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        日本 初期 石碑의 형태에 대한 검토

        前澤和之(Maezawa kazuyuki),오택현(번역자) 한국목간학회 2017 목간과 문자 Vol.0 No.18

        日本의 渡来文化의 하나인 초기 石碑에 대해 현존하는 18점 중 3점이 모여있는 群馬県 高崎市의 山上碑(681年) · 多胡碑(711年頃) · 金井沢碑(726年)의 형태 · 비문을 중심으로 그 <전파-수용-전개> 양상을 검토하고자 한다. 현지의 승려와 불교신앙자가 건립한 山上碑과 金井沢碑는 그 지역의 安山岩인 自然石을 그대로 사용했으며, 형태는 신라의 대구 塢作碑 · 南山新城碑 제1비와 유사하다. 그리고 이 지역에 새로운 郡이 성립된 사정을 기록한 多胡碑는 지역에서 생산되는 砂岩을 가공해 笠石 · 碑身 · 台石으로 구성된 정돈되어진 형태로 신라의 진흥왕순수비인 磨雲嶺碑 · 北漢山碑와 유사하다. 이들 형태를 비교해보면 석비는 7세기 후기부터 8세기 전기에 이 지역에 도래했던 신라의 사람들이 가지고 온 정보를 이 지역의 유력자가 수용해 받아들이고, 石材와 형태 등 碑文의 표기와 刻字 방법에 창작력을 가미해 건립했다고 보는 것이 가능할 것이다. 이러한 상황은 『続日本紀』에 이 시기 僧 · 官人을 포함한 다수의 신라에서 사람들이 주변지역에 이주했다는 기사가 있다는 것에서 증명된다고 생각된다. 이것들 石碑가 건립되었던 지역은 5세기 후기에 말의 사육 기술과 함께 한반도에서 사람들이 가져온 이주된 유적이며, 6세기 후기~말기의 고분의 부장품에서도 중국·한반도에서 가지고 온 다수의 문물을 살펴 볼 수 있다. 또 오래 전에 성립되었던 韓級이라는 지명과 도래인이 창건했다고 하는 辛科神社가 현존해 있다. 더욱이 『続日本紀』의 기사와 출토문자 자료에 의해 신라에서 도래한 사람들의 후예인 子氏가 다수 거주하고 있던 것이 판명되었다. 즉 여기는 일본 열도에서 초기 석비의 문화가 수용된 보기 드문 지역 중 하나이며, 그것이 가능했던 것은 오래 전부터 다른 민족과 공생하는 사회가 만들어져 있었기 때문에 도래해 온 새로운 문화의 가치를 일찍부터 이해하는 것이 가능했기 때문이라고 생각된다. 이들 3 사례에서 보는 것같이 일본열도에서 초기 석비의 수용은 한반도 특히 신라의 영향을 크게 받았다. 중국의 풍습을 받아들인 것은 多賀城碑(762)와 浄水寺의 石碑群(790~1064)에 불과하고, 螭首 · 亀趺를 동반하는 형식의 석비가 만들어졌던 흔적은 보이지 않는다. 게다가 그 영향은 한정적이여서 일본열도에서 중국풍 석비의 건립 보급에는 이르지 못했다. 이렇게 동아시아 각지의 초기석비의 양상을 비교검토하면 사람과 문화의 교류 실태를 보다 精緻하게 하는 것이 가능할 것이라는 것을 강조하고 싶다. This study aims to investigate into the 〈propagation-acceptance-development〉 pattern shown in Yamanoue Stela(681), Tago Stela(around 711), and Kanaizawa Stela(726) located in Takasaki-si, Gunma-ken Prefecture. These three Stelas only exist among 18 in total as part of Ancient Immigrants culture of Japan. Yamanoue Stela and Kanaizawa Stela erected by local Buddhist monks and adherents of Buddhism used the natural intact stones as produced in the region and were similar to the first monument of Daegu Ojakbi and Namsan Sinseongbi of Shilla. And Tago Stela, a record of the process that a new county was formed in the region is composed of menhir, body of monument, and moss-grown stone by processing the sandstones produced in the region. This is similar to Maunryeongbi and Bukhansanbi, the monuments commemorating King Jinheung’s tour. To compare the shapes, it can be seen that the stone monument was built when local influential people accepted the information that the people of Shilla, who came to this region from late 7<SUP>th</SUP> century to early 8<SUP>th</SUP> century brought with and added their creativity to stone monument, marks on epitaph, and inscription method. This is also proven by an article in 『Shoku Nihongi』 that a great number of people of Shilla including Buddhist monks and officials emigrated to the neighboring areas during this period. These stone Stelas were built in historic sites where people emigrated from the Korean peninsula with horse breeding method in late 5<SUP>th</SUP> century. And in burial goods of ancient tomb from the late 6<SUP>th</SUP> century to the end of 6th century, multiple products from China and Korean peninsula were observed. Also, the place name Hangeup which was named a long ago and Shingwa shrine which was known to have been founded by the people who came to this region are still existent. Furthermore, it turns out that people whose family name is ko(子), many descendants of the people who came from Shilla had lived here, according to an article in 『Shoku Nihongi』 and excavated texts. This is one of the rare places where the culture of initial stone monuments was accepted by the Japanese Archipelago. What made this possible is probably that already, a symbiotic culture with other nations was formed a long ago, which made it possible to understand the value of new emerging culture early on. As shown in these three examples, the initial acceptance of stone Stela in Japanese Archipelago was influenced a lot by the Korean peninsula, especially Shilla. Dahaseongbi (762) and Seokbigun of Jeongsusa Temple (790~1064) only accepted the Chinese custom, and the traces of stone monument accompanied with Isu and Guibu are not seen. As the influence was limited, it could not lead to the establishment and propagation of Chinse stone monuments into Japanese Archipelago. Like this, I’d like to stress that if we compare the patterns of initial stone monuments from every corner of the East Asia, it will be possible to elaborate the actual condition of cultural exchange between humans.

      • Perception of Cervical Cancer Screening Among Japanese University Students Who Have Never Had a Pap Smear: A Qualitative Study

        Oshima, Sumiko,Maezawa, Masaji Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention 2013 Asian Pacific journal of cancer prevention Vol.14 No.7

        This study aimed to explore attitudes towards cervical cancer screening among Japanese university students who had never had a Pap smear. Four focus-group discussions, each with 15 female university students, took place in November and December 2009. Discussions were recorded and transcripts were analyzed to extract attitudes of young women towards cervical cancer screening. The four themes that emerged were: i) a low sense of reality about cervical cancer; ii) a lack of knowledge about both cervical cancer and Pap smears; iii) a lack of motivation to get screened, and iv) a reluctance to visit the gynecologist. Participants who were interested in undergoing screening for cervical cancer cited the influence of conversations with friends and family, a diagnosis of cancer within their family, and relevant information from the media. The results indicate the importance of getting young women more interested in cervical cancer screening and overcoming their tendency to avoid visiting a gynecologist.

      • KCI등재

        Evaluation of follow-up observation using human epididymis protein 4, a tumor marker, in patients with ovarian cancer

        Masaya Uno,Rie Matsuo,Naoki Maezawa,Tomoyasu Kato 대한산부인과학회 2023 Obstetrics & Gynecology Science Vol.66 No.4

        Objective We evaluated the usefulness of human epididymis protein 4 (HE4), a tumor marker, during and after treatment in patients with ovarian cancer (OC). Methods We included Japanese patients newly diagnosed with OC treated at the National Cancer Center Hospital between 2014 and 2021. The HE4 levels were measured in the serum stored during diagnosis. To evaluate the concordance between HE4 and the imaging results, we employed sequential pairs of blood sampling points and the results of imaging examinations. We compared the timing of the elevated HE4 levels, imaging diagnoses, and elevated cancer antigen 125 (CA125) levels in patients with recurrence. The Ethics Review Committee of our institution (2021-056) reviewed this study. Results Forty-eight patients with epithelial OC were eligible for enrollment. The sensitivity, specificity, and positive and negative predictive values of HE4 (criterion, 70 pmol/L) for disease progression during the follow-up period were 79.4%, 59.1%, 32.5%, and 92.0%, respectively (time point, n=317). We evaluated the relationship between HE4 and CA125 variability and disease status (recurrence or no recurrence). For recurrence, the sensitivity and negative predictive value of HE4 (criterion, 70 pmol/L), CA125 (criterion, 35 U/mL), and combination of HE4 and CA125 were 77.8%, 85.2%, and 92.6% and 75.0%, 82.6%, and 88.9%, respectively (n=48). Among the 27 patients who exhibited recurrence, 16 and nine showed earlier increased HE4 levels than the relevant imaging and CA125 levels, respectively. Conclusion HE4 may be a valuable marker for follow-up during and after OC therapy. A complementary role for HE4 and CA125 measurements was suggested for follow-up observations.


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