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      • Sociomoral Development in PBL Environments : A Case Study of an Elementary School

        Kang,Inae Korean Society for Educational Technology 1999 International Journal of Educational Technology Vol.1 No.1

        Most PBL programs tend to focus mainly on cognitive development of the learner. Yet, since PBL emphasizes collaborative and interactive thinking and activities between the teacher and the learner or among peer learners, 'sociomorality' which implies the development of interpersonal relationships emerges as another educational effect of PBL. This case study conducted with children of the first grade in an elementary school during this fall semester, aimed at detecting any development or changes of sociomorality of the children within PBL environments. The findings of this study indicates when PBL is compared with the other non-PBL class and in difference between before the instruction, PBL class showed significant difference in terms of their sociomoral development.

      • Building a Co-participatory Partnership Framework for School-visit STEAM Outreach Program

        ( Inae Kang ),( Jungwon Hwang ),( Jin Hye Jang ),( Eunsung Kang ) 한국교육공학회 2016 한국교육공학회 학술대회발표자료집 Vol.2016 No.1

        This study aimed to provide a co-participatory partnership framework for a school-visit STEAM outreach program. The framework has been created through a STEAM outreach program practiced between an elementary school and an University hospital, in which 76 students with two teachers, and three medical doctors have participated during the fall semester of 2015. Data analysis collected from interviews and surveys with the participants showed highly positive responses to the program, which, in turn, reflects the usefulness of the framework. The STEAM outreach framework is basically a model of school visit which seems to ensure more possibility of sustaining the outreach program, compared to the models of organization visit more often experienced in most STEAM outreach programs. The framework, on one hand, assumes three pedagogical principles of STEAM (context-based, creative design, affective experience) in developing the STEAM outreach program, and the other hand, suggests three stages of management (planning, designing, and implementing), each of which describes specific roles of the participants, and things to consider for the outreach program management.

      • Cultural Imperialism and English Education in Korea

        Kang Inae 경희대학교 부설 교육문제연구소 1996 論文集 - 경희대학교 교육문제연구소 Vol.12 No.1

        According to Giroux(l981, pp. 78-79), schooling is a form of ideological apparatus that functions both to "sustain and resist" the values and norms of the dominating classes. When Korea was under Japan's colonial rule during the first half of the twentieth century, Korean schools, especially private schools founded by nationalists played this ambivalent role in the given political condition. While being forced to teach the students to assimilate themselves to Japanese culture and to become agents of colonial domination, the schools were the locus to develop the critical consciousness that can loosen the hold of colonial power and strengthen the national struggle against Japanese colonialism. After the nation's independence, on the contrary, the schools have been under the continuance of military dictatorship no more than an agency for the encroachment of new imperial forces, the United States in particular. The reason for this changed role of schooling in the postcolonial age lies partly in the unilateral evaluation of what the United States has done to Korea. Many right-wing politicians and conservative intellectuals who have maintained political and cultural hegemony stress the fact that the United States has delivered Korea from Japan's colonial domination and also has protected Korea from the communist invasion in the Korean war. Yet they have never questioned the responsibility of the United States for the national division and for the continued support of Korean military dictatorship. Korean people thus came to regard the United States as a guardian of freedom and peace, as a country for which they ought to be always grateful. This is why Western cultures including English language and literature have been embraced without any conflict or refusal on the part of Korean people. Recently, however, the movement of educational reform led by the Teachers Labour Union creates a new era of schooling in Korea. Although more than thirteen hundred teachers involved lost their jobs as the result of governmental suppression, they continue to struggle for the realization of "true education," believing that the structural contradictions of Korean society sterms from absurd educational system. What they attack is not only the current pedagogy and institutions but the underlying concept of education itself. Their ultimate aim is to demystify the false consciousness or "bad faith" imposed by the repressive social structure, and to raise what Wood (1985) called "critical literacy" which refers to "the process of helping students have critical awakening about their social and political realities and resist against an attempts to perpertuate marginalization of their position" (McCathy, 1990, p. 113). Not surprisingly, the program the teachers suggest as an alternative for "true education" includes a reinterpretation of English literature and Western cultures from a Korean point of view, They question themselves what kind of connection exists between English literature as a product of foreign culture and socio-political realities in Korea, and why and how the mind of Korean intellectuals have been subjugated by the discourse of cultural imperialism implicit in the formalist tradition of English literature. This self-examining project, this revisionist approach to Western cultures by the Teachers Labour Union is, in fact, in harness with the emergent movement of National Literature. Those involved in national literature maintain that Korean literature, unlike its Euramerican counterpart, is inseparable from such existing social conditions as economic inequality, regoinal antagonism, political backwardness, and national division. At the same time, they also emphasize that the national literature of Korea must be in line with Third World literature so as to challenge the hegemony voice of Eurocentrism in the age of neocolonialism. What they purport is a reversal of perspective, a shift from the marginalization into the centralization of Korean literature. For them, English is not the language any longer, but a language just as Korean is one. They are aware of the fact that, unless Korean cultural identity is established, multiculturalism is nothing but a cultural synchronization. This is why they consider the ultimate of Korean intellectuals in the postcolonial age to be the accomplishment of decolonizing the mind.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        21세기 학습자의 핵심역량 제고를 위한 교육방법:

        강인애(Inae Kang),진선미(Sun-mi Jin),여현숙(Hyun-suk Yeo) 학습자중심교과교육학회 2014 학습자중심교과교육연구 Vol.14 No.4

        21세기 핵심역량은 기관에 따라 다양하게 정의되지만 크게 세 가지 영역, 자율적 행동, 도구활용, 그리고 사회적 상호작용 역량으로 정리할 수 있다. 이러한 핵심역량을 함양하기 위한 학습방식은 전통적 강의중심, 교사중심의 수업과는 달라야 할 것이다. 이에 대한 대안적 방법으로서 e-PBL을 제안해보고자 하였다. 이를 위해 우선규명된 21세기 학습자를 위한 핵심역량을 분석틀로 하여, ‘e-PBL’ 수업사례의 학습효과를 분석해보고, 그 결과로서 과연 e-PBL 수업방식이 21세기 핵심역량을 강 화하는데 기여할 수 있는 교육방법인지를 살펴보고자 하였다. 이를 위해 본 연구에서는 1999년부터 시작하여 2013년에 이르기까지 국내 KCI등재 e-PBL 관련 논문 중, 47편의 e-PBL 수업사례 연구를 선정하였으며, 이후 이들 연구에서 제시한 학습효과를 앞서 분석한 핵심역량 3영역 16요소와 연결해보았 다. 그 결과, 첫쨰, e-PBL의 학습효과는 핵심역량 중 자율적 행동 역량(43.6%, 180편), 도구 활용 역량(28.3%, 117편), 사회적 상호작용 역량(28.1%, 116편)영역 순으로 비교적 골고루 모든 역량 함양과 관계가 있음을 알 수 있었다. 둘째, 약간의 비율적 차이는 보였지만, 모든 대상학령에서, 그리고 사용된 매체에 상관없이 e-PBL 수업 효과는 핵심역량과 대부분 일치하고 있음을 알 수 있었다. 이러한 연구결과에 따라 e-PBL 수업방식은 21세기 핵심역량 함양을 위한 수업 방법의 하나로서 매우 긍정적인 가능성을 지니고 있다고 할 수 있다. Core competences of the 21st century learner are defined diversely according to with institutions; however, it may be summarized largely into the following three categories such as autonomous behavior, tool utilization, and social interaction competences. The learning method to cultivate such core competences, however, should be different from traditional lecture-oriented and teacher-led classes, hence, ‘e-PBL’ in this study has been intended to be proposed as an alternative pedagogy to enhance the core competences. For this purpose, this study, based upon the analysis framework of core competences, reviewed learning effects of 47 “e-PBL” studies selected out of related research published at the KCI during 2000 to 2013, and then analyzed how well the learning effects of the selected e-PBL studies have matched with each category and sub-element of the core competences. As results, first, it was found that the learning effects of the e-PBL classes mostly have satisfied all the specific categories and sub-elements of the core competences. Second, despite a slightly different ratio, both k-12 and secondary school students in the e-PBL class, regardless of subject matters and used technologies, showed positive increase in all the categories of the core competences. In conclusion, this study insists that e-PBL, the technology-enabled learner-centered pedagogy, may be seen as an alternative to meet the needs of fostering the core competences of the 21st Century learner

      • KCI등재

        학습성찰도구로서 e-포트폴리오 활성화를 위한 연구

        강인애(Inae Kang),유승현(Seunghyun Ryu),강연경(Younkyoung Kang) 한국콘텐츠학회 2011 한국콘텐츠학회논문지 Vol.11 No.2

        요사이 많은 대학에서 사용하고 있는 학습포트폴리오는 학생의 학업 과정 및 산출물을 자료화하여 학업이력을 관리하고, 나아가 자기주도적 학습 역량을 기르는 목적으로 사용되고 있는데, 이를 웹상에서 제공할 경우, e-포트폴리오라고도 불린다. 그러나 대부분의 실제 사례를 살펴보면, 기대한 만큼 활발하게 활용되고 있지 않으며, 관련 선행연구들도 대부분 소수 학생 사례 중심이거나 학습포트폴리오의 장단점에 대한 일반적인 연구로 이루어져 있다. 이에 본 연구에서는 좀 더 많은 학생을 대상으로 한 구체적인 활용사례를 분석하여, 학습 포트폴리오를 학습도구로서 활성화시킬 수 있는 방안을 제시하고자 한다. 본 연구는 총 289명의 경희대학교 학부 학생들이 사용하고 있는 경희대학교 e-포트폴리오 프로그램을 대상으로 하였으며, e-포트폴리오 활성화 방안을 도출하기 위해, 학생들의 e-포트폴리오에 올라와 있는 ‘성찰저널’와 ‘참여 만족도 설문지’를 분석 자료로써 활용하였다. 그 결과에 따르면, 학생 대부분이 e-포트폴리오를 학습도구로는 활용하고 있지만, e-포트폴리오가 좀 더 활성화되기 위해서는 몇 가지 시스템 및 운영방법의 개선이 필요하다. 이에 본 연구에서는 참여 학생들의 요구사항과 국내외 대학에서 운영되는 e-포트폴리오 사례를 참조하여 e-포트폴리오 시스템의 개선이라는 측면에 초점을 두고 활성화 방안을 제안하였다. Portfolio has recently come to gain more attention from school as an alternative evaluation tool and a self-reflective learning tool for learning. After literature reviews about the case studies on the use of portfolio in higher education including both universities in Korea and abroad, this study attempted, first, to analyze the current e-portfolio system running in Kyung Hee University for the undergraduate students starting from the spring semester, 2010, and then, suggested the ways the system can be more actively utilized among the students, and simultaneously, acquiring more interest and participation from both the faculty members and the school administrators. The data collected from the survey and reflective journals of the students suggested 1) more user-friendly, easy-to-edit version of the system, 2) more diverse modes and functions of the system which, therefore, are able to adjust well to the specific and unique features of subjects or majors of the students, and 3) collaborative learning environments among the students and between the students and the faculty members from which students can share, participate, interact with each other, getting useful feedback from those co-learners and faculty members. Eventually the study aimed to enhance the recognition of the participants about the importance of portfolio as a learning tool for self-reflective learning and authentic evaluation of the students.

      • KCI등재

        온라인 학습환경으로서 가상박물관(Virtual Museum)의 가능성에 대한 탐구

        강인애(Inae Kang),설연경(Yeon-Kyung Seol) 한국콘텐츠학회 2010 한국콘텐츠학회논문지 Vol.10 No.4

        IT의 활용이 사회 전 영역에서 널리 사용됨에 따라 요사이 학교교육의 보완적 교육환경으로 언급되는 박물관에서도 가상박물관이라는 일종의 박물관 웹사이트가 등장하면서, 박물관의 교육적 기능과 역할을 더욱 강화시킬 수 있는 가능성에 주목받고 있다. 이에 본 연구에서는 웹 1.0에서 웹 2.0으로의 웹의 진화과정에 따라 가상박물관의 역할과 기능에서도 어떤 변화가 이루어지는지를 살펴보았으며, 특히 현재 국내외 가상박물관의 사례분석 및 문헌에 대한 분석 결과를 기반으로 가상박물관이 지닌 교육적 구성요소를 도출하고, 각각의 요소에 대한 교육적 활용방안들을 모색해보았다. 그 결과, 웹 2.0 기반의 가상박물관은 디지털 아카이브, 학습용 자료, 그리고 박물관을 중심으로 이루어지는 커뮤니티의 세 가지 기능과 역할로 요약될 수 있었으며, 이들 각각 요소에 대한 교육적 활용방안을 제공하였다. 궁극적으로 본 연구가 지향하는 바는 가상박물관을 학교교육의 보완적 교육환경을 넘어서, 차세대 온라인 교육환경으로 인식할 수 있는 토대를 제시하고자 하는 것이다. As digital technologies have strongly impacted the whole social aspects, so museum recently emerging as an alternative or supplementary learning environment to school, after active adoption to the technologies, gave birth to museum websites called 'Virtual Museums' which, then, result in enhancing the educational roles and functions of physical museum. In this context, this study aimed to review the process of how virtual museum has been developed in terms of its educational roles and characteristics in accordance with the evolutionary development of web. Especially, the analysis of the status quo of the current virtual museums in both Korea and overseas presented specific aspects of the educational elements and roles embedded in virtual museum which have been emphasized in many related research and studies. The categories of the roles of the virtual museum, as a result, were classified into 'digital archive,' 'learning resources,' and 'communigy,' each of which were, then, further elaborated for its individual educational uses. Eventually this study purposed to expand the public awareness and knowledge of virtual museum as the alternative online learning environments needed in the 21st century.

      • KCI등재

        팀 구성 방식에 따른 학습활동 만족도 : 질적 자료 분석에 의한 사례연구

        강인애(Inae Kang),정은실(Eun-Shil Jung) 한국교육방법학회 2010 교육방법연구 Vol.22 No.3

        학습공동체를 경험할 수 있는 출발점은 소그룹 팀 구성에 의한 학습 환경이라고 할 수 있다. 이를 통해 학생들은 협력적 학습력을 익히면서 자연스럽게 학습공동체의 일원으로서의 경험을 하게 된다. 이에 본 연구는 협력학습의 활성화 방법으로서 소그룹 학습 팀을 구성하여 구성 방법에 따른 학생들의 학습 활동에 대한 만족도를 질적 연구 자료 분석 소프트웨어인 Nvivo8을 활용하여 비교 분석,제시하였다. 본 연구의 대상은 교양 교직수업을 듣는 S 대학의 동일전공 학생들로서, 친분관계에 따라 학생들 스스로 구성한 학생자율팀과, 학습유형 측정결과에 따라 이질 유형으로 구성된 학습유형 팀으로 2개 반을 나누어 한 학기 동안 수업을 진행하였다. 이후 4항목으로 구성된 개방형 질문지를 나누어주어 소그룹 학습팀으로 운영되는 학습 활동에 대한 만족도를 작성하도록 하였으며, 성찰저널과 함께 자료는 Nvivo8 이라는 질적 자료 분석 방식의 소프트웨어를 활용하여 분석하였다. 그 결과, 소그룹 학습팀 활동에 대한 만족도는 두 팀 모두 70% 이상으로 높게 나타났으나, 불만족도에서는 학생자율팀이 학습유형팀보다 훨씬 다양한 이유와 더불어 더 높은 수치가 나왔다. 학생자율팀이 지적한 만족과 불만족의 이유는 대부분이 친한 관계에서의 편안한 학습 분위기라는 사실에서 비롯되 었는데, 결과적으로 이 팀은 ‘사회적 공동체적 관계’에서 학습이 이루어졌다는 것을 알 수 있었다. 반면에 학습유형팀은 팀 활동과 관련하여 불만족스러운 이유는 거의 없었으며 대부분이 만족스럽다는데 높은 점수를 주고 있었다. 이는 이들 팀은 수업의 처음부터 끝까지 ‘학습공동체적 관계’를 유지하면서 진지한 학습활동, 문제해결과정 자체에 몰입하고 있는 모습을 볼 수 있었다. 결국 본 연구의 결과를 볼 때, 소그룹 학습 팀에 의한 수업은 팀 구성방식이 어떤 것이든 간에 학생들에게는 분명학습 환경으로서는 긍정적인 경험으로 인식되고 있었으나, 만일 학습활동 자체를 강조하기 위해서는 학습유형에 따른 이질집단으로 구성된 학습유형팀이 학생들 간에 친분관계를 중심으로 자율적으로 구성한 학생자율팀보다 좀 더 바람직한 결과를 기대하게 한다고 할 수 있다. This study aims to examine how different would be the satisfactory levels on the learning environments according to team-organizing methods. This study, first, divided the total 62 students of the same majors in a 2 year college into two learning groups: The first group is called ‘student-selected teams’ which were organized according to the degree of friendship as the team-organizing criterion, while the other group was called 'learning style-based teams' which were organized the students with different learning types based on the result of 'Learning Style Inventory' by Kolb, which was conducted before the class began. Each group(i.e., Student-selected teams and Learning style-based teams) which was consisted of several subgroups with 4 to 5 students per group and lasted for the whole semester, was supposed to write their thoughts on the given ‘open-ended questionnaire’ with 4 questions at the end of the semester. Their answers to the questionnaire have been analyzed in order to compare their specific reasons and contents for or against the team-based learning environments by using Nvivo8, a program for qualitative research data analysis. The results were as follows: 1) The general satisfactory levels to the learning activities from the both groups were almost equally high (more than 70%), 2) yet, more specific content analysis of the questionnaire by Nvivo clarified some differences between these two groups: The student-selected teams were inclined to show the characteristics of 'social community', in which friendly relationships in relaxed, comfortable environments were highly valued and appreciated, and which, in turn, rather became disturbing factors for then serious learning engagement; on the other hand, the learning style-based teams were, from the beginning of the class, characterized as 'learning community' where the team members worked hard with a strong sense of community, thus, responsibility for their roles as a team member in the learning community, and fully immerging into the learning activity for problem-solving as a team. In conclusion, it is clear that collaborative learning groups should be positively considered as a way of learning activities. Yet, at the same time, this study showed more meaningful and valuable results from the learning style-based teams than the student-selected teams in terms of learning engagement and effects.

      • KCI등재

        메이커교육(Maker Education) 평가틀(Evaluation Framework) 탐색

        강인애(Inae Kang),윤혜진(Hyea Jin Yoon) 한국콘텐츠학회 2017 한국콘텐츠학회논문지 Vol.17 No.11

        학습자가 맥락적 상황 속에서 개인·사회적 문제를 해결하기 위하여 자기주도적 탐구 및 창조 활동을 하며 가시적 결과물을 제작하는 것이 목적인 메이커 교육은 메이커 운동이 지닌 교육적 가치와 의미를 강조하고 있다. 즉, ‘메이커 정신’의 함양을 강조하며 기존의 교육과 다른 가치와 목적를 추구하므로 메이커 교육의 평가는 기존의 결과 중심의 평가가 아닌 과정 중심의 평가로 메이커 활동의 특성을 반영할 수 있어야 한다. 이러한 맥락에서 본 연구는 메이커 교육을 위한 새로운 평가틀 탐색을 위하여 문헌연구를 실시하고, 기존의 지.덕.체의 3 요소 외에 상호작용성 및 사회적 참여를 평가틀의 5가지 구성요소로 제안하였다. 곧, 5 가지 구성요소는 5 ONs(Minds-on, Hands-on, Hearts-on, Social-on, Acts-on)로 요약되었으며, 이와 더불어 각 요소별 세부항목을 규명하였다. 이후 이렇게 도출된 5 ONs의 구성요소 및 각 요소별 세부항목에 대한 내용 타당도를 위한 델파이 조사를 실시하였다. 그리고 그 결과로서 ‘5 ONs 기반의 평가틀 구성요소 및 세부항목’으로 구성된 메이커교육을 위한 평가틀을 제시하였다. Maker education rooted on Maker Movement refers to constructivist learning approach in which students as makers participate in producing visible outcomes through self-directed inquiry and creative hands-on activities in a real life context to solve their personal or social problems. The Maker education, therefore, stresses cultivation of ’maker mindset’ in the process-oriented learning environments, pursuing evaluation aspects different from those in the existing educational system. In this context, this study aimed to explore an evaluation framework for the Maker education which reflects the Maker mindset: First, a literature review was conducted to search for the evaluation framework of the maker education which consists of the category of 5 ONs (Minds-on, Hands-on, Hearts-on, Social-on, Acts-on) representing intellectual, physical, emotional, interpersonal and practical aspects, respectively; Second, a Delphi survey for content validity was carried out to confirm the adequacy of the 5 ONs category along with sub-elements for each category. Finally, this study presented the evaluation framework for the Maker education, which is expected to be used as feedback rather than a measuring tool for the process and environments of the Maker education.

      • KCI등재

        PBL수업에서 학습자로서의 자기인식 변화에 대한 사례연구

        강인애(Inae kang),이정석(Jeong-Sok Lee) 한국열린교육학회 2007 열린교육연구 Vol.15 No.1

          본 연구는 초등학교 5학년을 대상으로 2개월간 PBL 수업환경을 적용한 뒤에 학생들이 학습자로서의 자신에 대한 인식 및 학습에 대한 태도 변화를 알아보았다. 이를 위해 PBL 문제를 세 문제를 개발, 적용하였으며, 그 결과로서 발생하는 학습자 자신에 대한 인식의 변화를 분석하기 위한 평가도구로서 ‘그림 그리기를 활용하였다. 곧, PBL 수업 실시 전에 일차적으로 학습자로서의 자신에 대한 모습과 학습에 대한 생각을 담은 그림을 그리고 그 아래에 짧은 설명을 덧붙이도록 하였다. 이어서 세 차례의 PBL 문제를 해결할 때마다 수업 직후에 다시 동일한 주제로 그림을 그리도록 하였다.<BR>  그 결과 PBL 직전과 1차 PBL 직후에 인식과 태도의 변화가 가장 극적으로, 그리고 긍정적인 방향으로 제시되었으며, 이어 이루어진 2차, 3차 PBL 수업 후에는 1차 수업 후 이뤄진 변화가 좀더 확실하게 다져지는 단계이었음을 알 수 있었다.<BR>  본 수업결과를 통해 PBL 수업은 21세기 교육이 요구하는 자신의 학습활동에 있어서 매우 적극적이고 자기주도적인 학습자를 키우고, 학습에 대한 긍정적인 태도를 함양하는데 매우 적합한 수업환경이라는 것을 확인할 수 있었으며, 나아가 평가도구로서 ‘그림그리기’가 매우 의미있고 중요한 질적 평가도구가 될 수 있음을 알 수 있었다.   This study aimed to examine any changes of self -perception as a learner after experiencing PBL in class. For this study, 5th graders of an elementary school participated in the PBL class for two months with the second author as the teacher.<BR>  Right before and after solving a given PBL problem, students were asked to draw how they perceived themselves as a learner with brief explanations. Their drawings, then, were interpreted as references to analyze any changes of their self-perception as a learner.<BR>  The results presented very dramatic and positive changes in terms of students" self-perception as a learner. Students presented strong confidence on themselves as an independent and collaborative learner, and also positive attitudes and interests toward the learning activities.<BR>  In conclusion, even though there were many research and studies on educational effects of PBL, this study seemed meaningful in the sense that student drawings could be employed as a way of evaluation, providing valuable insight and information that cannot be gleaned from any other evaluation methods or tools.

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