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      • KCI등재

        대학 운동선수의 부정행위 수용도, 스포츠 동기화, 스포츠 완벽주의가 실패공포와 도핑 의도 및 태도에 미치는 영향

        김기운 ( Kiwoon Kim ),백주해 ( Juhae Baeck ) 중앙대학교 학교체육연구소 2024 Asian Journal of Physical Education of Sport Scien Vol.12 No.3

        우리나라의 운동선수는 어렸을 때부터 ‘선수로서의 삶’을 강요받기에 운동선수 외에 다른 진로를 고려하기란 쉽지 않다. 때문에, 선수로서의 성공이 무엇보다 중요하고, 이를 위해서라면 승부 조작, 비리, 그리고 도핑에 이르는 비윤리적 행위도 용인되는 환경이 조성되었다. 이에, 본 연구는 운동선수의 부정행위, 도핑 등을 예측하는 주요 변인인 부정행위 수용도, 스포츠 동기화, 스포츠 완벽주의가 대학 운동선수의 실패공포와 도핑 의도 및 태도에 미치는 영향을 분석하였다. 연구결과, 대학 운동선수의 부정행위 수용도, 내사된 조절, 코치 기준 완벽주의가 실패공포에 유의한 영향을 미치는 것으로 나타났다. 둘째, 대학 운동선수의 부정행위 수용도, 코치 기준 완벽주의가 도핑 의도 및 태도에 유의한 영향을 미치는 것으로 나타났다. 따라서 향후 도핑 방지 교육 콘텐츠를 개발할 때에는 운동선수들의 부정행위 수용도와 코치 기준의 완벽주의적 성향을 완화할 수 있도록 외부 환경적 요소들을 고려할 필요가 있다. 또한, 지도자를 대상으로 한 교육을 통해 코치 기준의 완벽주의적 성향이 도핑과 같은 일탈 행위에 영향을 미친다는 점을 인식할 수 있도록 하고, 지도 현장에 반영할 수 있도록 하는 노력이 필요할 것이다. In South Korea, athletes are often pressured from a young age to pursue a life as an athlete, making it not easy to consider paths other than being an athlete. Therefore, success as an athlete is prioritized above all else, leading to an environment where unethical behaviors such as match-fixing, and doping are tolerated. This study aimed to analyze the factors influencing the fear of failure and doping intentions, focusing on acceptance of cheating, sports motivation, and sports perfectionism. The results showed that acceptance of cheating, introjected regulation, and perceived coach pressure significantly influenced the fear of failure. Secondly, acceptance of cheating and perceived coach pressure significantly influenced doping intentions. Therefore, there is a need to consider external environmental factors to mitigate athletes' acceptance of misconduct and coach-oriented perfectionist tendencies when developing doping prevention education. Additionally, efforts should be made to raise awareness among coaches through education programs targeting coaches, enabling them to recognize the influence of coach-oriented perfectionist tendencies on deviant behaviors such as doping and to incorporate this awareness into coaching practices.

      • <i>Psychroserpens jangbogonensis</i> sp. nov., a psychrophilic bacterium isolated from Antarctic marine sediment

        Baek, Kiwoon,Lee, Yung Mi,Hwang, Chung Yeon,Park, Hyun,Jung, You-Jung,Kim, Mi-Kyeong,Hong, Soon Gyu,Kim, Ji Hee,Lee, Hong Kum International Union of Microbiological Societies 2015 International journal of systematic and evolutiona Vol.65 No.1

        <P>A Gram-staining-negative, yellow-pigmented, aerobic, rod-shaped and non-motile bacterium, PAMC 27130(T), was isolated from the marine sediment of the Ross Sea, Antarctica. The temperature, pH and NaCl tolerance ranges for growth were 4-20 degrees C, pH 6.0-9.0 and 0.5-5.0% (w/v) NaCl, respectively. Phylogenetic analysis based on 16S rRNA gene sequences showed that strain PAMC 27130(T) belonged to the genus Psychroserpens and was closely related to Psychroserpens mesophilus, Psychroserpens damuponensis and Psychroserp ens burtonensis with 97.2, 94.7 and 94.2% sequence similarities, respectively. Genomic relatedness analyses based on average nucleotide identity and genome-to-genome distance showed that strain PAMC 27130(T) could be clearly distinguished from other species of the genus Psychroserpens. The genomic DNA G+C content was 32.7 mol%. The major fatty acids (>10%) were C-20:4 omega 6c (13.2%), iso-C-15:0 (12.3%), iso-C-15:1 G (11.7%) and iso-C-15:0 3-OH (10.0%). The major respiratory isoprenoid quinone was menaquinone-6 (MK-6) and the polar lipids were phosphatidylethanolamine, two unidentified aminolipids, an unidentified phospholipid, an unidentified aminophospholipid and three unidentified lipids. On the basis of genotypic and phenotypic data collected in this study, it is proposed that strain PAMC 27130(T) represents a novel species of the genus Psychroserpens, for which the name Psychroserpens jangbogonensis sp. nov. is proposed. The type strain is PAMC 27130(T) (=KCTC 42128(T)=JCM 30228(T)).</P>

      • KCI등재

        부르디외 자본론으로 해석한 장애인스포츠의 공간적 차별

        김기운(Kim, KiWoon) 한국스포츠사회학회 2022 한국스포츠사회학회지 Vol.35 No.1

        이 연구는 사회 공간에 관한 부르디외의 자본론을 중심으로 오늘날 장애인스포츠의 공간적 차별 현상을 해석하고자 수행되었다. A 장애인 론볼 테니스장의 행위 주체로서 공간을 긴 시간 동안 이용한 장애인들을 대상으로 면담을 진행하고, 그들이 이용하는 공간을 참여 관찰하여 자료를 수집하였다. 그리고 다소 민감한 주제를 다루는 만큼 참여자는 물론 공간과의 충분한 라포를 형성하기 위해 오랜 시간 노력을 기울였으며, 수집된 자료는 진실성과 윤리성을 신중히 고려하며 질적 내용 분석을 통해 분석하였다. 이를 통해 도출된 결론은 다음과 같다. 첫째, 장애인스포츠 공간의 행위자(운영 주체, 관리자, 이용자) 간의 자본 차이로 장애인은 상대적으로 낮은 지위와 자본을 획득하게 되고 이를 통해 ‘도시 외곽의 다리 밑 공간’이 구조화된 것으로 확인되었다. 둘째, 장애인스포츠 공간에서 상대적으로 높은 지위와 위치를 획득한 행위자 즉, 운영 주체 및 관리자(비장애인)가 획득한 자본과 지위를 바탕으로 시간과 공간을 통제함으로써 상징폭력을 행사하는 것으로 확인되었다. 마지막으로, 불평등이 구조화된 장애인스포츠 공간에서 ‘순응적 아비투스’을 습득한 것으로 확인되었다. 이러한 노력은 그동안 스포츠사회학 분야에서 다소 소극적으로 이루어졌던 ‘장애 연구’에 대한 관심을 가져오는 기회이자, 비판적 장애 연구의 학술적 패러다임 변화에 맞추어 장애인스포츠에 대한 학술적 논의를 확장하는 계기가 될 것으로 기대한다. 나아가 향후 장애인스포츠 공간에 대한 소외 혹은 불평등 현상을 해소하고 포용적 환경을 구축하기 위한 정책 및 제도적 개선의 밑거름이 될 것으로 기대한다. This study was carried out to examine the mechanisms of inequality in the sports space for people with disability by borrowing Bourdieu"s capital thoery and to explore the experiences of the disabled within it. In-depth interviews were conducted with the tennis court and the people who used the space for a long time. And data were collected by participating and observing the space they use. The collected data were analyzed through qualitative content analysis. As a result, it was possible to examine the social order that causes spatial alienation and exclusion in the sports space for the people with disability and the social relationships surrounding it, and the experiences of the disabled in it. First of all, it was found that people occupied a relatively high position in space by acquiring relatively large amount of political capital (political influence and power) compared to the people with disability and returning it to economic capital. And it was confirmed that this difference in capital acted as a mechanism to reproduce the social relationship of the formation of a hierarchy between the actors of the sports space for the disabled (disabled as users and non-disabled as operating managers) and inequality in sports for the disabled. As a result, it was confirmed that this unequal social order formed habitus to conform through the symbolic violence of ‘under the bridge’ and restructured the unequal space that discriminated and excluded the people with disability.

      • KCI등재

        학생인가? 직업인인가? : 여대생 프로골퍼의 대학에 대한 인식 탐색

        김민 ( Min Kim ),김기운 ( Kiwoon Kim ) 중앙대학교 학교체육연구소 2022 Asian Journal of Physical Education of Sport Scien Vol.10 No.2

        이 연구는 여자대학생 프로골퍼가 대학을 인식하는 주관적 유형을 분류하고 그 특성을 이해하고자 수행되었다. 이를 위해, Q 방법론을 채택하였다. 구체적으로 A 대학에 재학 중인 여자 대학 프로골퍼(정회원과 준회원) 30명을 연구참여자를 대상으로 Q 방법론 절차에 따라 2021년 12월 6일부터 12월 20일까지 약 2주간 자료를 수집하여 분석하였고, 그 결과로 여자 대학 프로골퍼의 세 가지 인식유형을 도출하였다. 첫째, 제1유형(선수로서의 성장을 위한 기대공간)은 대학생보다는 선수로서의 정체성이 강하고 대학 특히 골프 학과를 ‘더 나은 선수로 성장하기 위한 배움의 공간’으로 인식하는 유형이다. 이 유형에는 총 14명의 여자 대학 프로골퍼가 포함되었다. 둘째, 제2유형(거쳐 가는 형식의 공간)은 1유형과 유사하게 대학 졸업보다 선수로서의 성공을 우선순위에 두고 있으나 학과 생활이 운동에 도움이 되지 않는다는 인식을 바탕으로 대학을 형식적인 공간으로 인식하는 유형이다. 이 유형에 해당하는 선수는 11명으로 전체의 약 3분의 1의 비중을 차지하고 있다. 셋째, 제3유형(대학생으로서의 진로 준비공간)은 제1, 2유형과 달리 프로골퍼가 아닌 학생으로의 역할을 강조함으로써 대학을 중요한 진로 준비의 수단으로 인식하는 유형이다. 이 유형에는 해당하는 선수는 불과 5명으로 확인되었다. 이처럼 본 연구는 우리나라 특유의 대학입시자격제도 아래에서 여자 대학 프로골프선수가 대학을 어떻게 생각하고 있는지, 그 인식유형을 확인함으로써 향후 학원 스포츠의 지속가능성을 위한 교육정책에 시사점을 제공한다는 측면에서 중요한 의의가 있다. This study was conducted to classify the subjective types of college perception by female college golf athletics and to understand their characteristics. To this end, the Q methodology was adopted. Data were collected and analyzed for 30 female college golf athletics of A college, according to the Q methodology. A a results, three types of subjectivity were derived. First, Type 1 (space for growth as an athlete) has a stronger identity as an athlete than a college student, and is a type that recognizes college as a ‘learning space to grow into a better athlete’. A total of 14 female college golfers are included in this category. Second, type 2 (a passing formal space) prioritizes success as a player over college graduation, similar to type 1, and considers college as a formal space based on the attitude that academic life does not help exercise. There are 11 players of this type, accounting for a large proportion of about a third of the total. Third, Type 3 (career preparation space as a college student) is a type that recognizes college as an important means of career preparation by emphasizing the role of general college students, not professional golfers, unlike Types 1 and 2. Only 5 female college golfers who fell into this category were identified. As such, this study is significant in that it provides implications for educational policies for the sustainability of academy sports in the future by confirming what female college golf players think of colleges under Korea's unique college entrance exam qualification system.

      • Transition from Nanorod to Nanotube of Poly(vinylidene trifluoroethylene) Ferroelectric Nanofiber

        Choi, Kiwoon,Lee, Se Cheol,Liang, Yongri,Kim, Kap Jin,Lee, Han Sup American Chemical Society 2013 Macromolecules Vol.46 No.8

        <P>The nanorod-to-nanotube transition of a piezoelectric poly(vinylidenefluoride-<I>co</I>-trifluoroethylene) (P(VDF-TrFE)) nanofiber inside cylindrical nanopores (CNP) with various pore diameters was precisely determined. After infiltrating the polymer into the CNP, a solid nanorod or hollow nanotube was obtained depending on the relative magnitude of the CNP diameter used compared to the critical pore diameter. The thickness of the lamellae formed inside the solid nanorod was found to be linearly dependent on the diameter of the nanocylinder. In addition, the wall thickness of the polymer nanotube increased with increasing nanocylinder diameter. The dependence of ferroelectric properties of the P(VDF–TrFE) nanofiber on the morphological transition were evaluated by measuring the piezoelectric polarization hysteresis loops. Compared to the hollow nanotube, the solid P(VDF–TrFE) nanorod showed significantly enhanced maximum polarization behavior, which is desirable for ferroelectric applications. These results show that the morphological transition from solid nanorod to hollow nanotube can play an important key role in the ferroelectric device fabrication of P(VDF–TrFE).</P><P><B>Graphic Abstract</B> <IMG SRC='http://pubs.acs.org/appl/literatum/publisher/achs/journals/content/mamobx/2013/mamobx.2013.46.issue-8/ma302679g/production/images/medium/ma-2012-02679g_0007.gif'></P><P><A href='http://pubs.acs.org/doi/suppl/10.1021/ma302679g'>ACS Electronic Supporting Info</A></P>



        KWON KIWOON,KIM YOON YOUNG Korean Mathematical Society 2005 대한수학회지 Vol.42 No.2

        The objective of this study is to analyze the decay characteristics of the hat interpolation wavelet coefficients of some smooth functions defined in a two-dimensional space. The motivation of this research is to establish some fundamental mathematical foundations needed in justifying the adaptive multiresolution analysis of the hat-interpolation wavelet-Galerkin method. Though the hat-interpolation wavelet-Galerkin method has been successful in some classes of problems, no complete error analysis has been given yet. As an effort towards this direction, we give estimates on the decaying ratios of the wavelet coefficients at children interpolation points to the wavelet coefficient at the parent interpolation point. We also give an estimate for the difference between non-adaptively and adaptively interpolated representations.

      • KCI등재

        Description of 17 unrecorded bacterial species isolated from freshwater showing antibiotic resistance in Korea

        Baek, Kiwoon,Kim, Eui-Jin,Han, Ji-Hye,Choi, Ahyoung Korean Society of Environmental Biology 2020 환경생물 : 환경생물학회지 Vol.38 No.2

        As part of the research program "2018 Rapid screening and identification of freshwater microorganisms using MALDI-TOF/MS library" freshwater samples were collected from a branch of the Nakdong River. Almost 300 antibiotic-resistant bacterial strains were isolated from freshwater samples and subsequently identified by 16S rRNA gene sequencing. Seventeen strains among the isolates shared high 16S rRNA gene sequence similarity (>99.0%) with known species that were not previously recorded in Korea, and each of the isolates also formed a robust phylogenetic clade with the closest species. These species were phylogenetically diverse, belonging to four phyla, seven classes, 10 orders, and 13 genera. At the genus and class level, the previously unrecorded species belonged to Rhodovarius, Xanthobacter, and Shinella of the class Alphaproteobacteria; Ottowia, Simplicispira, and Zoogloea of Betaproteobacteria; Pseudomonas, Acinetobacter, and Shewanella of Gammaproteobacteria; Arcobacter of Epsilonproteobacteria; Sphingobacterium of Sphingobacteriia; Trichococcus of Bacilli; and Leucobacter of Actinobacteria. The previously unrecorded species were further characterized by examining their gram-staining, colony and cell morphology, biochemical properties, and phylogenetic position.

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