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      • KCI등재

        컴퓨터에 대한 자기유능감의 영향요인에 관한 연구

        신미향,김은홍,이재범 한국경영과학회 1997 한국경영과학회지 Vol.22 No.3

        Recently, self-efficacy is one of the critical constructs that have been found to influence human decisions about behavior selection and the performance associated with the selected behavior. The construct has been widely adopted and tested in the fields of social psychology and/or other behavioral sciences. In information systems field, however, it has been hardly studied although computer self-efficacy could have been an important factor explaining and predicting human computer usage behaviors. From this perspective, main purposes of the study are: 1) to develop a measure of computer self-efficacy. 2) to identify the factors influencing self-efficacy, and 3) to reveal the relationship between self-efficacy and computer usage behavior. By reviewing the literature, past experience, others' use, encouragement by others, and anxiety are selected as the factors influencing computer self-efficacy. Four hypotheses concerning the relationship between each of the variables and computer self-efficacy and computer usage is also tested. The results show that computer self-efficacy is significantly infuenced by computer anxiety, encouragement by others, and computer experience, and that it is closely correlated with computer usage behavior.

      • 태반에 발생한 융모막혈관증 : 1예 보고

        신향미,성노현 충북대학교 의학연구소 2000 忠北醫大學術誌 Vol.10 No.2

        융모막혈관종은 태반에서 발생하는 가장 흔한 양성 종양으로 대개는 크기가 작고 태반체 속에 묻혀 있으며 증상이 없기 때문에 발견되지 않는 경우가 많다. 그러나 드물게 종양이 큰 경우에는 태반의 태아면 또는 모체면쪽으로 돌출하며 양수과다, 조산 등을 나타낼 수 있다 한편 이 종양은 비교적 흔한 종양임에도 불구하고 그 기원세포는 명확히 밝혀지지 않았다. 저자들은 27세 경산부의 태반에서 조산의 원인이 된 장경 8 cm의 융모막혈관종 1예를 경험하고 cytokeratin 18과 CD34에 대한 항체를 이용한 면역조직화학검사로써 융모막혈관종은 융모막반과 고정융모의 혈관에서 기원했을 가능성을 밝혔다. Chorangioma is the most common benign tumor of the placenta. A case of unusually large chorangioma associated with premature delivery is presented. At 26 weeks of gestation, a 27-year-old woman delivered a female infant. The placenta weighed 650 gm and a large, solid mass, measuring 8 cm in diameter, was seen on fetal surface of the placenta protruding into amniotic cavity. Microscopically, the tumor was composed of numerous capillary-sized vessels separated by inconspicuous stroma. Immunohistochemically, tumor cells showed staining for CD34, vimentin, alpha smooth muscle (α-SM) actin and cytokeratin 18. The blood vessels within the chorionic plate and anchoring villi stained for cytokeratin 18, but the vasculature of the terminal villi lacked cytokeratins. In these results, the chorangioma originate most likely from blood vessels of the chorionic plate and anchoring villi.

      • KCI등재

        웹 기반환경에서의 종합금융시스템에 관한 사례연구

        신미향,김갑수,서영희 한국세무회계학회 2003 세무회계연구 Vol.13 No.-

        금융업은 정보집약산업이기에 정보통신기술의 급격한 발달로 인하여 급격한 변화를 맞이하고 있다. 특히 기업들과 금융기관에서는 웹 환경에 적합한 전자상거래나 인터넷 뱅킹을 추진하려고 한다. 본 연구에서는 이러한 시스템들을 자체 개발할 능력이 부족한 기업이나 금융기관들에게 지침을 제공하기 위해서 종합금융시스템 솔류션을 사례로 선정하여 분석하였다. 사례기업의 SOLBUS시스템은 전자상거래를 비즈니스 모델로 고려하고 있는 중소기업들로 하여금 전자상거래를 위한 포탈사이트 운영 및 관리, 결제시스템을 갖추고 있는 전자상거래 시스템을 쉽게 구축할 수 있도록 한다. 뿐만 아니라 SOLBUS는 제2금융권들에게 인터넷 뱅킹을 용이하게 구현할 수 있도록 설계되어 있다. 본 사례연구를 통해서 중소기업이나 제2금융권에 최근 많은 관심을 받고 있는 전자상거래나 인터넷 뱅킹을 구현할 수 있는 지침을 제공해줄 수 있다.

      • 감귤류의 Ascorbate 및 Phenolic 획분이 N-nitrosodimethylamine의 생성에 미치는 영향

        송미향,이수정,신정혜,최선영,성낙주 한국식품영양학회 2002 韓國食品營養學會誌 Vol.15 No.2

        감귤류 (자몽, 레몬, 금귤, 밀감 및 오렌지)를 착즙하여 얻은 쥬스를 sep-pak C_18 cartridge를 사용하여 ascorbate 및 phenolic 획분으로 분리한 다음 pH를 달리한 in vitro 반응계에서 아질산염 소거 및 N-nitrosodimenthylamine(NDMA) 생성억제 효과를 분석하였다. 감귤류 쥬스 ascorbate 획분의 아질산염 소거능은 5ml 첨가시 pH 2.5 에서 79.9 ~ 98.6%, pH 4.2에서 48.5 ~ 86.3%였으나, pH6.0에서는 35.2% 이하였다. Phenolic 획분은 ascorbate 획분에 비해 높은 소거능을 보였으며 특히 pH6.0 에서는 ascorbate 획분에 비해 2배 이상의 높은 소거능을 나타내었다. NDMA 생성억제 효과는 phenolic 획분의 첨가시에 월등히 뛰어나 pH 2.5의 반응용액에 금귤, 밀감 및 오렌지쥬스의 phenolic 획분을 첨가했을 때 92.8% 이상이었으나, ascorbate 획분이 첨가된 경우에는 NDMA 생성 억제 효과를 거의 나타내지 못하였다. 따라서 감귤류 쥬스의 NDMA 생성억제와 관련된 주된 인자는 phenol 화합물인 것으로 사료된다. Five citrus juices were separated into a ascorbate and phenolic portion using sep-pak C_18 catridge, respectively, in order to elucidate the nitrite scavenging effect and N-nitrosodimethylamine (NDMA) formation in model system. the nitrite scavenging effect of ascorbate portion from citrus juices, in the different pH, when added with 5ml were 79.9 ~ 98.6% under the condition of pH 2.5, 48.5 ~ 86.3% at pH 4.2 and lower than 35.2% at pH 6.0. The nitrite scavenging effect was excellent phenolic portion rather than ascorbate portion. Particularly, the effect was more 2 times than ascorbate portion under the reaction condition of pH 6.0. When added the phenolic portion in the reaction mixture, NDMA formation was inhibited 92.8% or more in kum quat, mandarin orange and sweet orange juices. But the ascorbate portion was a negative response of the inhibition of NDMA formation. The inhibition on NDMA formation in citrus juice may be due to phenolic compounds were reacted.

      • KCI등재후보

        초등학생과 부모의 삶의 질 지각에 대한 토착심리 분석

        임미향,박영신,김의철 한국아동교육학회 2005 아동교육 Vol.14 No.1

        이 연구에서는 한국의 초등학생과 부모를 대상으로 삶의 질 지각과 관련된 토착심리를 분석하였다. 초등학교 6학년 233명과 그들의 부모 466명이 표집되었다. 분석 결과, 가정생활 삶의 질을 결정하는 요소로서, '화목한 가족관계' '경제적 여유' '여가생활' '자기조절' '교육문제'와 같은 요소들이 확인되었다 초등학생의 학교생활 삶의 질은 '친구관계'와 '학업성취'에 의해 영향을 받았다. 부모집단의 직장생활에서 삶의 질은 '경제적 요인' '인간관계' '성취감' 등에 주로 결정되었다. 직장에서 성취수준이 낮은 집단일수록 '경제적 요인'을, 성취수준이 높은 집단일수록 업무에서의 '성취감'이 중요하였다. 여가생활에서 삶의 질을 높이는 요소로, '다양한 취미생활' '경제적 여유' '시간적 여유' '자기조절' '원만한 인간관계'가 지적되었다. 종합적인 삶의 질을 높이는 요소로, 초등학생은 '화목한 가정' '여가생활' '학업성취' '자기조절' '원만한 인간관계'를 부모는 '경제적 요인' '자기조절' '여가생활' '화목한 가정'을 주로 지적하였다. This study examines the indigenous psychology of quality of life among Korean primary students and their parents. Sample were composed of 6 grade 233 primary students and their 466 parents. The factors that influence quality of life are 'harmonious family life' 'financial security' 'various hobbies' 'self-regulation' and 'education'. Within the school setting, the factors that influence quality of life are 'relationship with friends' and 'academic achievement'. For the quality of life at work, parents responded that the important factors that enhance or reduce the quality of life are 'financial factor' 'harmonious relations' and 'occupational achievement'. With the adult sample, those respondents with low levels of achievement report 'financial factor' as the most important factor. Those respondents with high levels of achievement report 'occupational achievement' as the most important factor. As for the leisure setting, the factors that raise quality of life are 'various hobbies' 'financial security' 'time to spare' and 'harmonious interpersonal relations' For the overall quality of life, factors that raise quality of life for students are 'harmonious family life' 'leisure activity' 'academic achievement' 'self-regulatio?and 'harmonious interpersonal relations'. For parents, they are 'financial security' 'self-regulation' 'leisure activity' and 'harmonious family life'.

      • KCI등재

        기초자치단체 재정구조에 관한 연구 : 부산광역시 자치구를 중심으로 The Case of the Busan Regions in Local Government

        석기준,신미향,홍선이 한국세무회계학회 2004 세무회계연구 Vol.14 No.-

        이 연구는 부산광역시 16개 자치구의 재정력 수준을 비교 ·분석하고 재정계선을 위한 시사점을 제공하기 위하여 연구되었다. 부산시 16재 자치구의 2003년 일반회계 본예산을 기준으로 재정규모지표 2개(주민 1인당 자체수입액 및 세출예산액)와 재정구조지표 4개(재정자립도, 인건비 비중, 투자비 비중 및 경상비 비중)를 분석하였다. 재정규모지표의 분석결과 전국자치구 평균과는 비슷하였으나, 전국(특별시, 광역시, 시·도·군·구)에 비하여는 매우 낮아 재정기반의 안정성 및 행정활동의 자율성·자주성이 취약하였다. 재정자립도 분석에서 전국 자치구 평균 43.2%를 초과하는 부산시의 자치구는 4개 자치구에 불과하였으며, 나머지 12개 자치구는 전국 자치구 평균 재정자립도에 미달하였다. 특히, 부산시 자치구재정자립도는 매년 하락하여 재정자립수준의 취약성이 증가하였다. 인건비의 비중 분석결과 자치구간에 현격한 차이를 나타내어 인건비 비중의 개선을 위한 자치구의 노력이 필요함을 알 수 있었다. 투자비 비중은 평균 50.9%로, 전국자치구 평균 47.6%보다는 다소 높았으나, 전국(특별시, 광역시, 시·도·군·구) 평균 56.5%보다는 다소 낮게 나타났다. 경상비 평균은 50.9%로 전국 자치구평균 48.0%보다는 다소 낮아 상대적으로 재무구조 탄력성이 양호하였다. 그러나 전국(특별시, 광역시, 시·도·군·구) 평균 20.5%의 약 2.19배에 이르러 재무구조의 탄력성이 양호하다고 보기에는 어려웠다.

      • 자궁경부 상피내병변에서 HPV와 p53 단백의 변화에 대한 면역조직화학적 소견

        기근홍,황철기,신향미 조선대학교 부설 의학연구소 2000 The Medical Journal of Chosun University Vol.25 No.1

        Background and Objectives : p53 is a tumor suppressor gene. Loss of function of the p53 tumor suppressor gene implicated in a wide variety of human tumors. Many mechanisms are involved in p53 dysfunction. One of the mechanisms is binding of oncogenic virus such as human papillomavirus (HPV). HPV infection are strongly linked to the development of cervical neoplasia including cervical intraepithelial neoplasia (CIN) of uterine cervix The purpose of this study is to investigate the relationship between aberrant p53 expression and presence of HPV DNA in CIN of the uterine cervix. Materials and Methods : In the present study, the author analyzed 35 cases of paraffin-embedded CIN, including 10 cases of grade 1, 10 cases of grade Ⅱ, and 15 cases of grade Ⅲ CIN by the immunohistochemistry and in situ hybridization. Results : Overall positive rate of HPV DNA type 16 and type 18 was 74.3% (26 cases) and 65,7% (23 cases), respectively. Nuclear accumulation of p53 was found in 22 cases (62.9%) of all CIN. In negative cases of HPV DNA type 16, the p53 was positive in 18 cases and negative in 8 cases. In positive cases of HPV DNA type 18, the p53 was positive in 16 cases and negative in 7 cases. In negative cases of HPV DNA type 16, the pS5 was positive in 6 cases and negative in 6cases. Conclusion : This results suggest that HPV infection may contribute to the DNA damage associated with the accumulation of aberrant p53 protein, and then closely relate to the progression of cervical neoplasms. But, alteration of p53 Protein levels and presence of HPY DNA was not an exclusive markers of cervical tumorigenesis.

      • 서울지역 여대생들의 떡에 대한 인식 및 섭취 실태 조사

        김영순,오순덕,김향미,신지홍,김현경,배유미,조규영,조성환 高麗大學校 倂設 保健大學 保健科學硏究所 2003 保健科學論集 Vol.29 No.1

        This study conducted a survey of the improvement and popularization for Korea Rice Cakes, a Korean traditional food, on two hundred women students in five colleges in Seoul, Korea. It was investigated to get the information of the recognition, preference, and consumption patterns for the succession and improvement of Korean Rice Cakes. The results are as follows: 1. A portion of 41.5% among responders knows from three to six kinds of Korean Rice Cakes, and of 28% can make at least one among the kinds of Korean Rice Cakes. 2. A portion of 91% recognizes that Korean Rice Cakes are one of well-nourished food, but of 42% answers that Korean Rice Cakes cannot be replaced with the principle food. Also, there are no significant differences in the recognition of Korean Rice Cakes as the kinds of religions. 3. The frequency of purchase is about one or twice in a month (35.5%). Consumers (36.5%) intend to purchase Korean Rice Cakes for the commemoration of national holidays or anniversaries. 4. The reasons for the preference of other foods more than Korean Rice Cakes are the easiness of purchase (36.0%), the deliciousness (21.5%), the diverse kindness (17.5%), and the proper package (9.5%). It is important that constant and particular school / home education is need to improve and success Korean Rice Cakes.


        Myocardial Protection by Recombinant Soluble P-selectin Glycoprotein Ligand-1 Suppression of Neutrophil and Platelet Interaction Following Ischemia and Reperfusion

        Sang Soo Ham,Yoon Young Jang,Jin Ho Song,Hyang Mi Lee,Kwang Joon Kim,Jun Sik Hong,Yong Kyoo Shin 대한생리학회-대한약리학회 2000 The Korean Journal of Physiology & Pharmacology Vol.4 No.6

        <P> Polymorphonuclear leukocytes (PMNs) play an important role in myocardial ischemia/reperfusion (MI/R) injury. Moreover, platelets are also important blood cells that can aggravate myocardial ischemic injury. This study was designed to test the effects of PMNs and platelets separately and together in provoking cardiac dysfunction in isolated perfused rat hearts following ischemia and reperfusion. Additional control rat hearts were perfused with 75⁓10<SUP>6</SUP> PMNs, with 75⁓10<SUP>6</SUP> platelets, or with 75⁓10<SUP>6</SUP> PMNs⁢75⁓10<SUP>6</SUP> platelets over a five minute perfusion followed by a 75 min observation period. No significant reduction in coronary flow (CF), left ventricular developed pressure (LVDP), or the first derivative of LVDP (dP/dt max) was observed at the end of the observation period in any non-ischemic group. Similarly, global ischemia (I) for 20 min followed by 45 minutes of reperfusion (R) produced no sustained effects on the final recovery of any of these parameters in any group of hearts perfused in the absence of blood cells. However, I/R hearts perfused with either PMNs or platelets alone exhibited decreases in these variables of 5∼10% (p<0.05 from control). Furthermore, I/R hearts perfused with both PMNs and platelets exhibited decreases of 50 to 60% in all measurements of cardiac function (p<0.01). These dual cell perfused I/R hearts also exhibited marked increases in cardiac myeloperoxidase (MPO) activity indicating a significant PMN infiltration, and enhanced P-selectin expression on the coronary microvascular endothelium. All cardiaodynamic effects as well as PMN accumulation and P-selectin expression were markedly attenuated by a recombinant soluble PSGL-1 which inhibits selectin mediated cell adhesion. These results provide evidence that platelets and PMNs act synergistically in provoking post-reperfusion cardiac dysfunction, and that this may be largely due to cell to cell interactions mediated by P-selectin. These results also demonstrate that a recombinant soluble PSGL-1 reduces myocardial reperfusion injury by platelet and PMNs interaction.

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