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      • Study on CaO-SiO₂-Gypsum/Slag계의 관한 연구

        이희수,박정현,정윤중 연세대학교 산업기술연구소 1979 논문집 Vol.11 No.1

        At the CaO-SiO₂basic system, The slags that outputed from steel industry and phosphate by-products gypsum that produced from fertilizer industry were added with schematically according to the changes of gypsum/slag content ratio. With the fixed condition of hydration 180℃, 6h₁s., The physical properties, the composition system, the mineralogical compositions were compared and detected. In this research, the experimental results were as follows. The added slag was well hydrated and compressive strength was 21 ×10³psi when the slag was added 10%. The hydrogarnet and gehlenite, when the the slag was added, the hydroxyl ellestadite and anhydrite, when the gypsum was added, were the influence factor for the hydration.

      • BaO-Al₂O₃-SiO₂계 유리의 결정화

        이희수,조동현,정윤중 연세대학교 산업기술연구소 1981 논문집 Vol.13 No.1

        In the study of dielectric properties and structure for the BaO-Al₂O₃-SiO₂ system glass ceramics, the following results were obtained: 1. The parent glass batch for 36BaO-24TiO₂-36SiO₂-6Al₂O₃for mula melted when it at was heated at the 1520℃ for 2hrs. 2. The two crystals, Barium titanate and Barium celsian, existed together in the glass ceramics of this system. It was observed that the Barium titanate controls the crystallizatton. As the crystallinity of Barium tiatate was increased, the dieliectric constant was increased in the glass of this system. The variation of dielctric loss factor was slightly increased. 3. The conditions which have the large value of the crystallinity of Barium titanate and the uniform distribution of the crystal are the heating temperature of 650˚C and the soaking time of 3hrs for nucleation and 1150℃ and 5hrs for crystallization. The crystallinity was 35wt% and the dielectric constantwas 400.

      • 토끼 간조직의 Stimulatory Guanine Nucleotide 결합 단백의 αsubunit 에 대한 cDNA 염기서열에 관한 연구

        이상훈,노연희,한중수,고재경 한양대학교 의과대학 1993 한양의대 학술지 Vol.13 No.1

        G proteins, a family of guanine nucleotide-binding protein superfamily, are involved in transmembrane signaling systems as transducers. In this study cDNAs encoding αsubunit of the stimulatory G protein (G α ) from rabbit liver were cloned and their nucleotide sequences were determined : a λgt 11 cDNA library from total cellular poly (A)' mRNA in rabbit liber was screened for recombinant λDNA that codes for G α with labeled probe. The probe used was an EcoRI digested 3' end fragment of cDNA for G α from olfactory neuroepithelium of rat. Six of the approximately recombinant clones were screened by in situ hybridization and by autoradiography, detecting sixteen positive clones. These clones were tested using polymerase chain reaction (PCR) technique and thirteen of them were turned out to have two sets of conserved sequence in αcDNA. Four clonse among them were selected form analysis of their cDNA sequences, showing the presence of two types of cDNA, namely and with the total length of nucleotide sequence of1.392bp and 1.613bp, respectively . From nucleotide sequence analysis the amino acid residues of -1 and α-2 were deduced : they contain 335 and 386 amino acid residues (including the initiator methionine), respectively. The calculated molecular weights for and were 38.9kd and 44.6kd, respectively. The significant difference in size between two cDNAs for G αseemed to be due to the assumption that alternative promoter and leading exon might be involved in transcribing the mRNA for . Two types of cDNA from rabbit liver shared over 95% of amino acid homology with that from rat olfactory neuroepichelium if deleted portions are not counted. More information on the cDNAs could be obtained through further studies such as Sl nuclease protection experiment, expression and mutation study.

      • 부채성충당금 관련 회계기준서의 국제 비교

        이중희 啓明大學校 産業經營硏究所 2001 經營經濟 Vol.34 No.2

        The purpose of this paper is to provide some guidelines for international harmonization of the Accounting Standards for Provisions, Contingent Liabilities and Contingent Assets(ASPCCA hereafter). In order to accomplish this purpose the paper reviewed the concepts of provisions and the current developments of international harmonization of related standards. The paper also reviewed comparatively the ASPCCA of Korea and U.S.A., and International Accounting Standards(IAS hereafter). Suggestions based on the findings from the review are as follows: (1) As many firms pursue various aggressive marketing policies their assets and liabilities have become more uncertain. Thus some new ASPCCA reflecting this business environment should be established. (2) In recognizing elements of financial statements that comprise uncertainties, the asset-liability approach should be adopted to follow the international trends and be consistent with the Framework of Financial Accounting Concepts of Korea. (3) It is desirable that the new ASPCCA should be more concrete and systematic, and should include rich examples since ASPCCA contain various new concepts and circumstances. By doing so, arbitrary judgements and confusion could be avoided in implementing the standards, resulting in the enhancement of comparability of accounting information. Based on the suggestions made above, it is judged that the desirable ASPCCA should be set in the frame of IAS rather than the standards of U.S.A..

      • KCI등재

        반과거(IMP)와 단순과거(PS)의 대립적 용법과 소설에서의 이해

        이중희 慶南大學校 人文科學硏究所 2002 人文論叢 Vol.15 No.-

        Nous avons tente´ de mieux comprendre les phrases e´crites en imparfait et en passe´ simple dans le roman en e´tudiant l'emploi oppositionnel entre l'imparfait et le passe´ simple. Selon le concept de l'aspect de R. Martin, l'imparfait comprend l'aspect de l'inaccompli et l'aspect imperfectif, tandis que le passe´ simple comprend l'aspect perfectif. De me^me, G. Guillaume a remarque´: "L'imparfait comprend l'image verbale de l'imperfectivite´, dont le proce`s du verbe est saisi se´pare´ment en une partie de´ja` accompli et une autre, virtuelle vers le futur, alors que le passe´ simple comprend l'image verbale de perfectivite´, dont le proe`s du verbe n'est saisie que par la totalite´ du commencement et de la fin." Donc, l'imparfait et le passe´ simple pourrai marquer ainsi: Imparfait = Temps passe´ + Aspect imperfectif (Action-ligne`avec durativite´, continuite´ ou inachevete´) Passe´ simple = Temps passe´ + Aspect perfectif(Action-point sans continuite´ ou simultane´ite´) L'imparfait est l'aspect extensif ou non-marque´, dont l'emploi peut s'e´largir aux de´pens du passe´ simple, et dont le sens est vague et flou, tandis que le passe´ simple est l'aspect intensif ou marque´, dont l'emploi et le sens sont pre´cise´ment circonscrits. Par rapport a`la the´orie d'e´nonciation de E. Benvenste, l'imparfait est commun a` l'e´nonciation historique(=re´cit) et a`l'e´nonciation discours(=discours), et le passe´ simple ne s'installe qu'au re´cit. C'est-a`-dire que l'imparfait s'emploi aussi bien dans la langue de la conversation que dans le style litte´raire, tandis que le passe´ simple n'appartient qu'a`la langue litte´raire. Dans le re´cit, l'imparfait a le ro^le d'arrie`re-plan et le passe´ simple, celui de premier-plan. Cet arrie`re-plan sert a` repre´senter les circonstances caracte´risant, justifant ou entourant un e´ve´nement pre´sente´par le passe´ simple. Cependant nous voyons que dans un certain nombre de contextes, peut e^tre employe´ aux de´pens du passe´ simple. Ce sont l'imparfait perfectif de rupture et l'imparfait pittoresque de´crivant vivement, etc. Dans le discours, l'imparfait exprime un mouvement qui est ante´rieur au pre´sent et dure jusqu'un moment dans le passe´. En outre, l'imparfait peut exprimer plusieurs valeurs modaux: l'e´ventualite´, l'irre´alite´ dans le pre´sent, la valeur d'un conditionnel passe´, la discre´tion, la politesse et la gentillesse, etc. Si l'imparfait peut avoir ainsi la signification large, c'est qu'il est un structure compose´: une partie´ re´alise´e et l'aure non-re´alise´e. La signification de l'imparfait est faite diffe´rement en proportion de la partie souligne´e. Ici, nous conside´rons le travail suivant a`rechercher: pour mieux comprendre la nuance du temps spe´cialement dans l'oeuvre litte´raire, il faudra e´tudier profonde´ment la valeur se´mantique et contextuelle du temps verbal, non seulement au niveau de l'aspect et de l'e´nociation mais aussi au domaine des lexe`mes de modalite´ d'acre`tion tenant du lexique.

      • 청송도석의 구조해석

        이희수,정윤중,신규연 연세대학교 산업기술연구소 1980 논문집 Vol.12 No.1

        Mixed layer clay mineral among Chongsong pettery stones, which is important as raw material in ceramic manufactures, was investigated and then Al-chlorite(Sudoite)-Montmorillonite 1:1 regular interstratified clay mineral(Tosudite) was found to exist. X-ray diffraction, differential thermal analysis and infra-red absorption spectra were examined. The following results showed that the chief clay mineral of Chongsong pottery stone resembled to Al-chlorite(Sudoite)-Montmorillonite regular mixed layer. 1. Lattice spacing d(001) and d(002) after treatments showed as follows: d(001) d(002) untreated 29.4 17.7 ethylene glycol treatment 32.7 15.5 heat treatment - 14.2 2. DTA showed exothermal at 980 ℃ and endothermal at 70℃, 170℃, 550 ℃ and 570℃. 3. Infra-red absorption spectra showed OH absorption at wave number 3630cm??, 3650cm?? and 3530cm??.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재후보

        백혈병환자에서 Liposomal Amphotericin B로 치료된 파종성 Fusarium 감염 1예

        이지연,김성범,박대원,신성희,김용현,윤소영,엄중식,최철원,정희진,김우주,김준석,김장수,이갑노 대한감염학회 2003 감염과 화학요법 Vol.35 No.5

        Fusarium spp.는 사람에서 드물게 각막염, 조갑진균증, 상처나 화상부위감염 등을 유발하는 것으로 알려져 있으나 최근에는 면역저하자에서 기회감염의 원인균으로 증가하고 있는 추세이다. 면역저하자에서 파종성 감염이 있는 경우에 예후는 치명적이나, 증례가 많지 않고 진단방법이 제한되어 있어 조기 진단과 신속한 치료가 쉽지 않다. 그러나 특징적으로 피부병변의 동반이 흔하여 면역저하자에서는 피부 병변의 면밀한 관찰과 함께 Fusarium 감염을 조기에 의심하여 피부생검이나 배양을 하는 것이 진단에 도움이 되리라 생각된다. 파종성 Fusarium 감염의 치료로는 감염 부위의 국소적 외과적 절제와 전신적 항진균제의 사용이 필요하고 현재까지는 amphotericin B가 비교적 효율적인 항진균제로 알려져 있으나 면역저하자에서 이에 반응을 하지 않는 경우가 많다. 저자들은 급성골수성백혈병 환자에서 관해유도화학요법 시행 후 호중구감소상태에서 피부병변과 폐침윤이 발견되었고 피부의 중심부 궤양을 동반한 구진성 병변에서 배양검사를 통해 파종성 Fusarium 감염을 진단하였으며 liposomal amphotericin B (AmBisome )를 사용하여 성공적으로 치료한 예를 경험하여 보고하는 바이다. Fusarium spp., basically a superficial pathogen, is a newly emerging fungal pathogen of opportunistic infections in immunocompromised patients. At present, although Fusarium spp. are relatively resistant to amphotericin B, the combination of amphotericin B and surgical debridement appear to be optimal treatment for disseminated infection. Recently we experienced a 32-year-old neutropenic patient after induction chemotherapy for acute myelocytic leukemia presented with skin lesions and infiltrations in both lungs. We diagnosed with disseminated fusariosis by skin culture and successfully treated the patient with liposomal amphotericin B. We emphasize a high index of suspicion for skin lesions especially in immunocopromised patients.

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