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        클럽 샤프트(Club Shaft) 특성에 따른 골프 스윙(Golf Swing)동작 분석

        김성일,김기형,김형수,이현섭,김진욱,안찬규,김희진 한국운동역학회 2002 한국운동역학회지 Vol.12 No.2

        본 연구는 클럽 샤프트의 대표적인 재질인 그라파이트(graphite)의 유연한(flexible) 클럽 샤프트(club shaft)의 특성에 따라 피험자가 운동학적(kinematics) 요인이 되는 관절의 각변위, 각속도, 각가속도, 클럽헤드의 속도와 가속도와 같은 변인들이 어떻게 적응하는지 비교 분석하여 보다 효율적인 드라이버 선택에 도움을 주며 샤프트 특성에 따른 신체관절의 움직임에 대한 자료를 제시하고자 하였다. 고속 카메라 2대의 속도는 500fps로 하였고 각 regylar,stiff, x-stiff, 자신의 클럽을 포함 각 4개의 클럽을 사용하여 각 클럽당 3번씩 촬영하였으며 목표방향에서 20m이상 벗어나는 경우의 촬영은 다시 촬영하였다. 본 연구에서는 디지타이징(digitizing)을 신체 9개 마커는 강체로 가정된 클럽과 신체분절 모델로 정의하였으며 2 대의 카메라(500fps)로부터 얻은 avi화일을 컴퓨터에 저장하고 자료로부터 Butterworth 6th order recursive digital filter를 사용하여 1차 자료를 smoothing 하고 DLT를 이용하여 3차원 좌표를 구성하도록 한다. 좌표값을 얻기 위하여 kwon3d v3.0을 이용하였다. 본 실험은 피험자 스스로 클럽의 특성에 따라 스윙의 속도를 달리 하기 때문에 스윙의 시간이 달라지며 어느 정도 클럽이 강성에 따라 스윙시간이 빨라지는 결과로 나타났다. 이것은 피험자가 샤프트가 강성(stiffness)에 따라 스윙 속도를 빨리 하게 되는 원인이 되는 것으로 생각된다. 어깨의 각변위는 클럽이 regular의 경우 임팩트에서 각속도를 계속 유지하고 있으며 stiff, x-stiff의 경우에는 어깨의 움직임이 임팩트에서 급격하게 감소되는 것을 알 수 있다. 이것은 팔의 동작과 클럽의 힘을 크게 하기 위한 동작으로 생각된다. 어깨 각속도는 클럽이 stiff할수록 각속도가 큰 감속하는 것으로 나타났다. 손목속도는 regular 클럽의 경우 손목의 감속이 늦게 되고 임팩트에서 손목의 감속이 적게 하는 것으로 나타났으며 stiff와 x-stiff의 클럽에서 임팩트 시에 순간적인 감가속으로 인해 클럽의 속도를 증가시키고 있다. 임팩트 시에 손목의 감가속은 클럽헤드의 임팩트 시 속도를 증가시키는 결과를 보였다. 클럽헤드는 regular 클럽이 임팩트전에는 속도 증가가 커지는 결과와 일치된 결과를 보이고 있다. The purpose of this study was to find the rational method to analyze golf swing with specific property of club shaft. Three subjects were filmed by two high speed digital cameras with 500fps. The phase analyzed was downswing of each subject. The three-dimensional coordinates of the anatomical landmarks were obtained with motion analysis system Kwon3d 3.0 version and smoothed by lowpass digital filter with cutoff frequency 6Hz. From these data, kinematic and kinetic variables were calculated using Matlab(ver 5.0) The variables for this study were angular velocity and accelerations, which were calculated and following conclusions have been made : 1) Golf swing time of stiff club is faster than that of regular club. 2) In shoulder joint motion of swing with the stiff club, x-stiff showed mort rapid negative acceleration than that of regular club. 3) In regular club, the velocity of club head would be more effective velocity, which was increasing, than those of other clubs before impact. 4) In wrist joint motion of swing with stiff club, x-stiff club showed faster than regular club in the downswing and impact more rapid negative acceleration.

      • 청각장애자 운동지도를 위한 프로그램 고찰

        김정수,박정래,노일환,원충희,김흥식,강신일,박찬홍,김달영,이철원,이찬규 公州大學校스포츠科學硏究所 1987 스포츠科學硏究所論文集 Vol.- No.1

        Hearing impairement in varying degrees constitutes one of the most common disabilites affecting school aged children. Eight out of every 1,000 students under the age of twenty have significant hearing loss. Hearing disabilities range from slight to total loss of sound perception. Statistics indicate that only one out of every ten hearing impaired children will become deaf. Most motor activities can be included students may possess low levels of static and/ or dynamic balance, but the greatest majority possess normal motor and physical capabilities. All the hearing impaired youngsters should be properly assessed and given the identical testing batteries as normal children. Hearing impaired students have, essentialy, a communication handicap and suffer from inability to understand verbal instructions. All physical educators should be able to use minimal finger spelling and signing for hearing impaired students.

      • 糞尿와 都市 廢棄物과의 混合處理에 대한 硏究 (Ⅰ) : 肥料化를 中心으로한 實驗室的 考察 Experimental study for the fertilization

        金熙鐘,金相烈,金秀生,孫晋彦,金燦國,成周慶,吳英敏 동아대학교 환경문제연구소 1977 硏究報告 Vol.1 No.1

        우리나라에 있어서 都市廢棄物의 主인 糞尿와 固形廢棄物의 太宗인 無煙炭재를 同時에 效果的으로 處理할 수 있고 또한 堆肥化시킬 수 있는 好氣性 酸化方式의 最適條件을 얻기 위하여 生糞尿 및 煉炭재의 理化學的 및 生物學的 數値를 測定하고 이를 基礎로하여 上記 兩者를 混合處理 할수 있는 消化條件(溫度, 糞尿와 煉炭재의 配合比, 기타 固形物의 添加量, 注入되는 空氣量의 變化)에 따른 C.O.D., B.O.D.의 變化, 水分 및 電氣傳導度의 變化, 熱灼減量, N量의 變化 等을 硏究하였으며 이들 사이의 相關關係를 檢討하여 다음과 같은 結論을 얻었다. 1. 生糞尿에 固形廢棄物인 煉炭재나 紙類를 配合시켜 消化시키므로서 케이크속의 질소成分의 量을 增加 시킬수 있다. 2. 煉炭재의 配合은 糞尿의 消化速度를 增加 시킨다. 3. 糞尿의 處理를 위한 反應槽의 溫度는 50℃보다 60℃로 維持 시킬때 消化速度가 크다. 4. 反應槽의 溫度를 一定하게 했을때 空氣의 注入速度는 初期 反應時는 적게하고 後期 反應時는 크게 함이 效果的 이다. For the effective treatment and usable disposal of urban wastes in the area of Busan city, the composition of the nightsoil and anthracite bulky ash which is the main munic ipal solid wastes have been studied on the digestion of the compositive mixtures with the variable conditions that are ratio of compounding between nightsoil and ash, amount of solid additives and volume of air for the effective airation at 50, 65℃. The digestion has been detected by the physico-chemical and biological data; pH, specific gravity, content of moisture, C.O.D., B.O.D., electroconductance of the solution of the results, decrease of nition, and volume of total free nitrogen etc. The results are obtained as follows. 1) The characteristics of domestic nightsoil are different to the foreign data as table 5, but the data of anthracite ash almost are same except the composition of Fe₂O₃ and Al₂O₃. 2) Amount of total free nitrogen are increased by the digestion with the addition of solid waste, as effective absorption, to the nightsoil. 3) The digestion are accelerated by the compounding of ash, but the adding of sulfuric acid to fix the free ammonia reduced reaction. 4) The airation have to proceed slowly at initial step, and then endure enough volume of air at the later step.

      • 독성물질의 세포사 기전 및 세포사 유발물질의 검색법 개발에 관한 연구(Ⅱ) : 망간 신경독성을 이용한 파킨슨증 모델의 세포사 Studies on the Mechanism of Parkinsonism induced by Manganese

        김종민,박창원,오정자,이보경,서경원,서수경,김규봉,김종원,김광진,김영옥,전범석,박찬웅,이선희 식품의약품안전청 2001 식품의약품안전청 연보 Vol.5 No.-

        1960년대 이후 파킨슨병의 유발물질 중 한 후보로서 망간이 주목받으면서 많은 역학적, 병러학적 연구가 수행죄브다. 그러나 망간이 파킨슨병을 직접 일으키는지, 혹은 파킨슨병과 관련된 부위의 신경세포를 파괴시쿡 파킨슨증만을 초래하는 것인지가 아직 정립되지 않은 실정이다 본 연구에서는 실험동물모델에서 행등학적 변화 측정 및 병리학적, 샐화학적 연구를 통하여 망간의 과다노출글 따른 파킨슨병 유발 여부를 확인하고자 하였다. Sprague-Datylet· 렛드에 망간을 1, 2, 5, 10 mgAg/day의 응량으로 30일 등안 복강 투여하였을 때 모든 망간투여군에서 운동성 감소가 관찰되었다. 뇌조직의 망간 함량을 ion chromatograph?로 측정한 결과 중뇌 흑질과 기저핵 선조체에서 망간 함량의 뚜렷한 증가 소견이 관찰되었으며, 니슬염색체서 선조체의 신경세포수의 유의성 있는 감소가 관찰되었다. 그러나, 흑질의 TH효소 면역염색, GFAP 면역염색, 흑질과 선조체의 T릿효소 western blot 결과는 대조군과 차이가 없었다. 이상의 결과에서, 망간-파킨슨증 모델에서 파킨슨증어 유발되는 기전은 흑질 도파민성 신경 세포의 신호를 받는 선조체 씬경세포의 사멸에 의한 것으로 생각된다. 결론적으로, 망간 독성에 의한 파킨스증 모델에서는 파킨슨 병과는 달리 흑질 도파민성 신경세포의 세포사는 관여하지 않는 것으로 관찰되었다. Manganese(Mn) intoxication causes a parkinsonian syndrome. It may be difficult to distinguish Mn-induced parkinsonism from idiopathic Parkinson disease(IPD). Neuropathological descriptions on the brains with Mn intoxication showed the perferential damage in the globus pallidus and substantia nigra pars reticularis. Pathological reports on the substantia nigra pars compacta(SNpc), a mafor focus of pathologic changes in IPD, are discordant and controversial. The SNpc involvement is of critical importance for the elucidation of pathogenesis of IPD. Therefore, the neurodegeneration in SNpc was investigated in the experimental model of Mn neurotoxicity. Sprague-Dawley rats were administered with manganese chloride(1, 2, 5, 10 mg/kg/day, i.p.) for 30 days. Treated animals showed low levels of distance-traveled from locomotor activity tests. Ion chromatography revealed that Mn accumulation was significant in SN and basal ganglia in Mn-treated animals. Nissl staining showed neuronal loss of the striatum in all treated animals. The degree of neurodegeneration in SN was determined by immunohistochemical staining of tyrosine hydroxylase(TH). The numbers of TH-positive cells on nigral sections were not different from each groups(P>0.05). The densities of glial fibrillary acidic protein immunoreactivity from SN were similar between groups. TH-westen blotting showed no differences between treated animals and controls. In conclusion, the SNpc remains intact in Mn intoxication, and Mn-induced parkinsonism may be caused by damages of output pathways downstream to the nigrostriatal dopminergic system.

      • 제왕절개술 환자에서 수술전 투여한 ketamine의 혈청 interleukin-6 및 수술후 통증에 대한 효과

        김진수,김유재,안기량,김천숙,김일호,한찬수 순천향의학연구소 1997 Journal of Soonchunhyang Medical Science Vol.3 No.2

        The inflammatory reaction to tissue damage during surgery may induce central sensitization followed by hyperalgesia. Previous studies suggest that central sensitization is related to N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) receptor activation, which can be blocked with NMDA antagonist, ketamine. Thus, we compared the effect of preoperative intravenous and epidural low doses of ketamine with placebo on serum interleukin-6 (IL-6) level and postoperative pain. ASA class I and II women scheduled for C-sections received intravenous ketamine 0.15mg/kg(group 2) or placebo(group 1), or epidural ketamine(0.15 mg/kg) before the operation. IL-6 levels were measured before and during the operation, and 8, 24, and 48 hrs after the operation. Visual Analogue Scales(VAS) and Verbal Ration Scales(VRS) were measured at 8, 24, and 48 hrs after the operation. Serum IL-6 levels at 8, 24, and 48 hrs after the operation were significantly lower in the intravenous ketamine and epidural ketamine groups than in the control group. VAS at 8 hrs and 48 hrs after the operation were significantly lower in the epidural ketamine group. VAS at 8 hrs and 48 hrs after the operation were significantly lower in the epidural ketamine group than in the control and intravenous ketamine groups. In conclusion, in the preoperative intravenous and epidural administration of low doses(0.15mg/kg) of ketamine, both are effective in reducing postoperative IL-6 levels. Epidural Ketamine is more effective than intravenous ketamine in postoperative pain control.

      • KCI등재
      • 항암화학요법 중 호중구감소증이 발생한 저위험군 발열 환자들을 대상으로 한 경구 항균제 요법의 임상적 유용성 및 안정성에 대한 연구

        김연숙,이혁,기현균,김춘관,김신우,김성민,백경란,김원석,윤성수,이홍기,강원기,박찬형,박근칠,송재훈 대한화학요법학회 2000 대한화학요법학회지 Vol.18 No.1

        목적 : 항암화학요법 중 호중구감소증을 동반한 발열이 발생하는 암환자들을 치료하기 위한 다양한 항균제와 여러 가지 방법들이 시도되고 있는 가운데, 합병증과 사망률의 발생가능성이 적은 저위험군 환자들을 대상으로 초기 72시간동안 정주 항균제를 투여한 이후 경구 항균제로 전환하는 요법의 유용성과 안정성을 평가해보고자 본 연구를 시행하였다. 방법 : 1998년 2월부터 1999년 9월까지 본원에서 항암화학요법 중 호중구감소증과 발열이 발생한 환자들 가운데 기저 암질환이 고형암이거나 림프종이고, 입원당시 패혈증의 증후가 없으며 입원 72시간이내에 해열되고 백혈구수치가 증가 추세인 환자들을 대상으로 하여 72시간 동안 정주 항균제를 투여한 이후 경우 ciprofloxacin 750㎎을 하루 2회씩 투여하여 총 4일간 투여하였다. 모든 환자들은 열이 떨어지고 호중구감소증이 회복될 때까지 입원하도록 하였다. 결과 : 총 38명 환자의 40예가 등록이 되었고, 환자들의 기저암 질환은 고형함이 72.5%, 림프종이 27.5%였다. 입원당시 평균 호중구치수는 156/㎕였고, 호중구수치가 100/㎕미만인 경우는 65%였으며, 호중구감소증이 지속된 기간의 평균은 2.4일이었다. 40예 중 39예가 항균제의 변형이나 추가 없이 호중구감소증과 발열로부터 회복이 되어 97.5%의 성공율(95% 신뢰구간: 86.8-99.9%)을 보였다. 부작용으로 피부발진이 있었던 경우가 한 예 있었는데, 증상이 경하여 경구 항균제를 지속할 수 있었다. 심와부의 동통으로 복용을 지속할 수 없어서 대상에서 제외된 예가 또 한 예 있었다. 결론 : 항암요법 중 호중구감소증과 발열을 동반한 환자들 가운데 저위험군 환자들에서 항균제 72시간정주 이후 경구 항균제로의 전환요법은 효과적이고도 안전한 치료방법이라고 할 수 있다. Background : Oral antibiotic therapy following empirical intravenous antibiotics may be effective and safe for febrile neutropenic patients with lowrisk for complications. Methods : We conducted a prospective clinical trial of oral antibiotic therapy in the patients with neutropenia and fever during chemotherapy for cancer. Underlying malignancies were solid tumor or lymphoma with short duration of neurtropenia and the patients had no evidence of clinically or microbiologically documented infections. Oral ciprofloxacin was given to the patients who lacked signs of sepsis on admission, had a rising tendency of neutrophil count (ANC >100 /㎕ ) at 72 hours, and were afebrile at 72 hours. All patients were hospitalized until neutropenia and fever resolved. Results : A total of 40 episodes of 38 patients were enrolled from February 1998 to September 1999. The mean neutrophil counts on admission were 156/㎕ and the mean duration of neutropenia was 2.4 days. The episodes which had neutrophil count below 100 /㎕ were 26 (65%). Treatment was successful in 39 of 40 episodes (97.5% : 95 % confidence interval, 86.8% to 99.9%). Adverse reactions of oral ciprofloxacin were skin rash and epigastric soreness in two cases, respectively. There were no deaths during the study. Conclusions : For low-risk febrile patients with neutropenia during cancer chemotherapy, switch therapy to oral ciprofloxacin at 72 hours following intravenous broad-spectrum antibiotics is effective and safe,

      • 기도이물에 관한 임상적 고찰

        한찬수,김태정,김일호,김유재,김천숙,안기량 순천향의학연구소 1996 Journal of Soonchunhyang Medical Science Vol.2 No.2

        Aspiration of a foreign body in the airway is common cause of sudden obstructive breathing, crouping cough, hoarseness, and wheezing. Especially that caused serious problem in case of the young children. A past history of foreign body aspiration is itself an indication for bronchoscopic examination of the airway, because some children with aspirated foreign bodies are without symptoms and chest X-ray films may not show abnormalities. So the anesthesiologist should take a notice of removing foreign body in the anesthetic procedure. The author have experienced 36 cases removal of foreign bodies in the airway under general anesthesia from July, 1982 to January, 1996 in Chunan Hospital, College of Medicine, Soonchunhyang University. The results were as follows 1) Among the 36 cases, 25 cases(69.7%) were under the age of 5. The ratio of male and female was 1.8 : 1. 2) In duration of lodgement, there was most frequent within one day in 15 cases(41.7%) and the longest duration was 20 days. 3) The most common symptom, sign and auscultation finding were cough 19 cases(52.8%). chest retractions 7 cases(19.4%) and decreased breathing sound 20 cases(55.6%) 4) Abnormalities in the chest X-ray were found in 15 cases(41.7%) among 36 cases. 5) Vegetable foreign bodies, expecially peanut were the most common airway foreign body(28.7%), followed by plastic foreign body(14.4%) and mucous plug(11.3%). 6) The foreign body involved the right bronchus 16 cases(45.7), left bronchus 10 cases(28.6%), trachea 5 cases(14.3%), and larynx 4 cases(11.4%). 7) Foreign body induced complications occurred in 9 cases(25.0%); pneumonia 8 cases and pneumomediastinum 1 case, and all of postoperative complication was pneumonia(25.0%). 8) 34 foreign objects(94.4%) were removed by endoscopy but tracheostomy was required in two patients.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재
      • 유산양 유방염에 대한 Chitosan 약침의 치료 효과

        황수현,서진석,김덕환,김명철,신상태,전무형,南三郞,김영찬,이우근,표수일 충남대학교 수의과대학 동물의과학연구소 1999 動物醫科學硏究誌 Vol.7 No.-

        To improve the therapeutic method for mastitis, treatment effect of chitosan pharmacopuncture was examined in three milking goats(A,B and C). Mastitis was artificially induced in two milking goats(A and B) and one goat(C) was naturally infected case with mastitis. The acupoint used was Yang-Ming and chitosan suspensions(provided from Tottory University, Japan: 30㎎ of chitosan/㎖)were injected to the acupoint with 5㎖/time for 3 days, respectively. As for the change of somatic cells in milk along with chitosan pharmacopuncture, they showed a decreasing tendency after increase on the 3rd day in all udders of B. In addition, as for the change of total leukocyte counts of peripheral blood with chitosan pharmacopuncture, they showed a decreasing tendency after increase on the 3rd day in B and C except A which showed a increasing tendency until on the 7th day. In the change of neutrophil/lymphocyte(N/L) ratio, increasing tendency was seen in A and C but increasing tendency after slight decrease was observed in B. Further, in the change of serum total protein and A/G ratio, serum total protein content was decreased after slightly increase on the 3rd day in A, and they were decreased after increase until on the 7th day in B and C, respectively. As for the change of A/G ratio, different pattern increasing tendency was shown in A, B and C.

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