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      • 제주도 용암동굴의 분포와 암층연구

        박행신,손인석 濟州大學校 師範大學 科學敎育硏究所 1984 科學敎育 Vol.1 No.-

        According to this thes is, we discovered 19 Lava caves in this investigat-ion. Therefore, we can find that the number of Lava caves in Cheju Island is 61 in all includmg 42 that has been discovered up to now. From the viewpoint of distributional areas, there are seven areas in Cheju city, there in Jochun Myun. twelve in Kujwa Eub, four in Sungsan Eub. one in Pyosun Myun, four in Namwn Eub, seven in Seogwipo, two i n Hankyung Myun, fourteen in Hallim Eub, five in Aeweol Eub two Anduk Myun. We can guess that the number of Lava caves in Cheje Island will be increa-sing. Most of Lava strata in Cheju Island were formed in Alkali Lava strata of Hahyo Ri. The thickness of this Lave strata ranges from 1.6m in minimum to 76.6m in maximum. At the time of forming these caves, there aremany eruptions. Most of Most of Lava caves in this investigation are small scale, but these are formed as two-strata or three-strata, but there are formed in several strata , this fact indicates that there are lava eruptions many times.

      • 부산지역 수돗물과 지하수의 중금속 농도

        김준연,손지언,김형수,김두희,원미숙,김인식,이혜령 동아대학교 산업의학연구소 2000 산업의학연구소 논총 Vol.- No.5

        This study investigated mean airborne CO concention of 15 workplaces, suspected of CO exposure and conducted self-reported questionnaire completion and indirect COHb concentration measure using Micro II Smokerlyzer to healthy 702 adult subjects from 1999 May to 1999 September in order to find a relation of CO exposure and occupational factors, socioeconomic factors, and health related behaviors and confirm the related conditions in the screening test for CO exposure. The results of this study were summarized as follows : 1. In the CO exposed and non exposed group, COHb concentrations of the smokers were 2.55±0.96% and 2.21±0.97% and that got a statistically significant difference, There were not statistically significant differences in the age and total smoking index. Passed times after the last smoking, Working time/day, and working duration were statistically significant difference (p〈0.05). 2. In the CO exposed and non exposed group, COHb concentrations of non-smoking group were 0.94±0.35% and 0.68±0.47% and that got a statistically significant difference. There were not statistically significant differences in the age and working duration but Working time/day was a statistically significant difference(p〈0.05). 3. In the CO exposed group, r-square of multiple regression of the smokers was 38.5 % and passed time after the last smoking, working time/day, and job category were statistically significant differences (p〈0.05). And r-square in the CO non-exposed group was 38.3 % and age, passed time after the last smoking, and total smoking index were statistically significant difference. 4. In the CO exposed group, r-square of multiple repression of the non-smokers was 66.3% and job category and airborne CO concentration were statistically significant differences(p〈0.05). But r-square of non-smokers in the CO non-exposed group was 1.0% and there was not a statistically significant difference(p〈0.05). 5. In the smokers of CO exposed and non exposed groups, relation of COHb concentration and passed time after the last smoking was expressed as exponential function, Y = 2.9182e-0.0083x and r-square of this function was 37.4%. Therefore it was more than 150 minutes that passed time after the last smoking was when COHb concentrations were measured as less than 1%. In conclusion, variable, that was statistically significant to COHb concentraion in the both CO exposed and non-exposed smokers, was a passed time after the last smoking. We suggest that you have to restrict the smoking of smokers at least 150 minutes in the exposed and non exposed group before COHb concentration measure in order to exclude smoking effects

      • KCI등재

        통합 STEM 교육에 대한 중등 교사의 인식과 요구

        이효녕 ( Hyo Nyong Lee ),손동일 ( Dong Il Son ),권혁수 ( Hyuk Soo Kwon ),박경숙 ( Kyung Suk Park ),한인기 ( In Ki Han ),정현일 ( Hyun Il Jung ),이성수 ( Seong Soo Lee ),오희진 ( Hee Jin Oh ),남정철 ( Jung Chul Nam ),오영재 ( Young 한국과학교육학회 2012 한국과학교육학회지 Vol.32 No.1

        Educational communities around the world have concentrated on integrative efforts among science, technology, engineering and mathematics (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics: STEM) subjects. Korea has focused on integrative education among STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Mathematics) school subjects to raise talented human resources in the fields of science and technology. The purpose of this study was to analyze secondary school science, technology, and mathematics teacher`s perceptions and needs toward integrated education and integrative STEM education. A total of 251 secondary school teachers from all areas of the country who have taught science, mathematics, and technology were surveyed by using a self-reported instrument. The findings were as follows: First, teachers have used little integrated education in their classes due to insufficient time in the actual preparation of the integrated education and the lack of expertise, teaching experience, and teaching learning materials for the integrated education, while they have positive thoughts about the need of integrated education. Second, they presented several needs to facilitate the integrated education: development of a variety of integrated programs, school administrative and financial support, and in-service teachers` training. Third, overall perception toward integrated STEM education was not sufficient, but most teachers perceived the need toward integrated STEM education due to students` development in their creativity, thinking skills, and adaptability. Fourth, they perceived that it was imperative to develop the various integrated STEM education programs, distribute the materials, and help STEM teachers` understanding toward integrated STEM education. Fifth, they perceived that the most relevant method to integrate STEM subjects was the problem solving approach. In addition, they appreciate that the integrated STEM education is highly efficient in not only developing integrated problem solving skills and STEM related literacy, but also in positively impacting the rise of talented human resources in the fields of science and technology. In order to increase the awareness of STEM-related secondary school teachers and vitalize the integrated STEM education, it is necessary to develop and spread a variety of programs, effective teaching and learning materials, and teachers` training programs.

      • 中山間地(標高 250m)에서 참깨 播種適期와 晩播限界期에 關한 硏究

        孫錫龍,崔仁植,趙鎭泰,權圭七,金仁培,李濟弘 충북대학교 농업과학기술연구소 1986 農業科學硏究 Vol.4 No.-

        In order to determinate the optimum plating time and its limitation, an eary harvest and high yeld sesame varety-Poong Nyun Ggae-was cultivated on the semi-mountainous area of 250 meter above sea level. The variety was cultivated with a single and double cropping system. The single cropping plots were covered with transparent polyethylene film on 1st , 11th and 21th in May and the double cropping plots were covered with PE film on 5th, 15th, 25th in June respectively and on 5th July. The results obtained are as follows; Yield of the plot planted on 1st May was 59kg/10a. In compaorisn with this, yields were increased 16% and 25% in plots planted on 11th and 21th May, respectively. The optimum planting time was considered near 20th May for the single cropping system and it should be considered before 15th June for the double cropping system in the semimountainous area.

      • 市販 INSIDE-BELT의 接着에 관한 硏究(II) : The Changes of Morphology of Adhesion and Exfoliation and Exfoliation Strength with Wet Cleaning and Dry Cleaning Wet cleaning 및 Dry cleaning에 따른 接着과 剝離形態 및 剝離强度變化를 中心으로

        王仁淑,孫旼貞,朴鐘範 慶星大學校 1993 論文集 Vol.14 No.4

        In order to investigate the relationship between morphology of adhesion and exfoliation and exfoliation strength with repeated wet cleaning and dry cleaning samples were pressed, and then wet-cleaned and dry-cleaned. The following results were obtained. 1. Irrespective of the associated sample, the exfoliation strength declined with wet cleaning and dry cleaning cycles. This tendency arises much more in the case of dry cleaning than in that of wet cleaning. In the case of the first wet cleaning and ironing, however, exfoliation strength was greater rather than that of initial because of ideal adhesion. 2. The exfoliation morphology associted with inside-belt B₁and B₂exhibited pattern(B) which was breaking of interface of resin and face cloth and resin break.. In the case of samples combined with inside-belt B₃and B₄,it appeared to be a different exfoliation pattern according to nature of face cloth. Hence samples combined with face cloth F₁and F₂exhibited pattern(A) which was a breaking of interface of resin and face cloth. Especially in the case of samples combined with face cloth F₃,pattern(B) as well as pattern(D) which were a mixed type of pattern(B) and breaking of inside-belt bundle appeared.

      • 윈드서핑선수 체력 트레이닝을 위한 프로그램개발에 관한 연구

        이석인,주희철,손재윤 중앙대학교 스포츠과학연구소 2002 體育硏究 Vol.- No.16

        The purpose of this research is to investigate training methods and physiological responses according to the indensity through analyzing researches in this area and develope program models for physical training in order to find an effective training method for windsurfing players. 1. Training for Muscular Strength Muscular strength is an important component for windsurfing player to move fast with less fatigue. Weight training is commely used to imporve muscular strength. It is proper for beginners to use loads in the range of 60% to 70% of one repetition maximum, and for athletes in the range of 80% to 100% of 1RM. It is required to do 1 rep at 12-15 RM for 1-2 seconds, and 1 rep at 5-10RM for 2-3 seconds. Moreover, it is adequate for beginners to do 3-5 sets, and for athletes to do 5-7 sets. Handling heavy weights in the pursuit of strength will require a recovery of 3-5 minutes between sets. As 48 hours should elapse between sessions, it is necessary to exercise at least three times a week. Finally, it is important to increase repetitions before increasing the load. The load should be increased by 3-5% of one repetiton maximum after 4 weeks. 2. Training for Muscular Endurance When these ways of training are conducted in good order, it has a good effect on windsurfing players: Chin→up→Hanging-out →Bar →Climbing the rope →Jumping in a crouch →Hanging the rope →Jump over the bench →lifting a sandbag on the top side of the foot →Throwing the ball in the position of lying down 3. Whole body endurance Whole body endurance is usually regarded as cardiovascular endurance or stamina. To improve the whole body endurance, players are trained by the methods such as long-distance run, Country cross, rope jumping, and swimming. Long-distance running is an essential item for windsurfing players to build up their physical strength, especially cardiovascular function. It is effective to run 4-5km at 150-170 heart rates. For rope jumping, exercise 3-5 rounds and do 3 minutes for one round. The significant components of physical strength for windsurfing players are muscular strength, muscular endurance, and whole body strength. The training for these factors would have an important influence on windsurfing players.

      • 제주 화산도의 융기지형과 구조운동에 관하여

        이문원,손인석 제주대학교 1984 논문집 Vol.17 No.-

        Several upheaval topographic features investigated around the coast line of Jeju Island show that there was a tectonic movement in Jeju Island during the voicanic activity. In the beginning of the first activity, the basal basalt was built under the lava plateau below the sea level or near the sea level. Seogwipo Formation was deposited like a shape of donut in or around the Island. At the late of Sediment stage, Seogwipo Hawaiite erupted and flowed on the only southern part of the Island. After that, the Island lifted up and Hwasun-Anduk-Seogwipo region shows a very large upheaval and another area shows a bed sinked relatively, but the whole Island was nearly upheavaled with a great amount of areas. After that, ryosunri Basalt erupted and flowed on the relatively low area such as western, northern, eastern part and made a wide lava plateau. The Island moved down again more than 150 meters in average. Seongsan Formation was formed which followed the movement. Lastly Jeju Island again upheavaled during the formation of Hall shield volcano, after that cinder cones was formed.

      • 물리시험에 있어서 문항 제시방법에 따른 학생의 반응

        강종철,손인석,윤지홍 濟州大學校 師範大學 科學敎育硏究所 1984 科學敎育 Vol.1 No.-

        The method of item presntation was consisted of three types in the exa-mination concerning the same unit of study ; descriptive type of question, pictorial type of question, experimental type of questim. Among three types of questions student was allowed to select &answer one type of question which seemed to be favorable to him or her. The result showes that excellent students in achievement have a tendency to choose descrptive type of question, while the rest of the student do not make a clear difference in choosing any type of questions except descriptive type of questions. The research questionnaire also reveales that students are fond of this kind of questions and they respond i t helps improve their study.

      • 민감도 분석을 이용한 필릿용접용 용접변수 선정에 관한 연구

        정재원,김일수,김학형,손성우,김인주,전광석 한국공작기계학회 2008 한국공작기계학회 춘계학술대회논문집 Vol.2008 No.-

        Arc welding process is one of the most important technologies to join metal plates. Robotic welding offers the reduced manufacturing cost sought, but its widespread use demands a means of sensing and correcting for inaccuracies in the part, the fixturing, and the robot. A number of problems that need to be addressed in robotic arc welding processes include sensing, joint tracking, and lack of adequate mathematical models for parameter prediction and quality control, Problems with parameter settings and quality control occur frequently in the GMA(Gas Metal Arc) welding process because of the large number of interactive parameters that must be set and accurately controlled. The objectives of this paper are to realize the mapping characteristics of bead width using a sensitivity analysis and develop the neural network and multiple regression method, and finally select the most accurate model in order to control the weld qua1ity(bead width) for fillet welding. The experimental results show that the proposed neural network estimator can predict bead width with reasonable accuracy, and guarantee the uniform weld quality.

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