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        The Modulation Procedure as a Translation Device in Animal Farm and Gandun Dabbobi

        Shu’aibu Mohammed 한국아프리카학회 2010 한국아프리카학회지 Vol.31 No.-

        Although Hausa and English have been in contact for a long time, to our knowledge little or no study of the two languages is made in terms of their comparative stylistic aspects in translation. In response to fill such gap, this paper examines the linguistic and cultural relationship between the two languages via Animal Farm (AF) and Gandun Dabbobi (GD). AF is the English source language (SL) text and GD is the Hausa translation. The study is based on Vinay and Darbelnet's (1995) theoretical framework. However, it is restricted to the modulation procedure. The paper is able to establish the close perception of universal views between the two languages. While the translator of AF into GD is noted for his preferences.

      • Is Ethical Counseling Possible: A Virtue Ethics Approach to Philosophical Counseling?

        Shu‐Ju Yu 강원대학교 인문과학연구소 2010 Journal of Humanities Therapy Vol.1 No.-

        Is ethical counseling possible? This paper attempts to demonstrate that the possibility of ethical counseling. The second intention is to inquire into the basic appearance of virtue ethics approach to ethical counseling by Alasdair MacIntyre’s virtue ethics. In the foreword section, I surveyed ethics and morals in the view of conventional psychotherapy and psychotherapy in Taiwan. For the existence of ethical suffering from the multiple realities of a suffering experience, it is indicated that suffering not only exists, it is at the core of Chinese suffering. From the current development of ethical therapy in psychotherapy, that could explain the feasibility and necessity of ethical counseling. In the second section, I try to analyze the points of ethical counseling, especially in situation and relationship. Ethical suffering serves as the focus of counseling and its contents include: agents, relationships and situations. An individual in suffering, it is usually in an ethical or moral situation. The cause of ethical suffering is a certain cut off or conflict in the relationship between a sort of external form of ethical humanity and pondering space in individual morality. In the Third, to enter the main part of this paper, I attempts to search for experiences from ethical therapy that can be applied to ethical counseling and then try to study the contents of ethical counseling from the essence of philosophical counseling. To do this, the paper first gives a brief description of Alasdair MacIntyre’s thinking on virtue ethics and then the correlation between virtue ethics and ethical practices. Fourth, construction of ethical counseling is attempted based on Alasdair MacIntyre’s virtue ethics. This section is studied from the standpoint of ethical diagnosis and therapy models.

      • 창지투선도구와 북한나선특별시간 경제협력

        림금숙(Lin, jin―shu) 국제지역연구학회 2012 국제지역학논총 Vol.5 No.2

        본 연구에서는 창지투(?吉?)선도구와 북한의 나선특별시 간의 경제 협력의 배경과 추진현황 및 제약 요인에 관하여 토의하려고 한다. 창지투 선도구와 북한의 나선특별시 간의 경제협력은 지린성의 “항구를 빌어 바다로 나가는 전략”을 실현하는 관건이며, 북한이 나선특별시의 개발 및 개방을 통해 경제 회생의 돌파구를 마련하는데 중요한 계기가 될 것이며, 두만강지역 국제자유무역지대 건설에 중대한 의의를 지니고 있다. 창지투선도구와 북한의 나선특별시간 경제협력의 중점 과제로는 북한의 나진항을 통하여 중국의 동북지역과 남방지역을 잇는 다국적 운송통로와 몽골, 러시아, 중국, 한국, 일본 더 나아가 미주지역을 잇는 동북아지역 물류운송 통로의 구축; 자원개발과 수출가공을 중심으로 한 산업협력; 두만강지역의 다국적 관광협력; 두만강지역 국제자유무역 지대의 건설 등이다. 현재 창지투선도구와 나선특별시간 경제협력은 사회기초 시설 투자에 필요한 자금 조달, 북한 경내 도로, 철도, 항만 등 기초 시설 건설자금의 마련, 두만강지역 국제물류 통로의 원활한 운영에 소요되는 물류집산지의 건설, 산업단지 건설에 필요한 기업유치, 다국적 관광업의 활성화에 필요한 개방정책 등 여러 가지 문제에 직면하고 있다. 두만강지역 다국적 개발 협력을 제약하는 주요 요인들로는 두만강 지역개발 이익을 둘러싼 주변국의 이해관계; 막대한 자금 수요에 비하여 외자유치의 미비; 북한의 열악한 인프라 환경과 체제개혁의 지연; 북한의 “핵개발”로 인한 동북아 지역의 복잡한 정치, 외교적 환경 등이다. 창지투선도구와 북한의 나선특별시간 경제 협력을 진일보 추진하려면 북?중 두 나라 정부가 이 지역에 대한 특수한 정책을 실시하는 동시에 공동개발에 필요한 자금 지원의 확대와 아시아은행 등 국제 금융기구의 공적자금 활용이 필요하다. 북한 정부는 당초 중국의 심천특구 건설 경험들을 적극 수용하여 북한 실정에 알맞은 특구건설 대안을 모색하는 것 역시 중요한 과제이다. 나진항과 부산항을 연결하는 물류운송 루트의 구축은 한국이 동북아 물류중심 국가로 부상할 수 있는 중요한 계기가 될 것이다. 따라서 한국은 단순히 관망하거나 북한이 중국의 영향권에 편입되는 것을 우려하는 자세에서 벗어나 적극적으로 두만강지역 개발 협력에 참여해야 할 것이다. The economic and trade cooperation between Changchun?Jilin?Tumen Pilot Zone and the city of Luoxian in DPRK is the need for the realization of the strategic target of the Changchun?Jilin?Tumen Pilot Zone, the promotion of the opening up of the city of Luoxian in DPRK, and the promotion of the economic and trade cooperation in countries in Tumen River area. In the process of Promoting economic and trade cooperation between Changchun?Jilin?Tumen Pilot Zone and the city of Luoxian in DPRK, The construction of the logistic corridor is the focus, International tourism cooperation is an important carrier of bilateral economic and trade cooperation, while the manufacturing industry cooperation which is mainly about processing trade is the direction of the development of bilateral economic and trade cooperation. Hence, Corridor construction has to be focused to accelerate international tourism and industrial cooperation, Promoting economic and trade cooperation between Changchun?Jilin?Tumen Pilot Zone and the city of Luoxian in DPRK in a smooth and orderly manner.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        The Clinical Observation of Inflammation Theory for Depression: The Initiative of the Formosa Long COVID Multicenter Study (FOCuS)

        Shu-Tsen Liu(Shu-Tsen Liu),Sheng-Che Lin(Sheng-Che Lin),Jane Pei-Chen Chang(Jane Pei-Chen Chang),Kai-Jie Yang(Kai-Jie Yang),Che-Sheng Chu(Che-Sheng Chu),Chia-Chun Yang(Chia-Chun Yang),Chih-Sung Liang( 대한정신약물학회 2023 CLINICAL PSYCHOPHARMACOLOGY AND NEUROSCIENCE Vol.21 No.1

        There is growing evidence that the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) caused by severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) is associated with increased risks of psychiatric sequelae. Depression, anxiety, cognitive impairments, sleep disturbance, and fatigue during and after the acute phase of COVID-19 are prevalent, long-lasting, and exerting negative consequences on well-being and imposing a huge burden on healthcare systems and society. This current review presented timely updates of clinical research findings, particularly focusing on the pathogenetic mechanisms underlying the neuropsychiatric sequelae, and identified potential key targets for developing effective treatment strategies for long COVID. In addition, we introduced the Formosa Long COVID Multicenter Study (FOCuS), which aims to apply the inflammation theory to the pathogenesis and the psychosocial and nutrition treatments of post-COVID depression and anxiety.

      • Study on Importance Function for Particle Filter

        Liu Lu,Meng Yang,Shu Geng,Shu-fen Wang,Yong-hui Wang 보안공학연구지원센터 2015 International Journal of Multimedia and Ubiquitous Vol.10 No.2

        As an important nonlinear filter theory, particle filter is a heated issue in domestic and foreign researches. The option of importance density is one of the key steps of particle filter algorithm. The proper option of importance density can minish the negative influence of filter algorithm caused by degeneracy problem. This paper introduces several widely-used options of importance density systemically, and analyzes their features and applied perspectives respectively. The paper also advances a comprehensive method of importance density, analyzes its technical features, explores the adjudgement and improvement of this method based on various performance, and finally puts forward the necessary further study according to the engineer requirements.

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