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      • KCI등재

        JHPS-KARP-ARPS Joint Program for Commemoration of 2021 Bo Lindell Medal to Discuss the Future of Radiation Protection among Young Scientists and the Award Recipient, Dr. Ogino

        Fujibuchi, Toshioh,Ogino, Haruyuki,Taek, Han Ki,Tani, Kotaro,Emes, Daniel The Korean Association for Radiation Protection 2021 방사선방어학회지 Vol.46 No.2

        Dr. Haruyuki Ogino, a member of the Japan Health Physics Society (JHPS), was awarded the 2021 Bo Lindell Medal by the International Commission on Radiological Protection (ICRP). To commemorate this, the "Joint JHPS-KARP-ARPS program for young radiation protection (RP) scientists to discuss the future of RP" was organized via a web meeting system. First, Dr. Ogino gave a lecture, and then young researchers selected from each academic society made presentations on the future of RP. After the presentations by the three researchers, a free talk was held-young researcher groups of each country being active is a great opportunity to collaborate and exchange information. It was emphasized that the low awareness of knowledge related to radiation has been common to all of the participating countries. Thus, it is necessary to utilize communication via web technology, as done for this program, effectively. One of the biggest advantages for Asia and Oceania is that we do not have a significant time difference. The round-table discussion was concluded by expressing the hope of active exchange and development of young researchers in the future.


        Breeding Values for Carcass Traits at Calf Markets as Determinant of Feeding Length in Japanese Black Cattle: an Exploratory Study

        Ogino, A.,Kaku, K.,Fujita, T.,Kitamura, C.,Shimada, K. Asian Australasian Association of Animal Productio 2003 Animal Bioscience Vol.16 No.5

        Japanese Black cattle (Wagyu) are fed for a long period to produce high quality beef, however, extended feeding often causes inefficiency and greater environmental load mainly derived from their manure. The objectives of this study were to analyze changes in feeding length by listing breeding values (BVs) at calf markets and the relationships between BVs and carcass characteristics of 4,052 Japanese Black cattle, and to examine the feasibility of optimizing feeding length by referring to listed BVs. BV classes A, B, and C were defined based on BVs of cows in Shimane Prefecture as follows: an upper quarter of BVs was classified as A, a second quarter as B, and under the average as C. For cattle sold at calf markets in the first term of 1996, just before the start of BV listing, the feeding length of cattle with class B BVs for the beef marbling standard (BMS) was longer (p>0.05) than that of class A cattle. However, in the second term of 1996, just after the start of BV listing, the feeding length of class B cattle became shorter (p<0.001) than that of class A cattle. Then, the feeding lengths of both classes showed no significant differences. Feeding lengths of both class A and B BVs for carcass weight (CW) changed similarly to the corresponding BV classes for BMS. The analysis of the relationships among the listed BV classes and the actual carcass characteristics showed that class A cattle had a higher (p<0.001) BMS than class B cattle, and that the higher-class cattle had a heavier CW (p<0.05). On the basis of previous reports, the cattle, particularly those with lower genetic marbling ability, seem to only increase marbling at markedly low efficiency for a few months before slaughter. Therefore, the finding that carcass characteristics corresponded to their class of BVs suggests that an optimum feeding length based on listed BVs not only increases the efficiency of beef production, but also reduces the environmental load.

      • KCI등재

        Development of Drainage Asphalt Mixture Using Large Size Aggregate and Its Performance on Test Pavement

        Ogino Shoji,Ohmae Tatsuhiko,Matsumoto Yuki,Yamada Masaru Korean Society of Road Engineers 2006 한국도로학회논문집 Vol.8 No.1

        Recently, there has been a remarkable trend of using aggregates at sizes smaller than 13 mm for drainage asphalt pavement (DAP) in order to reduce the noise generated between vehicle tires and road surface. These DAPs have their performance and durability seriously worsen after several years in-service due to the clogging of void space and the abrasion. This paper proposes the use of large size aggregates in porous asphalt mixtures to overcome these defects. Results of laboratory and field experiments on asphalt mixtures with several aggregate gradations are investigated and compared. The study focuses on advantages of DAP using large size aggregate and on particle size combinations containing no fine aggregates of size 2.36 mm or less, which have not been considered in current engineering practice.


        Ogino, Hirokazu,Minamitani, Haruyuki,Souma, Takeshi 경북대학교 센서기술연구소 1994 센서技術學術大會論文集 Vol.5 No.1

        Pulse oximeter is a noninvasive equipment for monitoring of arterial oxygen saturation (SaO_(2)), and commonly utilize a transmittance sensor on peripheral locations of the body. In this study, A new reflectance pulse oximeter sensor (RPS) was developed as a part of the multi sensor system which intends to monitor physiological data from mouth. The RPS consists of a photodiode (PD) and two light emitting diodes (LEDs) of which wavelengths are 660 and 940nm. Elastic gum optical shield (GOS) and reflectance optical shield (ROS) were also used to improve stability and signal-to-noise (S/N) ratio of the sensor. The RPS was evaluated by breath holding experiment, and it showed good correlation with SaO_(2) measured from ear-lobe by using conventional transmittance sensor. The result indicates that the RPS is available to measure SaO_(2) from mouth and can use for monitoring of physical condition.

      • KCI등재

        도시의 녹지공간에 대한 일고찰: 에도(江戸)의 녹지공간과 그 변화를 중심으로

        Ogino Chihiro 한국문화역사지리학회 2009 문화 역사 지리 Vol.21 No.2

        The research aims to find the relationship between the urban green area and the power with a case of the capital city during Edo era. Green area in Edo, the capital city during the Edo era, existed in different ways in accordance to the social status. The worriers made green area to overcome the social status of being a worrier and to show their power. The commoners grew plants in their house or they only could see the green when they went out to see flowers. Shrines and temples created the green area to show the dignity as a religious facility. Since the modern times, the green areas of the ruling class have changed to different facilities and the green area within the shrines and temples have reduced, but the commoners didn? face much difference. Garden, the gardening culture, the green area within the shrines and temples are the way to "bring the artificial nature to the urban area", and it shall be referred to analysis the current Japan. 이 글은 조선시대에 한국 도시에서는 녹지가 권위를 상징하는 수단으로 이용되었다는 것을 힌트로 삼아, 에도시대 수도를 사례로 도시 내 녹지공간과 권위의 관계 그리고 그 변화에 대해서 살펴보는 것을 목적으로 하였다. 에도시대 수도 에도에서 녹지공간은 신분에 따라 다른 방식으로 존재하였다. 지배층인 무사의 경우 무사라는 한계를 극복하고 권위를 보여주기 위한 하나의 수단으로 녹지공간을 만들었고, 피지배층은 집안에서 화분을 기르거나 바깥으로 꽃구경을 하러 다닐 때 녹지공간을 접할 수 있었다. 신사와 사찰은 종교시설로서의 위엄을 나타내기 위해 녹지공간을 조성하였다. 근대 이후 지배층의 녹지공간은 대부분 다른 시설로 바뀌고, 신사와 사찰의 녹지공간도 축소되는 경향을 보였지만, 피지배층은 별다른 타격을 받지 않았다. 정원이나 화분(원예문화), 신사와 사찰의 녹지공간은 모두 ‘도시에 인공적으로 자연을 갖고 오는 방법’으로 생각할 수 있으며, 현재 일본의 모습을 해석할 때도 참고로 할 필요가 있다.

      • KCI등재

        일본과 한국의 운전습관에 대한 비교 고찰

        Ogino Chihiro 한국문화역사지리학회 2010 문화 역사 지리 Vol.22 No.3

        이 연구는 일본과 한국의 운전습관이 서로 다른 현상에 주목하여 그 요인을 분석하는 것을 목적으로 삼았다. 어떤 지역에서 특정적으로 나타나는 운전습관은 여러 가지 요인들이 복잡하게 얽혀 만들어진 사회적 현상인데, 두 나라 사이의 운전습관이 서로 다르게 된 요인은 크게 두 가지로 나눠 생각할 수 있다. 첫째는 현재의 자동차 운전 환경의 차이이다. 구체적으로 도로 차선수와 최고속도의 차이, 운전자 양성 및 관리체계의 차이, 교통 위반에 대한 제재 정도의 차이를 들 수 있다. 일본의 운전 환경은 한국보다 ‘조심스럽게 운전하지 않으면 안 되는 상황’을 제공하고 있다. 두 번째는 자동차대중화의 배경과 과정의 차이이다. 일본에서는 한국보다 상대적으로 긴 기간에 걸쳐 자동차대중화가 진행되었다. 그 결과 한국에 비해 전철 중심의 교통문화를 갖게 되었고, 자동차의 교통질서를 유지하는 데 필요한 충분한 준비를 할 수 있었다. Focused on empirical observations that driving habits of Korean drivers differ from those of Japanese drivers, this study analyzes factors that cause those differences. Driving habits, usually observed as having geographically specifications, are understood as a social phenomenon constructed by numerous interwoven factors. The differences between Korean and Japanese drivers' habits are explained by two major factors. First, it is explained by the different driving environment in two countries, including the number of lanes, speed limits, driving schools and relevant systems, the severity of disciplines for traffic offenses. The driving environment in Japan is more likely than that of Korea to make drivers be cautious. The second reason for the different driving habits in two countries can be found from the background history of the popularization of automobiles. Japan has relatively longer history of cars than Korea. Consequently, Japan has developed electric railway-centered transportation system and culture, which led the people to have enough time and experience to prepare in maintaining and personalizing the traffic rules.


        Y.Ogino,K.Abe,K.Ohishi,M.Nakaoka,H.Fukuda,Y.Takakado,K.Nakano,Y.Murakami 전력전자학회 1992 ICPE(ISPE)논문집 Vol.1992 No.4

        This paper proposes the super low speed control method for LIM (Linear Induction Motor). The feasibly-proposed control method is based on the vector-control strategy using the current controlled VVVF in­verter. Using this control implementation, both the quick speed response and the smooth thrust characteristics are realized in the super low speed range. The experimental results provide its desired operating characteristics in this system.<br/>

      • KCI등재후보

        Free Fat Graft for Congenital Hand Differences

        Toshihiko Ogino,Daisuke Ishigaki,Hiroshi Satake,Kousuke Iba 대한정형외과학회 2012 Clinics in Orthopedic Surgery Vol.4 No.1

        Background: Free fat graft has been used for the treatment of congenital hand differences. However, there have been a fewreports about the outcome of that treatment. In this study, the outcome of free fat grafts for congenital hand and foot differenceswas investigated. Methods: Fourteen bones with longitudinal epiphyseal bracket, 3 wrists with Madelung deformity, and 5 cases of osseous syndactylywere treated with free fat graft with osteotomy, physiolysis, or separation of osseous syndactyly. Of the fourteen boneswith longitudinal epiphyseal bracket, 9 were treated with open wedge osteotomy with free fat graft and 5 with physiolysis andfree fat graft. The Madelung deformity was treated with physiolysis with free fat graft. For osseous syndactyly, syndactyly releasewith free fat graft was performed fi ve times on four hands. Results: In the fourteen cases with longitudinal epiphyseal bracket, lateral deviation improved in all except two cases after surgery. The average lateral deviation angle changed from 32.5 degrees before surgery to 15.2 degrees after surgery. The average improvementof the lateral deviation angle was 12.2 degrees in the osteotomy group and 20.6 degrees in the physiolysis group. Themean ratio of improvement of the lateral deviation angle to the lateral deviation angle before surgery was 39.4% in the osteotomygroup and 51.2% in the physiolysis group. The Madelung deformity improved after surgery in two cases but there was no improvementin one case. For these conditions, the results were not good enough when surgery was done after age 13 or at age four forseverely hypoplastic brachymesophalangy. Of the 5 cases of osseous syndactyly, reunion of the separated bones occurred in onecase. The grafted free fat should be deep enough to cover the osteotomy site of the bones to prevent reunion of the separatedbones. Conclusions: Physiolysis and free fat graft performed during the growth period can correct the deviation due to longitudinalepiphyseal bracket and Madelung deformity. Free fat graft is also useful to prevent reunion of the bones after separation of osseoussyndcatyly, if the grafted fat is securely fi lled into the space between the separated bones.

      • Static starting device for the start-up of the gas turbine using position sensorless control method

        Hiroshi Ogino,Shinzo Tamai,Yasuhiko Hosokawa,Akinobu Ando 전력전자학회 2011 ICPE(ISPE)논문집 Vol.2011 No.5

        Static starting devices, also called static frequency converters (SFCs), have been utilized to start gas turbines in gas turbine combined cycle (GTCC) power plants, etc. In general, a gas turbine is started using a generator as a synchronous motor with a single-shaft arrangement that is rotated by the electric power fed from the SFC. Because the rotor position signal of the generator is indispensable for controlling the SFC, a mechanical position sensor is installed beside the rotor shaft. However, such mechanical position sensors require considerable time for installation and adjustment at the site. Therefore, a sensorless control method called the advanced position sensor (APS) has been developed and applied to an SFC. In this paper, we describe an SFC that employs this position sensorless control method. Further, we investigate the applicability of the APS by comparing the pulses of the two systems-APS and the traditional position sensor-observed during start-up.

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