incidence, type and size of abnormal meat were recorded. The results of this study showed that the antibody titers between intradermal and intramuscular group were similar but a significant difference in the incidence of abnormal meat formation was observed between two groups (p < 0.05). In summary, needless intradermal injection of FMD vaccination was proven to be effective for the onset of humoral immunity and reducing abnormal meat formation.

      • KCI등재
      • 2016국민환경의식조사 연구

        곽소윤 ( So-yoon Kwak ),이창훈 ( Chang-hoon Lee ),임용빈 ( Yong-bin Im ) 한국환경정책평가연구원 2016 한국환경정책평가연구원 기초연구보고서 Vol.2016 No.-

        본 연구는 정기적으로 환경 전반에 대한 국민의 의식과 태도를 파악하기 위하여 기획되었으며, 매해 반복되는 기본부문과 당해 연도 정책이슈를 다루는 특별부문으로 구성된 2016년 국민 환경의식조사를 수행하고 환경에 대한 국민들의 인식을 살펴보았다. 2012년부터 시작된 국민환경의식조사의 기본 부문은 환경인식, 환경의식 및 태도, 환경 실천, 환경정책 수요, 삶의 질·지속가능성 부문으로 구성된다. 2016년 조사에서는 기후변화와 미세먼지가 특별 부문의 주제로 선정되었다. 본 설문조사는 전국의 만 19세 이상 69세 이하 성인 남녀 1,000명을 대상으로 조사전문기관의 방문면접조사를 통해 수행되었다. 환경 하면 떠오르는 이미지로 ‘기후 변화’라는 응답이 가장 높게 나왔고, 환경에 대한 만족도는 ‘자연 경관’에 대해 높게 나타났다. 국민의 과반수가 평소 환경문제에 대해 관심을 가지고 있는 것으로 나타났고, 환경보전이 개인에게 중요한 정도는 2015년에 비해 약간 감소하였으나 여전히 높은 수준을 보이며 국민의 대다수가 환경을 중요하게 생각하는 것으로 파악되었다. 생태주의적 세계관을 나타내는 점수는 2012년 조사 시작 이래 2015년까지 증가해오다 올해 조사 결과에서는 다소 감소하였다. 가장 우려하는 환경문제로는 ‘쓰레기 증가’를 꼽았고, 정보가 부족하다고 생각되는 환경문제로는 ‘자연자원의 고갈’을 응답하였다. 한편 환경오염 및 훼손에 대한 책임은 일반국민에게 있다고 생각하지만, 환경보전에 대한 책임은 주로 중앙정부에 있다고 생각하는 것으로 나타났다. 특별부문인 기후변화에서는 대부분의 응답자가 기후변화에 대해 인지하고 있는 것으로 나타났으며, 기후변화 하면 가장 먼저 떠오르는 이미지로 ‘평균 기온 상승’을 응답하였다. 대다수의 국민이 미세먼지에 관심을 가지고 있으나 우리나라의 미세먼지 수준에 대해서는 불만족스러워하는 것으로 나타났다. 또한 정부의 미세먼지 감축 노력에 대해서는 과반수의 국민이 부족하다고 느끼고 있는 것으로 파악되었다. 이와 같은 연속적인 국민환경의식조사 결과에 대한 정보를 통해 국민들의 인식 및 태도를 파악하고, 나아가 조사결과가 다양한 분석의 기초자료로 활용되어 정책의 활용도를 높이는 데에 일조하기를 기대한다. This study was planned to identify public awareness of and attitudes towards the environment on a regular basis. It conducted the 2016 survey of public attitudes towards the environment, which is consisting of the yearly repetitive basic parts and the special parts discussing issues of the year, and reviewed public awareness of the environment. The basic parts of the survey of public attitudes towards the environment that started from 2012 are composed of environmental perception, awareness of and attitudes towards the environment, environmental practice, demands for the environmental policies, and quality of life and sustainability. In the survey in 2016, climate change and particulate matter were selected as the subjects of the special parts. The survey was carried out on 1,000 men and women aged 19-69 years across the country through a face-to-face interview by a specialized survey agency. The image most associated with the environment was ‘climate change’, and the satisfaction for the environment was high with ‘natural landscape.’ It was identified that the majority of people were interested into the environmental issues in their everyday life. While the importance of environmental conservation to individuals slightly dropped from 2015, it was still high and most people was considering that the environment matters. The score of ecological world view had increased to 2015 from 2012 but slightly decreased this year. People chose ‘a rise in garbage’ as their most concerned environmental issue and ‘lacking natural resources’ as an environmental issue that they did not have enough information. On the other hand, people thought that the public was responsible for environmental pollution and damages but the central government should be held accountable for environmental conservation. In the special parts about climate change, most of the respondents were aware of climate change and answered that the image most associated with climate change was ‘average temperature rise’ It was figured out that most of the people were interested in particulate matter but dissatisfied with the level of particulate matter in South Korea. In addition, the majority of people thought that the government’s efforts to reducing particulate matter were not enough. It is expected to identify public awareness of and attitudes towards the environment based on the results of the annual survey of public attitudes towards the environment, and that the results can contribute to making policies as a fundamental data for various analyses.

      • 우리나라 교육선발의 이론적 모형과 과제

        任昌宰 배화여자대학 1993 培花論叢 Vol.11-12 No.-

        Each school in Korea has mainly depended upon entrance examinations from all the applicants. In other words mid-high Schools, Colleges have not selected their students by their academic achievements until graduation, but by their records of entrance examinations. The questions for mid-high school entrance examinations have been given by each school, each school district, and the nation itself, but the basic elements for selection have not changed. The only criterion for students' selection has been their records in the entrance examinations for the fixed number of new students. According to Hopper's theory of educational selection, the characteristic of Korean educational selection is collectivistic and standardized form, and has the time-expired selection. Students are also selected according to Universalism, and the criterion of selection depends on individualism. The changes of entrance examination systems for improvements of educational selection problems have been ended up with only short-term solutions until now. The entrance examination system which is scheduled to be practised from 1994's school year sets store by two merits of autonomic selection of each College and pursuit of famility. It is expected that this change will bring about the partial emphases of Korean, English and Math in high school education and excessive extra-lessions of them. Therefore the nation should entrust the entire authority of student' selection with each College and encorage it to select new students in harmony with its characteristics and reality.

      • KCI등재후보

        Er:YAG 레이저의 상아질 삭제효과 및 이에 따른 온도변화

        임광호,이창섭,이상호 대한소아치과학회 2001 大韓小兒齒科學會誌 Vol.28 No.1

        Er:YAG 레이저의 상아질 삭제효과와 이에 따른 온도변화를 평가하고자 발거된 소구치와 대구치로 상아세관내 조직액과 치수내압을 유지할 수 있는 상아질 시편을 제작하고 2.94㎛의 pulsed Er : YAG 레이저 (SDL-300EN, 삼성전자, 한국)를 handpiece형의 전달계를 이용한 비접촉식 방법으로 조사세기, pulse repetition rate, 조사시간, 물 분사여부 등의 조사조건을 달리하여 상아질 면에 조사하고 이때의 삭제량과 상아질 두께에 따른 온도변화, 그리고 삭제형태를 조사, 분석하여 다음과 같은 결과를 얻었다. 1.레이저 조사세기와 pulse repetition rate가 클수록, 그리고 조사시간이 길수록 삭제량이 증가되었다(P〈0.05). 그러나 5Hz의 pulse repetition rate에서는 조사시간에 따른 삭제 량의 차이가 크지 않았다. 2.삭제된 와동은 비교적 변연부가 명확하고 깨끗하였으며 와동의 바닥은 원추형이였으며 부드러웠다. 조사세기와 pulse repetition rate가 클수록, 그리고 조사시간이 길수록 와동의 상부 직경이 넓었으며 150mJ, 5Hz, 5sec에서는 와동변 연부에 약간의 crack이 관찰되었다. 3. 레이저 조사세기와 pulse repetition rate가 클수록, 그리고 조사시간이 길수록 상아질의 온도가 더 많이 상승하였으며 시편의 두께가 두꺼울수록 온도상승이 적었다(P〈0.05). 4.물을 분사하며 레이저를 조사할 경우 물을 분사하지 않은 경우에 비해 온도상승이 매우 감소되었다(P(0.05). 이상의 결과를 종합해 볼 때 Er : YAG레이저를 상아질에 조사할 경우 와동의 형태가 명확하고 물을 분사할 경우 온도상승이 많이 유발되지 않으므로써 삭제력이 좋고 치수에 유해작용이 없는 것으로 생각된다. 향후 임상에서 치질을 제거하는데 효율적으로 이용되기 위해서는 삭제력이 더욱 크고 이에 따른 온도상승을 최소로 할 수 있는 조사 시스템 및 방법에 대한 연구가 계속적으로 이루어져야 할 것으로 사료된다. The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of Er : YAG laser on cutting efficacy and temperature changes of dentin. We used the dentin specimens of human premolars and molars which contain the physiologic saline and maintain the pulpal pressure in dentinal tubules. Each specimen was exposed to Er : YAG laser with non-contact handpiece type delivery system under different treatment condition of irradiation energy, pulse repetition rate, and exposure time. Two procedures were conducted by the presence of water flow during lasing. The specimens were grouped by thickness of dentin. We investigated the cavity pattern, volume, and temperature change of dentin specimen to determine the cutting efficacy and temperature rise of Er : YAG laser, and obtained following results. 1.Cutting volume of dentin was increased by increasing the irradiation energy, pulse repetition rate, and exposure time(P〈0.05). 2. Margins of abulated cavities were sharp and clean and floors of cavities were conical in shape and showing smooth surfaces. Upper diameter of abulated cavities were increasing as laser parameter of irradiation energy, pulse repetition rate, and exposure time were increased. A few cracks were observed on abulated surfaces under treatment condition of laser parameter with 150mJ, 5Hz, and 5sec. 3.Temperature was increased as laser parameter of irradiation energy, pulse repetition rate, and exposure time were increased, and temperature rise was decreased as dentin thickness was increased(P〈0.05). 4.Temperature rise was decreased under water flow compared with no water flow during laser exposure(P〈0.05). From these results, we think that the method of using a Er : YAG laser would be effective and safe in cutting dentin for clinical application.

      • CRM과 e-CRM, m-CRM의 비교분석 연구

        임창욱,최윤홍 호남대학교 대학원 2004 호남대학교 대학원 논문집 Vol.4 No.-

        CRM, which stands for Customer Relationship Marketing, supports characterized marketing activities of customers by extending internal and external data, utilizes customer information taking advantage of being able to aquire customers' information and includes the characteristics of BRR(Business in the Process Reengineering) which intends to change companies' concept about customers. The organizations that anticipate being the leaders of competition are starting to reform paradigm for the current customers. In Korea, CRM was first introduced in the late 1990s with financial organizations and communications companies being leaders, and in the beginning of the 2000s, the entire service business, including the distribution industry, was starting to have interests and anticipations of CRM. E-CRM was introduced from late 1999 to early 2000 and the enterprises that are adopting m-CRM have been increasing since 2002. In a changing environment, where the speed of technology development is faster than that of marketing paradigm development, the companies which have already taken CRM have much interest in e-CRM and m-CRM, but they do not have objective data about ROI (Return On Investment), so e-CRM or m-CRM which requires considerable expenses is being delayed. In addition, even though there are much previous research about CRM, e-CRM and m-CRM, the systematic research of those by comparative analysis is insufficient. The purpose of this research ,in this environment, is topresent practical guidelines to the companies which have already taken and operated the CRM system but is hoping to extend to e-CRM, m-CRM through understanding CRM, e-CRM and m-CRM by examination of those theories and the accumulated examples and through comparatively analyzing those systems systematically.

      • KCI등재

        Sphingosine 1-Phosphate and Sphingosine Kinase Activity during Chicken Embryonic Development

        Chang-Hwan Choi,정지선,Bo-im Yoo,You-Xun Jin,문동철,유환수,오세관,홍선표,이용문 대한약학회 2007 Archives of Pharmacal Research Vol.30 No.4

        The chicken embryo has been well used in studies of the developmental process, and during development sphingosine and sphingosine 1-phosphate (So1P) are considered critical mediators of cell death and survival. In this study, we compared the sphingolipid contents of chicken embryos during the early embryonic development period from day 3 to day 6. HPLC analyses of sphingosine and So1P in chicken embryos revealed that sphingosine levels were greatly reduced on day 4 whereas So1P levels were not significantly changed. Sphingosine kinase (Sphk) activities, which require sphingosine as substrate to produce So1P, were also greatly reduced on day 4. Collectively, we found sphingosine levels and Sphk activities, but not So1P levels are changed in early stage of chicken embryos development.

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