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        The Future of USFK and Its Implication for the Viability of the ROK-U.S. Alliance

        Tae-Hyo KIM 한국정치학회 2004 한국정치학회보 Vol.38 No.4

        The current discussion on reduction and relocation of USFK contains fundamentally different implications compared to the four previous cases of USFK reduction; it encompasses a changing view of future types of military conflicts on the Korean Peninsula, new concepts of the required military posture, and possible extension of the geographical and political scope of the ROK-U.S. alliance. The ROK aims in this transition period have yet to be clarified while what the United States anticipates from a future alliance with ROK has been wen established through various official documents that layout its future global strategies and policy measures. The fundamental problem the two countries now face is how to ensure a more qualified and upgraded defense posture that provides mutual trust and confidence.

      • KCI등재

        Korea's strategic thoughts toward Japan: searching for a democratic alliance in the past-driven future

        Tae Hyo Kim 한국국방연구원 2008 The Korean Journal of Defense Analysis Vol.20 No.2

        By reviewing the development of relations between the Republic of Korea (ROK) and Japan up to the present, since Korea was liberated from Japan's colonial rule, the author will show that changes in the security environment have gradually raised the importance of ROK-Japan security cooperation. South Korea and Japan, both allied to the United States, shared the common goal of defending their society from the communist threat, but their dedication to democratic values was not imminent enough to outweigh their past history. After the demise of the Soviet threat in Northeast Asia, the rationale for South Korean-Japanese security cooperation is to be found in their joint contribution to handle comprehensive security threats in the region, including the issues of weapons of mass destruction, terrorism, confidence-building, environmental and energy security, etc. The future of the South Korean-Japanese relationship depends on whether the two sides can build a future-oriented relationship as they move to remedy the past. ROK- Japan relations, the weakest link of the trilateral security relations among the United States, Korea, and Japan, may not override the importance of the Korea-U.S. and the U.S.-Japan alliances due to the geostrategic conditions that confine Korean and Japanese foreign policy. Nevertheless, their common views of democracy and the market economy will continue to bind them together throughout the twenty-first century.


        Clinical Significance of the Levels of Serum Cholesterol in Patients with Gastric Cancer

        Tae Hyo Kim,Sung Jin Ahn,Woon Tae Jung,Ok Jae Lee,Woo Song Ha,Joung Soon Jang 대한암학회 2003 Cancer Research and Treatment Vol.35 No.4

        Purpose: The relationship between serum cholesterollevels and mortality is complex. Serum cholesterol levelscorrelate positively with coronary artery disease, but somestudies have suggested a negative relationship in cancerpatients. Because the serum cholesterol levels are oneof the most frequently assayed laboratory values, trendsin the levels of cholesterol were investigated, in patientswith gastric cancer and assumed a possible role in cancerscreening.Materials and Methods: The serum cholesterol levelswere retrospectively analyzed in a group of 220 patients,diagnosed with gastric cancer, and in 177 healthy subjects.Anthropometric (body mass index: BMI) and biochemicalindices of their nutritional status were also determinedin the study subjects. Statistical analyses wereperformed by analyses of variance and covariance, anda discriminant analysis.Results: The levels of serum cholesterol, albumin, Hband the BMI were significantly lower in the gastriccancer-patients group than in the healthy-subjects group.The serum cholesterol and Hb levels were shown to beindependent of each other, when adjusted for the effectsof the BMI. In the patients with gastric cancer the levelsof cholesterol and Hb showed decreasing tendencies asdid the tumor extension, as defined by the TNM system.Conclusion: The serum cholesterol and Hb levels weresignificantly lower in patients with gastric cancer than inthe healthy subjects, which seemed to be linked to theprogression of gastric cancer. Therefore, further study isrequired for the serum cholesterol and Hb levels to beused as markers in cancer screening and its progression,in patients with gastric cancer. (Cancer Res Treat. 2003;35:335-340)


        Japan and Korea: Why Can`t they Reconcile?

        ( Tae-hyo Kim ) 한국국방연구원 2017 The Korean Journal of Defense Analysis Vol.29 No.2

        Since the conclusion of the Comfort Women Agreement (December 2015) and the General Security of Military Information Agreement (November 2016), it has been widely believed that Japan-South Korea relations have hit bottom and begun to rebound. How soon and how much they will recover depends on the Japanese and South Koreans themselves. Can the people of Japan and South Korea escape the fetters of the past? Can the two countries have as much security cooperation as the United States desires? This paper argues that the recent development in Japan-ROK relations provides little hope that the two countries will be freed from their historical yoke as the two governments have wished. Sincere reconciliation on history between America`s two essential Asian allies will be impossible for several decades because domestic politics in both countries rewards nationalistic approaches to Japan-ROK relations. In its policy toward East Asia, the Trump administration will face the same dilemma as did its predecessors as long as Japan-South Korea history disputes widen the mismatch in the two countries` policy priorities toward China and North Korea, a problem that is beyond U.S. control.


        Missile Test . . . or Test of the Six-Party Talks?

        ( Tae Hyo Kim ) 한국국방연구원 2006 The Korean Journal of Defense Analysis Vol.18 No.3

        By assessing the developments following the July 5, 2006 North Korean missile launches, the author argues that a quick resolution of the North Korean nuclear issue is nearly impossible. Discussion of each country`s cost-benefit analyses and the conflicting interests of the six parties will show that the search for nonviolent responses to the North Korean nuclear issue creates dilemmas for all of the countries: North Korea`s dilemma concerns the most fundamental question of identity change, while the other five countries` dilemma is simply about how to approach this problem. The paper analyzes how the Pyongyang leadership perceives the current international security environment and what its future strategy will likely be. Particular attention is paid to attempting to answer why North Korea cannot give up nuclear weapons and why the six-party talks are destined to fail. The newly developing diplomatic game since the July 5 missile tests is not only about the relationship between North Korea and the other five members of the Six-Party Talks, but also about the conflicting interests among defenders of the Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT) regime. The North Korean nuclear crisis cannot be resolved without an accompanying evolution in North Korean political identity. Since it is uncertain when and how regime transformation in North Korea will unfold, the Six-Party Talks process should continue, but measures for soft-landing contingencies also must be prepared. Accordingly, how to solve the North Korean nuclear issue is not the most relevant question at the moment; the more fundamental question is how to manage the North Korean regime, which has been the origin of every North Korean problem.


        A Simulation: Possibilities and Limits of ROK-Japanese Naval Cooperation

        ( Tae Hyo Kim ) 한국국방연구원 1998 The Korean Journal of Defense Analysis Vol.10 No.2

        This simulation game studies possible ROK-Japanese naval cooperation in case of near-term politico-military crises around the Korean peninsula. Primary objectives of this game include deepening mutual understanding of what policies the ROK and Japan would formulate (including limits and obstacles to such policies), how the two countries could cooperate with each other, and how the two countries should coordinate with each other in case of regional contingencies. The simulation consists of two "moves." Move One focuses on bilateral naval cooperation in a semi-crisis situation and the nature of bilateral cooperation under the current legal and political framework. A South Korean ship sinks in waters between Korea and Japan from a suspected North Korean mine or torpedo. Maritime interdiction operations, search and rescue, and SLOC protection are areas of concern for naval cooperation between the ROK and Japan. Move Two identifies future possibilities for ROK-Japanese naval cooperation when the Guidelines-related laws are enacted in Japan, focusing on a pre-war situation. The ROK Navy engages North Korean submarines off Chinhae and destroys one; others are later discovered in Japanese territorial waters. South Korea and Japan discuss cooperation on various countermeasures. An analysis of the two moves finds a positive vision, especially on intelligence-sharing and surveillance activities, for improving military cooperation between South Korea and Japan. The study also reveals, however, a significant barrier to direct naval cooperation between the countries, because no matter how close it may become or seek to become it has to be executed in the framework of the US-Japan and US-ROK alliances.

      • KCI등재

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