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Concentration Dependent Optical Properties of Rhodamine B Doped Poly(vinyl alcohol) Solutions
Jitendra Tripathi,Anupam Sharma,Shilpa Tripathi,Kallol Kumar Das 한국고분자학회 2016 Macromolecular Research Vol.24 No.7
The optical properties, namely refractive index (RI) studies, are reported on a series of pure and doped poly(vinyl alcohol) (PVA) in solution form. The PVA solutions were synthesized with 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 wt% of PVA in distilled water followed by doping with Rhodamine B in concentrations ranging from 0.05 wt% to 2 wt%. The absorption spectra show an observable shift in the band edge position towards higher wavelength with increase in PVA wt%. When the dopant molecules are added, the curves are drastically modified with the occurrence of new peaks arising at higher doping concentrations along with change in the bandgap. These effects are prominent for all the concentration of PVA solution. The RI does not change much for low doping wt%. but when dopant is added in higher concentrations, it increases slightly reaching a maximum of ~1.35 at 2 wt%. It is observed that host polymer properties dominate at low doping while a combination of host polymer and dopant dye properties dominate at higher doping concentrations.
Tales from Fragments: A Review of Indian Human Skeletal Studies
Veena Mushrif-Tripathy 대한체질인류학회 2019 해부·생물인류학 (Anat Biol Anthropol) Vol.32 No.2
India provides large number of skeletal data from the pre- and protohistoric levels covering a time span of almost 10,000 years. Major skeletal collection comes from the cultural phases ranging from the Mesolithic, Harappan, Neolithic, Chalcolithic and Iron Age levels. After the Early Historic phase cremation became the most common method for disposing the dead. Though the relevant documentation is far less than complete, recovery of human burials has been reported from more than 300 sites (Mushrif-Tripathy et al. 2016) and a conservative estimate would lead to imagine approximately 2000 human skeletons. The human skeletal analysis started around 1950s and initial focus of the study was to understand the racial classification of the skulls and to prove the Indo-Aryan invasion theory. Later from 1980s multidisplinary approach including socio-cultural anthropology, growth and nutrition and medical anthropology were considered. The recent development includes the use of new scientific methods like isotope, aDNA, DXA scans, and Scanning Electron Microscope studies etc. are consider to understand ancient inhabitants of Indian Sub-continent.
Tripathi, Ritu,Upadhyay, Santosh K. Korean Chemical Society 2014 대한화학회지 Vol.58 No.4
Anionic (sodium lauryl sulphate, NaLS) cationic (cetyl ammonium bromide, CTAB) and non-ionic (Tween-80) surfactants have been found to inhibit the rate of oxiadation L-proline and L-methionine by alkaline $KMnO_4$. A first order dependence of rate of oxidation was observed with respect to $MnO_4{^-}$. The order of reaction in substrate and alkali was found to be fractional nearby 0.65 and 0.55 in Aminoacid and $OH^-$, respectively. An aggregation/association between $MnO_4{^-}$ and surfactant has been confirmed spectrophotometrically. A mechanism, involving kinetically inactive [$MnO_4{^-}$ surfactant] aggregate and consistent with kinetic data, has been proposed. The effect of surfactants has been discussed in terms of hydrophobic and electrostatic interactions.
Sequence Spaces of Fuzzy Real Numbers Using Fuzzy Metric
Tripathy, Binod Chandra,Borgohain, Stuti Department of Mathematics 2014 Kyungpook mathematical journal Vol.54 No.1
The sequence spaces $c^F$(M), $c^F_0$(M) and ${\ell}^F$(M) of fuzzy real numbers with fuzzy metric are introduced. Some properties of these sequence spaces like solidness, symmetricity, convergence-free etc. are studied. We obtain some inclusion relations involving these sequence spaces.
Some Difference Double Sequence Spaces Defined By Orlicz Function
Tripathy, Binod Chandra,Choudhary, Bisweshwear,Sarma, Bipul Department of Mathematics 2008 Kyungpook mathematical journal Vol.48 No.4
In this article we introduce some difference sequence spaces defined by Orlicz function and study different properties of these spaces like completeness, solidity, symmetricity etc. We establish some inclusion results among them.
Tripathy, Binod Chandra,Baruah, Achyutanada Department of Mathematics 2010 Kyungpook mathematical journal Vol.50 No.4
In this paper we introduce the concept of lacunary statistical and lacunary strongly convergence of generalized difference sequence of fuzzy real numbers. We prove some inclusion relations and also study some of their properties.
Tripathy, Suraj Kumar,Woo, Ju Yeon,Han, Chang-Soo American Chemical Society 2011 ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY - Vol.83 No.24
<P>We report a colorimetric system for the detection of HCl in aqueous environments using unlabeled gold nanoparticle (AuNP) probes. This nonaggregation-based detection system relies on the ability of chloro species to cause rapid leaching of AuNPs in an aqueous dispersion containing a strong oxidizing agent, such as HNO(3) or H(2)O(2). The leaching process leads to remarkable damping of the surface plasmon resonance peak of the AuNP dispersion. This method works only with AuNPs of a particular size (30 nm diameter). It is highly selective for HCl over several common mineral acids, salts, and anions. This simple and cost-effective sensing system provides rapid and simple detection of HCl at concentrations as low as 500 ppm (far below the hazard limit) in natural water systems.</P>
On Some New Paranormed Difference Sequence Spaces Defined by Orlicz Functions
Tripathy, Binod Chandra,Dutta, Hemen Department of Mathematics 2010 Kyungpook mathematical journal Vol.50 No.1
The main aim of this article is to introduce a new class of sequence spaces using the concept of n-norm and to investigate these spaces for some linear topological structures as well as examine these spaces with respect to derived (n-1)-norm. We use an Orlicz function, a bounded sequence of positive real numbers and some difference operators to construct these spaces so that they become more generalized and some other spaces can be derived under special cases. These investigations will enhance the acceptability of the notion of n-norm by giving a way to construct different sequence spaces with elements in n-normed spaces.
Tripathi, Mukut Mani 한국수학교육학회 2001 純粹 및 應用數學 Vol.8 No.1
Semi-invariant submanifolds of Lorentzian almost paracontact manifolds are studied. Integrability of certain distributions on the submanifold are investigated. It has been proved that a LP-Sasakian manifold does not admit a proper semi-invariant submanifold.