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      • 장중첩증을 동반한 맹장 지방종 1예

        홍의실,나병규,김민옥,유일영,채지영,채희복,윤세진,이상전,송형근,박길선,정현용 충남대학교 의과대학 의학연구소 2002 충남의대잡지 Vol.29 No.2

        대장 지방종은 주로 우측 결장에 호발하고 특히 회맹판 부위와 맹장 부위에 호발한다. 또한 50~60대에 빈도가 높고 증상이 있는 환자에서 장중첩증이 높게는 40~50%에서 보고되고 있어 성인 장중첩증의 원인으로 중요한 비중을 차지한다. 특히 성인 장중첩증 및 장폐쇄의 중요 원인인 악성 종양과 임상 양상이 유사하여 감별진단이 중요하다. 저자들은 반복적인 복통을 주소로 내원한 환자에서 맹장의 4×5㎝의 점막하 지방종이 말단 회장부위와 반복적인 장중첩중이 발생했던 1례를 부분 절제술로 치료하여 양호한 임상 경과를 경험하였기에 문헌 고찰과 함께 보고하는 바이다. Lipomas are one of the most common benign nonepithelial tumors of the colon which are often detected incidentally by radiologic investigation or on operation. These tumors are usually without specific symptoms. Colonic lipomas occur most often in the right colon, particularly in the ileocecal valve and the cecum. Most patients are asymptomatic. but tumors larger than 2 cm tend to produce a change in bowel habit. abdominal pain. rectorrhagia and complications including luminal obstruction or intestinal intussusception. Diagnosis can be made by colonoscopy abdominal CT. MRI, or barium enema. We report a case of lipoma of the cecum that originated in the submucosa and presented as a intussusception in a 50-year-old woman with a brief review of the literature.

      • 대학생들의 氣에 대한 의식 조사 연구

        홍성균,이성수,안규동,이병국 순천향대학교 산업의학연구소 2001 순천향산업의학 Vol.7 No.1

        Ki is emerging and getting popular as a new alternative therapy in new millenium. The purpose of this study was to investigate the understanding and experience of the Ki therapy for college students. 320(Male=138, Female=182) students were participate in this study. Study subjects were answered with prepared 8 questions for their personal opinion and experience about Ki therapy. Study variables about personal information such as sex, blood type, religion, health status, personality, parent's religion, parent' occupation and parent educational level were also collected. The results of this study were as follows; 1 Among all study students (n=320), 89% of students answered positively in the existence of Ki, whereas only 11% answered negatively. 2. Among all study students (n=320), 13% (n=41) of students had a chance to have a Ki therapy and among 41 students 93% of them had experienced real Ki in any kind of form. 3. Among 41 Ki experienced students, 32% of students felt a feeling of floating and flying, 25% of students felt a feeling of pulling from the back and 21% of students felt a feeling of warming and comfortable, 10% of students felt refreshment and 5% of students felt a feeling of dizziness, whereas only 7% of students did not feel anything from Ki therapy. 4. While 53% of students among 41 Ki experienced students experienced their Ki in Ki training center, 31% and 6% of students experienced in college or university and other place, respectively. 5. Among all study students, 89% of students thought that Ki therapy was useful and wanted to have Ki therapy in case of medical attention, whereas only 11 % of students did not want Ki therapy. 6. Among study students with positive thinking about Ki therapy, 24% and 23% of students thought Ki therapy useful for (endocrine and skin diseases) and chronic adult diseases such as hypertension, cardiac disease, diabetes and obesity, respectively, whereas 21% and 18% of study students thought Ki therapy useful for neuropsychiatric disease and digestive diseases, respectively. 7. Regarding to the reason of attraction of Ki therapy compared with other treatment methods, 51% of students answered that Ki therapy gave comfortable and easiness to mind and 42% of students answered that it did not need any kind of injection or medicine.

      • 양계산물의 수입자유화가 국가경제에 미치는 영향

        홍성규,어영준,서대석 건국대학교 1995 學術誌 Vol.39 No.1

        This study is aimed to identify effects of import liberalization of chicken products not only on agriculture but also on national economy overall. The extending influences on production and income are generally measured using input-output analysis tool. But the reaction induced by import liberalization of chicken products would not be considered in the open static input-output-model, far example multiplicator effects between income and consumption. In order to overcome the defect of the open static input-output-model, the open static Leontief-model is extended to the income-consumption relation in measuring the extended effects of the import liberalization of chicken products. This study is undertaken using the results of KREI(Jan. 1994) which concluded that the direct losses in agriculture from 1995 to 2001 could be 113 billion won at the constant price of 1990. It was calculated that the indirect production losses of the other related industries could be 165 billion won, and 246 billion won in the view of income-consumption relation. It was also predicted that the indirect income losses of the other related industries would be 89 billion won, and 126 billion won in the view of income-consumption relation. As a result import liberalization of chicken products could possibly bring about larger losses to the other industries than to agriculture. Especially, in the "Other flood preparations" sector, the indirectly largest loses could predict to be occured.

      • 남·북한 농업통합에 대비한 협동조합의 역할에 관한 연구

        홍성규 건국대학교 자연과학연구소 1999 建國自然科學硏究誌 Vol.10 No.2

        This paper addresses the transitional issues which would emerge in agriculture sector of North Korea under the assumption that the South and North Korea would be reunified in the near future. The problems and bottlenecks of cooperative farms currently encountered by North Korea are surveyed. The issues on transition of cooperative farms include privatization, restructuring, improvement of agricultural credit system and so forth. Such measures should be efficiently designed and impremented in harmony with cooperatives of South Korea for enhancing the competitiveness of both parts of agriculture in Korean Peninsular. The cases of Germany and China are especially compared regarding the role of cooperatives.

      • 독일연방공화국에 편입된 구 동독 농업의 현황과 문제점

        홍성규 建國大學校 附設 自然科學硏究所 1992 建國自然科學硏究誌 Vol.3 No.-

        동독의 농업정책은 80년대 중반에 일부 수정되었으며 농사눌가격체계도 개혁되었다. 그러나 중앙계획경제를 구수한 나머지 효율성이 감소하였고, 결국 생산목표량을 더이상 달성하지 못하게 되었으며 다음과 같은 결과가 초래되었다. - 협동농장 및 국영기업 내에 과도하게 많은 노동력이 투입됨으로써 생산비의 절감을 이룩할 수 없었고, 생산에 대한 동기의 부족으로 노동의욕이 저하되었으며 조합원들은 개별생산에 전념항게 되었다. - 농작물과 축산물을 엄격하게 전문화하여 생산하였으나 생산성의 향상을 이룩하지 못하였고, 오히려 추가 비용을 유발하였으며 환경오염의 원인으로 작용하였다. - 농산물은 기초식료품의 소비자가격에 비하여 상대적으로 높은 생산자격으로 구매되어 많은 보조금이 필요하게 되었고, 동시에 과소비 현상이 나타났다. - 투자는 국가에 의하여 엄격히 제한되었고, 자재조달의 부족현상 등 경제적 여건이 급속하게 악화되었다. 통일과 더불어 동독의 자급자족의 중심의 계획경제 농업체제는 시장경제 농업체제로 전환해야 했으며, EC시장 내에서 경쟁력을 갖출 수 있도록 구조를 재편해야 했다. 구 동독지역 농업종사자들도 일정한 소득을 향유하면서 시장경제체제 내에서 산업적 기여를 하도록 요구되고 있으며, 사회복지체계 편입을 통해 생활조건을 서독지역 수준으로 점차 적응시켜 나가야 했다. 이를 위하여 기존의 협동농장을 해체하고 생산수단을 사유화하며, 특히 가족농 단위로 생산구조를 재편하였으며, 농업구조 전환과정에서 불필요한 인력으로 간주되어 해고되는 종사자들에게 대해서는 새로운 직업을 위한 전직·직업교육을 실시하였다. 농업샌산목표도 자연을 훼손하면서까지 최대량 생산을 목표로 했던 과거의 방식을 탈피하고, 시장조건에 맞는 품질 위주의 생산방식을 장려하였으며, 농기업의 규모를 경제적 필요성에 맞추어 합리적으로 조정하고, 생산성향상과 농촌지역의 사회간접자본시설 확충을 위하여 투자를 장려하였다. 통독과 관련한 제반정책을 구체화하고 구 서독의 법률을 구 동독지역에 전면 적용함에 따라 과도기적 문제를 해결하기 위해 법적인 근거를 마련하였다. 우선 경제·통화·사회통합에 관한 조약 제 15 조에 의거 구 동독의 경제가 EC의 시장경제질서에 편입될 수 있는 기초를 마련하였다. EC 집행위원회는 1990년 12월 4일 구 동독 농업의 EC 경제권 편입에 따른 EC법에의 적응을 위한 과도규정을 의결하였다. 통합조약을 통해 구 서독의 연방법이 전면적으로 적용되나 구 서독지역의 농업과 동등한 조건하에서 갑자기 경쟁을 할 경우 구 동독 농업이 시장을 거의 상실하고 구조재편과정에서 사회적인 문제의 발생이 예상되어, 통독직전 구 동독 인민의회가 의결한 농업구조조정법을 과도기적으로 유효하도록 하고 몇가지 법은 통합조약의 부속문서에 예외적인 규정을 두었다. 현재 구 동독 농업의 시장경제체제로의 전환은 애초 정책결정자들이 생각했던 것보다 훨씬 더디게 진행되고 있다. 경제·화페·사회통합으로 인해 구 동독시장에 저렴하고 품질이 좋은 농산물이 대량 유입되어 구 동독 농산물이 판매망을 잃게 된 것이 가장 큰 요인이다. 더구나 사회주의 계획경제에서 시장경제체제로 전환하는데 역사적인 경험이 전무한 관계로 당초의 낙관적인 이론적 과정을 훨씬 넘어서 구 동독의 경제가 일시에 붕괴되었다. 구 동독 농기업의 자산은 소유권과 점유권이 분리되어 있지 않아 미해결된 재산궈느이 처리문제가 구조조정을 지연시키고 있으며, 협동농장 조합원이 탈퇴를 원할 경우 재산권을 확정하는데 당초의 지분과 그 이후 재산발전상황에 대한 정확한 평가가 이루어져야 함에도 재산분할을 위한 회계제도가 아직 정착되지 않고 있다. 더욱더 어렵게 작용하는 것은 이 일을 담당할 법원과 관청의 부족이다. 새로운 법률로부터 발생하는 문제를 심사하기에는 기존의 인력이 너무 모자라기 때문이다. The purpose of this study aims at identifying the problems confronted by the agriculture of former East Germany(German Democratic Republic) in the transit period of unification. Such informations would be helpful to Korea for considering the South-North unification, which is expected to be in the near future. The main features of agricultural policies reformed in the middle of the 1980's of the former East Germany are summarized as follows: - The farms run by cooperatives of states could not reduce production costs due to excess of labor input, and workers in the farms were not encouraged to work hard due to lack motivation. - Crops and livestocks farming were thoroughly specialized, however this could neither increase the productivities nor decrease the costs but produce harmful effects only on the environment. - The agricultural products were purchased relatively at the higher producer's price compared with the lower consumer's price, causing a financial burden for Government, and consequently agricultural products were consumed exessively. - Since the investment for a agricultural sector was strictly limitted by the Government, agricultural inputs were scarced, thereby damaging the production itself. Therefore, the unified German Government are forced to solve following problems as soon as passible: - The agricultural systems should be reformed from self-sufficiency or centralized plan-oriented structure to market oriented one, so that the agriculture of the former East Germany could compete with other E.C. countries. - The living standard of the former East German farmers should be enhanced to the level of the former West bringing them into the unified social welfare system. In order to accelerate the reforms, it is necessary to reorganize the cooperative farms permitting the private ownership of agricultural inputs. The farmers who were expelled from the farms due to excessive labor input should be provided with vocational training programs for new job opportunities. These crops and livestocks only producing less pollution but with higher competitiveness in the markets should be encouraged to produce. The scale of farms run by the states should be reorganized into a proper type. In order to increase agricultural productivity through the social overhead capital, investments should be speeded up. Despite the on-gong endeavours, the reforms of the former East German agriculture was delayed due to the following reasons: - The former East German economy was dissolved within a shorter period than expected because of lack of experiences in transfering from the planned economy to the free markets. - According to economic and social integration including money in Germany agriculural products with high quality but lower price were flooded into the former East German markets providing no rooms for the East produced to be purchased. - The dispute on the ownership of the assets of farms run by cooperatives and states were not jet clarified. - No authorities and personels were available to examine the unexpected problems occured during the reforms.

      • 한국의 농업구조변화가 경제 전체에 미치는 영향에 관한 연구

        홍성규 건국대학교 자연과학연구소 1996 建國自然科學硏究誌 Vol.7 No.-

        By means of input-output tables compiled by the Bank of Korea it has been possible to quantify the effects of structural change in agriculture on the rest of the economy. The calculation can be devided in three segments: The changes in agricultural input between the base years of the three input-output tables are broken down into a level and a structural component, in order to enable depiction of the expansion or contraction of input, which varies according to supplying sector, independent of the level of production. In calculating the feedbacks from changed agricultural inputs to the gross production of each sector, agriculture's significance as a purchasing sector for intermediate inputs from other production sectors is quantified over time. In addition to the direct effects, indirect effects by way of intersectoral links are measured. The substitution process in agriculture leads to relatively more intermediate and fewer primary inputs into agriculture. This part of study shows how in the rest of the economy labor input, capital input, and imports are effected by structural changes in agriculture. The increase in intermediate inputs, which is based on the structural changes in agriculture, gets more concentrated on commodities which enable agriculture to rationalize production. Although the increase in deliveries of some sectors is particularly high, agriculture's relative importance as a purchaser is decreasing: The expansion of these sectors is definitely greater than that of agriculture. As a result of the process of substitution in agriculture and increased demand for intermediate inputs, totally labor, more capital, and more imports have been used in the supplying sectors.

      • CdS 박막의 열처리효과에 관한 연구

        홍성락,최치규,현동걸 제주대학교 1984 논문집 Vol.17 No.-

        The annealing effects of CdS thin films prepared by the chemical vapor deposition method have been investigated. At 380℃, the annealing of CdS thin films for 30 minutes in H_(2) gas and vacuum (10^(-5) torr) has led to enhance the electrical conductivity and crystal structure of them. The resistivities are increased by as much as two and concentrations of the CdS thin films annealed have very fluctuating values, this may be expected to attniute to the surface scattering and surface potential resulted from the defects.

      • ZnSe-ZnS : Mn 직류 박막형 전자발광 소자의 제작 및 특성조사

        洪性樂,崔致圭,金斗哲,玄東杰 제주대학교 1988 논문집 Vol.27 No.-

        A ZnSe-ZnS : Mn dc thin flim electroluminescene device was fabricated electron beam evaporation method and investigated the charcteristics. The brightness-voltage characteristics for dc operation were measured . The threshold voltage was 32V and at 60V the maximum brightness was 95fL. The brightness depending on the layer thickness of thin flim increased and a brightness tended to saturate above 8000A and the optimum temperature of substrate was 200-230℃. The spectrum of this device had a maximum intenty at wavelength 585nm.

      • 우수여자 유도선수들의 연간 트레이닝과 디트레이닝에 따른 무산소성 역치의 변화

        홍관이,정정진,김학렬,김기진,조현철,손태열,노성규 龍仁大學校 體育科學硏究所 1992 體育科學硏究論叢 Vol.2 No.1

        The seasonal variance for estimate of exercise intensity, energy expenditure, maximal oxygen uptake and anaerobic threshold of elite women judo players(Group Ⅰ:4,Group Ⅱ: 4) was measured during 3,5,7,9,10month. The results of this study is as follows. 1. Exercise intensity by %HRmax during seasonal training was shown range of 56.45-73.62, 65.56-82.15, 80.03-86.62, 62.06-68.83%HRmax, respectiveley, from 3 to 9month in the warm up, additional exercise, main exercise and cooling down. 2. Energy expenditure per min during seasonal training was shown range of 4.09-7.96, 5.41-8.66, 8.95-9.90 and 5.05-6.41Kcal/min, respectiveley, from 3 to 9month in the warn up, additional exercise, main exercise, main exercsie and cooling down. 3. Changes of maximal oxygen uptake(VO₂max)during seasonal training and detraining not significant difference between both group, and in the seasonal variance. However, maximal heart rate during detraining expressed significant difference(p<0.05) between both group. 4. Anaerobic threshold levels during seasonal training and detraining not significant difference between both group, and in the seasonal variance. However, AT-VE(1/min) and AT- work time(min) of group Ⅱ expressed significant difference(p<0.01) in the seasonal variance.

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