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        한국사상(韓國思想) 문화(文化) : 『금인초(錦人抄)』 소고(小考)

        김미선 ( Mi Seon Kim ) 한국사상문화학회 2013 韓國思想과 文化 Vol.66 No.-

        본 논고는 『錦人抄』에 대하여 고찰 하였다. 『錦人抄』는 『錦南詩集』의 選集으로 청주 송곡에 세거지를 둔 『錦南詩集』의 작자인 금남 김상범의 후손인 北隱 金東說의 書架에서 발굴되어 처음으로 본 논고에서 연구 자료로 삼게 되었다. 그동안 청주지역에 대한 지역학 연구가 활발히 이루어지지 못하였고 더구나 이 지역에서 활동하면서 다양한 문학 작품을 남긴 인물들의 시문학에 대한 연구는 전혀 없는 실정에서 『錦人抄』는 조선시대 청주 지역에 세거한 가문의 현황과 활동은 물론 19세기에 활동한 유림의 동향 등 이 지역에 대한 지역사 연구에 중요한 자료임을 알 수 있었다. 이러한 연구의 필요성을 바탕으로 『錦人抄』의 고찰이 지역사 연구에 발돋움이 될까 하는 의도에 주안점을 두어 먼저 『錦人抄』의 작품 개관을 하였다. 『錦南詩集』에 실려 있는 시와 글은 모두 270題 편 304首 인데 이러한 내용을 바탕으로 필사로 抄錄 되어진 『錦人抄』에는 모두 47首의 작품이 수록 되어져 있음을 확인하여 작품 목록 및 내용적·형식적 분류를 하였다. 이를 배경으로 『錦人抄』의 작품내용에서는 『錦人抄』의 형성배경, 『錦人抄』에 드러난 詩意識를 고찰하였다. 금남의 세거지인 송곡의 아름다운 자연 환경을 그의 작품을 통하여 형성된 배경을 이해 할 수 있었다. 또한 陶淵明처럼 자연 속을 거닐며 시를 읊조리는 삶으로 松谷의 隱君子로서 慶州金氏 世居地에서 선조의 忠孝와 敬義, 詩와 學問을 더욱 면면히 계승한 작자의 시 의식을 통하여 청주지역 松谷에 세거한 경주김씨 및 지역 유림의 문학 활동에 대해 고찰 할 수 있는 계기가 되었다. 이를 바탕으로 청주지역에 대한 지역학 및 문학연구가 더욱 활발히 이루어지길 기대한다. In Chosun period some family people who lived in Cheongju from generation to generation their contemporary condition and activity and of course confucian scholars` tendency and so on, for this area, district history study a little accomplished. In addition, this area people who acted and left a variety of literature work whose poetry literature study never exists in the real situation. Only I examine confucian culture in Chungbuk, this area school ties and academic traditions are mentioned and the writing which is Cheongju confucian scholars` tendency centering Park, Rojung. Therefore, in this study, I will examine Gyeongju Kim`s family who lived Songgok(松谷) in Cheongju area from generation to generation as the first work, studied in this area confucian scholars` tendency activity. At first Gyeongju Kim`s Gongpyeonggong branch family, Songgok entrance hometown forefather, at first, Songgok Kim, Sik(松谷 金埴) came and acted by his descendants, and I will study assignment this writing of main contents. In Songgok living place from generation to generation Gongpyeonggong`s 19th elder son, fildelity Kim, Sangnam(忠臣 金尙男) and his son Kim, Yeosan (金如山)`s spouse, virtuous woman Gimhye Kim`s(婦人 烈女 金海金氏) Jeongryeogak(旌閭閣) is presently existing. After that, the major active person of Gongpyeonggong branch family is 25th elder son Geumnam Kim, Sangbom (錦南 金商範). Geumnam taught as a village school schoolmaster in region and was excellent the poetry and prose. He was actively met poetry meeting(詩會) with the region literary man. And I used with article data through excavation of poetry and prose book, Geumnam Collective Poems (『錦南詩集』) recently in2007 which Geumnam left. Since 2010, I used this study`s data by excavation of Gemincho(『錦人抄』). The Gemincho(『錦人抄』) is collected for its work from Geumnam Collective Poems (『錦南詩集』) and is compiled. That is deeper illuminated the author Kim, Sangnam`s poetry world and will be a help for district history study and contemporary condition of confucian scholars who acted in Cheongju area in Chosun period, I think.

      • KCI등재

        <雲英傳〉에 등장하는 여성 인물의 내면의식 고찰 : 궁녀들의 시(詩)를 중심으로

        김미선(Kim Mi-seon) 우리문학회 2009 우리文學硏究 Vol.0 No.27

        'Unyeong-jeon' is one of the Korean classical love affair novels which have been written at early 17C. The purpose of this paper is to describe how to indirectly represent the inside consciousness of court ladies through the use of a Chinese poem in 'Unyeoug-jeon". In the novel, the amount of the Chinese poetry are introduced but the number of poems written by prince Anpyeong and Kim-jinsa is smaller than those of court ladies. There/ore it is naturally granted that the Chinese poems can be the best method for curt ladies to express their inside consciousness. In connection with this issue, the focus point of our discussion will be finding the inside awareness of court ladies by analyzing their fifteen poems. In 'Unyeong-jeon', various curt ladies under court rules are appeared. Among them, Unyoung realizes her unnatural life and then become love with Kim-jinsa. However, her own reckless conduct against curt order leads to trial at relation with prince Anpyeong. Finally, Unyoung forgoes her devotion to prince Anpyeong. Although Jaran, an another curt lady, actively support a wrong conduct of Unyoung, she forces her to keep a fidelity to prince Anpyeoug. This means that Jaran comprehends the deviant behaviour of Unyoung and Kim-jinsa, but she also recognizes that there is no practical solution for their love. These series of these emotional conflicts are indirectly represented through the poems of Unyoung and Jaran. In the novel, other curt ladies express their awareness changes through the Chinese poems as well. Proceeding from this fact, we can analyze the inside consciousness changes of curt ladies into the phases of becoming aware of their situation. And it is effective that they use the Chinese poem for representing their awareness because it is possible to conceal them into various metaphoric expressions. 본고는 <운영전>에 등장하는 궁녀들의 내면의식을 서정적 장르인 한 사를 통 어떻게 우회적으로 표현하고 있는지 살폈다. 논자는 애정전 기소설인 <운영전>이 한시를 다량 포함하고 있다는 점에 착안하고, 안평대군과 김진사의 시가 궁녀들에 비해 상대적으로 적다는 것에 주목했다. 이것은 한시가 궁중 질서에 갇혀 있는 궁녀들의 내면을 곡진하게 표현할 수 있는 수단이 될 수 있다는 것을 의미한다고 보았다. 따라서, 본 고는 궁녀들의 시 15편을 분석함으로써 그녀들의 내면심리를 밝히는 데에 목적을 두었다. <운영전>은 운영을 포함하여 다양한 궁년들이 등장한다. 이들은 안평대군의 궁중적 질서에 포섭되어 일면 안위적인 삶을 누린다. 여러 궁녀들 중 운영은 자신을 둘러싸고 있는 궁중 생활에 대한 부자연스러움을 느끼는 바, 이러한 각성은 김진사에 대한 사랑으로 표출된다. 물론 운영은 김진사를 만나기 이전, 자신의 처지에 대한 자각을 했을지도 모른다. 그러나 작품의 문면에는 나타나 있지 않기 때문에 김진사화의 만남에서 그 원인을 찾을 수 있다. 운영과 김진사와의 사랑은 안평대군과의 관계에서 시련을 맞는다. 그 시련은 궁녀의 사랑을 인정하지 않는 폐쇄된 궁중질서(안평대군의 이념) 때문에 나타난다. 결국, 운영은 안평대군의 궁중적 질서와 김진사와의 사랑에서 충돌한다. 그리고 안평대군에 대한 정절을 훼절한다. 운영은 이러한 사랑과 훼절의 갈등을 자신의 한시에서 우회적으로 잘 드러내고 있다. 자란은 운영과 김진사의 사랑을 적극적으로 돕는 조력자이면서 한편으로 안평대군에 대한 신의를 지킬 것을 강요하는 입장에 서 있다. 자란은 궁중적 질서를 벗어나지 않는 것은 본원적 · 궁극적인 것이며 운영의 일탈적 사랑은 일시적 · 순간적인 것으로 본다. 즉, 자란은 운영과 김진사의 사랑을 인정할 수밖에 없지만, 이들 사랑에 대한 현실적인 탈출구가 존재하지 않음도 분명하게 인식하고 있다. 이밖에 궁녀들은 자신들이 지은 한시에서 내면의 심리변화를 감추고 있는 것처럼 보인다. 그러나 궁녀들의 일부는 자신들의 내면의 심리 변화를 간접적인 방식인 한시를 통해 우회적으로 드러내고 있다. 이는 궁녀들에게도 일정정도 운영과 같은 변화가 계기적으로 발현되고 있음을 의미한다. 이상의 논의를 정리하면, 궁녀들의 내면의 심리변화는 자신들의 처지를 자각하는 과정이며 정체성을 탐구해가는 과정으로 볼 수 있다. 그리고 이러한 자신들의 자각을 표현하는 방법으로 은유적인 표현이 가능한 시를 선택하여 효과적으로 드러내고 있다. <운영전>은 서정장르인 한시를 작품의 적재적소에 배치하여 낭만적인 분위기를 자아내고 있다. 이는 <운영전>이 갖는 서사 장르의 한계를 서정장르로 보충하는 기능을 한다.

      • KCI등재

        Multi‑tissue lipotoxicity caused by high‑fat diet feeding is attenuated by the supplementation of Korean red ginseng in mice

        Seon‑A Jang,Seung Namkoong,이성률,Jin Woo Lee,Yuna Park,Gyeongseop So,Sung Hyeok Kim,Mi‑Ja Kim,Ki‑Hyo Jang,Alberto P. Avolio,Sumudu V. S. Gangoda,Hyun Jung Koo,Myung Kyum Kim,Se Chan Kang,Eun‑Hwa Sohn 대한독성 유전단백체 학회 2020 Molecular & cellular toxicology Vol.16 No.1

        Background Excessive intake of fat, one of the causes of obesity, is associated with low-grade infammation in various susceptible organs and eventually causes tissue toxicity. This study examines the multifaceted suppressive efects of Korean red ginseng extract (KRG) on high-fat diet (HFD)-induced lipotoxicity and infammatory responses in the aorta, liver, and brain. Methods Male C57BL/6 mice were fed HFD with or without KRG for 12 weeks. The improvement efect in KRG on lipotoxicity and infammatory potential was determined in the blood and the aorta, liver, and brain tissues. Results KRG signifcantly inhibited 3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl coenzyme A (HMG-CoA) reductase activity by >20% in vitro. KRG supplementation suppressed HFD-associated body weight gain, lipid profle changes, and excessive fat deposition in the liver and increased leptin, insulin, and ALT levels in the blood. Infammatory markers in the aorta, liver, and brain were also signifcantly reduced by KRG treatment. In microvascular endothelial cells, the 15% cyclic stretch-mediated upregulation of ICAM-1 and vascular cell adhesion protein-1 (VCAM-1) expression was signifcantly attenuated in the presence of KRG. Conclusion KRG supplementation attenuates HFD-mediated body weight gain, lipid profle changes, and multi-tissue infammatory responses.

      • 錦南 詩文學의 內容的 特質 硏究

        김미선 淸州大學校 學術硏究所 2024 淸大學術論集 Vol.42 No.-

        This paper is a study on the content characteristics of the works contained in the poetry collection Geumnam Sijip by Kim Sang-beom, also known as Geumnam. Geumnam Sijip is a poetry collection by Kim Sang-beom, a descendant of the Gyeongju Kim clan's Taesagong branch (Gongpyeonggong branch). It had been preserved by his family descendants, and I was the first to discover Geumnam Sijip as a subject of academic research. Thus, I aimed to translate Geumnam Sijip for the first time and elucidate its content characteristics. Geumnam was active in the Cheongju region in the late 19th century. During the 19th century, literati such as Song Chi-gyu, Im Heon-hoe, Jeon Woo, and Choi Ik-hyeon were active in the Cheongju area. Geumnam was born in the first year of King Gojong's reign (1864) as the second son of Kim Jae-hee and Lady Jang of the Indong Jang clan. In his early years, he primarily inherited family teachings, and as he grew up, he sought out great teachers to rigorously study academic disciplines, engaging in extensive exchanges with local literati. Additionally, Geumnam actively participated in various poetry gatherings held in the Cheongju region, showcasing his literary talents. His interactions with local figures are recorded in Geumnam Sijip. In this paper, I will translate the works contained in Geumnam Sijip and examine their content characteristics. Prior to this, I intend to review any errors in the original text or any discrepancies with standard poetic conventions as a preliminary task. A careful reading of the original text is necessary for an accurate translation of the works and for understanding the author's literary world. Based on this, I will elucidate the content characteristics of the works.

      • 일부 응급구조과 학생과 간호과 학생의 안락사에 대한 태도조사 연구

        김미선,박미화,황선영 한국응급구조학회 2002 한국응급구조학회지 Vol.6 No.1

        This descriptive study was conducted to identify the attitude toward euthanasia of EMT and nursing students and to compare their attitude before and after clinical practice. The convenience sample was comprised of 40 first grade and 40 second grade EMT students attended at G college in G-city, and 40 first grade and 40 third grade nursing students attended at C college in C-province. The variable was tested with an euthanasia attitude scale developed by Kim Ae Kyoung(2001). The valid responses were obtained and analyzed by using SPSS PC+ from November 25 to December 6.2002. The results showed that most of the respondents agreed to have positive attitude toward euthanasia in terms of client's right and client's quality of life. Also, they thought that euthanasia should be legalized and the right to die with dignity should be guaranteed. The EMT respondents having a clinical experience showed significantly higher score than respondents having no experience in the subarea of medical ethics and nursing respondents who had a clinical practice showed significantly higher score than others no experience in the subarea of quality of life. But, the other sub-areas had no significant difference between the respondents before and after clinical practice.

      • KCI등재

        두경부 마사지가 중환자실 환자의 수면과 불안에 미치는 효과

        김미용,전선영,송윤희,최은진,김재희,김미성,주명순,김남선 병원간호사회 2006 임상간호연구 Vol.11 No.2

        Purpose: This study was to apply head and neck massage to patients in intensive care unit and to inventigate the effect of that massage on sleep and state anxiety. Method: The subjects in this study were 27 patients who were admitted in medical intensive care unit. The study was performed from June thru September of 2005 on the One-group pretest-posttest design and the sleep, state anxiety of the subjects were measured before and after head and neck massage. For data analysis, paired t-test and Pearson correlation coefficient were utilized. Result: The first hypothesis that the subjects might have a better sleep after being exposed to head and neck massage was accepted. The second hypothesis that the subjects might feel less state anxiety afrer being exposed to head and neck massage was accepted. The third hypothesis that the sleep of the ICU patients maight be correlated to their anxiety was accepted, as there appeared correlation between their sleep and anxiety. Conclusion: Head and neck massage is identified as one of independent nursing interwentions to improve the sleep of ICU patients and ease their anxiety, and it is necessary to apply it to clinical practices.

      • S-542 Indomethacin aggravates the renal injury by inhibition of adenosine-medited renal protection in AKI

        ( Hyejung Kim ),( Sun-hee Kim ),( Mi Seon Kang ),( Park Seok Ju ),( Min Sung An ),( Ki Beom Bae ) 대한내과학회 2016 대한내과학회 추계학술발표논문집 Vol.2016 No.1

        Background: Ischemia-reperfusion injury (IRI) is a leading cause of acute kidney injury with high morbidity and mortality due to limited therapy. AKI emerges in various clinical settings and is complex with outcome linking oxidative stress, inflammation, and cell death. Therefore protection of AKI is still an unsolved problem. Indomethacin is generally known that it inhibits the production of prostaglandins through the inhibition both cyclooxygenase (COX) 1 and 2. Prostaglandins have a wide variety of effect such as regulation of vasodilation, inflammation, regeneration, pain, fever. Therefore effect of indomethacin in AKI is different according to injury model. We investigated whether indomethacin which inhibits the production of prostaglandins aggravate the renal injury in AKI mouse model. Methods: Male C57/BL6 mice (8-10 weeks old, weight 20~25 g) were used. Acute kidney injury is induced by bilateral kidneys pedicle clamping which were subjected to 20 min or 30 min at both kidneys. Mice were treated with indomethacin at before and after injury. Blood and kidney samples were collected at 24 hr after IRI. The expression level of creatinine, N-gal & Kim-1 were detected in serum. And the expression level of PGE2, cAMP and adenosine were detected in kidney. Kidney Injury score were measured by HE staining and TUNEL. Results: In bilateral AKI model, Serum NGAL level and creatinine level were significantly highest in indomethacin treated group compared to non-treated group (NGAL, p<0.05; creatinine, p<0.01). Indomethacin treated group showed significantly more necrosis and apoptosis compared to non-treated group. Furthermore, Indomethacine inhibited the production of prostaglandins, cAMP and adenosine. Conclusions: Indomethacin inhibits adenosine-mediated renal protection by inhibition of prostaglandin production in AKI. Therefore Indomethacin worsened renal injury by inhibition of prostaglandin production in AKI. * This research was supported by a grant of the Korea Health Technology R&D Project through the KHIDI, funded by the Ministry of Health & Welfare, Republic of Korea (grant number :H15C2212)

      • 胃疾患의 食餌療法

        강미경,김미숙,김선숙,김수향,양이선 효성여자대학교 가정대학 학도호국단 1987 家政大論集 Vol.6 No.-

        The circumstance being surrounded with a rapidly changing society causes us to build up manystresses during our modern life. For this reason, there is increasing the occurrence of gastroentericdisorder in frequency. The dietary treatment of gastroenteric disorder requires to prepare the program necessary fora meal's amount quality and cookery with careful attention. In addition, it is essential for gastroentericpatients to fully supplement the needed nutritive substance depending on the degree of the trouble,by controling their mealtimes. Consequently, the successful dietary treatment entirely depends uponthe close cooperation between the patient involving his family and doctors and dietitians becausethe patient has to observe the standard of the programed dietary treatment. And it also is very impor-tant that the person who prepares table for these patients, attempts to improve their appetite, bysupplying foods suitable for their digestion and taste on the basis of the dietary treatment's standard. Several mental elements of gastroenteric patients have great effect upon the recovery of their di-sorder so that their family and nurses must lead these patients to stabilize their mind and to berestored to health as well as the adequate medical treatment.

      • KCI등재SCOPUS

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