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        PORT-MIS의 사용자 평가에 관한 연구

        케첼리야우스 ( Keceli Yavuz ),최형림 ( Hyung Rim Choi ),차윤숙 ( Yoon Sook Cha ),월칸아이도우두 ( Aydogdu Y. Volkan ),김한수 ( Han Su Kim ) LGCNS 엔트루정보기술연구소 2008 Entrue Journal of Information Technology Vol.7 No.2

        항만물류 환경의 급속한 변화로 인해 세계 주요 항만들은 생존을 위한 치열한 경쟁을 앞두고 있다. 이에 항만 경영자들은 항만의 시설 및 인프라의 개선과 항만의 비즈니스 프로세스 및 고객 서비스를 향상시키기 위해 투자하고 있다. 그에 따라 항만 및 항만과 관련된 모든 업체를 연결하는 네트워크인 항만 커뮤니티시스템(Port Community Systems, PCS)은 중요한 기여를 할 수 있을 것으로 예상된다. 본 연구는 부산항에서 사용중인 PORT-MIS를 PCS의 사례로 보고 그것을 사용자 관점에서 평가하고자 한다. 이를 위하여 부산항에 위치하는 해상 및 육상 운송 업체들을 대상으로 설문조사를 실시하였다. 또한 설문의 결과를 기반으로 향후 개선방안을 제시하였다. Due to rapid changes in the port logistics environment, major hub ports are in a fierce competition to survive. Such a competition is driving the port managements to invest more in their facilities and infrastructure, as well as improving their business practices and customer services. In this aspect port community systems(PCS), which are networks which link up the port with all the companies that use it, play a crucial role for the competitive power of the port. Thus this paper aims to evaluate PORT-MIS, the current community system in Busan Port. For this purpose a questionnaire survey was conducted targeting sea and land carriers. On the basis of the results, a direction for future improvements was proposed.

      • KCI등재

        Directions for the Improvement of Turkish Ports

        야우스(Yavuz Keceli),김하균(Ha-kyun Kim) 한국국제상학회 2009 國際商學 Vol.24 No.3

        본 연구는 부산항과 터키의 메르신항을 비교하여 터키항의 발전방향을 제시하였다. 전체적인 문헌연구를 통해 터키항의 현재 문제점을 조사하였으며, 터키항의 문제는 항구의 일반적인 문제, 경영적인 측면, 비용측면으로 범주를 나누어 관찰하였다. 터키의 메르신항과 부산항을 비교하기 위하여 설문조사를 실시하였다. 설문조사는 항구의 효율, 항구에서 효율을 증가시키는 요인, 효율증가를 위한 IT 시스템의 효과 등을 측정하였다. 부산항과 메르신항의 설문은 7점척도로 나누어 t-test로 검증하였다. 일반적으로 부산항이 메르신항에 비해 효율적으로 관리되고 있으며, 특히, IT 시스템은 우수한 것으로 나타났다. IT 시스템의 경우는 메르신항이 부산항을 벤치마킹할 필요성이 있다.

      • KCI등재

        Analysis of Marine Traffic Feature for Safety Assessment at Southern Entrance of the Istanbul Strait-I

        Volkan Aydogdu,박진수,Yavuz Keceli,박영수 한국항해항만학회 2008 한국항해항만학회지 Vol.32 No.7

        The Istanbul Strait is one of the important waterways in the world. And its southern entrance has a highly congested local traffic. Till now there are several studies regarding how the Istanbul Strait is dangerous to navigate and how those dangers can be mitigated. But there is no study regarding local traffic which is posing great collision risk. In a certain traffic area, marine traffic safety assessment parameters are traffic volume, frequency of collision avoidance maneuver, traffic density, traffic flow and potential encounter. In this paper local traffic volume, traffic flow and potential encounter number of local traffic vessels and possibility of collision are investigated in order to find degree of danger at the southern entrance of the Istanbul Strait. Finally by utilizing those, risky areas are determined for southern entrance of the Istanbul Strait. Results have been compared to a previous study regarding risk analysis at congested areas of the Istanbul Strait (Aydogdu, 2006) and consistency of the results were presented. The Istanbul Strait is one of the important waterways in the world. And its southern entrance has a highly congested local traffic. Till now there are several studies regarding how the Istanbul Strait is dangerous to navigate and how those dangers can be mitigated. But there is no study regarding local traffic which is posing great collision risk. In a certain traffic area, marine traffic safety assessment parameters are traffic volume, frequency of collision avoidance maneuver, traffic density, traffic flow and potential encounter. In this paper local traffic volume, traffic flow and potential encounter number of local traffic vessels and possibility of collision are investigated in order to find degree of danger at the southern entrance of the Istanbul Strait. Finally by utilizing those, risky areas are determined for southern entrance of the Istanbul Strait. Results have been compared to a previous study regarding risk analysis at congested areas of the Istanbul Strait (Aydogdu, 2006) and consistency of the results were presented.

      • KCI등재

        Analysis of Marine Traffic Feature for Safety Assessment at Southern Entrance of the Istanbul Strait-I

        Aydogdu, Volkan,Park, Jin-Soo,Keceli, Yavuz,Park, Young-Soo Korean Institute of Navigation and Port Research 2008 한국항해항만학회지 Vol.32 No.7

        The Istanbul Strait is one of the important waterways in the world. And its southern entrance has a highly congested local traffic. Till now there are several studies regarding how the Istanbul Strait is dangerous to navigate and how those dangers can be mitigated. But there is no study regarding local traffic which is posing great collision risk. In a certain traffic area, marine traffic safety assessment parameters are traffic volume, frequency of collision avoidance maneuver, traffic density, traffic flow and potential encounter, In this paper local traffic volume, traffic flow and potential encounter number of local traffic vessels and possibility of collision are investigated in order to find degree of danger at the southern entrance of the Istanbul Strait. Finally by utilizing those, risky areas are determined for southern entrance of the Istanbul Strait. Results have been compared to a previous study regarding risk analysis at congested areas of the Istanbul Strait (Aydogdu, 2006) and consistency of the results were presented.

      • KCI등재

        An Efficiency Analysis of Takaful Insurance Industry: A Comparative Study

        Ali COSKUN,Houshang HABIBNIYA,Yavuz KECELI 한국유통과학회 2021 The Journal of Asian Finance, Economics and Busine Vol.8 No.7

        Takaful, which is an Islamic insurance instrument, manages risks in business, according to Shariah (Islamic law) principles and offers risk protection and savings assets. The study analyzes the comparative efficiency of takaful insurance companies by implementing empirical research. The study also provides a comprehensive literature review on the efficiency analysis of the takaful industry. The empirical part presents a wide range of efficiency comparisons of 41 takaful insurance companies in 16 countries between 2009 and 2014. The data enveloping analysis technique is utilized using the rDEA package in the R environment to compute the efficiency score. In the study, the technical efficiency, overall technical efficiency, and pure technical efficiency are calculated and compared per year and per country. The findings of the study suggest that the overall average efficiency scores of takaful companies are considerably high. The study results also indicate that the excess in the consumption of inputs decreases while the deficit in achieved outputs has been declining in the covered period. The study suggests the managers of the takaful companies can use the target efficiency scores, which are calculated by using the DEA analysis, as an ideal reference benchmark for planning their inputs and outputs.

      • KCI등재후보

        무선통신과 Digital Media 기반 무정차 자동화 게이트시스템 개발

        박병주 ( Byung Joo Park ),신중조 ( Joong Jo Shin ),최형림 ( Hyung Rim Choi ),야우스케첼리 ( Yavuz Keceli ),이정희 ( Jung Hee Lee ) LGCNS 엔트루정보기술연구소 2007 Entrue Journal of Information Technology Vol.6 No.2

        세계 주요 컨테이너터미널들은 치열한 중심항만 경쟁에서 우위를 선점하기 위해, 터미널 각 영역에 첨단 장비와 최신 IT 기술을 적용하여 생산성 향상을 위한 노력을 하고 있다. 특히 게이트의 경우, RFID(Radio Frequency Identification), OCR(Optical Character Reader) 등의 첨단기술을 적용하여 컨테이너 및 차량 번호 인식, 컨테이너 위치정보의 전달 그리고 컨테이너 불법개방 방지를 위한 보안 업무의 자동화에 많은 관심이 모아지고 있다. 그러나 대부분의 컨테이너터미널에서는 게이트를 통과하는 트럭이나 컨테이너들이 바코드 시스템을 사용하고 있고, 또한 장치장 내 컨테이너의 장치 위치정보를 전달 하기 위해 종이문서를 사용하고 있어, 트럭은 게이트에서 반드시 정차하여 몇 가지 작업을 수행해야 한다. 본 연구에서는 게이트의 생산성을 높이기 위해, 컨테이너터미널 게이트에서 컨테이너와 차량 인식 그리고 트럭 기사에게 컨테이너 장치 위치를 전달하는 업무를 게이트에서 트럭의 정차 없이 자동으로 처리할 수 있는 무선통신과 Digital Media 기반의 무정차 자동화 게이트시스템을 개발하고자 한다. In order to go ahead in fierce competition, many major container terminals all over the world are making every effort to improve their productivity through high-tech devices and information technology application. In particular, in case of the gate, state-of-the-art technologies such as RFID(Radio Frequency Identification) and OCR(Optical Character Reader) are being adopted to recognize a container number and truck`s plate number. Also, those are used in order to transmit the information on container location, and to prevent illegal opening of containers. But in most cases the container terminals are still using a bar code system for gate passage of trucks and containers, and also using paper documents for the delivery of the information on container storage location. For this reason, most trucks have to stop at the gate of the container terminals in order to perform several basic jobs. To enhance the productivity of gate management, this study has tried to develop a non-stop automated gate system based on wireless communication and digital media, so that trucks may not have to stop at the gate for the recognition of trucks and containers and also for the transmission of the information on containers`` storage location.

      • KCI등재후보

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