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      • 대두 및 고구마 β-Amyiase 의 비교에 관한 연구

        Mikami, Bunzo,Majima, Keiichi,Morita, Yuhei,김용휘,김준평 한국콩연구회 1988 韓國콩硏究會誌 Vol.5 No.1

        대두 및 고구마로부터 얻은 β-amylase의 단백질 구조를 CD spectra, 항체반응, 화학적 절단을 통하여 비교하였다. 고구마 β-amylase는 4개의 동일한 subunit로 구성되어 있으며 대두 β-amylase는 subunit구조를 하고 있지 않았다. 또한 두 효소는 변성시킨 상태에서 SDS-gel전기영동, gel filtration한 결과 분자량은 동일하였다. 그리고 대두 및 고구마 β- amylase는 CD spectra 상 유사한 2차구조를 나타내고 있으나 방향족 측쇄가 상이함을 나타냈다. 한편 cyteine 잔기 및 mechionine 잔기의 화학적 절단한 결과 두 효소는 동일한 아미노산 배열을 나타냈다. 또한 면역학적인 방법에 의해서도 두 효소는 유사성이 인정되었다. 한편 대두 β-amylase에 대한 항체는 고구마 β-amylase의 활성을 억제 하였으나 밀, 보리, 무우 β-amylase에 대해서는 활성 억제가 나타나지 않았다.

      • Health Monitoring of High-rise Building with Fiber Optic Sensor (SOFO)

        Mikami, Takao,Nishizawa, Takao Council on Tall Building and Urban Habitat Korea 2015 International journal of high-rise buildings Vol.4 No.1

        Structural health monitoring is becoming more and more important in the domain of civil engineering as a proper mean to increase and maintain the safety, especially in the land of earthquakes like Japan. In many civil structures, the deformations are the most relevant parameter to be monitored. In this context, a monitoring technology based on the use of long-gage fiber optic deformation sensor, SOFO is being applied to a 33-floors tall building in Tokyo. Sensors were installed on the $2^{nd}$ floor's steel columns of the building on May 2005 in the early stage of the construction. The installed SOFO sensors were dynamic compatible ones which enable both static and dynamic measurements. The monitoring is to be performed during the whole lifespan of the building. During the construction, static deformations of the columns had been measured on a regular basis using a reading unit for static measurement and dynamic deformation measurements were occasionally conducted using a reading unit for dynamic measurement. The building was completed on August 2006. After the completion, static and dynamic deformation measurements have been continuing. This paper describes a health monitoring technology, SOFO system which is applicable to high-rise buildings and monitoring results of a 33-floors tall building in Tokyo from May 2005 to October 2010.

      • KCI등재

        Role of lymphadenectomy for ovarian cancer

        Mikio Mikami 대한부인종양학회 2014 Journal of Gynecologic Oncology Vol.25 No.4

        Japan Society of Gynecologic Oncology (JSGO) recently revised its Ovarian Cancer Treatment Guidelines and the 4th edition will be released next year. This Guidelines state that lymphadenectomy is essential to allow accurate assessment of the clinical stage in early ovarian cancer, but there is no randomized controlled trial that shows any therapeutic efficacy of lymphadenectomy. In patients with advanced stage tumors, lymphadenectomy should be considered if optimal debulking has been performed. I fully agree with this recommendation of the JSGO and I would like to discuss the role of lymphadenectomy in the management of ovarian cancer.

      • Designing Traffic Signal Patterns through Genetic Algorithms

        Sadayoshi MIKAMI,Jun Nakajima,Yukinori KAKAZU 대한전자공학회 1992 대한전자공학회 학술대회 Vol.1992 No.10

        This paper describes a new optimization technique for the design of traffic signal patterns. The proposed method uses a Genetic Algorithm for searching through the better signal patterns. Since the Genetic Algorithm is effective to search directly through a huge binary coded state spaces, the proposed design method has the following advantages over the conventional OR methods: (1) on-line optimization is available within a reasonable time, (2) there is no limitation to the types of signals to be optimized. Some computer simulations are carried out and its ability of getting high quality control in a short period is demonstrated.

      • KCI등재

        일본 출토 고대 문자자료 - 秋田県 秋田城跡 111次 調査 出土 具注暦 기재 漆紙文書-

        三上喜孝(Mikami Yoshitaka),오택현(번역자) 한국목간학회 2019 목간과 문자 Vol.0 No.22

        본고는 매년 최근 일본에서 출토된 목간 중 주목되는 것을 선택해 소개했지만, 이번에는 작년에 이어서 필자가 조사에 관여한 漆紙文書의 출토 사례를 소개하고자 한다. 秋田城이란 秋田県 秋田市에 있는 고대 城柵으로 山形県 庄内地方에 있던 出羽柵을 733년(天平5)에 이동시킨 것이다. 8세기 후반에는 出羽国府를 두었다고 하는 견해가 있다. 秋田市 教育委員会에 의해 발굴조사가 진행되었고, 최근 조사에서 漆紙文書, 木簡, 墨書土器와 같은 유물에서 문자자료가 대량으로 확인되었다. 2018년 111차 조사에서는 秋田城의 西門 유적지 부근에서 발굴된 토기에 부착되었던 漆紙文書가 출토되었다. 적외선 카메라를 사용해 조사해 보니 고대 具注曆의 일부가 확인되었다. 具注暦이란 지금의 달력인데, 暦日을 표시한 것 이외에도 日의 干支, 納音, 十二直, 節気, 七十二候, 吉凶과 禍福 등의 暦注를 적어 놓은 暦이었던 것이다. 고대 일본에서는 具注暦이 매년 중앙정부의 陰陽寮에서 작성되어 中務省을 거쳐 諸司·諸国에게 배포되었다. 그러나 頒暦의 실태는 諸国에서 雑掌들이 都에 가서 서사해 가지고 왔다고 생각된다. 国府에 준비된 具注暦은 다시 동일하게 서사되어 国府 내의 기관과 国分寺 그리고 郡家 등에도 구비되었을 것이다. 具注暦의 서식은 일반적으로 상 · 중 · 하 3단으로 되어 있다. 상단에는 日付 · 干支 · 納音 · 十二直, 중단에는 24절기와 七十二候, 하단에는 暦注와 吉事注 등을 기재했다. 고대의 具注暦은 각지에서 漆紙文書의 형태로 출토되고 있다. 正倉院 文書에서 전래된 3개의 사례를 포함해 具注曆은 이제까지 15건 정도 확인되고 있다. 이번에 출토된 秋田城 111차 조사 출토 漆紙文書는 남겨진 문자 정보에서 宝亀 9년(778) 具注暦으로 4월 30일~5월 3일 부분일 가능성이 높다. 이것은 漆紙文書가 부착되어 있던 토기의 연대와도 일치하는 연대관이다. 秋田城跡에서는 天平宝字 3년(759)의 具注暦 漆紙文書가 발견되었고, 기록된 具注暦은 儀鳳暦이다. 하지만 이번에 발견된 778년 暦은 大衍暦이여서 하나의 유적에서 儀鳳暦에서 大衍暦까지의 具注暦의 변화를 확인할 수 있다는 점에서 귀중한 자료라고 생각된다. 또 잘못 서사되었다고 생각되는 부분도 존재하고 있기 때문에 秋田城이라는 官司에서 具注暦이 2차로 서사되었을 가능성도 엿볼 수 있다. Akita Castle(秋田城) is an ancient a fortress and a palisade(城柵) in Akita, Akita Prefecture(秋田県), and an excavation was conducted by the Akita City Education Committee(秋田市教育委員会). In the 111th survey in 2018, Lacquered documents(漆紙文書) were unearthed near the west gate of Akita Castle(秋田城). An infrared(赤外線) camera showed that some of the ancient Juzhuli(具注曆, annotated calendar) were identified. The form of the sphere force is generally in three stages: top, middle, and bottom. The 111st Akita Castle(秋田城) 111th investigation of the Lacquer Paper document is highly likely to be the part of the calendar from April 30 to May 3. The 778-year-old calendar, which was discovered this time, is a valuable reference to the transition from the Giho calendar(儀鳳暦) to the Taisho calendar(大衍暦) in one site.

      • Detecting Nonlinearity in Prediction Residuals of Snoring Sounds

        Tsuyoshi Mikami 제어로봇시스템학회 2009 제어로봇시스템학회 국제학술대회 논문집 Vol.2009 No.8

        This paper focuses on the nonlinear properties of snoring sounds for the purpose of obstructive sleep apnea diagnosis. Snoring sounds are convolutional sounds caused by wheezing of air way obstruction and oscillation of soft palate. Namely, it should be natural that the snoring sounds are generated from an onlinear dynamics, but the nonlinear properties of them have not yet been studied so far. In this paper, the nonlinearity is defined as the predictability using alinear AR prediction model, and the prediction residuals are analyzed by portmanteau test.

      • KCI등재

        The use of conization to identify and treat severe lesions among prediagnosed CIN1 and 2 patients in Japan

        Mikio Mikami,Masae Ikeda,Hidetaka Sato,Haruko Iwase,Takayuki Enomoto,Yoichi Kobayashi,Hidetaka Katabuchi 대한부인종양학회 2018 Journal of Gynecologic Oncology Vol.29 No.4

        OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the clinical efficiency of identifying patients with suspicious severe lesions by conization among prediagnosed cervical intraepithelial neoplasia (CIN) 1 and 2 patients in Japan. METHODS: The data in a Japanese nation-wide registry for cervical cancer (2009 and 2011) was collected to analyze the clinical efficacy of pre- and postdiagnosis for 13,215 Japanese women who underwent treatment by conization. Their preoperative and postoperative histologic findings and clinical outcomes were evaluated using standard statistical procedures including clinical and demographic characteristics. RESULTS: Almost half of 1,536 women who were treated by conization after the prediagnosis of CIN1 and 2 because the lesions showed no evidence of natural regression actually contained CIN1-2 (45.0%), CIN3 (47%), or invasive cancer (2.7%) in their cervical tissue. They underwent conization either for therapeutic (treatment) (78.5%) or diagnostic (21.5%) reasons. Invasive disease was diagnosed postoperatively more often in diagnostic cases (6.1%) than in therapeutic cases (2.8%). All the patients survived their diagnostic and therapeutic conization after approximately 30 months of follow up. CONCLUSION: Our study shows that the continuous observation of the prediagnosed CIN1 and 2 cases by the combination of cytology, colposcopy and histology in Japan has worked successfully to identify severe lesions by using conization as well in the process.

      • KCI등재

        Acotiamide Has No Effects on Esophageal Motor Activity or Esophagogastric Junction Compliance

        Hironobu Mikami,Norihisa Ishimura,Mayumi Okada,Daisuke Izumi,Eiko Okimoto,Shunji Ishihara,Yoshikazu Kinoshita 대한소화기 기능성질환∙운동학회 2018 Journal of Neurogastroenterology and Motility (JNM Vol.24 No.2

        Background/Aims The novel prokinetic drug acotiamide is used for treatment of functional dyspepsia. It is still unclear how acotiamide has effects on esophageal motor function. Esophageal peristalsis and esophagogastric junction (EGJ) compliance has an important role for prevention of esophageal mucosal damage caused by gastroesophageal reflux, however, few studies have analyzed the effects of acotiamide on those former activities and none have investigated its effects on EGJ compliance. The aim of our research was to examine the effects of acotiamide on esophageal motility and EGJ compliance. Methods We enrolled 3 gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) patients as well as 9 healthy volunteers. Using high-resolution manometry, we examined esophageal motor activity parameters, including esophageal body contractions and lower esophageal sphincter (LES) pressure. While, EGJ compliance was evaluated using a functional lumen imaging probe. Following determination of baseline values for esophageal motor activities and EGJ compliance, acotiamide at a standard dose of 300 mg/day was administered for 3 days. All measurements were performed again 2 hours after the last acotiamide administration. Results In the healthy volunteers, as compared with the baseline values, acotiamide administration did not significantly change esophageal body contractions and LES pressure. And EGJ distensibility was not significantly changed (distensibility index in 40-mL distension: 3.5 ± 0.4 vs 3.3 ± 0.5 mm2/mmHg). Similarly in the GERD patients, there were no differences in either esophageal motility or EGJ compliance between before and after acotiamide administration (distensibility index in 40-mL distension: 6.2 ± 0.5 vs 6.5 ± 1.1 mm2/mmHg). Conclusion In both healthy individuals and GERD patients, standard dose acotiamide dose does not have significant effects on esophageal motor activities or EGJ compliance.

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